irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051012

00:31.43 `Erik export it to what?
00:33.34 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
00:36.44 AchiestDragon well for example , if i draw a sphear , and render it it shows as a sphear , in most packages (brlcad,3ds,blender for example ) but when i export it to another i end up with a sphear built of triangles
00:38.58 AchiestDragon same with meshes , if i draw a mesh with a nice sweeping curve , once i export it i endup with a mesh with a curve built of flat triangles
00:39.39 AchiestDragon thay never render the same , not shure how best this problem could be overcome
00:42.56 AchiestDragon examples
00:44.34 AchiestDragon this is the original mesh ( blender )
00:45.10 AchiestDragon this is what it looks like after beeing converted in this case to brlcad
00:45.52 AchiestDragon now the same happens the other way also , just windering if it would be posible to restore the curve once imported
00:49.11 AchiestDragon think its a case of drawing splines or besiers rather than lines when redrawing the mesh
00:49.50 AchiestDragon and the same path for surfaces when rendering
00:51.09 AchiestDragon like it would do if it generated the object its self ? if thats the way it does it
00:54.32 AchiestDragon thought thay may of been a way to turn this back on in the object properties
00:54.35 `Erik if you export to a format that has no sphere primitive, it has to be tesselated to triangles, and I don't believe any of the brlcad export formats get 'fake' normals attached, a la opengl
00:54.56 `Erik so the only way to get a smooth looking sphere in one of those is to tessellate so far that no triangle is more than 1 pixel
00:57.04 *** join/#brlcad reisio (n=reisio@gentoo/user/reisio)
01:21.21 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
01:31.53 AchiestDragon was pondeering if theres a way to smooth out the surfave in software once a bot has been loaded basicaly transform the bot (bunch of triangles) into a bob bunch of besiers, but the maths is beyond me
01:38.06 AchiestDragon shold be splines ,as besier curves dont actualy pas though all points on the path but close to them
01:38.40 AchiestDragon will sleep on it , night
02:15.31 pra5ad Twingy,
02:15.43 pra5ad whats your tsp page url?
02:23.20 pra5ad whoa any of u looked into L funds?
02:29.12 reisio L funds?
02:51.55 PKMOBILE whoa... i see myself
02:52.23 reisio PKMOBILE: nice
02:52.53 reisio oh, two cilents? :p
02:53.03 pra5ad that's what the pk stands for
02:53.08 PrezKennedy no im far more wasteful... two computers!
02:54.25 reisio ah, makes sense
02:55.23 PrezKennedy the power of the remote desktop on windozer
02:55.33 reisio :p
02:56.46 pra5ad which one of chuck's sons are u? the one who was porting warzone 2100?
03:00.26 Twingy what
03:00.55 Twingy who summons me out of my cave
03:01.07 pra5ad prometheus
03:01.42 pra5ad tsp url
03:01.49 pra5ad pwwweease
03:02.40 Twingy it's broke
03:02.49 Twingy they changed their friggen page
03:02.55 Twingy I'll have to update
03:03.10 Twingy maybe I'll do that tonight
03:03.16 Twingy you're the 2nd person that's been bugging me about that
03:04.07 pra5ad <shaft>L funds, m****r f****r, DO YOU KNOW IT?</shaft>
03:04.15 pra5ad i like the idea
03:05.23 Twingy the L funds are for people that don't understand the stock market
03:06.19 pra5ad in 2 years??
03:06.36 Twingy since jan '03
03:06.38 pra5ad wtf have u been doing? i funds?
03:06.53 Twingy 401k for 18 months, then rolled 401k into tsp
03:07.12 Twingy now it's 50/50 S and I
03:07.20 Twingy it's climbing fast
03:07.44 Twingy my calculations tell me 2.5 million by 2037
03:08.03 pra5ad i have g:20, c:25, s:25, i:30
03:08.11 Twingy then I will form the Twingariun Empire, LLC
03:08.16 Twingy get rid of g
03:08.25 Twingy you're just throwing money away
03:08.34 pra5ad but then i see the L fund progression
03:08.38 pra5ad yup looks like
03:08.39 pra5ad it
03:08.58 pra5ad i should move to g fund after about 10 yrs
03:08.59 Twingy better long term investment
03:09.06 Twingy no
03:09.08 Twingy after about 30
03:09.11 pra5ad then bump it up each year
03:09.14 Twingy right before you retire
03:09.17 pra5ad rofl
03:09.21 Twingy watch
03:09.25 pra5ad right after the 3rd crash?
03:09.34 Twingy I'll have 2.5 million, and you'll have a 1.2 million, and we'll see who was right
03:09.45 Twingy meh, it's only 1.3 million right?
03:09.50 Twingy :)
03:09.53 pra5ad bastard
03:10.00 pra5ad u are corrupting me
03:10.04 Twingy good
03:10.19 pra5ad i didnt go s and i because of the 100% risk
03:11.04 Twingy your money won't gain anything in g
03:11.13 Twingy $10 now will be worth $10 then
03:11.40 Twingy look at the history of the S&P 500
03:12.36 pra5ad i know about g
03:12.53 pra5ad gonna spread it to c,s,i
03:13.40 Twingy find me a 30 year period where it's lower return than G fixed
03:14.14 pra5ad dude
03:14.16 pra5ad i get it about g
03:14.23 pra5ad tell me why it shouldnt goto c
03:16.22 Twingy c is ok
03:16.38 Twingy I had CSI for a while
03:16.55 Twingy but SI are outperforming C
03:16.59 pra5ad i should go 70% I for the next 5 years
03:17.17 pra5ad until india's IT economy busts
03:17.23 Twingy I is just europe
03:17.39 pra5ad no
03:17.49 pra5ad says australasia, europe and far east
03:17.55 Twingy so europe
03:17.58 Twingy :)
03:18.08 pra5ad europe isnt going anywhere
03:18.21 pra5ad its the other two that's prolly pushing the index
03:18.31 Twingy sure they are, plate techtonics indicate they'll move 153cm in the next 5 years
03:18.58 Twingy no tsp for you!
03:19.22 pra5ad welp, 15c, 35s, 60i
03:19.36 Twingy 50/50 S,I *grunt*
03:19.36 pra5ad im gonna retired with 50k while u retire with 0
03:19.49 Twingy you're so gonna lose :)
03:20.45 Twingy especially since social security will be non-existant by the time we retire
03:21.04 Twingy so many people are gonna be fucked by that
03:30.58 Twingy ok
03:31.00 Twingy gimme an hour
03:31.07 Twingy and I should have it working again
03:38.36 Twingy stupid fucking...
03:40.20 pra5ad temper temper mon capitan
03:49.42 Twingy ah, that was clever
03:49.49 Twingy I'll have this done quicker than estimated
03:50.53 `Erik o.O
03:54.32 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
03:59.40 pra5ad argh i hate java
03:59.50 pra5ad why the hell cant i get a copy of a bufferedimage
04:00.02 pra5ad i just want a stupid copy
04:02.13 Twingy hah
04:02.30 Twingy here pra5ad
04:02.31 Twingy
04:02.36 Twingy there's your tsp graph
04:03.16 `Erik something seems... wrong...
04:03.30 Twingy yes
04:03.36 Twingy I forgot they added those fucktarded L funds
04:03.48 pra5ad soo what u are saying is
04:03.53 pra5ad i should cash out on even days?
04:03.57 Twingy yes
04:04.04 Twingy and on primes
04:04.12 pra5ad shazbot
04:04.15 Twingy refresh
04:04.17 `Erik I think you're only allowed to do that once before retirement
04:04.19 Twingy that one is cooler
04:04.41 Twingy okay, enough playing, I'll fix now
04:05.12 pra5ad wow so my g fund CAN beat ur s-i
04:05.25 Twingy yeeees
04:05.30 Twingy so you should move all your money to g fund
04:05.44 pra5ad lemme go do that right now
04:05.53 Twingy <font 1>Twingy claims no responsibility for those actions</font>
04:06.11 PrezKennedy pra5ad, im the older one who runs an open source gaming website
04:06.38 `Erik gaming is for queers
04:06.44 pra5ad ah
04:06.52 pra5ad how goes the wz2100 port?
04:07.00 pra5ad that was a cool game
04:07.09 PrezKennedy haha i dont program... but there is a linux port
04:07.21 `Erik not coding is gay
04:07.23 pra5ad i 'got' it from the neighborhood 'store'
04:07.35 pra5ad cpl of yrs back
04:07.36 PrezKennedy coding is the gayerest!
04:07.48 pra5ad loved the fact that u could customize units
04:07.55 PrezKennedy yeah its a fun game
04:07.58 `Erik gay like a FOX!
04:07.58 pra5ad u could win that game just by building walls
04:08.01 pra5ad in layers
04:08.03 PrezKennedy weve been playing a lot of it lately
04:08.04 pra5ad right into the enemy
04:08.23 PrezKennedy not as bad as the original C&C though
04:08.30 pra5ad whoa whoa
04:08.36 pra5ad do NOT diss original c&c
04:08.44 Twingy k
04:08.44 PrezKennedy im not saying its bad
04:08.48 Twingy now to tie date ranges back in
04:08.48 `Erik c&c sucks sc's fat dong
04:08.56 Twingy but d&d rocks
04:08.58 PrezKennedy im saying that sandbags could hold back the AI
04:08.59 pra5ad sc is for koreans
04:09.07 pra5ad `Erik is korean
04:09.12 `Erik kekeke
04:09.25 pra5ad ah yes sandbags
04:09.28 Twingy <>_<>
04:09.38 pra5ad ai tanks didnt realize they could run over em
04:09.48 pra5ad ok so there was 1 problem with it
04:09.49 pra5ad :)
04:09.55 PrezKennedy they couldnt in the first one :-P
04:10.18 pra5ad generals is phat
04:10.25 PrezKennedy yeah we play that too
04:10.28 pra5ad 3d added a lot of depth
04:10.48 pra5ad cept when the chinese scud-variant rains on u from across the map
04:10.53 PrezKennedy yeah... it like added a whole new dimension to the game
04:10.55 `Erik was that a pun?
04:11.12 pra5ad of course
04:11.57 pra5ad the red alert 2 iso views weren't all that great imo
04:12.19 pra5ad oh btw PrezKennedy , do u have openttd on ur site?
04:13.04 PrezKennedy theyre on sourceforge so i dont worry about adding that to the collection
04:13.08 PrezKennedy i do have a link to them though
04:13.17 `Erik PrezKennedy: is it your broodwars cd I have in my dual boot box?
04:13.39 PrezKennedy i dunno... i never missed it
04:14.03 pra5ad zing
04:14.07 PrezKennedy ive got the homeworld and warzone source though
04:14.13 PrezKennedy
04:14.14 pra5ad ZERG RUSH
04:14.17 `Erik heh, kermit loaned me one *shrug*
04:14.25 pra5ad whoa homeworld src was out?
04:14.25 pra5ad when
04:14.34 pra5ad i know freespace 2 came out cpl of years ago
04:14.36 PrezKennedy we have so many it doesnt matter if we lost them all...
04:14.40 `Erik uhm, like over a year ago?
04:14.41 pra5ad wish tribes 1 was released
04:14.55 pra5ad i uh.. have the half life 2 'src'
04:14.56 `Erik 'torque' gets you tribes related source fairly cheap
04:15.03 pra5ad NEIN
04:15.03 PrezKennedy i have the allegiance source too
04:15.15 pra5ad never mutter those words again in the context of tribes
04:15.19 pra5ad that's what killed the game
04:15.28 PrezKennedy pfff tribes 2 was way better
04:15.31 `Erik heh, torque?
04:15.40 PrezKennedy once they got to vengeance thats when it died
04:15.49 pra5ad it died with torque
04:15.52 pra5ad and that's final
04:15.54 pra5ad !!
04:15.55 TheLastSpartan pra5ad: Huh?
04:16.06 pra5ad yes?
04:16.09 PrezKennedy i always enjoyed t2 much more
04:16.20 PrezKennedy im decent in tribes though
04:16.23 pra5ad ur dad should be ashamed of u
04:16.24 `Erik how did it die with torque?
04:16.41 pra5ad game became sluggish with that engine
04:16.46 `Erik o.O
04:17.02 `Erik I thought "that engine" was what was used all along, it just was breeded like ut's
04:17.06 pra5ad hell no
04:17.13 pra5ad the t1 engine was frikken great
04:17.18 PrezKennedy sluggish if your PC is old
04:17.23 pra5ad the only things used from it was the net code
04:17.29 pra5ad wait, i could be wrong
04:17.38 PrezKennedy the netcode for both tribes's was impeccable
04:17.39 pra5ad but there's no correlation between the two engines
04:17.45 PrezKennedy if only battlefield 2's was as good
04:17.50 pra5ad t2 netcode had issues
04:18.13 pra5ad or maybe it was the servers
04:18.13 PrezKennedy by the final patch it was all ironed out
04:18.20 PrezKennedy usually it was the server
04:18.22 PrezKennedy being overloaded
04:18.23 pra5ad yes, one patch too late
04:18.35 pra5ad mark frohenmeyer wrote the netcode
04:18.39 pra5ad guy is a great coder
04:20.54 pra5ad !asdf
04:20.56 TheLastSpartan pra5ad: Tai-kong suo-yo duh shing-chiouh doh sai-jin wuh duh pee-go
04:21.14 pra5ad !kungpow
04:21.15 TheLastSpartan pra5ad: Wuo de ma!
04:21.23 pra5ad @_@
04:21.50 pra5ad !sprt(PI)
04:21.50 TheLastSpartan pra5ad: I'm sorry, I was listening to Fatboy Slim.
04:21.53 pra5ad !sqrt(PI)
04:21.55 TheLastSpartan pra5ad: WTF mate?
04:22.26 pra5ad !sqrt(22/7)
04:22.27 TheLastSpartan pra5ad: Tai-kong suo-yo duh shing-chiouh doh sai-jin wuh duh pee-go
04:22.31 pra5ad :(
04:23.52 pra5ad whatchu doin there
04:23.53 `Erik arizona? o.O
04:24.01 Twingy hrm, just about done
04:24.08 PrezKennedy hes migrating for winter
04:24.10 PrezKennedy :-)
04:24.19 pra5ad did u take the train again?
04:24.24 brlcad beautiful sunny weather
04:24.29 brlcad heh, no
04:24.40 pra5ad vacation?
04:24.41 `Erik heading to panama again?
04:24.53 pra5ad oh, he's using the secret trail
04:25.07 brlcad `Erik: that'd be fun, but no this is business
04:25.33 brlcad lee and I are acquiring a model
04:25.35 `Erik whizmer?
04:25.49 brlcad bumblefuck, arizona
04:25.54 `Erik heh
04:26.00 `Erik whizmer is nm?
04:26.13 pra5ad yes
04:26.15 brlcad yeah
04:26.22 brlcad white sands, new mex.
04:26.32 pra5ad where's sandia?
04:27.04 pra5ad !where is sandian national lab?
04:27.22 brlcad new mexico
04:27.40 pra5ad do we win anything for guessing this place?
04:27.51 brlcad that's not where I'm at
04:28.07 brlcad pra5ad: you win a twinkie
04:28.16 PrezKennedy United States!!
04:28.17 pra5ad no a twingy?
04:28.17 brlcad but you have to share it with the mice
04:28.23 pra5ad not*
04:31.33 Twingy erik
04:31.36 Twingy curl -# -d startdate="20030602" -d enddate="20030615"
04:31.41 Twingy see anything wrong with that?
04:32.10 Twingy or that
04:32.13 Twingy curl -# -d startdate=20030601 -d enddate=20030631
04:32.36 `Erik <-- doesn't use curl o.O
04:34.33 Twingy grumph
04:34.39 Twingy it aint picking up the args
04:36.07 PrezKennedy do you need ''''?
04:36.31 Twingy the tsp people are onto me
04:36.50 Twingy it's not a quotation issue
04:38.21 PrezKennedy too many -d?
04:39.43 Twingy newp
04:40.02 Twingy their page is evil
04:41.34 Twingy blasphemy
04:41.42 Twingy I should call them up and bitch
04:42.12 Twingy if their shit was open sauce I could fix0r
04:42.25 pra5ad revenge of html 4
04:42.33 Twingy html 71
04:42.47 Twingy 71 times more confusing than v1
04:43.05 Twingy <form class="navigation" ACTION="/rates/share-prices.html" method="post">
04:43.05 Twingy <table class="navigation" border="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" cellpadding="4">
04:43.11 Twingy what the hell is class="navigation"
04:43.25 `Erik should you use -F instead?
04:46.42 pra5ad class is for style sheets
04:47.24 Twingy I dunno what -F gets me
04:47.37 Twingy the first sentence sounds interesting
04:47.43 Twingy but the examples don't grok
04:48.26 `Erik smells like a get/post schism
04:48.35 `Erik to me
04:48.57 `Erik php has fu to get shit either way, iirc
04:49.37 Twingy -G don't work :|
04:52.34 *** part/#brlcad reisio (n=reisio@gentoo/user/reisio)
04:55.23 Twingy welp
04:55.25 Twingy no tsp
04:55.40 Twingy I gots no ideas left
04:55.55 Twingy worked on the old tsp page *shrug*
04:55.58 Twingy still does
04:56.17 Twingy thing is fubar'd with the new one
04:57.49 Maloeran Have the POST variables for the form changed?
04:58.50 Twingy Start Date:
04:58.50 Twingy <select size="1" name="startdate">
04:58.55 Twingy End Date:
04:58.55 Twingy <select size="1" name="enddate">
04:59.15 Twingy curl -# -d startdate=20030601 -d enddate=20030631
05:00.10 Maloeran The dates you picked aren't in the lists
05:00.16 Maloeran Maybe that's the source of the problem
05:00.26 Twingy nope
05:00.31 Twingy I tried dates in the list
05:00.50 Twingy or thought I did *shrug*
05:00.53 Twingy I'll try again
05:01.37 Twingy newp
05:02.00 Maloeran Mystifying.
05:02.37 Maloeran telnet time, if I can remember the http protocol enough
05:03.08 Twingy heh
05:03.21 Twingy I even tried faking the agent
05:05.07 Maloeran Hum... Their server stopped sending data half-way to my crafted request :)
05:05.15 Twingy heh
05:05.29 Twingy doesn't like those damn canadian connections
05:06.24 pra5ad erm
05:06.30 pra5ad whats wrong with that curl command again?
05:06.36 pra5ad u weren't getting a response?
05:06.50 Twingy it's not accepting startdate and enddate
05:06.51 Maloeran Yeah, Canada is full of hackers, terrorists and beavers
05:07.04 pra5ad sure it does
05:07.12 pra5ad i got a full html page back with rates
05:07.14 Twingy yes
05:07.17 Twingy look at the dates
05:07.25 Twingy l
05:07.30 pra5ad ah :)
05:11.43 Twingy most confusing
05:11.58 Twingy my browser does one thing
05:12.01 Twingy and curl does another
05:12.03 Twingy wee
05:16.22 pra5ad woot woot
05:16.23 pra5ad it works
05:16.30 Twingy hrm?
05:16.39 pra5ad curl -# -d startdate=20030601 -d enddate=20030631 -d submit=Retrieve\ Share\ Prices
05:16.54 Twingy ah
05:17.17 Twingy gj
05:17.53 Twingy wanna see it?
05:18.10 pra5ad yes
05:18.26 Twingy k
05:18.54 Maloeran Ah of course, I forgot the submit name of the form... telnet attempts didn't work any better
05:19.10 Twingy
05:19.31 Twingy I'll make it so more than 1 person can use it at once
05:19.46 Twingy if multiple people try and view it, undefined results
05:19.54 pra5ad holy crap
05:19.57 pra5ad c is below f
05:19.58 pra5ad wtf
05:20.13 Twingy no
05:20.16 Twingy that's not right
05:20.24 Twingy let me check labels
05:20.47 pra5ad u arent doing g either
05:20.57 Twingy 1 sec
05:22.39 Twingy ok, refresh
05:22.45 Twingy that's right
05:23.07 Twingy let me normalize
05:24.00 pra5ad damn
05:24.15 Twingy ok, refresh again
05:24.20 Twingy that's much better
05:24.47 Twingy pay pal donations will be accepted
05:25.50 pra5ad u need to add some general stats
05:25.56 Twingy like?
05:26.11 pra5ad trends, rate deltas
05:26.42 pra5ad risk analysis with neural nets
05:26.44 pra5ad u know
05:26.46 pra5ad easy shit
05:27.13 Twingy I think you get enough meaningful data from just looking at the graph
05:27.22 Twingy adding deltas and other stats won't influence my decision
05:27.30 Twingy as to what my distribution is
05:27.38 Twingy that's the purpose of this graph
05:27.44 Twingy to influence my decision
05:27.53 Twingy and clearly my S&I decision holds
05:28.38 pra5ad 10c, 30s, 60i should catch up to 50s, 50i
05:28.53 Twingy mebe
05:29.13 Twingy I don't see the utility in C
05:29.17 pra5ad then again c seems to have flatlined
05:30.50 Twingy I'll add flock()
05:31.12 pra5ad why not just recreate the image once per day?
05:31.19 Twingy thinking about it
05:31.36 Twingy I s'poze that's more efficient
05:32.35 pra5ad hmm survey for brlcad devs
05:32.43 Twingy ?
05:32.52 pra5ad from some texas tech phd student
05:32.57 pra5ad on oss development
05:32.59 pra5ad check email
05:33.52 Twingy that looks like work
05:34.00 Twingy no free t-shirt!
05:34.18 pra5ad htf does anyone get a phd for that
05:34.28 Twingy makes you wonder how dixie got hers
05:34.31 Twingy *duck*
05:34.44 Twingy look at me, I have a phd!
05:34.49 Twingy I am your superior!
05:34.51 Twingy muhaha
05:35.02 Twingy I should've not finished college in spite of what I think of education system
05:35.23 Twingy last time I make that mistake
05:35.30 Twingy then again
05:35.33 Twingy I wouldn't own a house right now
05:35.36 Twingy so it was a tradeoff
05:35.55 pra5ad yea, now u are broke again
05:35.55 Twingy waste some brain cells, or get a garage to build rocket engines in
05:35.58 pra5ad but broke w/ house
05:36.02 Twingy actually
05:36.07 Twingy nov1 I'll have $10k in my account
05:36.19 pra5ad ok, broke w/ house and milling machine
05:36.24 Twingy no no
05:36.27 Twingy buying a honda insight
05:36.34 Twingy 80mpg yo
05:36.34 pra5ad ok, broke w/ house and honda insight
05:36.38 Twingy yes
05:36.39 Twingy :)
05:36.46 Twingy until I get a raise in january
05:36.54 pra5ad so wait
05:36.56 Twingy then, less broke
05:37.06 pra5ad accomplishments dont get added until dec 31?
05:37.11 Twingy I think so
05:37.17 pra5ad argh
05:37.17 Twingy then locality is like jan 16
05:37.23 Twingy suxors
05:37.23 pra5ad i want my M3 cheese
05:37.29 Twingy heh
05:37.36 Twingy what if they take money from you? *duck*
05:37.54 pra5ad i have two great managers who wont
05:37.57 Twingy lesse "prasaaaa prasaaaa prsaaanagganna work here no more"
05:38.06 Twingy :D
05:38.17 pra5ad haha
05:38.26 Twingy I'm gonna try and throw a life raft to erik tommorrow
05:38.30 Twingy with pvt and voxel stuff
05:38.46 Twingy I think it has a reasonable chance of success too
05:39.05 pra5ad who's next on the pipe
05:39.13 Twingy you
05:39.31 Twingy tegtmeyer seems to be doin' his own groove
05:39.36 pra5ad aight
05:39.46 pra5ad better pass that ticket along asap =)
05:39.56 Twingy dunno what the next one is yet
05:40.01 Twingy but I think if you finish that algorithm
05:40.06 Twingy that might give me some leverage
05:43.05 pra5ad hmm
05:43.08 pra5ad we'll see
05:46.03 Twingy ok
05:46.10 Twingy it only updates when day changes
05:46.24 Twingy but I have to factor in date ranges again
05:46.25 Twingy meh
05:46.28 Twingy I'll poke at it tommorrow
05:46.30 Twingy it's bed time
06:25.00 Twingy night
07:12.45 *** join/#brlcad cad824 (
13:34.38 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
13:36.56 `Erik *yawn*
14:52.17 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (n=DiscoBan@
15:18.16 AchiestDragon ok now having a look though the source , hmmm , lots of it ,, need a pointer or two i think
15:18.56 AchiestDragon is the section that handles the drawing of BOTs a library function ???
15:21.30 AchiestDragon and where can i find .g file format info
16:58.03 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
18:26.02 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (n=DiscoBan@
19:03.57 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
19:27.32 AchiestDragon do i have to use c++ or tcl for code for brlcad , can i use python ?
20:01.00 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
22:32.39 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (n=DiscoBan@
22:33.12 Obscene_CNN Ahhhh!! Main computer moved and online. I can download spam and get on the IRC. I'm 95% operational now.
22:54.33 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
23:53.51 pra5ad argh
23:54.01 pra5ad j allard of m$/xbox fame looks like chip
23:54.24 `Erik �o.O

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.