irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051221

00:05.29 ``Erik yo ho ho
00:06.17 pra5ad bah humbug
00:10.14 brlcad mmmm.. tastes like burning
00:12.32 pra5ad smells like blood
00:13.05 archivist is toast on the menu
00:47.50 pra5ad whats the last line in canadian addresses?
00:51.39 pra5ad hmm guess its not the last line
00:54.45 pra5ad ahh postal code
01:12.43 *** join/#brlcad tegtmeye (
01:29.00 pra5ad mike
01:29.34 pra5ad is it possible to 'templatize' the inheritance system we discussed
01:30.09 tegtmeye how so?
01:30.29 pra5ad u r the expert
01:30.30 pra5ad heh
01:31.03 tegtmeye short answer yes, they are called policy traits
01:31.12 pra5ad oh
01:31.36 tegtmeye they syntax is ugly, but you don't pay for it at runtime
01:32.01 tegtmeye what did you have in mind?
01:32.19 pra5ad good question
01:32.24 pra5ad wanted to simplify it
01:32.53 pra5ad just wondering if it's at all possible
01:33.59 tegtmeye without being a cliche', almost anythign is possible with templates, it is just a matter of how ugly and unmaintainable do you want your code to be
01:34.34 pra5ad has someone invented the 'write-once-reuse-forever' code yet?
01:34.56 tegtmeye yea, they tried and failed (Java) :)
01:35.07 pra5ad hah
01:35.25 pra5ad so u r telling me that templates will be obfuscated by something else
01:35.59 pra5ad eep wrong word
01:36.04 pra5ad obsolete*
01:36.16 pra5ad made*
01:36.17 pra5ad ..
01:37.34 tegtmeye I'm sure eventually, just like any other language.
01:37.59 pra5ad heretic words
01:38.14 pra5ad i thought u were a template zealot
01:38.14 pra5ad =)
01:38.20 tegtmeye Some are just harder than others, look at FORTRAN, its still trieng to be put down...
01:38.29 pra5ad s/were/are/
01:38.48 tegtmeye I am:)
01:38.58 tegtmeye and with luck, I'll make you one too ;)
01:39.53 pra5ad hehe
01:40.07 pra5ad so far ive avoided it
01:44.39 brlcad templates are/can be good stuff
01:46.37 tegtmeye I generally agree,
01:47.38 tegtmeye It comes down to cost/benifit, most will overlook overly templatized code if it result is a significant performance gain
01:48.47 brlcad sure, but then my take on that is that computers get faster than we can write code .. i'll take maintainable over bleeding fast any day
01:48.53 brlcad it is a tradeoff though for sure
01:49.01 brlcad some is great
01:49.35 brlcad doing it blindly "'cause it's faster" is like "never" using goto or "never" using assembly etc
01:49.53 brlcad absolutes are always evil ;)
01:50.32 tegtmeye Since your on...
01:50.58 brlcad heh
01:51.02 brlcad i'm always on
01:51.10 tegtmeye How to you set up your convenience library in autoconf again? Is it ???
01:51.19 tegtmeye heh
01:51.22 brlcad just not always listening or willing to answer ;)
01:51.26 tegtmeye lol
01:51.43 brlcad convenience libs are noinst_LTLIBRARIES
01:51.53 tegtmeye sorry,
01:52.08 brlcad flags for them go to LDFLAGS
01:52.16 brlcad libs they depend on go to LIBS
01:52.25 brlcad same as for binaries
01:52.25 tegtmeye ok,
01:52.42 tegtmeye binary foo needs to link agains convenience lib bar...
01:52.46 brlcad somelib_la_LIBS = $(top_srcdir)/path/to/
01:52.56 tegtmeye ah, right,
01:52.58 tegtmeye thanks
01:53.13 brlcad er, sorry
01:53.46 brlcad that'd be a LIBADD to add a lib to a lib
01:54.03 brlcad somelib_la_LIBADD = $(top_srcdir)/path/to/
01:54.23 tegtmeye what about binary?
01:54.27 brlcad somebinary_la_LDADD = ...
01:54.34 tegtmeye roger...
01:54.38 tegtmeye thanks
01:54.42 brlcad de nada
01:58.54 tegtmeye adrttest_la_LDADD= $(top_srcdir)/adrt/
01:59.03 tegtmeye adrt_test/ variable `adrttest_la_LDADD' is defined but no program or
01:59.03 tegtmeye adrt_test/ library has `adrttest_la' as canonic name (possible typo)
01:59.13 tegtmeye ...lost of ld errors....
01:59.22 tegtmeye s/lost/lots
01:59.34 brlcad :)
01:59.38 brlcad you got em reversed
01:59.56 brlcad if it's a library libadd, binary, ldadd
02:00.04 tegtmeye drat!
02:00.36 brlcad hence you used ldadd, so it presumes a binary program and gives an error about no adrttest_la program
02:01.00 tegtmeye or drate four thos wo caan reed
02:01.37 brlcad huukt awn fonicks
02:02.21 pra5ad mike, does stringstream.str() create a copy?
02:02.36 tegtmeye yes it does
02:02.46 tegtmeye lol...
02:02.47 pra5ad how bout c_str()
02:02.50 tegtmeye no
02:02.53 pra5ad k
02:03.55 brlcad hence the constness of the type it returns :P
02:04.34 brlcad the old sgi references are great for stl info
02:06.59 pra5ad id rather ask mike "i breath stl" tegtmeyer
02:07.00 pra5ad =)
02:07.04 pra5ad breathe*
02:08.56 tegtmeye ;)
02:12.38 ``Erik O.o
02:14.06 ``Erik when I looked at stl, sgi was the only implementation worth noting o.O
02:15.01 brlcad although these days their implementation is crippled with a few critical bugs that they have no intention of ever fixing (at least for mips)
02:16.28 tegtmeye nah... gcc's is pretty good these days
02:17.04 brlcad actually probably the best now that comes to mind
02:18.57 tegtmeye metrowerks and stlport also have complete ones, as far as I know, but
02:19.25 tegtmeye youd have to really look hard to find the advantages of one over the other...
02:19.48 tegtmeye harder than I feel like looking anyway
02:35.17 tegtmeye anyone remember off the top of their head what the *name" of the stdin fd is? (I know it is 0)...
02:35.43 tegtmeye I thought that there was a stdin_fd macro assigned to it in posix...
02:35.54 tegtmeye or somethng like that...
02:36.01 brlcad eh, isn't it just 'stdin'
02:36.12 tegtmeye I thought that was a FILE*
02:36.26 brlcad hmm
02:37.02 brlcad so it is
02:38.42 brlcad STDIN_FILENO
02:38.50 brlcad is in unistd.h
02:39.03 brlcad seems reasonable
02:39.15 tegtmeye ah... thanks, I couldn;t find it...
02:39.35 tegtmeye your googling is faster than mine...
02:41.46 tegtmeye well your grey matter is denser than mine then ;)
02:47.52 tegtmeye sweet! now if you can just point me in the right direction with that whole IN_MEM thing, I could test it out...
02:47.56 tegtmeye jk
02:48.12 brlcad i've been mentally preparing
02:52.16 brlcad only half joking, would like a tool slightly useful.. current idea is to implement a tool similar to ttcp for the geometry utilizing libpkg (net transfer) and librt (.g management)
02:52.39 brlcad unless you can think of something better
02:52.58 brlcad you'd then be able to rip out libpkg for mpi or just follow example
02:55.53 tegtmeye whatever is easiest for you, networking stuff is pretty easy, it would be nice to not have to have a dependency on libpkg though...
02:58.44 tegtmeye Name: ttcp
02:58.45 tegtmeye Version: 1.10
02:58.45 tegtmeye Category:net
02:58.45 tegtmeye Maintainers:fenner
02:58.45 tegtmeye Description:Benchmarking tool for analysing TCP and UDP performance
02:58.48 tegtmeye Long Description: TTCP is a benchmarking tool for determining TCP and UDP performance between 2 systems. The program was created at the US Army Ballistics Research Lab (BRL) and is in the public domain. Feel free to distribute this program but please do leave the credit notices in the source and man page intact.
02:59.10 tegtmeye Had to look that one up.
02:59.25 tegtmeye Kinda cool it was made by us.
02:59.42 brlcad muuss wrote it around the time of ping
03:00.00 tegtmeye cool
03:01.02 brlcad it's even standardized into one of the networking specs, rfc something
03:01.14 brlcad always been included in brl-cad too
03:01.18 tegtmeye yea, jsut saw that
03:02.02 brlcad works great for raw network testing or even for transferring files
03:02.02 pra5ad yo someone pls tell wendy/john that i will be 'officially' late tomorrow
03:02.07 pra5ad ty =)
03:04.07 pra5ad i need to buy a pair of crutches
03:04.18 tegtmeye eh?
03:04.47 tegtmeye typing with your toes again?
03:07.55 pra5ad ask my fitness instructor
03:08.46 brlcad didn't do legs yesterday
03:09.16 brlcad unless you hammies are all sore from the back extensions :)
03:11.25 tegtmeye later guys
03:32.44 ``Erik heh
04:11.23 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ protect against division by negative numbers and returning a negative variance, fixes benchmark output complaining about trying to take a square root of a negative number
04:15.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: (log message trimmed)
04:15.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: the variance computations in the benchmark suite weren't correctly
04:15.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: checking for a negative average error causing a negative variance
04:15.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: causing a computation of a sqrt against that negative causing the
04:15.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: suite to catch and output the error as:
04:15.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: ERROR: square root of negative numbers is only in your imagination
04:15.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: awk: division by zero
05:33.38 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
08:13.11 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
08:40.30 *** join/#brlcad pier (
14:56.00 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
17:49.12 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
18:12.57 *** join/#brlcad cad082 (
18:13.03 cad082 brlcad
18:13.13 clock_ hi
18:13.15 brlcad moo
18:13.25 cad082 where are u
18:13.59 cad082 u bailed on gym :\
18:14.09 brlcad ah, you
18:14.10 clock_ brlcad: do you ride surfboard?
18:14.24 brlcad clock_: yes, though only a few times
18:14.33 clock_ brlcad: and skateboard?
18:14.38 clock_ brlcad: wow, that's cool and l33t :)
18:14.41 brlcad cad082: you're un-named if you don't provide a callsign :P
18:14.44 clock_ and wicked ;-)
18:15.06 clock_ brlcad: where are you actually from?
18:15.14 sean_morrison so
18:15.17 brlcad cad082: and I'm not guaranteed to be in the rest of the week (though I'll undoubtedly arrive at some point to submit some papers)
18:15.26 *** kick/#brlcad [sean_morrison!n=sean@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad] by brlcad (brlcad)
18:15.26 clock_ sean_morrison: and you? are you a surfer?
18:15.41 brlcad he's just someone trying to cause trouble
18:16.01 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad2 (
18:16.06 pra5ad2 wtf
18:16.09 pra5ad2 no <3
18:16.18 pra5ad2 so yea
18:16.23 brlcad you felt the love :)
18:16.35 brlcad how are the wings?
18:16.35 pra5ad2 u at home or what
18:16.40 brlcad yep
18:16.46 pra5ad2 wuss
18:16.46 clock_ what love? is anyone gay here?
18:16.53 brlcad heh clock_
18:17.08 clock_ <PROTECTED>
18:17.13 brlcad clock_: i tried skateboarding in my younger years, wasn't too successful
18:17.24 brlcad clock_: no, but I've visited several times
18:17.26 clock_ brlcad: cool! leet! wicked!
18:17.37 clock_ brlcad: and have you seen dogtown and z-boys?
18:18.23 brlcad that doesn't ring a bell
18:18.23 pra5ad2 i'd be surprised
18:18.23 clock_ brlcad: yes I am posessed by the evil daemon of Jay Adams HA HA HA HA HAAA!
18:18.23 pra5ad2 har har
18:19.01 brlcad the skateboarder?
18:19.07 clock_ brlcad: yes
18:19.17 pra5ad2 R j00 4 l33t h4X0R 700 ?
18:19.24 clock_ brlcad: and have you been to the dogtown?
18:19.39 brlcad doesn't ring a bell
18:20.02 pra5ad2 u in tomorrow?
18:20.08 brlcad so pra5ad2, how are the wings holding up?
18:20.13 clock_ brlcad: free software developer and is a skater *and* surfer!
18:20.18 pra5ad2 wings? what wings
18:20.28 brlcad lats
18:20.31 pra5ad2 oh
18:20.41 clock_ brlcad: are you going to gym?
18:20.46 pra5ad2 its not bad
18:20.52 pra5ad2 im limping tho
18:20.56 brlcad pra5ad2: not yet at least :)
18:20.58 pra5ad2 calves are shot
18:21.28 brlcad i somehow bet you will be sore bad, you seem to be 24-48 hour pain
18:21.33 brlcad clock_: yes
18:22.15 pra5ad2 so says the guy who stayed home today
18:22.35 pra5ad2 .g to ?
18:23.46 brlcad transferring the .g over the net keeping it in-memory only
18:23.48 pra5ad2 interesting
18:23.48 brlcad heh, split
18:24.10 pra5ad2 who's mr. clock_ ?
18:24.11 brlcad someone else apparently
18:24.31 archivist perhaps he's at the xmas spirit
18:24.51 brlcad or drunk and lost 10 years age
18:25.42 pra5ad2 so u in tomorrow or what
18:26.03 brlcad pra5ad2: example use that both tegt and I have in mind.. send the .g file to some remote processing unit for distributed work
18:26.34 brlcad e.g. an mpi raytracer or .. an mpi lethality server, etc
18:26.42 pra5ad2 ya
18:26.52 brlcad pretty simple
18:27.09 brlcad but the only example code that does this right now is the remote raytracer remrt
18:27.16 brlcad which includes a ton of other logic
18:27.42 brlcad load balancing, throttling, failure recovery, etc
18:27.56 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (n=clock@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:28.14 brlcad the prodigal clock_ winds his way back
18:28.33 clock_ brlcad: how old are you actually?
18:28.33 clock_ brlcad: prodigal?
18:28.54 brlcad old enough
18:29.15 brlcad young at heart fortunately ;)
18:29.21 clock_ brlcad: 46?
18:29.31 pra5ad2 42
18:29.36 archivist 97
18:29.46 brlcad the answer to everything
18:29.51 pra5ad2 1337
18:30.03 brlcad we actually have a bz dev in his late 80s
18:30.10 clock_ what's bz dev?
18:30.12 brlcad one of the best
18:30.16 brlcad bzflag
18:30.19 pra5ad2 bobs?
18:30.21 brlcad another project I dev on
18:30.22 pra5ad2 oh
18:30.22 clock_ bzflag?
18:30.33 pra5ad2 im out, lata
18:30.34 clock_ late 80's = early -10's ;-)
18:31.05 brlcad clock_: it's a game
18:31.22 clock_ brlcad: but how old are you, seriously?
18:31.25 brlcad fairly popular for open source
18:31.34 brlcad seriously, i'm not going to tell you ;)
18:31.38 clock_ rings a bell a bit
18:31.54 brlcad unless we meet in person
18:32.00 clock_ brlcad: OK
18:32.06 brlcad come to siggraph, i'm usually there ;)
18:33.42 clock_ brlcad: why not? security measure?
18:34.08 brlcad well several reasons
18:34.20 brlcad it's not relevant to getting any work done here
18:34.50 brlcad security is always an issue
18:35.05 brlcad everything is logged and publicly archived
18:35.26 clock_ what server is this?
18:35.35 brlcad server?
18:35.38 clock_ yes
18:35.44 brlcad this is the freenode network
18:35.50 clock_ aha
18:36.02 brlcad who are you and what have you done with clock_
18:36.22 clock_ and what if someone knew how old you are and where you live?
18:37.14 brlcad i'm not going to say why that is or isn't something undesireable here
18:38.03 brlcad again, regardless it's not in the least bit relevant here
18:38.33 clock_ brlcad: where do you stand on the surfboard?
18:38.40 brlcad heh
18:38.42 clock_ in the middle? in the back?
18:38.57 brlcad whatever keeps me upright :)
18:39.25 brlcad usually in the middle or towards the front
18:39.26 clock_ brlcad: why does the board turn when you lean to the side? Because the leaned to side gets more drag?
18:40.09 brlcad not really, you're cutting into the water with that edge
18:40.39 clock_ brlcad: but why cutting into the water makes the board turn?
18:40.55 clock_ I understand it with my skateboard - there are trucks that turn - but not with surfboard
18:41.03 brlcad the board isn't perfectly flat
18:41.20 clock_ are you talking about the bottom or the top?
18:41.28 brlcad the whole thing
18:41.35 clock_ is it bent?
18:41.49 brlcad lay it on the ground, you'll see it curves
18:41.53 clock_ like the middle lower and the ends higher?
18:42.02 brlcad right
18:42.03 clock_ how much?
18:42.08 brlcad heh
18:42.10 clock_ do you have a .g model of a surfboard? *G*
18:42.13 brlcad depends on the board
18:42.29 brlcad no, but you could make one pretty quickly
18:42.43 clock_ brlcad: more bent -> you can cut sharper curves?
18:43.24 brlcad it's like the turning radius of a car, big boards have a slow curve, harder to turn generally
18:43.37 brlcad smaller boards curve small, so they're more agile
18:44.08 brlcad can't curve too much or it'd mess with riding the wave I'd imagine
18:44.57 clock_ have you surfed in santa monica?
18:45.07 clock_ have you been there between 1970 and 1975?
18:45.44 brlcad close to santa monica, further south -- i only started surfing a couple years ago
18:46.43 clock_ and have you been to santa monica between 1970 and 1975?
18:47.20 brlcad why?
18:47.44 clock_ if you saw the pacific ocean park debris
18:47.48 ``Erik O.o
18:47.57 clock_ and the rundown neighbourhood around
18:48.08 clock_ ``Erik: what do you mean with this?
18:48.18 ``Erik I mean O.o
18:48.20 ``Erik opposed to o.O
18:48.21 ``Erik :)
18:48.22 brlcad :)
18:48.26 clock_ what does this smilie mean?
18:48.37 brlcad what do all your questions mean?
18:48.39 ``Erik it's either a cocked eyebrow, or a 'bill the cat' look
18:48.58 clock_ brlcad: nothing. what do you expect they would mean?
18:49.09 brlcad or that his jewels are hanging out of balance today
18:49.29 clock_ That I want to stalk you with a sniper gun and the only thing that I miss to find out where you are is to know if you have been to SM between 1970 and 1975?
18:49.49 brlcad ahh, well if that's all
18:50.19 clock_ brlcad: I'm just curious
18:51.21 ``Erik uh oh, I lost my spoon
18:51.34 brlcad sporks!
18:52.03 brlcad ~sporks
18:52.15 brlcad hmm
18:52.16 brlcad ~spork
18:52.18 ibot [spork] an amazing utensil, because it's totally useless as a fork, and totally useless as a spoon, yet everyone has used one before
18:52.23 clock_ brlcad: answer, answer, worse questions will follow ;-)
18:52.55 ``Erik "mah spoon is too big!" bitter films - rejected
18:54.28 clock_ brlcad: OK ask me anything from Ronja design
18:54.35 brlcad heh
18:54.55 clock_ how should I prove my identity?
18:55.03 clock_ send you an e-mail from faked address?
18:55.04 brlcad btw I presented a brief overview of ronja to some other cad folk
18:55.08 brlcad they liked
18:55.18 clock_ because a lot of nuts and bolts? :D
18:56.15 brlcad just the entire concept of the project, and the detail provided
18:56.30 brlcad not to mention the usage of brl-cad too
18:56.50 brlcad stil going though the reported issues
18:57.18 clock_ brlcad: I *am* riding a skateboard:
18:57.35 clock_
18:57.58 brlcad nice shot
18:58.02 clock_ and look at the bottom news image on the left side:
18:58.29 clock_
18:58.57 brlcad ahh, you changed the site..
18:59.09 brlcad i like the new layout
19:01.24 brlcad i don't mind the killing and stalking, but do you have to trace?
19:04.19 clock_ brlcad: thanks for liking the new layout
19:05.11 clock_ brlcad: no I'm just joking. I'm not really pozessed, nor anyhow Jay Adams figures here.
19:05.55 clock_ brlcad: actually was you 1970-1975 in Santa Monica>?
19:06.57 brlcad heh
19:07.28 brlcad i don't think i was
19:07.34 clock_ brlcad: actually can someone get into legal trouble when he uses "kill you" and "stalk you" in an obvious joke in IRC?
19:07.35 brlcad but my memory is foggy
19:07.47 brlcad heh, sure can :)
19:07.51 clock_ omg!
19:08.09 clock_ brlcad: how?
19:08.13 brlcad especially since irony and intent don't come across
19:08.26 clock_ what does the last sentence mean?
19:09.06 brlcad whether you are joking or not doesn't exactly always get conveyed when just writing text
19:09.18 clock_ brlcad: I was definitely joking
19:09.20 brlcad no matter how much you're laughing in your chair or how many smilies you use
19:09.25 brlcad ;)
19:09.32 clock_ brlcad: hereby I assure you that I was only joking :)
19:12.12 brlcad heh
19:12.17 brlcad good to know
19:12.31 brlcad clock_ has a sense of humor, albeit somewhat twisted :)
19:12.48 clock_ brlcad: albeit a bit black ;-)
19:12.58 brlcad that too
19:13.18 clock_ Let's call it "black humour in the style of Goedel Escher Bach: The golden Brain"
19:13.21 clock_ Brain -> Braid
19:13.22 brlcad i'm sure there's probably another joke in there about twisted black bits, but I'm not going to touch it
19:13.42 clock_ twister black bits?
19:13.47 clock_ twisted
19:13.55 brlcad never mind :)
19:13.56 clock_ I didn't joke about Pacific Ocean Park
19:14.11 brlcad i didn't either, don't know what you're talking about :)
19:14.20 clock_ brlcad: and I also assure you that I wasn't, am not, and don't plan to be posessed by any daemon.
19:14.26 clock_ brlcad: that was just a joke, too.
19:14.59 clock_ brlcad: or do you mean the fact that Jay Addams killed a gay man?
19:15.19 clock_ brlcad: are you gay?
19:15.29 brlcad i didn't know that he did that
19:15.35 clock_ brlcad: he did.
19:15.50 brlcad alas i'm a happy fellow, but not gay nor homophobic
19:16.19 clock_ brlcad: I am asking because I am gay, not because I want to pry out sensitive information from you ;-)
19:16.41 clock_ Nor in the connection with the fact that Jay Adams killed a gay man.
19:16.46 brlcad i figured
19:17.00 clock_ from what?
19:17.03 clock_ e-mail headers?
19:17.13 clock_ brlcad: are you goofy or regular?
19:17.27 brlcad i have no idea what that means
19:17.59 clock_ brlcad: do you ride with your right foot in front or with left?
19:18.06 brlcad heh
19:18.23 brlcad i'm a starboard when rowing crew
19:18.40 clock_ what does it mean?
19:18.49 brlcad exactly what i'm wondering :)
19:19.19 clock_ this is really horrible conversation ;-)
19:19.25 brlcad :)
19:24.37 clock_ brlcad: with a bayesian classifier someone could probably find out how old you are from the text you write
19:24.55 clock_ but since you are not gay, it doesn't make sense for me to be interested ;-)
19:25.16 clock_ brlcad: how old do you guess I am?
19:26.26 brlcad if those pictures are of you, early/mid 20s
19:27.06 brlcad age is a state of mind
19:27.37 clock_ brlcad: hehe thanks, I'm 26
19:27.41 brlcad clock_: you can be interested, I just won't exactly reciprocate in the same manner :)
19:28.00 clock_ brlcad: no I am not interested in anyone who's not gay
19:28.51 brlcad mine's a logarithm i think
19:30.42 ``Erik mine stays at 2 :(
19:32.36 clock_ brlcad: so are you like 64?
19:32.55 brlcad heh, not even close
19:32.56 ``Erik *snort*
19:33.02 clock_ 32
19:33.09 ``Erik more like 14 o.O *duck*
19:33.21 brlcad we're back to this whole age guessing personal info topic ;)
19:33.44 brlcad ``Erik: I wish, with what i know now..
19:33.49 ``Erik don't we all?
19:34.06 clock_ brlcad: to be how much? 6? 12? 15? 18? 20?
19:34.20 brlcad any of those will do quite nicely
19:34.31 ``Erik I'd even be happy being 26 again, heh
19:34.56 ``Erik heh
19:35.00 ``Erik you should work on the other project
19:35.11 ``Erik we get to spend our entire day waiting for compile and test cycles
19:35.14 ``Erik no coding involved
19:35.38 brlcad heh
19:35.44 clock_ Decline in sexual activity can be observed in men starting with 90
19:35.45 ``Erik productivity ain't our style, yo
19:36.00 ``Erik s/90/marraige/ ?
19:36.01 brlcad there's a good slogan
19:36.45 brlcad with the yo of course
19:36.51 ``Erik heh
19:37.26 clock_ ok I'm leaving for now
19:37.30 clock_ have a nice time here
19:37.45 ``Erik I spent friday evening arguing with john infront of wendy about the future of the project, mondy morning arguing to the team, then standing there with john to explain it to dixie... I've pissed enough people off for a few days :)
19:38.25 ``Erik that boy is fucked up in the head o.O
19:41.15 brlcad heh, and like you're not
19:46.11 ``Erik true
20:30.22 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
20:33.54 pier Hi everyone in the list
20:34.51 brlcad howdy pier
20:35.21 pier hi brlcad
20:36.08 pier I have been messing around with brlcad for about a month now
20:36.23 brlcad excellent
20:36.31 pier and I think that it is really nice
20:36.42 pier though I am not an expert
20:36.44 brlcad glad you think so
20:36.54 brlcad the experts I know think so too
20:37.08 brlcad though there's always/definitely lots of places it can be improved
20:37.11 brlcad and will be
20:37.21 brlcad all just a matter of time and priorities ;)
20:37.30 pier now I am trying to export a printout of my masterpieces :)
20:37.48 brlcad ahh, yes
20:38.07 brlcad you have several means to capture printouts
20:38.17 pier and I am getting mad with the ps output
20:38.18 brlcad conversion of the wireframe to postscript/lot
20:38.21 brlcad s/lot/plot/
20:38.26 brlcad heh, okay
20:38.37 brlcad you also tried rtedge and/or rtwizard?
20:38.43 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad2 (
20:38.46 pra5ad2 brlcad
20:38.49 pier no, not yet
20:39.06 pier but now I am fighting with fonts in ps files
20:39.13 pra5ad2 how do you override the compiler in
20:39.15 brlcad if you have something open in mged already, you can type: rtedge -F/dev/Xl
20:39.29 pier ok
20:39.30 brlcad pra5ad2: ./configure CC=whatever
20:39.42 pra5ad2 can't u add an entry in
20:39.54 brlcad you can, you're not supposed to
20:40.08 pra5ad2 ok
20:40.24 brlcad you can test if it's not set and if it's not, change the default
20:40.36 brlcad by just setting CC
20:41.09 pier wow
20:41.46 pier got the hidden lines removed!!
20:41.57 pier feel pretty dumb
20:41.59 brlcad heh
20:42.12 brlcad no need for that, how would you have known ;)
20:42.39 pier perhaps readin again the TOMES :)
20:42.56 brlcad there are probably a lot more things like that you don't know about
20:42.59 brlcad :)
20:43.10 pier You bet
20:43.41 pier I'll perform a test
20:44.29 pier I forgot the command (damn..)
20:44.37 brlcad test of what?
20:45.02 pier I am courious to see if I still have problems with fonts
20:45.46 pier I am never able to view (gv) the output ps file on account of references to fonts
20:46.14 pier unless I manually remove any reference to fnt in the ps file
20:46.21 brlcad how are you generating the ps file?
20:46.36 brlcad there shouldn't be font references
20:47.20 pier with the menu command File -> renderview -> postscript
20:47.46 brlcad hrmm
20:47.58 pier now I don't know how to generate the ps file of the n.1 fb window
20:48.20 pier the one I generated with the command you suggested
20:48.35 brlcad rtedge doesn't generate postscript, it generates images
20:48.43 pier yes
20:49.01 brlcad you can extract that image as a postscript image, but usually better to just keep it as an image (e.g. a png or somesuch)
20:49.22 pier but how one can export the image as ps
20:49.41 brlcad that window is just a lingering framebuffer window when you use -F/dev/Xl (a lingering 24bit X11 interface)
20:49.59 pier I need it to print the views and put dimensions on them
20:50.24 brlcad you can render directly to file with the -o option to rtedge rtedge -o somefile.pix
20:50.40 brlcad use -s for the image size (e.g. -s 1024 for 1024x1024)
20:51.13 pier ok but I need a format that I can put my hands on
20:51.23 brlcad you can convert a pix file with the pix-ps command
20:51.31 brlcad png with the pix-png command
20:51.46 pier ah
20:51.49 brlcad pix-[tab][tab] to get a list of the various formats you can export to
20:51.53 brlcad (in bash)
20:52.19 brlcad or pix[tab][tab] for all the pix tools
20:52.21 pier but is the ps file got from a pix accurate enough?
20:52.40 brlcad only as accurate as the pix
20:53.00 pier this is the problem
20:53.08 brlcad if you want to actually print something at 600dpi, that's going to be a pretty big image
20:53.33 pier May I explain the way I proceed now?
20:53.38 brlcad sure
20:54.18 pier Imagine I have produced a ps file from the menu command
20:54.56 pier I open it and remove all the damned references to fonts
20:55.20 brlcad k
20:55.35 pier then I convert it to dxf 2d view which I can scale and put the correct dimension on
20:56.00 pier pstoedit -f dxf fresa_t.dxf
20:56.10 pier for example
20:56.33 brlcad interesting, okay
20:56.50 pier Is that a hawkward way to proceed?
20:57.15 brlcad pstoedit is complaining about the font?
20:57.21 pier yes
20:57.38 pier not only pstoedit but any viewer I use
20:57.40 brlcad you tried different font settings on the postscript panel?
20:58.03 brlcad fourth line lets you select the font, default is Courier iirc
20:58.12 pier ghostview and internal kde kpsview
20:58.19 pier yes
20:58.22 brlcad i mean in mged
20:58.29 pier I did that too :(
20:58.48 pier I don't understand
21:00.09 brlcad hmm and they all give you font warnings/errors?
21:00.09 pier Sean, is it possible to produce the view in F 1 as a ps file?
21:00.14 pier yes
21:01.47 pier I mean what command the menu file call when the ps file of the graphic mged window is produced?
21:07.30 brlcad the menu item ends up calling init_psTool
21:09.43 pier ok
21:10.14 brlcad but not meant to be called directly
21:10.26 brlcad that ends up calling do_ps
21:10.32 pier ok
21:11.03 pier is that a shell command in /brlcad/bin?
21:11.35 brlcad no, it's an mged command, it's talking directly to mged's display manager
21:12.51 brlcad only mged talks to the display manager
21:12.58 pier it'a a build in compiled function
21:12.59 brlcad the other tools talk to framebuffers
21:13.08 brlcad it's not compiled, it's tclscripting
21:13.15 pier ok
21:13.27 brlcad lives in share/brlcad/version/tclscripts directory
21:13.59 pier weird that fb created with rtedge becomes [defunct] after a while
21:14.09 pier yet it is visible
21:15.09 pier is it possible to get rtedge plot on the mged graphic display?
21:15.15 brlcad it's set to be unresponsive, just waiting for closure
21:15.32 brlcad yeah, you can render to the framebuffer in mged
21:15.33 pier I see
21:15.33 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
21:16.13 pier how? [if I am pestering you just tell...]
21:17.15 brlcad first make sure the framebuffer is turned on
21:17.23 pier ok
21:17.25 brlcad Settings->Framebuffer, make sure the last two options are on
21:17.47 pier they are
21:17.55 brlcad then you should be able to run: rtedge -F0
21:18.07 pier so 0 is the number
21:18.24 brlcad it's technically a port number
21:18.38 brlcad 0 being the first, if 0 was in use, it'd use 1
21:18.41 brlcad etc
21:19.11 pier yep. Thanks
21:20.30 brlcad you can start your own framebuffer server with the fbserv command
21:20.56 pier of course the menu command File -> renderview -> postscript will output the wireframe with visible hidden lines all the same
21:21.14 pier yes I learnt how to do that
21:21.38 pier It was learner a week ago to tell me
21:24.42 pier may I send the error message I get about font?
21:25.14 brlcad yep, the postscript does a dump of what you're seeing in the mged display
21:25.20 brlcad sure please do
21:25.24 pier ok
21:25.26 pier Error: /invalidfont in findfont
21:25.31 pier Operand stack:
21:25.37 pier FntH Courier Font Courier 183935 Courier --nostringval-- Courier NimbusMonL-Regu
21:25.37 pier Execution stack:
21:25.46 pier cution stack:
21:25.47 pier <PROTECTED>
21:25.47 pier --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- false 1 %stopped_push 6 4 %oparray_pop --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- 1 -1 1 --nostringval-- %for_neg_int_continue
21:25.47 pier Dictionary stack:
21:25.49 pier <PROTECTED>
21:25.52 pier Current allocation mode is local
21:25.55 pier Last OS error: 2
21:25.56 pier Current file position is 249
21:25.58 pier ESP Ghostscript 815.01: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
21:26.00 pier taht's greek to me
21:26.22 pier now I revone the following lines
21:26.26 pier remove
21:26.45 brlcad hmm
21:27.13 pier t
21:27.22 pra5ad2 exit
21:27.22 pra5ad2 xit
21:27.26 pra5ad2 er
21:27.27 brlcad it's not understanding the FntH findfont directive
21:27.35 pier "/FntH /Courier findfont 80 scalefont def"
21:27.39 pier etc
21:27.50 brlcad yeah
21:27.55 pier "/DFntL { /FntL /Courier findfont 73.4 scalefont def } def"
21:28.09 brlcad maybe a complaince issue with 1.0
21:28.17 pier ?
21:28.24 pier sorry
21:30.18 pier now the image is visible but not printable......
21:30.40 pier I ps2pdf it and finally it is printable
21:30.51 pier spooky
21:31.38 brlcad ps2pdf gives the font error too?
21:33.17 pier no unless I remove the obovementioned lines
21:35.29 pier I get errors with dxf files got with g-dxf too [Autocad doesn't open the files and complain]
21:37.18 pier I had a look at the g-dxf source to have an idea on how it works and write a g-dxf-modified command apt to produce 2d views
21:38.26 brlcad the dxf converter isn't trivial but it should be fully compliant with their spec
21:39.13 pier of the object but I must admit it's beyond me
21:39.41 pier I'll have a look at it to pinpoint the error message
21:40.16 brlcad please report it
21:40.58 pier ok, I'll do it.
21:41.17 brlcad if you can provide the .g, that would be even better
21:41.54 pier who am I supposed to provide the file to?
21:42.20 pier to the address above?
21:42.27 brlcad yeah
21:42.33 brlcad as part of the bug report
21:42.33 pier OK
21:42.36 brlcad you can attach files
21:42.57 pier explaining all the ps and dxf stuff?
21:42.57 brlcad
21:43.09 brlcad one report per problem :)
21:43.17 pier ok :)
21:43.24 brlcad i'm looking into the ps one now
21:44.48 pier tried to google for ps lexicon but no luck
21:45.53 pier In any case I did a bit of a progress today too
21:46.28 pier I got my first dxf view I can work on with dimentions and that makes me happy
21:47.00 pier I can call it a day now
21:47.12 pier time to go to bed
21:47.18 brlcad do you have the Courier font?
21:47.27 brlcad size 80
21:47.36 pier wait....
21:47.58 brlcad wondering if the error is real and we're just outputting a size yours wont make for some reason
21:48.43 pier courier 4.5
21:48.55 pier is set in the window
21:49.02 pier text box
21:49.12 brlcad i mean if you have courier installed as a system font
21:49.30 pier ... how could I work it out?
21:49.58 pier now I don't remember
21:50.02 brlcad locate cour | grep font
21:50.20 brlcad or maybe "locate Courier"
21:50.35 pier flooded ... wait...
21:50.43 brlcad then you do have it
21:50.55 brlcad okay, i'll keep looking into it
21:50.57 pier qiute a few
21:51.01 brlcad thanks for the report
21:51.08 brlcad i'm guessing it's size related right now
21:51.17 brlcad i'll see if I can reproduce it here
21:51.21 brlcad what OS are you on?
21:51.57 pier Linux Slack 10.2 Ker 2.4.31
21:52.14 brlcad ah, k
21:52.21 pier courier size available 75 and 100 dpi
21:52.32 brlcad don't have a slackware to test on, but i should be able to pin down another linux close enough
21:53.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: /FntH /Courier findfont 80 scalefont def is giving errors in ghostview tools: Error: /invalidfont in findfont
21:54.09 pier tried with courier 75 but no dice
21:57.16 pier Thanks a lot for the support and patience. Bye
21:57.34 brlcad thank you!
21:57.41 brlcad for the same
21:57.49 brlcad hopefully we can get those bugs fixed
21:58.15 pier no doubt! :) nite!
21:58.58 *** part/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
23:06.21 *** join/#brlcad terhau (
23:07.53 *** join/#brlcad terhau (
23:08.29 *** part/#brlcad terhau (

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