irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051019

00:02.01 AchiestDragon think it may be dew to it beeing a bot ,
00:03.10 ``Erik *shrug* I d'no... a few quick experiments and you'd know A) if bots self-shadow and B) if bots shadow at all
00:03.17 ``Erik ooh, wait, moss world throws loads of shadows
00:03.30 ``Erik I've a feeling you have to model an explicit light source
00:03.34 ``Erik and I've a feeling that you have not done so
00:03.41 AchiestDragon maybe
00:03.52 AchiestDragon still learning how to use it
00:05.06 ``Erik you're way ahead of me *shrug* :)
00:05.17 ``Erik <-- chucks "the prisoner" in the dvd player
00:10.55 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
00:13.10 AchiestDragon well is lost on how to apply a lighting model to it
00:28.07 ``Erik ?
01:07.40 brlcad AchiestDragon: heh, it does shadows :)
01:08.12 AchiestDragon ok so how do i get it to do them
01:08.32 brlcad photonmapping is a bit complicated to set up "correctly" .. those parameters have to be set up just correctly as do the lights and the model
01:08.51 AchiestDragon k
01:08.51 brlcad the default lighting model is better for general use (and considerably faster)
01:08.59 brlcad the lights will determine the lights
01:09.11 brlcad if you don't create lights, default lights are created
01:09.48 AchiestDragon so if using the default lights should it show shadows ?
01:10.21 brlcad yes, but they will be very much dependant upon your model and the direction you're viewing from
01:10.39 brlcad iirc, there is one overhead and two over each shoulder
01:11.06 brlcad so in your view, you're not really going to see a shadow from that orientation on that geometry
01:11.31 brlcad it's easy enough to create your own lights, I'd suggest you do that if you want a particular lighting
01:12.01 brlcad to do that, create some primitive (e.g. a sphere), put it in a region, apply the light shader to it
01:12.13 brlcad place it where you want in the scene
01:14.54 AchiestDragon last one
01:15.31 AchiestDragon seem to have changed view and done all arround it now
01:17.07 AchiestDragon but one over each sholder and one above should give 3 faint shadows , if mapping them correctly
01:18.00 brlcad i could be mistaken about the default light orientation
01:18.04 brlcad but they do follow you
01:18.47 brlcad hmm.. now that I think about it -- the default lights might not cast shadow rays
01:19.26 brlcad very likely given your renderings and where I believe the lights are
01:19.30 AchiestDragon from last screenshot i would say the light is to the left of the shot , if the default doesnt cast shadows then that would explain it
01:20.35 brlcad the defaults are oriented and set with an intensity to light up as much as possible without overlighting
01:20.45 brlcad still, probably not casting shadows
01:26.19 pra5ad hehe doxygen is coooool
01:27.05 Twingy I think header files are cooler *shrug*
01:28.22 pra5ad whatever you say buuuuuddy
01:28.24 pra5ad =)
01:32.20 brlcad AchiestDragon: bingo
01:32.24 brlcad <PROTECTED>
01:33.06 AchiestDragon :)
01:34.27 AchiestDragon so ether include a lighting model or edit the code and recompille it with it and i should get shadows yes
01:35.15 brlcad either include your own lights or edit the code, yes ;)
01:37.06 brlcad pretty simple to make a light.. "make sph sph", "r light.r u sph", "mater light.r light" .. position and resize sph and/or light.r where you want the light to be
01:42.45 AchiestDragon will have a go later , its almost 3am here , time for bed for me
01:45.23 brlcad cya
01:57.23 AchiestDragon laters ,, btw would help if i knew how to move and resize it :)
01:57.37 AchiestDragon lol
02:00.20 brlcad heh
02:00.41 brlcad so you haven't gotten through the mged tutorials yet :)
02:01.49 brlcad on the Edit menu, either primitive edit and select sph or matrix edit and select light.r
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02:02.32 brlcad the Edit menu will change showing you the edit operations you can perform, including scale, translate, etc
02:02.47 brlcad or once in edit mode, just issue the 'sca' and 'tra' commands
02:04.37 brlcad the combination editor has a shader panel that will let you set the light parameters, like making it invisible, turning on the shadows, etc
02:45.50 pra5ad Twingy, i need a cpl of screencaps of isst in action
02:45.57 pra5ad for a M3 CCB meeting
02:45.59 pra5ad :)
02:46.47 Twingy heh
02:47.00 Twingy not unless you give me more details :)
02:47.49 pra5ad denis has issues with the 'large' grid sizes in the results viewer
02:48.01 Twingy meaning the resolution is too small?
02:48.06 pra5ad yes
02:48.19 pra5ad and some grid elems overlap target and empty space
02:48.37 pra5ad the solution they've been throwing around is increasing the resolution
02:48.37 Twingy made the grid smaller
02:48.45 Twingy and show him a 1cm x 1cm picture :)
02:48.49 Twingy *make
02:48.55 pra5ad and hey.. who has the per pixel resolution
02:49.00 pra5ad so gimme gimme
02:49.09 pra5ad so i can join a new project
02:49.12 Twingy well, I'm not actively working on isst anymore
02:49.19 Twingy I can take some captures of the new app
02:49.22 pra5ad fine, screen caps
02:49.28 pra5ad hrm
02:49.37 pra5ad yea sure
02:49.47 Twingy k
02:49.47 pra5ad i need some highlighted components
02:49.49 pra5ad tho
02:49.57 Twingy yah, I can do that
02:50.00 pra5ad faux colors
02:50.01 pra5ad k
02:50.02 pra5ad cool
02:50.05 Twingy this new app has all of the old isst capabilities
02:52.15 Twingy I need to tie one or two things back in
02:52.27 Twingy when is this meeting
02:52.46 pra5ad ur window of opportunity is from now until i'm force to reply to that conversation
02:52.56 Twingy ah
02:53.00 pra5ad which may be tomorrow
02:53.02 Twingy you'll have it tommorrow.
02:53.25 pra5ad CCB meeting on FUDGE tomorrow at 1300
02:53.33 pra5ad major players 'should' be there
02:53.45 pra5ad has denis seen isst?
02:53.49 pra5ad or any variant?
02:53.56 pra5ad has jodi or marianne?
02:53.58 Twingy I dunno if I'd call dennis a major player
02:54.06 Twingy yes, they've all seen it
02:54.13 pra5ad hrmph
02:54.27 pra5ad then this may turn out to be pointless
02:54.30 pra5ad :(
02:54.38 Twingy I've demoed this to vp at northrop and undersecretary of defence
02:54.44 Twingy maybe
02:54.48 Twingy defense
02:55.44 Twingy bug me tommorrow afternoonish
02:56.01 Twingy I can spend the morning tieing some stuff back in
02:56.37 pra5ad heh
02:56.46 pra5ad 100x100x5 takes nearly 5 minutes to load
02:57.07 pra5ad me neither
02:57.49 pra5ad to get a single iteration, RV has to drill down the full heirarchy
02:57.57 Twingy I can generate 100x100x5 50 times in a second with my slow tracer :(
02:58.46 pra5ad it's hibernate
02:59.04 pra5ad generates a zillion sql stmts per object
02:59.10 ``Erik erm
02:59.11 ``Erik ccb?
02:59.14 ``Erik I got it as mrb
02:59.28 ``Erik and a brat at 9
02:59.37 brlcad 9 should be cool
02:59.42 Twingy you're a brat whore
02:59.43 Twingy what brat?
02:59.47 pra5ad oops, the meeting is mrb. cell size issue was ccb
02:59.56 ``Erik ummmmm
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03:00.00 ``Erik d'no if I can say?
03:00.06 brlcad I wouldn't
03:00.08 Twingy I'll read email
03:00.22 pra5ad 'shooting pies through brick walls'
03:00.23 ``Erik it seems semi-interesting
03:00.29 brlcad frozen turkies
03:00.35 ``Erik frozen chickens
03:00.38 ``Erik through windshields
03:00.50 pra5ad brainiacs > mythbusters
03:00.53 Twingy after 10/6 ?
03:01.01 ``Erik whu?
03:01.09 Twingy the email was sent after 10/6 ?
03:01.20 pra5ad dont think so
03:01.31 ``Erik not sure
03:01.42 pra5ad hmm dont have it on my calender..
03:01.57 Twingy *shrug* I woulda jotted it down if I thought it was interesting enough
03:02.01 ``Erik show up before 9, I'll try to do the same and show you what I have down
03:02.06 Twingy I probly deleted it soon as I Got it
03:02.23 ``Erik bah, you probably saw 'brat' and hit delete
03:02.30 Twingy probly
03:02.48 ``Erik will you be in before 9?
03:02.58 Twingy possibly
03:03.05 Twingy won't be very coherent though
03:03.14 Twingy so not much point in going to the meeting
03:03.34 ``Erik 'k, my records say that this is an applied subject, not bs like 'how to use project to suck goat nuts' that beth did heh
03:03.54 Twingy k
03:04.19 ``Erik (it's one that starts with that big ugly question right at the beginning, if that helps)
03:05.13 ``Erik anywho, I'm gonna go to both the brat and the ft meeting :)
03:05.14 Twingy early retirement briefing? :)
03:05.33 ``Erik 25 yrs?
03:05.56 Twingy I'm doing the super early retirement
03:06.02 Twingy after I blow myself up :)
03:06.17 Twingy ho hum
03:06.20 Twingy I'm tired
03:06.20 ``Erik I'd ask if you favor burial or cremation
03:06.27 ``Erik but I'm going to guess that you'll effect that yourself.
03:06.33 Twingy yah
03:07.04 Twingy time to transport my collection of organized neurons upstairs to regenerate
03:08.51 ``Erik hasta
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09:03.19 *** part/#brlcad reisio (n=reisio@gentoo/user/reisio)
12:17.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/swidgets/scripts/tree.itk: Mods to prevent the selectcmd from being called recursively. Mods to limit the number of redraws from the "remove" method
12:23.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/ (Mged.tcl Db.tcl): Add the following methods: erotate, escale and etranslate
12:28.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc7/brlcad/brlcad.sln: Add dbupgrade
12:29.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc7/dbupgrade/dbupgrade.vcproj: Initial check-in
13:08.11 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ (
13:39.15 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
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19:13.53 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/gtools/g_qa.c: HUGE is not portably available, provide alternatives (fixes sf bug 1328013)
19:24.52 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
22:35.59 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS: added special thanks to Sander Pronk of TNO-PML for his work on v4 platform issues
23:21.23 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/main.c: initialize pointers to NULL
23:43.35 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.