irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051104

00:21.06 pra5ad_ hrmph
00:21.29 pra5ad_ flashed new bios, and my 'ddr400' ram is reported as ddr333
00:22.00 pra5ad_ sorta makes sense since i could never run the ram at >150
00:22.23 learner looked up the memory's model number to verify which it's supposed to be? maybe sent you the wrong ones
00:22.34 pra5ad_ package says ddr400
00:22.43 pra5ad_ can i sue someone? lol
00:23.13 pra5ad_ hmm i dunno
00:23.25 pra5ad_ cos i ran memtest86+ for 9 hrsa
00:23.29 pra5ad_ 0 errors
00:23.32 pra5ad_ at 200mhz
00:23.32 learner heh
00:23.42 learner so crank it up
00:23.59 pra5ad_ crank what up? 200 is ddr400
00:24.26 learner ah true dat
00:25.05 pra5ad_ let's see if it's stable with the bios settings
00:25.09 pra5ad_ 157mhz
00:25.23 pra5ad_ default settings dont have auto cas #s
00:26.17 pra5ad_ im a little concerned that the vid card and onboard lan share the same irq
00:26.23 pra5ad_ ? what outsourcing
00:26.28 pra5ad_ and to where
00:26.52 learner some other group's announcement that they need someone for a while
00:26.56 learner don't remember details
00:27.01 learner check your mail ;)
00:27.07 ``Erik o.O
00:27.16 pra5ad_ is this the adelphi job?
00:27.25 learner *shrug*
00:28.22 pra5ad_ so i finally plugged in 2 of the 4 power connectors on the mobo ...
00:28.23 ``Erik why aren't you at work? o.O
00:28.31 pra5ad_ wonder if that fixed it
00:28.45 learner heh, i had alcohol cravings to cater to
00:28.45 ``Erik does your mb support 200mhz memory?
00:28.49 ``Erik oh, uh
00:28.51 pra5ad_ yes
00:28.54 ``Erik <-- tucks the bottle back in hsi desk
00:29.16 learner and some of that new shot stuff to test out
00:29.23 ``Erik I finished my babba vakka last night, but I'll wait a couple weeks to get another
00:29.25 ``Erik 'shot stuff'?
00:29.29 learner tuaca or somesuch
00:29.37 ``Erik are you pussifying your vodka?
00:29.42 learner wa wa wait a couple weeks??
00:29.47 ``Erik well, yeah
00:29.51 ``Erik I have a full bottle of tequila
00:29.54 ``Erik a full bottle of whiskey
00:29.56 ``Erik a full bottle of gin
00:29.57 ``Erik ...
00:30.03 pra5ad_ damn u drunks
00:30.04 ``Erik a shelf full of beer
00:30.18 learner ahh, so you're getting low
00:30.31 ``Erik you have two choices if you stay on this project, prasad... either drink heavily, or all your hair will fall out.
00:30.39 ``Erik who's cooler, man, me or ron? ;) *Duck*
00:30.48 learner rum!
00:30.57 pra5ad_ hah!
00:30.58 ``Erik OOH, I still got half a bottle of 151
00:31.12 ``Erik the problem is that I need a chaser
00:31.16 ``Erik and I was using vodka, but I'm out
00:31.18 ``Erik *pout*
00:31.28 pra5ad_ how bout c) stop caring, get masters and bail
00:31.30 pra5ad_ =)
00:32.17 learner what does drinking have to do with c)?
00:32.28 ``Erik my c gets better with drinking
00:32.30 learner ``Erik: heh
00:33.06 pra5ad_ staying on this project has something to do with c)
00:33.07 learner how far away is cmu from here? i haven't looked it up
00:33.07 pra5ad_ i think
00:33.09 pra5ad_ ..
00:33.25 ``Erik um, pittsburg, I think?
00:33.39 learner ah, so about the same distance really
00:33.40 ``Erik too far to do without extended training
00:33.59 learner heh, maybe on paper
00:34.17 learner oh, wait, i'm confusing cities, never mind
00:34.37 ``Erik heh, pennsylvania would be doable
00:34.39 ``Erik er
00:34.40 ``Erik philly
00:34.41 ``Erik heh
00:34.52 ``Erik pittsburg is a wee bit up the road, tho
00:34.57 learner yeah
00:35.05 learner though if you got paid for the commute, who cares ;)
00:35.18 ``Erik heh, but mah po' truck!
00:36.36 ``Erik the ones I'm on just celebrated their 10th bday
00:37.04 pra5ad_ learner needs a new gearbox
00:38.05 ``Erik dude, 327, shaved heads, quarter cams, fat supercharger, run it on 94, big fat tranny with a short ratio diff and a clutch with massive pads
00:38.21 pra5ad_ big fat tranny eh
00:38.22 ``Erik oh, mill down the flywheel so you don't torch the clutch to get the acceleration
00:38.37 pra5ad_ what street in baltimore have u been frequenting
00:38.44 ``Erik axle weights, slicks, big honkin' sway bars
00:40.19 ``Erik drop a transfer case to get the front wheels spinnin' too
00:41.07 learner heh, it would either explode or implode I'm sure
00:41.22 ``Erik heh
00:41.32 learner some quantum mechanics at work that prevent a souped up prizm :)
00:41.53 ``Erik nah, plain old newtonian physics can explain
00:42.24 ``Erik start it and when it catches and revs up to speed, the block will launch out of the engine well, taking the hood with it and roll off into the distance
00:42.47 ``Erik "you know what'd be awesome?"
00:42.55 learner heh
00:43.14 learner and next year I win a darwin award
00:43.22 ``Erik <-- ponders putting "grom" on one of our fbsd boxen
00:43.48 learner i'm really interested in testing out some software on openbsd's new malloc scheme
00:44.04 ``Erik hm, with the buffer gaurding?
00:44.08 learner yeah
00:44.12 pra5ad_ buffer guarding?
00:44.22 learner do an nmg comversion and take bets on it segfaulting ;)
00:44.30 ``Erik a no-write page between heap and stack
00:44.38 pra5ad_ ohh
00:44.40 ``Erik so buffer overflows that hit that point throw an interrupt
00:44.41 pra5ad_ interesting
00:44.58 ``Erik do they use 11? or another signal?
00:45.24 ``Erik mebbe reuse one of those 2460's
00:45.28 learner pra5ad_ single byte accesses to unallocated memory zones are pretty much guaranteed to cause a segfault for allocations > pagesize, and somewhat possible for < pagesize
00:46.07 learner it's a segfault -- the memory is owned by the kernel
00:46.33 ``Erik hrm, may've been more useful to cerate a new interrupt for those pages *shrug* but perhaps prohibitively expensive...
00:46.51 ``Erik actually, no, it shouldn't be expensive, if a segfault happens, look in a map to see if it's a gaurd page or not
00:46.54 ``Erik *shrug*
00:46.55 learner pra5ad_, basically the traditional memory overwrites that "might" cause bad things to happen are guaranteed to halt the program now under their new system
00:47.17 ``Erik electric fence and dmalloc are supposed to provide similar behaviors
00:47.30 learner right, just that this is considerably higher performance
00:47.36 ``Erik the big deal with obsd is that it's "on by default", I thought
00:47.49 learner implying they did some magic in the kernel memory page management that make the padded zones more efficient
00:47.59 pra5ad_ how do they enforce this?
00:48.08 pra5ad_ check allocation header for every page?
00:48.14 pra5ad_ on each mem access?
00:48.15 ``Erik uh, by placing a page in the virtual memory?
00:48.33 ``Erik and let the mmu catch the fault
00:48.46 learner pra5ad_, by rewriting malloc and kernel memory management -- the memory is now owned by the kernel instead of your app potentially -- so you _can't_ write past a buffer without causing a segfault
00:49.21 ``Erik (is it actually a kernel owned page? not a "bad entry" in the mmu or something? I'd be surprised if they burnt a page to get a segfault, seems nonoptimal to me)
00:49.30 pra5ad_ can u potentially write above SP-page_size ?
00:49.33 learner whereas before it only happens if you happen to write past enough bytes that spans into another apps memory space or the kernels .. now a single byte will be another zone
00:50.04 learner it's not a full page, but it is owned by kernel
00:50.05 ``Erik tlb hax0ring, heh
00:50.17 pra5ad_ hm
00:50.26 learner from what I gathered, that was part of the trick making it efficient -- getting those small kernel-owned paddings
00:50.45 learner very cool shizzle
00:51.02 ``Erik make ww give me time and a machine to set up an obsd box for us :D
00:51.04 learner i can't imagine the system being "functional" for some time though .. with all the apps crashing
00:51.12 ``Erik and a slowaris-x86 10 box, too
00:51.33 learner sounds like a gem for debugging ease
00:51.35 ``Erik if the core os functions, it's a usable machine... bsd ain't like leenewx
00:51.47 ``Erik for buffers overflowing into the stack, sure
00:52.05 learner well yeah, if emacs, sh, gcc, and the kernel work, I'm set
00:52.10 learner but I mean general user ;)
00:52.19 ``Erik heh, emacs is not part of the base system. Use vi.
00:53.05 pra5ad_ all hail visual studio
00:53.45 learner taking the leap off of pico back in the day was the big hurdle
00:53.52 ``Erik nothin' like unifying *nix holywarriors by mentioning ms
00:53.52 learner but that's like a baby taking his first steps
00:54.05 ``Erik my leap off of pico was easy, I used 'joe'
00:54.10 learner heh
00:54.10 ``Erik then used emacs for a short bit
00:54.11 ``Erik then vi
00:54.14 pra5ad_ i like vi visual mode :P
00:54.15 ``Erik I upgraded
00:54.20 ``Erik that's vim, prasad
00:54.23 ``Erik not vi
00:54.25 pra5ad_ that's what i meant
00:54.31 ``Erik vim is not part of the base system. Use vi.
00:54.32 ``Erik :D
00:54.35 learner never learned "the true power of the dark console"
00:54.54 pra5ad_ i am part of the 'say no to vi' army
00:55.15 ``Erik s/d/ds machine/
00:55.38 learner heh
00:55.41 learner that's just mean
00:55.50 pra5ad_ i feel so violated
00:55.59 learner but pra5ad_ probably deserves it
00:56.14 learner yeah, me to .. "q"
00:56.21 ``Erik heh
00:56.35 ``Erik repair work on a system that ate and crapped out all its termcap information
00:56.47 pra5ad_ so is ``Erik going to port freebsd to cell?
00:57.05 ``Erik why bother? no one uses cell procs, so netbsd has been ported to it
00:57.19 ``Erik sum yung gai?
00:57.27 pra5ad_ and i thought u wanted to get off m3
00:57.30 learner yup
00:57.43 learner and some of that new fangled vodka
00:57.53 ``Erik mmmm, babba vakka
00:58.28 ``Erik as in, 'not jim beam'?
00:58.37 pra5ad_ heh new jprofiler runs show what seems to be deadlocks on large analysis runs
00:58.40 ``Erik which one did you go to? the one by mogrorian?
00:58.42 learner niet!
00:58.47 learner yeah
00:58.48 pra5ad_ wonder who's going to fix those
00:58.56 ``Erik that's a hillbilly booze store
00:59.07 learner hole-in-the-wall mostly just stocked with the basics try not to get shot place
00:59.16 ``Erik they consider regular jack to be top shelf
00:59.37 ``Erik "makers whu?" heh
00:59.54 learner my options are sorta limited without driving into bel air or towards the city
01:00.12 ``Erik heh, yeah
01:00.16 learner nothing on the way at least
01:00.26 ``Erik the barn thing down the road looks worse than the one in that strip mall
01:00.30 learner there is that place between abby and havre
01:00.41 ``Erik if you make it down to belcamp, anchor isn't too bad
01:01.04 learner ok, now I'm parched, cheers!
01:01.07 ``Erik I've gotten spoiled with my forest hill snob stores
01:01.10 ``Erik hasta, duder
01:20.07 pra5ad_ cell rd kit in april 2006
01:20.23 pra5ad_ enough time to sell it to mgmt
01:56.25 ``Erik *yawn*
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05:15.55 pra5ad_ sean
05:16.00 pra5ad_ what tool create config.guess
05:18.01 pra5ad_ ah nm
05:52.04 Maloeran Mmm, Twingy isn't back online yet. Is he all settled, ``Erik?
10:36.54 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
10:36.55 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: define compile-time debug/non-debug symbols DEBUG and NDEBUG so they are
10:36.55 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: consistently available across the package (and so assert() can pick up NDEBUG
10:36.55 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: correctly). DEBUG is used by rt to make a note in the log that this is a debug
10:36.55 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: build
10:39.23 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/main.c: output a warning iff compile-time debugging is enabled so the benchmark tests can look for it
10:43.35 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/burst/ (Hm.c burst.c grid.c idents.c paint.c prnt.c trie.c ui.c): DEBUG/NDEBUG cleanup, pull the value from and include common.h before system headers
10:56.49 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ (log message trimmed)
10:56.49 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: refactor the resource searching into a look_for function so that it's clear
10:56.49 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: exactly what directories are being searched for which resources. remove the
10:56.49 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: compiling and automatic conversion of encountered ascii files for now too.
10:56.49 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: resources are searched for presuming first that we're a binary install and
10:56.50 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: failing that, we're being run from a source distribution after a make or make
10:56.52 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: benchmark. identify the major sections with comment labels, and rename the
12:15.19 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/
12:15.20 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: add support to look for specific types of files, executables, dirs, scripts as
12:15.20 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: well as cleaning up detection and output of whether this is a 'valid' benchmark
12:15.20 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: run. if it does seem to be valid, inform about the documentation and encourage
12:15.20 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: submission of results.
12:34.33 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ it's not _really_ necessary that there be no debug symbols, just make a note of it in the output. inform about the document regardless.
14:51.33 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/burst/ (14 files):
14:51.33 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: burst the non-ansi-yet-willing-to-pretend-we-are-c99 bubble that the burst code
14:51.33 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: likes to use. that is, use static instead of STATIC and don't clobber the
14:51.33 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: bool/true/false reserved words of the c++ compilers. clean up the headers to
14:51.33 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: support this.
15:11.28 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/librt/wdb_obj.c: The default behavior of the "find" command has been changed. It now ignores hidden objects. A -a option has been added to give the original behavior (find all, even hidden).
15:14.16 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/Wizard.tcl: Add the following methods: buildGridZonesXML, vectorAdd and vectorScale
15:18.05 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: Add code to guard against an old .archerrc that uses the "Crystal (Large)" theme. Add code to toggle whether to use the draw command -n option (normals).
16:12.03 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (
18:18.57 ``Erik meh
18:20.13 ``Erik he says 35% moved into his new house, it's actually his now, but it sounds like a fairly rough transaction... I know I was helping him move stuff monday night and some shit fell through on him with that, so his schedule got collapsed into a smaller chunk of time
18:20.26 ``Erik heh, he beat the shit out of a table and yelled all through lunch telling the story today
18:20.40 ``Erik poor prasad was having trouble pouring sake ;)
19:01.04 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
19:26.12 brlcad mmm.. sake!
19:32.00 ``Erik was good
19:32.04 ``Erik you shoulda went with us
19:58.03 brlcad i'll go their for dinner instead me thinks
20:20.36 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libpkg/pkg.c: strerror section is in the wrong section
20:26.14 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/config_win.h: sys_nerr is _sys_nerr under windows too
20:28.02 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (burst/prnt.c other/URToolkit/tools/into.c): sys_errlist is defined as _sys_errlist in include/config_win.h so no need for the duplicated WIN32 sections
20:33.15 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
20:36.45 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/rle_config.h: include common.h so that HAVE_ symbols may be used to work around compilation support issues. e.g. sys_errlist on solaris
20:46.39 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/doc/README.Solaris: comment on the solaris/gcc -mimpure-text option to get a static system library to link against a shared library being built
20:54.25 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/lgt/execshell.c: the win32 section for _sys_errlist isn't needed as the config_win.h header takes care of it
20:55.53 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/URToolkit/cnv/rletoabA62/rletoabA62.c: quell warning about main not returning an int
21:05.21 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/doc/README.Linux: comment on the inability to run binaries from an uninstalled ppc64 debian system
22:16.47 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
22:16.47 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: make_bb didn't have the ubiquitous -u option that all the other raytracing
22:16.47 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: apps have. Now it does. This allows users to make bounding boxes of
22:16.47 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: geometry that includes/is air.
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.