irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051015

00:07.17 ``Erik yut oh
00:07.18 ``Erik o.O
00:21.19 AchiestDragon hooo look noodles
01:17.57 *** join/#brlcad ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
01:17.57 *** mode/#brlcad [+o ChanServ] by
03:16.13 Twingy hrm
03:16.37 Twingy I found solenoid for $77
03:46.29 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
05:38.45 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
07:10.34 pra5ad has anyone used clock() ?
07:10.38 pra5ad defined in time.h
07:11.10 pra5ad i seem to be getting 0 everytime
07:11.21 pra5ad correction: i am*
07:23.45 pra5ad dammit
07:24.00 pra5ad grrr it's broken
07:31.45 Maloeran Has the program been running for long enough to return more than zero?
07:51.36 pra5ad sleep(5) ?
07:52.20 pra5ad and i have 10^7 sqrts running in a loop
07:52.48 pra5ad start: 209888617136098
07:52.48 pra5ad stop: 209897595875140
07:52.48 pra5ad Elapsed : 8978739042 ticksRDTSC
07:52.48 pra5ad start: 0
07:52.48 pra5ad stop: 0
07:52.49 pra5ad Elapsed : 0 ticksSDL
07:53.08 pra5ad (SDL uses clocks() iirc)
07:53.15 pra5ad -s
07:53.41 pra5ad system is ubuntu 5.10 , gcc 4.0.2
08:42.45 Maloeran A sleep() won't increase the time spent in the process itself, your square roots should...
11:28.10 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
11:28.20 clock_ hi
11:28.25 clock_ how is it possible to make a hex?
11:28.37 clock_ i. e. hex bolt head
13:47.06 AchiestDragon 2 arb6's and a arb8
13:51.00 clock_ or one arbn ;-)
13:51.12 clock_ actually I am now writing a program you'll call like
13:51.27 clock_ ./bolt M10x50 and it will generate you an ASCII database of M10x50 bolt.
13:51.50 clock_ Because there aren't even the most basic engineering primitives in BRL-CAD like bolts, nuts, washers etc.
13:52.24 AchiestDragon kool
13:53.17 clock_ Would it be possible to embed it into newer versions of BRL-CAD?
13:53.24 clock_ I write in standard C
13:53.57 clock_ like one would call command bolt, nut or washer etc.
13:55.38 AchiestDragon you need to speek to brlcad
13:56.11 AchiestDragon but think it could get included , it needs some more options like that
14:27.00 pra5ad Maloeran, that's what i dont get. it's still 0.
15:14.04 clock_ Would it possible to make tab autocompletion into brlcad?
15:14.18 clock_ like I would type nut<tab> and it would fill in nut1.s?
17:57.59 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
21:22.27 clock_ BRL-CAD is simply incredible.
21:22.34 clock_ Such a power in the combined GUI-CLI
21:22.47 clock_ plus scriptable and programmable
21:23.02 clock_ plus can be called from makefile for automatic data transformations
21:23.11 clock_ I think it's the best 3D CAD in the world...
21:23.14 clock_ And free software
21:23.21 clock_ The best things in life are always for free ;-)
22:18.33 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.