irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051028

00:06.48 *** join/#brlcad brlcad ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:13.28 brlcad AchiestDragon: ah, that sucks
00:14.30 LostThePlot o/s reinstalled , just installing the updates
00:50.01 pra5ad yeaaaah! found dreads
00:50.51 ``Erik swank
00:51.23 brlcad yay pizza
00:51.50 pra5ad i need to raid goodwill tomorrow
00:52.31 pra5ad i couldnt find normal gold teef; got the buck tooth one with a diamond in it
00:58.21 pra5ad Twingy, howd ur meeting go
00:58.38 *** join/#brlcad ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
00:58.38 *** mode/#brlcad [+o ChanServ] by
01:01.49 Twingy fine, got about halfway through in 10 minutes and decided to postpone till tommorrow
01:02.11 pra5ad i stole ur time slot
01:02.19 Twingy ...and the one after that
01:02.23 pra5ad =)
01:02.34 pra5ad cell cpu research is a go
01:02.41 pra5ad time to go find a cell dev kit
01:02.54 Twingy good luck :)
01:03.25 Twingy maybe in 5 years you'll have something the analysts can use
01:05.16 pra5ad excellent point =)
01:06.58 pra5ad apparently dixie has an fem background
01:07.08 pra5ad from wmrd
01:08.40 Twingy too bad she doesn't have time/motivation to do something with it
01:09.05 pra5ad we'll see
01:26.12 ``Erik "fem background" as in, she has ran the 70's cfd fortran code before?
01:26.20 Twingy heh
01:26.28 pra5ad wendy was lacking detail
01:26.32 Twingy :)
01:26.55 Twingy details shmetails
01:27.44 ``Erik arl isn't 180 degrees out of phase with the real world, but it's probably in the neighborhood of 90...
01:29.37 Twingy something like that
01:31.35 Twingy I think by tommorrow I more or less will have things in order with my new program
01:31.43 ``Erik gas 2.28, booyeah
01:32.10 ``Erik churchville 'xtra fuels', wawa there was 2.29
01:32.27 *** join/#brlcad _AchiestDragon (
01:32.38 Twingy not bad
01:33.12 ``Erik see, if you were flying again, you'd be driving by these dirt cheap gas stations
01:33.14 ``Erik :D
01:33.44 Twingy heh
01:33.48 Twingy I will
01:33.52 Twingy I think this spring
01:33.58 Twingy I'm ready to get back into it for a third time
01:34.07 Twingy meh, cars are boring
01:34.11 ``Erik I bought gloves, I may be ready by spring
01:34.20 Twingy electric or gas?
01:34.22 ``Erik yeah, but they frown on flying shit around the office
01:34.24 ``Erik gas
01:34.26 ``Erik of course
01:34.27 ``Erik well
01:34.28 ``Erik hrm
01:34.32 ``Erik mebbe high performance electric
01:34.35 Twingy I want that twin
01:34.36 ``Erik charge 'em at work :D
01:34.38 Twingy with tiny gas motors
01:34.44 ``Erik oh, planes? gas
01:34.50 Twingy yah
01:34.51 ``Erik I got a .46 that needs to be broken in
01:34.56 ``Erik the blue os
01:35.05 ``Erik bearings, even
01:35.07 Twingy I that a .46 that's... broken... in :)
01:35.13 Twingy several times in :)
01:35.20 ``Erik like twice the hp of the .40 sleeved I was using
01:35.26 Twingy yea
01:35.37 ``Erik which is why I bought leather gloves
01:35.49 ``Erik with leather backings, none of those lame cotton backings
01:37.42 ``Erik hey, prasad, did I show you my finger pics?
01:38.00 pra5ad yes
01:38.34 ``Erik :D
02:01.10 Twingy server is up
02:01.31 Twingy seems to be snappy agian
02:01.43 Twingy good to go
02:01.45 Twingy so anyway
02:01.51 Twingy I'm thinking we should just leave it as is
02:01.56 Twingy that wasn't so bad, an hour?
02:02.02 Twingy better than things getting fucked up with snap
02:02.11 Twingy 'sides this is the first time in how many months?
02:02.15 Twingy like 7?
02:04.17 ``Erik twingy, yesterdays new sotuhpark is on
02:05.39 Twingy ah
02:05.43 Twingy what time is it?
02:05.47 ``Erik now
02:05.52 Twingy 10:06
02:05.53 Twingy I'm mudding
02:05.58 ``Erik ok, 6 minutes ago
02:05.59 ``Erik log out
02:06.04 ``Erik southprak u up
02:06.05 Twingy I'm close to level 100
02:06.12 ``Erik !!!~!#!~@!~@!~#!~
02:06.12 Guu ``Erik: But I am le-tired.
02:06.26 Twingy heh
02:06.33 Twingy !!!~!#!~@!~@!~#!~
02:06.34 Guu Twingy: WTF?
02:06.41 Twingy !!!~!#!~@!~@!~#!~
02:06.42 Guu Twingy: Poke me there again, and you'll pull back a stump.
02:06.43 ``Erik another shot of 151 says oh fuck yeah
02:06.53 Twingy heh
02:06.58 Twingy finish the bottle yet? :)
02:07.05 ``Erik no, heh
02:07.05 brlcad heh
02:07.09 ``Erik that shit is brutal
02:07.17 Twingy my bottle lasted 4 months?
02:07.21 ``Erik I'm not even 1/2 yet
02:07.27 ``Erik shit, I don't think I'm 1/4 yet
02:07.42 ``Erik yeah, twingy, but you're a puss
02:07.44 ``Erik :D
02:07.46 Twingy the bottle has enough to get me piss drunk 10 times over
02:07.47 ``Erik O:)
02:07.59 Twingy then again I don't drink like a fish
02:08.14 ``Erik given that it's 17 shots, at twice the normal content, so equivelantly
02:08.15 ``Erik uh
02:08.17 ``Erik 34?
02:08.20 ``Erik shots?
02:08.26 Twingy yah
02:08.32 ``Erik means you're a 3.4 shot drunk
02:08.40 Twingy that's about 10 sakes?
02:08.54 ``Erik sake varies a lot
02:08.59 Twingy well, the stuff we had
02:09.03 ``Erik heh
02:09.05 ``Erik mebbe
02:09.15 ``Erik mebbe more sakes...
02:09.18 Twingy I think 3.4 shots and I'd be comfortably num
02:09.20 Twingy numb
02:09.23 ``Erik the shit we had wasn't all that great
02:09.31 Twingy far better than previous years
02:09.47 ``Erik I think I got more of a buzz from the social significance than the alcohol
02:09.48 Twingy combined
02:10.04 ``Erik cheapassed american sake *shakes fist*
02:10.18 Twingy that was jap no?
02:10.38 ``Erik DUDE, sp, butters is "margarine", who likes getting "her" snootch pouted on friday night
02:10.43 ``Erik no, it was cali, dude
02:10.54 ``Erik you musta been swimmin' that night :)
02:11.13 Twingy aha, level 100
02:11.16 ``Erik californian sake *shudder*
02:11.29 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
02:11.46 ``Erik ah, look, a dorque :D
02:13.25 Twingy k, I'll go watch
02:34.54 pra5ad rofl civ4 just bsod and restart the box
02:42.48 brlcad quality
02:55.33 Twingy that was amusing
02:55.50 Twingy sounds like ole' Sid is slacking off
04:11.47 pra5ad ohhh i just found baghdad
04:11.58 pra5ad time for operation iraqi freedom
04:12.38 Twingy get get'em tiger
04:31.30 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
06:31.28 *** join/#brlcad peterson_ (n=peterson@
06:31.41 peterson_ hui
06:31.44 peterson_ i mean, hi :)
06:32.15 dhpeterson just starting with brlcad
06:32.25 dhpeterson does anyone know of a good reference to CSG
06:32.35 dhpeterson (constructive solid geometry)
06:33.05 dhpeterson specifically I am trying to understand the relative effectiveness of building models using CSG vs building models in other (CAD) ways
06:33.29 dhpeterson for example, from what i know of pro/e, it supports more of a "parametrized" solid geomery model, rather than CSG
06:33.40 dhpeterson i would like some pointers to references if possible
06:35.22 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
12:29.05 *** join/#brlcad joevalleyfield (
13:20.54 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
13:25.20 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
13:30.40 ``Erik yarhg.
13:30.53 Twingy_ Arrrr
13:31.35 brlcad you guys missed talk like a pirate day
13:31.49 brlcad ``Erik: how's the stomach lining holding out?
13:31.54 ``Erik still there
13:31.56 ``Erik why? :)
13:32.16 Twingy_ cause you've got a big wet spot on your shirt
13:33.29 Twingy_ hrm
13:33.35 Twingy_ I recnk'n that logo meeting will end soon
13:33.51 ``Erik heh, fucking retarded waste of time and money.
13:33.58 Twingy_ *nod*
13:35.27 Twingy_ haha
13:35.33 Twingy_ George Takei, 'Trek's' Sulu: I'm gay
13:35.46 Twingy_ George Takei and his partner have been together for 18 years.
13:35.57 ``Erik mr... sulu........ set course.... for..... the closet..... sector....
13:36.25 Twingy_ beam me up scotty, up scotty, UP SCOTTY, err uhh
13:36.59 Twingy_ woo
13:37.02 Twingy_ Huricane Beta
13:37.11 Twingy_ That one should hid redmond
13:37.17 Twingy_ making the world a better place
13:39.49 ``Erik heh
13:52.13 brlcad heh
14:20.13 Twingy_ hey mal
15:32.53 Twingy_ logos, wee
16:12.11 *** join/#brlcad joevalleyfield (
16:49.54 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
17:06.41 brlcad joevalleyfield: ping
17:17.36 ``Erik they all suck o.O
17:18.51 ``Erik hehehehe (define (ccor a b) (call/cc (lambda (x) (if a (x #t)) (if b (x #t)) #f)))
17:21.14 brlcad #f ?
17:23.25 brlcad just compiles a or b, no?
17:24.45 ``Erik sorta, but with some stack manipulation, controlled intrepretted short circuit
17:25.54 ``Erik so if you do (or (some wonk) (someother crap)), it evalutates (some wonk) and (someother crap), then does an or, this ccor does (some wonk), tests the result, then continues execution if decidable, or computes the someother if not
17:26.23 ``Erik #f is the 'default' clause
17:26.35 brlcad so like a no-op
17:27.11 *** join/#brlcad IngMan (
17:27.14 ``Erik I coulda done (x #f) to follow form, but it falls through ok
17:27.43 brlcad that's effectively providing C-style or's which is a little twisted, but funny ;)
17:27.50 ``Erik ayup
17:33.15 ``Erik twingy, two drivers reporting degraded now
17:35.32 Twingy_ same controller?
19:08.24 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ since is a succint step, presume that we simply want to end up with the same COPYING and INSTALL that we started with, so restore from backup if they change regardless of the current revision
19:25.03 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
21:48.09 ``Erik *yawn*
22:14.58 pra5ad YEEEAAAAAAAH
22:36.06 ``Erik heh
22:36.25 ``Erik we expect pictures on monday.
23:41.23 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (

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