irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051022

01:10.50 brlcad woooo
04:08.15 pra5ad_ ^_^#
04:22.26 Twingy can't get enough of that sea urchin eh?
04:36.06 brlcad never
04:49.18 *** join/#brlcad cad613 (
04:58.05 pra5ad @_@'
06:59.07 archivist_ 4325
08:12.34 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:12.31 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
09:41.35 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
12:36.21 *** join/#brlcad cad438 (
12:38.10 cad438 Hello, I have a problem using MGED. I hope this is the right place to get advice?
12:39.56 cad438 I have version 7.2.4 installed, and it seems I can only select primitive shapes. I can't find anything like "solid selection" that is referred to on page 105 of the Butler et. al. manual
12:40.23 cad438 Is there anyone actively following this box?
13:14.58 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
14:40.13 brlcad cad438: sure is
14:43.31 brlcad cad438: primitives are solids, some of the interface in mged has been reworded slightly since, but the words solids and primitives are pretty much interchangeable (i.e. there's a primitive select on the menu)
14:56.06 brlcad or "Prim Select" to be more exact
14:56.14 brlcad on the Edit menu
15:04.56 cad438 Thank you!
15:05.09 cad438 But that leaves me with another problem.
15:06.39 cad438 What I am trying to do is to combine primitives into a combination (or region or whatever) and change the position of the assembly by rotating or translating.
15:07.01 brlcad okay
15:07.39 cad438 I am sure there must be an easy way to do that
15:07.56 cad438 But I haven't found it yet.
15:08.07 brlcad ah, well of course there is ;-)
15:08.21 brlcad you've not gotten through the tutorial covering combinations yet?
15:08.44 cad438 I have
15:09.08 cad438 I even made the nice looking globe :-)
15:09.59 brlcad say you create a couple primitives (e.g. make sph sph and make box arb8)
15:10.16 cad438 yes?
15:10.35 brlcad you position then where you like (e.g. sed sph and tra 1000 0 0)
15:11.20 brlcad then you combine them into a region (r some_region.r u box - sph)
15:11.52 cad438 Yes, I know how to do that, but what I was looking for is a way to do it the other way rounr.
15:12.02 cad438 For instance...
15:12.33 brlcad when you make regions, it doesn't automatically display them, so you can display it up (B some_region.r)
15:12.38 brlcad not done yet ;)
15:12.54 brlcad now say you want to translate/rotate/scale/whatever that region
15:13.24 brlcad the gui way is to select Edit -> Matrix Selection
15:14.19 brlcad you'd pic either the /some_region.r/sph or /some_region.r/box line and then some_region.r in the subsequent dialog to indicate that you want to edit the matrix over some_region.r
15:15.24 brlcad The edit menu now has all the options you might hope for including scale, move, rotate
15:16.10 brlcad or you can just issue the command line verisons: rot 100 0 0 and tra 0 1000 1000 and sca 1.2 etc
15:16.34 cad438 I tried it this way, but as you explain it I am still acting on primitives, right?
15:16.49 cad438 Or can I do this with a region within a region?
15:16.50 brlcad nope
15:17.15 brlcad a region within a region is a modeling error, but a combination with a region or region within a combination is okay
15:17.23 brlcad or a combination within a combination
15:18.11 cad438 yes, okay, that's what I meant really. But can I move a combination within a combination in the way you described it?
15:18.23 brlcad when you make a region, that's akin to making a 'part' in other cad packages -- you're denoting the intent that it's something that takes up physical space instead of just being some template shape
15:19.09 brlcad combinations of regions are akin to 'assemblies', combinations of primitives are merely grouped template shapes
15:19.27 brlcad to answer your question, yes you can
15:19.44 brlcad you go into matrix select, and select the matrix over the combination you wish you apply the modification to
15:20.59 cad438 Thanks! I am trying to create a disk with a few boreholes equidistantly distributed over a ring. The boreholes themselves are not simpe cylinders, but are a combination of a few primitives.
15:21.23 cad438 And I don't want to redraw them every time, you see.
15:21.46 cad438 I'll try again to do it the way you suggest.
15:22.47 brlcad yeah, that should be fine
15:23.29 brlcad you can make a copy of the 'combination of a few primitives' template that you have positioning each one where you want it to be using the matrix selection
15:24.12 cad438 That is indeed exactly what I want to do.
15:24.43 brlcad just be sure to give each copy a unique name so that you can find it in the matrix selection
15:25.08 brlcad it's all simple references, so it's very fast and compact
15:33.32 cad438 I don't get it to work :-(
15:33.44 cad438 When I choose for matrix select...
15:33.55 cad438 I first have to select a primitive
15:34.10 cad438 The combinations do not appear in the drop-down menu
15:34.26 brlcad then you're not displaying the combination
15:34.37 brlcad it only gives you a list of what's been "e"'d up
15:34.48 brlcad type "who" to see what is currently being edited
15:35.14 brlcad when you create the combination, it doesn't display/e it for you
15:35.27 brlcad so you'd still be looking at the primitives only
15:35.39 cad438 oops
15:35.51 brlcad that was the B some_region.r in the example I gave to redisplay the newly created region or combination
15:36.03 cad438 you're right, that's what's going on!
15:40.30 cad438 No....
15:41.17 brlcad problem?
15:41.32 cad438 In the first drop down that comes up after selecting "matrix select..." I have to select a primitive.
15:42.00 brlcad the first drop down should have a path like /comb1/prim1
15:42.15 cad438 There are no combinations there, only the primitives belonging to the shown combinations
15:42.30 cad438 yes
15:43.11 brlcad /comb1/prim1 /comb1/prim2 etc yes?
15:43.33 cad438 but I am trying to rotates /comb1/comb2/* within /comb1
15:44.01 brlcad okay, so then it's listing /comb1/comb2/prim1 /comb1/comb2/prim2 etc .. yes?
15:44.22 brlcad or are you only seeing /comb2/prim1 /comb2/prim2 etc
15:45.34 cad438 yes, it says /comb1/comb2/prim1
15:45.41 brlcad you want to edit the matrices of the combinations inside the combination, so you need to display that top-level comb1
15:45.46 brlcad okay, that's good
15:46.06 brlcad you can select any one of the lines that says comb2
15:46.27 brlcad i presume you have a comb2 a comb3 a comb4 etc inside comb1 yes?
15:46.52 cad438 yes
15:46.59 brlcad good
15:47.25 brlcad so yeah, select any one of the comb[2 through whatever] lines -- it doesn't matter that it displays the primitives underneath it
15:48.14 brlcad it's effectively asking you what you want to treat as a coordinate system point of reference at the same time in case you need to position things exactly
15:48.47 brlcad the second dialog will list comb2 prim1 prim2 prim3 -- select comb2 and you'll be editing the matrix over comb2 inside comb1
15:50.49 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
15:56.56 cad438 No, it seems I am editing the matrix over comb2 inside comb1 relative to comb1/comb2/prim1 (which I selected in the first menu)
15:57.22 cad438 Or else, the boreholes are rotating around themselves, rather than around the disk...
15:58.18 cad438 Whci makes sense, because at no point I have told the software to use comb1 as a reference
15:59.02 cad438 right?
16:00.03 cad438 In fact, in the procedure I just followed, comb2 could as well have been the top-level combination, rather than comb1.
16:05.43 brlcad right
16:05.54 brlcad that's what I meant about the prim being the point of reference
16:06.28 brlcad mged wants to use something inside comb2 as a point of reference for the coordinate system
16:08.28 brlcad there is a way to set up alternative modeling axes too, but that's a rather advanced modeling technique that I wouldn't recommend until you've been using mged for a long time ;)
16:11.15 brlcad if it's rotations you are having trouble with, you might be interested in Settings->Rotate About
16:12.08 brlcad also Modes -> Axes to actually see the axes you are working with
16:34.21 cad438 You have solved my problem!
16:34.49 cad438 Thank you.
16:34.52 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
16:36.42 cad438 It was not necessary to pack comb2 within comb1, the latter being the body of reference for rotation, as it is not possible to go up in the hierarchy to set the reference system.
16:38.03 cad438 Instead I proceeded as you told me, picking any primitive in the region-to-be-rotated, and subsequently picking the region itself in the two menus of "matrix selection..."
16:39.42 cad438 I then make sure that the axes of reference are set conveniently (in my case that was just the model origin, so that was easy) so that the choice made in the first menu is effectively disgarded.
16:40.19 cad438 And finally the right commands for rotation can be given.
16:40.28 cad438 Again, thanks a lot!
16:40.47 brlcad no problem
16:40.59 brlcad glad it all worked out :)
16:44.20 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
16:47.28 cad438 I got to go now, but I'll remeber this place! See you next time ;-)
16:48.46 brlcad see you around
17:10.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ search for libtoolize14, make sure that we can pinpoint the alternate libtoolize's location via which/dirname in order to print instructions correctly. fix typo on glti
17:28.38 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
17:36.40 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
20:10.03 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
20:40.29 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
20:52.45 mahesh Sean, are you there?
20:57.02 brlcad perhaps ;)
20:57.14 mahesh ha ha
20:57.47 mahesh another question for you if you are not yet tired of answering
20:57.54 brlcad never tired
20:58.21 mahesh i am not able to understand clearly the function do_pixel in worker.c
20:58.38 mahesh could you just tell me what it does with each pixel it takes as argument
20:59.47 brlcad sure, give me sec
21:01.05 brlcad do_pixel actually handles the processing of exactly one pixel
21:02.25 mahesh but after processing that pixel, it should be writing to framebuffer or to a file?
21:03.32 brlcad neither
21:03.40 brlcad it stores the pixel result in memory
21:04.02 brlcad in the application structure, there is a_color
21:04.13 brlcad that is filled in with the rgb result
21:04.38 mahesh oh it
21:04.43 brlcad view_pixel() is called at the end to
21:05.05 brlcad let the application handle what it wants to do with the pixel
21:05.24 brlcad (it's a raytracer-specific function in view.c)
21:07.00 mahesh how about making each node in the network call do_pixel on a chunk of pixels allocated to it?
21:08.35 brlcad yes definitely
21:08.48 brlcad you're basically going to need to define your own worker()
21:08.59 mahesh cant be so simple isnt it :) ?
21:09.09 brlcad :)
21:09.24 brlcad not sure for certain until it's done ;)
21:09.30 mahesh true
21:14.38 brlcad bu_parallel() is called with worker() to run worker() on each processor
21:16.17 brlcad all the worker()'s running in parallel on the various cpus available coordinate processing chunks of pixels at a time
21:18.41 brlcad so I imagine that there's effectively two functions that you'll have to write
21:19.11 mahesh bu_distributed and worker?
21:19.13 brlcad a bu_parallel of your own (call it bu_parallel or bu_distributed or whatever)
21:20.05 brlcad and yes, a worker (mpi_worker perhaps) routine that will handle actually shoveling off work to remote hosts (who could in turn call bu_parallel with worker)
21:27.05 mahesh right...things are more clear now
23:11.46 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (

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