irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051017

00:11.06 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
00:41.17 *** join/#brlcad fenn (n=fenn@
03:19.01 *** join/#brlcad dorkmeister (
03:19.19 dorkmeister narf!
03:19.49 *** part/#brlcad dorkmeister (
03:20.39 learner heh
03:21.18 fenn was playing with the web=based irc client... not bad for web based chat
03:22.01 learner yeah, it's not too shabby and it gets past firewalls since the connection is a live proxy
03:23.15 learner still prefer folks to get "a real irc client" for various reasons, but it's a good first step for those that no nothing of irc
05:01.26 pra5ad u back?
08:40.05 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:41.50 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:59.20 *** join/#brlcad clock__ (
09:19.25 *** topic/#brlcad by clock__ -> ttp:// || BRL-CAD is now Free Software!
09:19.34 *** topic/#brlcad by clock__ -> || BRL-CAD is now Free Software!
10:50.31 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
12:02.28 *** join/#brlcad _AchiestDragon (
13:16.55 *** join/#brlcad clock__ (
14:04.02 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
14:49.18 brlcad pra5ad: yeah, though I'm staying at home today -- decompression catch-up
15:07.03 clock__ brlcad: decompression catchup? What's that?
15:07.45 clock__ brlcad: I have written a program for generation of hex head metric bolts, nuts, washers, and inner hex bolts.
15:07.48 clock__
15:08.19 brlcad clock__: I heard/read .. sounds very useful ;)
15:08.24 clock__ brlcad: like you say ./allenbolt M8x15 and it makes allenbolt_M8x15.asc which then you import into brlcad
15:08.34 clock__ brlcad: I already used it once and it's very quick to operate with.
15:08.49 clock__ And nuts and washers are already mirrored so if you combine with bolt they don't overlap :)
15:09.49 brlcad excellent :)
15:09.57 brlcad any reason you make a .asc instead of a .g?
15:10.07 clock__ brlcad: because it's easy to make
15:10.17 clock__ I don't know how to make g I didn't read anything.
15:10.26 clock__ I just took example asc and make the program generate the same.
15:10.55 brlcad got it
15:11.07 clock__ brlcad: If I make plate.c and use hole.s inside with various matrics
15:11.10 clock__ matrices
15:11.26 clock__ and then try to select, it always greens up only one instance and never the other three
15:11.33 clock__ So I can edit only one matrix
15:12.11 clock__ brlcad: why doesn't mged have --version flag? How can I determine the version?
15:12.38 clock__ brlcad: should I upgrade?
15:12.50 clock__ to 7.6.2?
15:13.02 brlcad nah, no need to upgrade
15:13.04 brlcad yet
15:13.25 clock__ is it a bug or whatever?
15:14.15 brlcad no, it's not if I understand you correctly
15:14.53 clock__ and how do I green the other instances? Those are instances which cannot be never greened, but I want to edit their matrix.
15:15.34 brlcad you can get the version in various ways -- there are no "dash dash" mged options, hence no --version though there are commands and other tools to get the version
15:15.55 brlcad i usually just run 'rt' with no arguments, it will output all the versions of libraries being used
15:16.03 clock__ even help-> about doesn't exist. No clue
15:16.20 brlcad the version is in the window titlebar
15:16.23 brlcad in mged
15:16.33 clock__ I got 7.2.6
15:17.08 clock__
15:17.08 brlcad hmm, that is a bit old, but still what you're doing isn't a bug I believe
15:17.19 clock__ sorry should be
15:17.30 brlcad how are you grouping?
15:17.38 clock__ The last one is what I did recently and has the bolts and nuts and washers from the program
15:17.53 clock__ like I want to make a plate with 4 holes
15:18.00 clock__ then I make plate.s as rpp
15:18.03 clock__ hole.s as rcc
15:18.10 clock__ and then red plate.c and type
15:18.14 clock__ u plate.s
15:18.23 clock__ - hole.s <matrix>
15:18.28 clock__ - hole.s <different matrix>
15:18.29 clock__ ...
15:18.30 clock__ etc.
15:18.38 clock__ is this incorrect?
15:18.51 brlcad hmm
15:19.31 clock__ sometimes mged stops displaying the 3 remaining hole.s so I have to do "B" again.
15:19.34 clock__ Sometimes it segfaults
15:19.35 brlcad in theory, I believe so :)
15:19.44 clock__ How should it be correct?
15:19.49 brlcad the problem may be 'red'
15:19.54 clock__ why?
15:19.59 clock__ what should I type instead of red?
15:20.24 brlcad I think I need try exactly what you're doing to see what's going on
15:20.33 clock__ But it fucks up only sometimes
15:20.51 clock__ But the grerening works never, that's replicable :)
15:21.20 brlcad you mean after doing the red, only one is highlighted?
15:21.28 clock__ grerening -> greening
15:21.59 clock__ no after doing red none is highlighted
15:22.08 clock__ but if I want to "select matrix" or how it's called in the edit menu
15:22.22 clock__ I can select only one hole. The three other never green up in the selection.
15:24.20 *** join/#brlcad LaptopDragon (
15:24.35 brlcad that's probably due to how mged applies matrices seems a bit akward at first -- you select above the combination point you want to apply the matrix at
15:25.19 clock__ I don't understand
15:25.50 clock__ what does "you select above the combination point you want to apply the matrix at" mean?
15:26.15 brlcad does par_welded_we.g have an example combination?
15:26.26 brlcad that sort of shows what you were trying?
15:26.56 clock__ yes plate.c
15:27.48 clock__ but it's not displayed in par_welded_we.g It's displayed in par_welded.g
15:28.09 brlcad there is a plate.c in par_welded_we.g
15:28.31 clock__ yes the 3 files are just symlink
15:28.40 brlcad with four plate_h1.s objects
15:28.51 clock__ this is used to rended differen cutaways and completion stage views.
15:28.55 clock__ yes those are the holes
15:42.40 brlcad when you red plate.c and type in matrices after hole.s .. what is an example matrix you're using?
15:46.47 clock__ 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
15:47.47 clock__ or I insert just one hole, don't type matrix, the edit the hole, shift it around using tra and rot, then accept, then red plate.c, copy the lines in vi and adjust the numbers - that's usually faster
15:47.56 clock__ the -> then
15:48.21 brlcad k
15:49.10 clock__ Anyway when it segfaulted I posted a bugreport including the .g file and full backtrace from gdb.
15:49.24 brlcad yeah, I saw that -- thanks
15:49.29 clock__ So if there is a bug you should be probably able to spot it
15:49.36 clock__ is the bug in 7.6.2 anymore?
15:49.45 brlcad there's clearly a bug as it should never segfault ;)
15:50.06 brlcad but I imagine the bug is just related to an invalidated display list
15:50.22 brlcad perhaps related to why you have to B after a red
15:53.56 brlcad it has to do with using the same primitive name multiple times during matrix selection .. it uses the path to the solid which is identical for all four holes
15:56.16 brlcad so, red is actually working correctly since you're editing the values directly -- but the gui is not since it's looking up the path and always editing the first match (which is why it always edits just one hole (the first hole))
16:01.11 *** join/#brlcad fenn (
16:06.39 clock__ so how do I edit the 2.-4. instance's matrix?
16:07.30 brlcad clock__: well, I would consider the Edit->Matrix Selection behavior a bug
16:07.35 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
16:07.37 brlcad but there is a simple workaround
16:09.08 brlcad the "usual" manner someone would do what you're trying is to make a combination for each hole that instances your template rcc
16:09.39 brlcad the matrix is applied to the combinations (which are named uniquely), the combinations are used in plate.c instead of prims directly
16:10.09 clock__ so 4 combinations, each combination holding just a single hole?
16:10.50 brlcad right
16:11.02 brlcad at least until the bug is squashed :)
16:11.26 brlcad alternatively, you could just copy the hole
16:11.48 clock__ if the gui cannot edit the 3 remaining holes, my vi can edit them :)
16:12.35 brlcad clock__: fyi, I'm looking to present a brief overview of your work with brl-cad at next month's users group meeting
16:12.51 brlcad if that's alright with you
16:13.41 clock__ it's OK
16:14.39 brlcad great
16:15.15 brlcad would have been even better if you could present, but that would be quite a hike to make it to the symposium :)
16:21.31 clock__ where is it?
16:21.43 brlcad it's in Maryland
16:22.13 brlcad about a half-hour northeast of baltimore
16:22.33 clock__ what symposium is it?
16:22.51 brlcad every couple years we hold a BRL-CAD symposium
16:23.30 ``Erik shoulda came in, sean, free lunch :)
16:23.43 brlcad folks can present what they're working on, tutorials and overviews are usually given, there's open discussion with the community on what people are intersted in
16:23.48 clock__ I don't think it's necessary for me to travel there to stutter there myself
16:23.52 brlcad ``Erik: free? :)
16:24.03 brlcad clock__: heeh
16:24.28 ``Erik yup, bill made taco goop, bought an ice cream cake, etc
16:24.38 ``Erik was pretty good
16:25.22 ``Erik kermit got his promotion
16:25.29 brlcad excellent!
16:25.37 brlcad heh, taco "goop"
16:25.40 ``Erik so it was a celebration thing
16:25.55 brlcad cool
16:26.21 ``Erik they might have some left in their fridge tomorrow
17:51.55 Twingy_ sean
17:52.11 Twingy_ can I steal the office on Nov 8 1300 1700 for a meeting?
18:02.53 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: mged's matrix selection does not modify the correct matrix
18:06.31 clock__ brlcad: is it the bug I reported here?
18:07.35 brlcad clock__: yes
18:07.39 brlcad Twingy_: possibly
18:07.47 Twingy_ k
18:08.08 Twingy_ I'll need to know kinda soonish...
18:08.41 Twingy_ unless you don't mind being in the office during the meeting
18:08.48 clock__ brlcad: thanks
18:09.07 brlcad Twingy_: 'morrow
18:09.11 Twingy_ k
18:22.20 Twingy_ dooooughnuts *drool*
18:22.48 Twingy_ white sugar powder *slobber*
18:43.20 *** join/#brlcad thumPer1052 (
18:44.57 thumPer1052 Good afternoon
18:46.31 brlcad howdy
18:51.42 Twingy_ sean
18:51.51 Twingy_ chuck can't su on the branch server
18:54.41 thumPer1052 I need a right parabolic cylinder with a variable height vector. Any sugestions?
18:55.48 Twingy_ I can't priv msg
18:56.03 Twingy_ I suggest you call him
18:57.20 brlcad thumPer1052: what do you mean by variable?
18:58.11 thumPer1052 It needs to change along the length of the rpc. In a linear fasion
19:00.13 thumPer1052 The height needs to 'taper' but the width [of the rpc] remains constant.
19:08.07 fenn then it is no longer a right parallel cylinder?
19:08.23 fenn er parabolic
19:08.29 thumPer1052 no, I suppose not...
19:08.45 thumPer1052 but that's what I need.
19:09.06 fenn i forget, can you do lofts in brlcad?
19:09.15 thumPer1052 I don't think so
19:10.07 thumPer1052 lofts require brep don't they?
19:10.39 fenn i really haven't used brlcad that much, sorry
19:10.49 fenn i dont know
19:10.55 thumPer1052 yeah, me either. lol
19:10.57 thumPer1052 thanks
19:11.18 fenn i'm just hanging out in here to remind myself that i need to learn how to use brlcad some day :)
19:15.02 fenn wish these manuals were in html instead of pdf
19:20.30 ``Erik what's wrong with pdf?
19:21.02 fenn it takes forever and the implementation of it is buggy in kde 3.x
19:21.17 ``Erik use gnomegv? ;)
19:21.21 fenn wah
19:21.25 fenn what's wrong with html?
19:21.26 Twingy_ xpdf works just fine for me
19:21.33 thumPer1052 me too
19:21.33 Twingy_ pdf2ps, use ghostscript
19:21.43 fenn i am using ghostscript
19:21.49 Twingy_ then use xpdf
19:21.57 fenn that would be too easy :)
19:22.00 thumPer1052 lol
19:22.23 thumPer1052 At least brlcad HAS docs
19:22.32 Twingy_ pdf2ps $_ && ps2ascii $_
19:22.35 Twingy_ *shrug*
19:23.11 fenn looks like there actually is a pdf2html
19:23.32 ``Erik there you go, quit being a kde use and learn to master your machine ;) *duck*
19:23.58 Twingy_ or just quit using kde
19:24.03 fenn oh, right
19:24.07 ``Erik twingy, did kermie get it sorted out?
19:24.13 Twingy_ blackbox, metacity, twm...
19:24.19 Twingy_ dunno
19:24.22 fenn actually i am using icewm
19:24.35 fenn but i use konqueror quite a lot
19:24.41 ``Erik ice looks too win32 to me
19:24.45 thumPer1052 fluxbox
19:24.57 ``Erik <-- sawfish, metacity, quartz
19:25.10 Twingy_ <-- blackbox, blackbox, and umm blackbox
19:25.24 fenn i dont really mind how it looks, but rather how it works
19:25.34 Twingy_ that's why I use blackbox :)
19:25.44 fenn i'll try that some day
19:25.48 Twingy_ which blackbox
19:25.51 fenn yeah
19:26.28 ``Erik sawfish was neat because absolutely everything could be 'configured' in insane ways using 'rep' (a lisp/scheme descendant language)
19:27.13 thumPer1052 I used sawfish 'way back'
19:27.29 ``Erik that and the nanoscopic footprint
19:27.54 thumPer1052 small footprint is most of what matters
19:28.13 thumPer1052 icewm is also good in that respect
19:28.14 ``Erik only when you run out of memory
19:28.38 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (
19:28.39 thumPer1052 Linux: doing more with less
19:28.49 fenn footprint == screen usage?
19:28.51 ``Erik <-- ran sawfish, gnome, galeon, etc on a box with 48m ram and barely ever touched swap *shrug* :)
19:28.58 ``Erik fenn: memory used
19:28.58 thumPer1052 memory
19:29.55 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
19:29.56 Twingy_ hrm, blackbox uses 4.9MB
19:30.11 thumPer1052 I forgot all about galeon
19:31.12 fenn i cant imagine how a window manager would use more than like 50k
19:31.29 fenn it just has to remember where all the windows are!
19:31.47 thumPer1052 uh...
19:48.56 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
19:53.14 ``Erik I like that, you should write an mwm compatible window manager, fenn
19:59.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: Modify importFg4Sections to take a delta for translation purposes. Add the following methods: erotate, escale, etranslate, launchDisplayMenuBegin and launchDisplayMenuEnd.
20:01.53 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/librt/wdb_obj.c: Add erotate, escale and etranslate commands.
20:05.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/librt/importFg4Section.c: Scaling of bot is not necessary here (it's already in base units)
20:33.24 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (n=Apathy@
20:34.05 thumPer1052 Twingy: is that blackbox number virtual, or resident?
20:36.05 thumPer1052 blackbox memory footprint
20:36.15 Twingy_ that's what I'm currently using
20:36.20 Twingy_ oh
20:36.27 Twingy_ it's um
20:36.31 Twingy_ resident
20:36.47 Twingy_ 27035 justin 96 0 6532K 4900K select 1 0:11 0.00% 0.00% blackbox
20:37.03 thumPer1052 huh... I'm using fluxbox, and it's using over 7MB...
20:37.55 Twingy_ maybe it's the alpha blended winderz
20:38.08 thumPer1052 yah, maybe
20:41.14 thumPer1052 ahhh, misread. fluxbox res is 4.5 :) I feel better lol
20:44.58 ``Erik guys measuring vsize or res-size?
20:45.18 thumPer1052 both
20:46.18 thumPer1052 fluxbox is 4.5MB res 7MB virtual
20:46.24 ``Erik vsize 182.7m, res 8.6m
20:46.39 ``Erik (quartz-wm)
20:46.45 thumPer1052 wow
20:47.01 thumPer1052 hope it looks good
20:47.05 ``Erik (it's got 2g of ram to chew through, lots of alpha blending, lots of windows...)
20:47.13 ``Erik dude, it's a mac, of course it looks good
20:47.17 thumPer1052 lol
20:47.39 thumPer1052 I have to use my 256M CAREFULLY
20:48.24 ``Erik just turn off the stupid bits and it's all snappy
20:48.50 thumPer1052 My first computer had a 40MB hard drive
20:49.01 ``Erik oh fuck I feel old
20:49.04 thumPer1052 snappy green graphics
20:49.29 ``Erik my first had cassette tapes, we bought 120 minute ones so we could store more
20:49.37 ``Erik then I upgraded to a commodore 64
20:49.38 ``Erik :(
20:50.08 thumPer1052 I'm glad tapes are gone
20:50.26 ``Erik <-- thinking about getting dat4 for offline storage
20:50.41 thumPer1052 not really cost effective anymore
20:50.49 ``Erik a couple bucks for 40g?
20:51.12 thumPer1052 the tapes are that cheap now?
20:52.11 ``Erik looks like prices run between 6 and 10 bucks for a 20/40gb
20:52.24 ``Erik 4mm dds4's
20:52.30 thumPer1052 huh
20:53.10 thumPer1052 Most of my 'important stuff' fits onto a dvd
20:53.25 ``Erik you must have a puny porn collection
20:53.26 ``Erik I mean, uh
20:53.29 ``Erik source code repository
20:53.33 ``Erik :)
20:53.42 thumPer1052 love'em and leave'em
20:53.47 fenn someone's giving away a pile of sun ultras and some SGI Indy workstations.. but you have to take the whole pile - makes me feel old even
20:54.06 ``Erik hock 'em on ebay?
20:54.31 fenn surely there's some gold or diamonds inside those things
20:54.42 thumPer1052 what whould you do with them
20:57.57 fenn well the monitors are pretty nice
20:58.20 ``Erik dude, sell 'em on ebay
20:58.28 ``Erik "vintage unix computers"
20:58.29 ``Erik o.O
20:58.47 thumPer1052 sell'em by the pallet
20:58.58 thumPer1052 people think they're getting something for nothing
20:59.33 brlcad ``Erik: you only feel it because you are :)
20:59.42 thumPer1052 ouch
20:59.44 fenn going rate is like $10 on ebay
20:59.50 ``Erik heh, you're only what, a year younger than me, sean?
21:01.06 thumPer1052 once impotence sets in, you'll give anything for "one more year" :)
21:04.07 brlcad heh
21:06.24 thumPer1052 or so I'm told...
21:09.00 thumPer1052 brlcad: Have you figured out my modeling problem? Or do I have to break out my crayons?
21:10.32 brlcad mmm.. crayons
21:12.32 thumPer1052 :(
21:13.03 thumPer1052 What good are crayons without a Big Chief Pad?
21:13.18 brlcad thumPer1052: sorry, I missed your question -- got disconnected right after "14:57:19: brlcad: thumPer1052: what do you mean by variable?"
21:14.17 Twingy_ s/long/log
21:14.18 thumPer1052 the rpc needs to taper.
21:14.38 thumPer1052 a linear taper
21:14.51 thumPer1052 while the width remains constant
21:15.50 thumPer1052 does that make sense?
21:17.10 brlcad not sure.. how are you rpc?
21:17.21 brlcad er, how are you _orienting_ the rpc
21:17.33 thumPer1052 flat side down
21:17.42 brlcad rectangular side down
21:17.51 thumPer1052 right
21:17.53 brlcad ok
21:18.09 thumPer1052 one parabolic end should be smaller than the other
21:18.20 brlcad ahh
21:18.36 thumPer1052 but the sides [of the rectangle] are parralell
21:18.39 brlcad heh, you mean a "non-right" parabolic cylinder ;)
21:18.46 thumPer1052 :)
21:19.33 brlcad the best way to do that is to probably use a truncated general cone instead
21:19.42 brlcad and subtract half
21:20.01 thumPer1052 yeah, I saw that.
21:20.17 thumPer1052 but it looks like that would only be an approximation
21:20.45 thumPer1052 should have paid more attention in class.
21:21.06 brlcad the outline will still be a parabolic curve
21:21.50 brlcad now had you said a hyperbolic cylinder.. you'd have a more tough time
21:22.40 thumPer1052 damn... I think you're right...
21:24.47 thumPer1052 It'll take a bit of math to get the tgc and the cut right, but I think that's how its done.
21:25.36 brlcad only mildly of relevance:
21:26.56 thumPer1052 thanks. Great cheat sheet.
21:27.17 brlcad it's missing a few of the experimental types, but a good start
21:27.20 ``Erik CHEATER!
21:27.20 ``Erik :D
21:27.28 brlcad oh, and here's an old one :)
21:27.57 brlcad not sure all of those latter ones are still supported
21:28.13 ``Erik is 'dsp' like a heightmap variant?
21:28.31 brlcad it's a horribly named heightmap
21:28.38 brlcad "displacement map"
21:28.42 Twingy_ it's a heightmap, 16bit with no set domain
21:28.57 brlcad it replaced the "hf" height field primitive
21:29.27 ``Erik <-- opengler, apt to think in triangles o.O
21:29.34 thumPer1052 Yes, dsp IS a horrible name
21:29.44 Twingy_ didn't lee pick that name?
21:29.44 thumPer1052 digital signal processor
21:29.52 brlcad yep
21:29.52 ``Erik *snrk*
21:31.14 thumPer1052 why not dmap? or hmap? or ???
21:31.26 Twingy_ you should ask lee
21:32.03 Twingy_ hrm, almost time for me to quietly escape
21:32.09 ``Erik via the window?
21:32.18 Twingy_ I'm on the first floor :D
21:32.30 ``Erik so you read the training handbook o.O
21:32.33 thumPer1052 I usually just flush myself down the toilet
21:32.46 ``Erik auto-swirly?
21:32.55 thumPer1052 :)
21:33.29 Twingy_ ``Erik #fubar
21:33.38 Twingy_
21:34.22 Twingy_ sure, whatever
21:35.46 thumPer1052 Did you settle on a gui toolkit?
21:40.07 ``Erik acorn primitives
21:40.15 Twingy_ monkey head primitive
21:40.25 ``Erik twingy doesn't remember the acorn :)
21:54.28 brlcad thumPer1052: some of the tools are not named via any sort of extensive reasoning :)
21:54.59 thumPer1052 AS long as they work :)
21:55.28 brlcad much/most of the original primitivess are at least founded in mathematics
21:58.32 thumPer1052 Does anyone know if g-dfx is broken?
21:59.25 thumPer1052 er dxf
21:59.58 brlcad it's not broken
22:00.31 brlcad but there may be some unsupported object types -- dxf includes some aspects that don't translate to solid modling (e.g. think stipple lines)
22:01.12 thumPer1052 ahh. I tried to use g-dxf to import an object into Varkon... Varkon's importer must be broken.
22:02.26 brlcad could very well be -- seen similar issues in blender and other packages for isolated cases
22:02.45 thumPer1052 I need to find a method of generating dimensioned drawings from my brlcad objects.
22:02.50 brlcad now that said.. g-dxf tesselates the geometry into triangles -- and _that_ does have some limitations and known bugs
22:03.05 brlcad but those should be reported in the output as warnings/errors during conversion
22:03.27 brlcad ahh.. yes, dimensions
22:03.41 brlcad that's something that's been desired for a while now
22:04.04 brlcad rtedge gives you something close to what most usually want via a render -- but sans the dimensions
22:04.29 thumPer1052 Yes, but the output is not a vector file
22:04.36 brlcad it would seem simple enough a modification for "someone" to add a modification to rtedge to add computed edge dimensions for objects requested
22:05.01 brlcad or to have it output vector even -- it has everything it needs almost before it goes to pix
22:05.43 thumPer1052 we (the users) could then use qcad or something to create dimensioned drawings
22:07.40 thumPer1052 Ideally, one could dimension the models within brlcad
22:08.37 thumPer1052 then you could just read the dimension off the model as needed.
22:08.47 thumPer1052 thereby bypassing the need for shop drawings
22:14.40 brlcad that you could
22:15.06 thumPer1052 I know... easier said than coded.
22:15.16 brlcad the dimensions are there, they're known -- it's just a matter of providing the user interface that lets the modeler actually denote what they want to show up in the drawing
22:17.06 thumPer1052 I expect that would provide a HUGE boost to the userbase.
22:20.00 thumPer1052 If you could place dimensions, annotations, etc into the model, and then have these items only show up at certain viewing angles...
22:20.11 thumPer1052 unprecitented.
22:20.38 thumPer1052 er unprecidented
22:20.41 brlcad it's precedented :) unigraphics, pro/E, autocad all do that ;)
22:21.14 brlcad you can add annotations now, but they won't show up in the graphics window
22:21.35 brlcad showing them is effectively the same work to show the dimensions
22:21.53 PKMOBILE argh exam tonight
22:21.55 brlcad you need a good means to select, place, orient
22:23.03 thumPer1052 autocad has dimensions that only show at specific angles?
22:23.10 thumPer1052 within model space?
22:23.49 brlcad at specific angles, perhaps not
22:23.54 brlcad but I believe so
22:24.12 brlcad unigraphics does, though
22:24.54 thumPer1052 maybe if you asked rel nice... they'd donate some code.
22:25.08 thumPer1052 lol
22:27.30 brlcad hah
22:28.33 brlcad writing the code is actually not the hard part .. finding the time or extra developers is ;)
22:41.23 ``Erik heh, indeed
23:48.18 Twingy flaming poo balls

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