irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051010

00:26.18 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster (
04:23.37 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
05:04.51 Twingy ah, performance is good again
05:06.37 Maloeran Ahah, that just can't be good
05:07.17 Twingy it's quite tastey :)
05:08.57 Maloeran I'm sure, maybe if you cover the plate with Parmesan Regiano and Romano :)
05:11.12 Twingy that would help
05:11.15 Twingy but I was on a budget
05:11.25 Twingy I moved $4 from my one account to the other
05:11.36 Twingy so I technically have $7 I can spend on wed if I need to
05:12.11 PKMOBILE whoa youre rich
05:12.16 PKMOBILE can i have a $1?
05:12.48 Twingy I don't think the ATM spits out $1 bills anymore
05:12.55 Twingy or $5 for that matter
05:13.08 Twingy only way I can access that money is buying something
05:13.16 Twingy that reminds me
05:13.34 Twingy you wanna make $25 on evening of nov 1?
05:13.45 PKMOBILE how?
05:13.53 Twingy helping me make a couple trips to my new house
05:14.00 PKMOBILE ok
05:14.16 Twingy probly end up moving like a couch, a book case, and maybe something else
05:14.31 Twingy and that's about it
05:14.42 PKMOBILE im free nov 1
05:14.58 Twingy k, probly like 6:30pm - 8:30pm
05:15.03 PKMOBILE ok
05:15.14 Twingy I'm renting a truck
05:16.32 PKMOBILE ok... may want to remind me when it gets closer
05:17.12 Twingy k
05:17.36 pra5ad is this offer open to everyone?
05:17.44 Twingy everyone but prasad
05:18.19 pra5ad man tex fonts look like ass on lcds
05:18.24 Twingy yep
05:18.47 Twingy prasad, I'm gonna get the honda insight
05:18.53 Twingy 80mpg
05:18.57 pra5ad no fidelity shape-wise until about 14px height
05:19.14 pra5ad how long till u recoup cost?
05:19.25 Twingy I'll save $1k a year in gas
05:19.38 pra5ad do the math
05:19.44 Twingy plus $2600 tax credit in '06
05:19.48 Twingy car is $21k
05:20.38 Twingy saving about $80 a month it'll pay for the insurance and gas
05:21.20 Twingy probly wait till march 1 to get it
05:21.34 Twingy I wanna put down atleast $10k to finance it
05:21.52 Twingy then jan1 07 I might just pay it off
05:22.52 Twingy then I'll end up getting sucked into some kind of relationship
05:23.06 Twingy and money will be gone :(
05:25.11 pra5ad sucker
05:34.23 Twingy I'm so glad we have tommorrow off
05:36.25 Maloeran The performance gain is sweet, but how painful to debug :)
07:24.43 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
07:38.41 pra5ad who's the resident vector math guru here
07:41.02 pra5ad ohh redundancy..
07:44.45 Maloeran Just ask away, I'm sure someone here can answer
07:46.01 pra5ad think i found the answer
07:46.11 pra5ad implementing camera strafing
07:46.40 pra5ad seems i need the vector perpendicular to the up vector and the view vector
07:46.54 pra5ad as in cross product
07:53.10 pra5ad how do most ppl manage objects in the scene that require their own transformations?
07:53.39 pra5ad do they loadident() -> apply camera transform() -> render object() .. for each object?
07:53.53 pra5ad er apply object transform() somewhere in there
07:54.11 pra5ad or is there an easier/better way
07:55.22 Maloeran Depends of your needs, it's common to maintain a matrix per object and glPushMatrix,glMultMatrix,Render,glPopMatrix for each
07:56.02 Maloeran You can follow the same patterns if you have objects with an orientation and position relative to others, you may want to store your rotations as quaternions for more flexibility
07:56.14 pra5ad done and done
07:57.55 pra5ad just to clarify, the camera transformation has to be mult'ed per object, yes?
07:58.14 pra5ad i assume the glmultmat is the camera
07:59.48 pra5ad gah .. brain is shutting down
07:59.49 Maloeran Yes, you post-multiply the object's matrices by the current modelview matrix, after setting up the eye
08:00.15 Maloeran I'm using the opengl vocabulary, this is what you are working with, right?
08:00.21 pra5ad yea
08:01.54 pra5ad what's the benefit of pushmat in this case?
08:03.17 Maloeran Just to restore the previous matrix, to render the following objects
08:06.29 pra5ad sample call list: camera.setperspective(does modelview transforms); pushmat(); obj.translate(); obj.render(); popmat();
08:07.02 pra5ad that sequence wont position the obj correctly relative to the eye, yes?
08:08.39 Maloeran Why would it not? You have the consider the translation matrix will be multiplied by the current matrix though
08:08.59 Maloeran Personally, I find it less bothersome to just manage matrices myself and glLoadMatrix
08:10.20 pra5ad ahh
08:14.16 pra5ad thanks much =)
08:15.08 Maloeran :) Good luck
08:15.59 pra5ad fix one more problem and i sleep
08:16.45 pra5ad view vector X (0,1,0) .. causes strafing to be x-axis aligned
08:19.16 Maloeran Your 3 axis vectors are stored in your "eye" matrix, [2,6,10] is forward
14:13.07 `Erik *yawn*
15:36.07 *** join/#brlcad MikeC1 (
15:38.54 *** join/#brlcad raz (
15:39.13 raz hello mikeC1
15:39.17 MikeC1 hello raz
15:39.31 raz where is everybody?
15:39.48 *** part/#brlcad raz (
16:06.40 pra5ad [2, 6, 10] cross [0, 1, 0] gives me correct strafing
16:07.12 pra5ad but using that to translate camera forward/back isn't working right
17:14.09 pra5ad gah this camera is pissing me off
17:21.16 pra5ad rofl
17:21.49 pra5ad maybe i should start typing something in this channel whenever i have a problem
17:21.58 pra5ad gets solved cpl of minutes later
17:22.03 pra5ad :)
18:03.52 pra5ad anyone know how to get the orthogonal vector (AxB) when A.dir == -/+B.dir ?
18:30.57 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
18:43.20 `Erik mebbe you should borrow a linear algebra book instead ;)
18:56.03 Maloeran Hm sorry pra5ad, I think I confused with my ray-tracer's matrix orientation, try [8,9,10] :) and [0,1,2], [4,5,6] for the other axes
19:11.33 pra5ad that's funny
19:11.39 pra5ad since 2,6,10 works fine
19:13.07 Maloeran Ah, good
19:14.39 Maloeran You shouldn't have to cross though, use [0,4,8] or [1,5,9] directly for your other axes
19:16.02 Twingy ?This is new stuff,? said Linda Hernandez, a New Mexico State University engineering student. ?It gets you excited.? This first-of-its-kind air show was all about space travel. It was created to give people ? who might be future customers ? an insight to the new industry of space tourism.
19:16.15 Twingy
19:16.19 AchiestDragon :( the g-dxf only seems to convert .g to a 2d dxf format
19:17.00 pra5ad no need to cross!
19:17.01 pra5ad excellent
19:17.19 pra5ad er which axis is which
19:17.43 Maloeran X,Y,Z :), in that order
19:18.34 pra5ad hrm
19:19.18 pra5ad if 2,6,10 is forward, 0,4,8 would be up?
19:20.05 pra5ad nm 1,5,9
19:28.44 `Erik o.O
19:31.37 pra5ad dunno how it works, but it does =) thanks again
19:34.35 Maloeran It really would be useful to understand the math behind 3d graphics ; second chapter of the Redbook,
19:37.12 AchiestDragon realy need it to beable to convert it into dxf with 3d position info ,, do any of the converters give a 3d output ??
19:39.01 Twingy you could try g-stl
19:39.15 Twingy I don't think I've ever used g-dxf
19:39.22 Twingy but I know dxf-g works, most of the time
19:40.07 AchiestDragon thinks i remeber getting dxf-g importing a 3d image into brlcad
19:40.41 Twingy *shrug*
19:40.55 Twingy what do the man pages say
19:41.01 AchiestDragon but just trying other way at moment
19:41.16 AchiestDragon theres a manual :) never looked
19:41.40 AchiestDragon if it needs a manual its way to complicated :D
19:41.59 Twingy the man page would tell you what the output is
19:42.50 AchiestDragon hmmm
19:42.52 AchiestDragon dave@linux:~/brlcad/bin> man g-dxf
19:42.52 AchiestDragon No manual entry for g-dxf
19:44.59 Twingy is it in your path?
19:44.59 AchiestDragon and the g-acad does not produce a valid dwg file that autocad can read
19:45.15 Twingy man -M /location/to/manpages g-dxf
19:46.47 brlcad it produces 3d dxfs, not 2d dxf
19:47.42 AchiestDragon well done a simple .g file ( one torus ) eported it to dxf and got a flat view of one
19:50.22 *** join/#brlcad MikeC1 (
19:52.11 brlcad AchiestDragon: g-dxf, I'd file a bug report on it -- but it sounds like something that just wasn't implemented fully (torus export) .. do you get the same effect with other objects?
19:53.07 AchiestDragon hmm
19:53.37 brlcad AchiestDragon: also, g-acad is _not_ autocad .. ACAD is a different CAD package
19:53.56 AchiestDragon well still trying diferent g-dxf export options things atm
19:54.06 AchiestDragon k on acad
19:54.46 brlcad
19:54.56 brlcad lockheed martin cad system
19:56.00 AchiestDragon dave@linux:~/brlcad/bin> ./g-dxf -o/home/dave/1.dwg /home/dave/1.g tor.1
19:56.00 AchiestDragon db_walk_subtree() FAIL on '/tor.1'
19:56.00 AchiestDragon 224 triangles written
19:56.36 brlcad that looks like the cause
19:56.43 brlcad try putting the torus in a region
19:59.13 MikeC1 are there any known issues with compiling brlcad using gcc 4.0.0-8?
20:00.48 brlcad MikeC1: not that I know of. if there are, they'd be very minor issues
20:01.03 brlcad i built on 4 just a couple days ago
20:01.39 MikeC1 im getting a compile error when compiling jove_buf.c
20:02.13 MikeC1 ./jove.h:253: warning: built-in function 'exp' declared as non-function
20:02.14 MikeC1 ./jove.h:472: error: conflicting types for 'getline'
20:02.14 MikeC1 /usr/include/stdio.h:577: error: previous declaration of 'getline' was here
20:02.14 MikeC1 ./jove.h:474: warning: conflicting types for built-in function 'malloc'
20:03.05 brlcad ah, jove
20:03.09 brlcad --disable-jove ;)
20:03.17 MikeC1 k
20:03.47 `Erik when're we gonna completely expunge jove?
20:04.08 brlcad not anytime soon, I expect
20:04.11 `Erik :(
20:04.16 `Erik why not?
20:04.19 MikeC1 vi should be good enough for everyone
20:05.14 brlcad `Erik: there needs to be a backup editor for systems that don't have vi, emacs, or some other editor -- no presumption of any system editor
20:05.23 brlcad e.g. needed for windows
20:05.39 brlcad for some of the editing interfaces that dump you into an editor
20:06.06 `Erik ?
20:08.03 brlcad hmm, not sure what that would do in a brl-cad terminal .. not that I'd want to use it
20:08.17 brlcad but perhaps
20:08.37 AchiestDragon may be better haveing a config option where the user can specify one
20:09.54 brlcad the user can specify one
20:10.04 brlcad EDITOR env var prevails
20:10.20 brlcad the issue is supporting configurations where there may not be a suitable system editor
20:10.52 brlcad or where there is an expectation of jove as the editor (as brl-cad has shipped jove for over a decade)
20:11.13 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
20:11.15 brlcad phasing it out is probably in order, though
20:11.36 brlcad perhaps simply disabling it's compilation by default, instead of the current "compile jove if not detected" behavior
20:12.50 AchiestDragon was going to sujest including a editor as there are a number of simple small gnu ones arround , but if it already has one then may as well keep it there
20:13.09 brlcad i'm not about to try and force an editor preference on someone, and if they're used to getting jove from brl-cad, so be it
20:13.35 AchiestDragon yes there will be some that expect it to be there
20:13.36 brlcad AchiestDragon: that is sort of the idea of including jove -- it's a simplified emacs
20:13.42 PrezKennedy force vi down everyone's throats :-)
20:13.46 *** join/#brlcad raz (
20:13.51 AchiestDragon hates vi
20:13.56 MikeC1 hey raz!
20:14.04 brlcad PrezKennedy: kermit would slap you silly for that :)
20:14.17 brlcad though he'd probably suggest just providing 'ed' ;)
20:14.28 PrezKennedy i learned vi first... and never really got into all that ctrl-shift-alting stuff in emacs
20:14.39 MikeC1 yea vi is nice
20:15.39 `Erik vim, actually
20:15.43 brlcad those are butt cheeks right?
20:15.47 `Erik and bash -o vi
20:16.04 `Erik yes, sean, those are buttcheeks. I ass visual editor. Exactly.
20:16.05 AchiestDragon vi is devised for people that like to have sheets of paper with the commands written on bluetacked to the front of the mahine
20:16.14 PrezKennedy i dont think kermit knows that i use vi...
20:16.29 PrezKennedy i didnt mind xemacs too much
20:17.11 AchiestDragon kate is a nice editor
20:17.28 raz brlcad: I am converting the example db m35.g to BOT but I receive a v4 database format only message. What do I need to do?
20:17.36 `Erik just like I fled to leenewx after my mfc experience, heh
20:17.38 PrezKennedy im a noob... i use a java based editor now
20:17.39 PrezKennedy :-P
20:18.04 brlcad raz: v4 message? .. where'd you get the m35.g from?
20:18.54 raz installed brlcad 7.6.1
20:19.00 `Erik O.O
20:19.55 brlcad hmm
20:20.06 raz brlcad: m35.g can be found in the example dir
20:20.30 brlcad raz: mged -c m35.g dbversion
20:22.09 raz brlcad: it says 5
20:22.50 brlcad so it's a v5 not a v4
20:23.02 brlcad how are you trying to convert it to bot?
20:23.16 brlcad the one installed will be read-only
20:24.31 raz brlcad: poly-bot
20:25.45 brlcad that's for polysolid geometry
20:25.51 brlcad you don't have polysolids :)
20:26.38 raz what do I need to convert the m35.g to BOT
20:26.44 brlcad the 'facetize' command in mged will create BOTS
20:27.11 brlcad BOTs for what purpose?
20:27.34 raz for usage in ADRT
20:27.42 brlcad ahh, g-adrt
20:28.07 brlcad (which basically does a facetize for you)
20:28.50 brlcad it doesn't have a manpage -- blame Twingy ;)
20:28.57 brlcad or just ask him
20:29.03 raz cool. I will give it a shot
20:29.40 brlcad raz: ah, though g-adrt only works on BOTs maybe.. hrm..
20:29.47 brlcad yeah, just run 'facetize' in mged
20:29.50 brlcad then g-adrt
20:30.51 Twingy yah
20:30.56 Twingy the command outputs argument
20:45.17 Twingy meh, I'll get around to one one of these days
20:45.51 `Erik wendy should fund me to help you polish shit up
20:46.06 Twingy hehe
20:46.19 AchiestDragon is trying to tempt another dev here ...
20:48.43 AchiestDragon he has cnc knolage also and dont think he's working on any projects at present
20:49.18 Twingy I think I'm gonna get a grizzley mill, but not cnc
20:49.23 Twingy grizzly
20:50.47 AchiestDragon well mines comming on ok
20:51.06 Twingy 3-axis?
20:51.20 AchiestDragon still another couple of weeks off beeing ready
20:51.23 AchiestDragon yes 3
20:51.38 Twingy cheapest 3-axis cnc I can find is $6k
20:52.23 Twingy and I can get a 5-axis non-cnc for $3k
20:52.53 AchiestDragon lost count of cost , but recon its still cost less than £1000 ( even though i scraped the first attempt and rebuilt it )
20:53.03 archivist there is a set of pcbs (PIC based) to cnc
20:53.45 AchiestDragon the controls on this are driven from a pc parallel port
20:54.04 AchiestDragon im building a pc into the machine stand atm
20:56.32 `Erik cnc is more work than it's worth unless you're doing bunches of pieces, imho
20:56.40 AchiestDragon my long term project is to build a robot to make and bring me coffee so decided i needed a cnc to make the parts
20:56.51 `Erik plus it's theraputic driving a mill by hand :)
20:57.22 AchiestDragon and yes machineing 240 track segments for the tracks is not fun
20:58.06 AchiestDragon although have been enjoying beeing outside with the mig all week
20:59.21 AchiestDragon hate stick , love gas , mig is like gas welding more than stick
20:59.53 `Erik gas annoyed me, I probably used too light of sheet when doing it, but I kept blowing holes in it
21:00.17 `Erik 1/4 plate and a stick and I was happy
21:01.20 archivist_ took a while to fine see this lot for cnc bits
21:01.22 `Erik anyways, it's been over a decade since I did any of that stuff *sigh* I'd probably explode or electrocute myself if I tried it again ;)
21:03.46 `Erik mmmm, poisenous fumes....
21:03.56 AchiestDragon yes know
21:05.05 archivist I got a job as a welder 30+ years ago, can be good fun
21:05.31 `Erik and chicks dig that welders tan? ;) *duck*
21:06.23 AchiestDragon i took engineering at collage before taking microelectronics , so never done engineering as a job but make use of skills for hobby
21:06.39 archivist A friend is a terrer for just shutting his eyes with a mig, he gets a tan!
21:07.03 `Erik heh, 'cept even closing your eyes, you go blind after a while o.O
21:08.24 archivist well he's 70+ and doesnt take any notice when told (his eyesight is bad!)
21:10.58 AchiestDragon have proper mask and gloves here but know some that try with just sunglasses :( then wonder why thay have headache rest of day )
21:11.29 archivist A dose of ark eye should cure them
21:12.09 archivist Common where I worked as we ran about 400 amps ally welding
21:15.14 archivist That machine is going to be lovely and noisy, will the neighbours mind
21:15.29 AchiestDragon hopes not
21:17.20 AchiestDragon had no complaints , but woman next door is almost deaf , so doubt she would complain
21:25.54 archivist_ Boxford cnc that was on my bench (now nextdoor in portacabin)
21:47.57 pra5ad cept when it autoindents and autocomments on paste
21:48.17 `Erik :set paste
21:51.15 `Erik (and :set nopaste when you're done...)
21:58.30 AchiestDragon archivist: kool
22:01.33 *** join/#brlcad razz (
22:02.02 MikeC1 hey razz!
22:06.23 *** topic/#brlcad by brlcad -> || BRL-CAD is now Open Source!
22:25.14 *** join/#brlcad cad856 (
22:25.34 cad856 Hi all
22:25.38 brlcad howdy
22:25.45 cad856 Hey!
22:25.50 raz hey!
22:26.11 cad856 It's the first time I found anybody
22:27.04 cad856 Are you there?
22:27.33 cad856 no
22:27.35 cad856 ok
22:27.38 cad856 bye all
22:28.06 brlcad kids
22:28.15 MikeC1 A.D.D.
22:48.54 `Erik heh
22:58.26 Twingy hrm
23:18.32 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
23:21.48 Twingy and remember, your seat also serves as a floatation device

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