irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051228

01:22.10 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
02:58.53 *** join/#brlcad RPG_ (
03:00.10 *** part/#brlcad RPG_ (
06:52.20 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
15:09.28 *** join/#brlcad tegtmeye (
15:10.39 tegtmeye prasad, you awake?
15:44.22 ``Erik heh
15:45.43 brlcad helps to use folk's nick so the client can highlight
15:48.08 *** join/#brlcad orchid (n=bzgirl@unaffiliated/orchid)
15:48.21 ``Erik depends on the client
15:48.37 ``Erik some don't highlight, others let you define a set of highlightable items
15:49.04 brlcad sure, there are sucky ones :)
15:52.01 *** part/#brlcad orchid (n=bzgirl@unaffiliated/orchid)
16:16.07 *** join/#brlcad tegtmeye (
16:50.00 *** join/#brlcad hapoteh (
17:08.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/archer/archer.bat: Added code to set the BRLCAD_DATA environment variable.
17:09.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/mged/mged.bat: Added code to set the BRLCAD_DATA environment variable.
18:11.01 *** join/#brlcad joevalleyfield (n=joevalle@
19:04.30 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
19:34.55 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
20:29.15 *** part/#brlcad A_Meteorite (
21:01.13 *** part/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
21:15.50 brlcad there were two name servers (2 of 4) listed that shouldn't have been, now all fixed
21:16.34 brlcad I added a third name server for reliability/speed and changed the first server to be one in jersey so it should respond faster in maryland
21:17.32 brlcad the three name servers are in jersey, florida, and germany for ns1, ns2, and ns6 respectively
21:25.17 ``Erik damn I hate java.
21:54.30 Maloeran Who doesn't :)
22:02.26 hapoteh Oddly enough, some people like it ;-]
22:33.02 *** join/#brlcad cad791 (
22:34.16 *** join/#brlcad cad791 (
22:34.55 *** join/#brlcad cad791 (
22:35.15 *** join/#brlcad cad791 (
22:35.40 *** join/#brlcad cad791 (
22:36.48 cad791 hello. i'm new to brlcad. has anyone installed it on freebsd?
22:37.21 *** join/#brlcad cad791 (
22:37.29 ``Erik es, there's a port, ports/cad/brlcad
22:37.33 *** join/#brlcad cad791 (
22:37.40 ``Erik heh
22:40.01 *** join/#brlcad cad791 (
22:40.32 *** join/#brlcad cad791 (
22:40.33 ``Erik someone seems to be having issues o.O
22:41.21 *** join/#brlcad cad791 (
22:41.44 *** join/#brlcad cad791 (
22:42.55 *** join/#brlcad cad791 (
22:43.11 *** join/#brlcad cad791 (
22:44.12 *** join/#brlcad cad791 (
22:45.54 *** join/#brlcad cad753 (
22:48.07 cad753 lost my connection. i run fbsd4.11-stabel, but the brlcad port is broken. downloaded it via CVS, but i'm getting an error when i do make, i wonder if it has something to do with the fact that i;m using libtool15 instead od libtool14
22:49.39 *** join/#brlcad cad753 (
22:49.49 *** join/#brlcad cad753 (
22:54.39 brlcad hmm
22:55.50 brlcad issues indeed
22:55.58 brlcad seems to have given up
22:58.38 ``Erik heh, mebbe he should upgrade, 'stable' is 6.0 now
22:59.01 ``Erik 4 is 'legacy' and should've had support dropped many moons ago
22:59.05 brlcad that's your excuse for anything that breaks? :)
22:59.44 brlcad curious what his actual error is, if it's anything valid
23:01.06 brlcad would it be unheard of to have a ports package that actually pulled sources from cvs?
23:02.43 ``Erik not unheard of, but greatly frowned upon
23:03.05 brlcad i was thinking a separate ports package
23:03.10 brlcad brlcad-cvs or something
23:03.26 brlcad or make cvs, etc
23:03.32 ``Erik since it throws the pr system out of whack, when the port maintainers can't make their system identical to reproduce problems
23:03.45 ``Erik why? I thought monthly releases was good and brisk
23:03.56 brlcad they is
23:04.13 brlcad just for working out issues in the meantime
23:04.39 ``Erik the minute a new file is added, or installed files name changes (like a lib version bump), or anything, the port is immediately damaged and starts leaving crap around or failing on uninstall, which gets it marked broken
23:04.40 brlcad plus bsd port build issues could be sorted out before a release is made
23:05.39 ``Erik gimme a candidate tarball a couple days before release, and maybe a diff of installed files from the last release, I'll make it work :D
23:05.43 brlcad mm, so then not as a separate port package
23:05.55 brlcad 7.6.6 is posted
23:06.09 ``Erik if it's just to smooth out 4, a good chunk of ports are already broken for it...
23:06.18 ``Erik oh? hrm, you need to do the freshmeat release thingy, dude
23:06.19 ``Erik :D
23:06.34 ``Erik so I can get my 'new software' reminder email
23:06.36 brlcad yeah, freshmeat, mailing list, sf news, linux cad, ...
23:06.50 brlcad planned on doing that tonight
23:07.21 ``Erik fuck, their anoncvs is still busted
23:07.35 brlcad
23:07.38 ``Erik fbsd
23:07.41 brlcad ahh
23:07.56 brlcad gonna say
23:07.57 ``Erik I like to do a cvs diff for the send-pr patch
23:08.04 brlcad brl-cad's head is busted anyways
23:08.13 ``Erik heh, I don't need anoncvs for that
23:08.17 brlcad that too
23:08.20 ``Erik quit breaking it
23:08.30 brlcad not me
23:08.32 brlcad this time
23:08.35 ``Erik o.O
23:08.43 ``Erik bob?
23:08.44 brlcad massive merge of the windows port
23:08.50 ``Erik ahhh
23:08.54 ``Erik heh
23:08.59 brlcad mainly petty build issues
23:09.02 brlcad but still broken
23:09.10 ``Erik lets go kick bob in the shins
23:09.13 brlcad linux should be good
23:09.19 ``Erik and threaten to revoke his bit
23:09.20 brlcad he tested windows and linux
23:09.30 brlcad all he has access to
23:09.50 ``Erik at least he did linux
23:10.05 ``Erik he doesn't have accounts on our non-lame machines?
23:11.51 brlcad nope
23:12.20 ``Erik hm, pedro sent me an email with some stuff, um, about trying to get patches to itcl/itk so we don't have to build our own, or something
23:13.13 ``Erik he also wanted sdl added to the dependency list, heh
23:14.28 brlcad sdl? heck no
23:14.45 brlcad that shizzle is optional
23:15.32 brlcad pedro probably meant the tk mods
23:15.35 ``Erik heh, and only justins stuff uses it
23:15.43 brlcad that's why it's optional
23:15.51 brlcad if more used it, it'd get snarfed in
23:16.14 brlcad I did add a --diable-everything option that you should be able to put to good use on fbsd
23:16.41 brlcad that disables compilation of everything in src/other that may or may not be installed
23:17.32 ``Erik tk has modifications for the bezier patch still?
23:20.02 *** join/#brlcad rricardo23 (
23:20.34 ``Erik that thing is fast. damn.
23:20.59 ``Erik hm, fPIC breakage
23:27.39 ``Erik why is librtms -static?
23:28.50 rricardo23 hello everyone! newbie to irc and to brlcad..:-)...been trying to install it on freebsd 4.11 stable, but no luck so far. the port is broken so I downloaded it with anonymousCVS. after I do the 'make' and error pops up. don't know excatly what it means but was wondering if having libtool15 could be the cause. according to the README file, is recommended to have libtool14 instead...could this be the reason of the error?
23:29.23 ``Erik probably not, I use libtool15
23:30.06 ``Erik fbsd4 is antiquated legacy... I don't have one around to test on :) 5 and later should work, 6.0 is 'stable'
23:32.47 rricardo23 Thanks Erik. Do you know if the port is working in 5.x or 6.0? I would gladly upgrade my system.
23:33.07 ``Erik 5, 6, and 7
23:33.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/liboptical/
23:33.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: libtool on fbsd/amd64 seems to not use fPIC on this, causing breakage due
23:33.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: to non-relocatable code in libmultispectral. This seems to fix it, and
23:33.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: shouldn't damage other platforms.
23:33.25 ``Erik I'm working on an update to the port right now
23:33.51 ``Erik if you decide to upgrade, perhaps they'll commit the update before your finish your world and port grind :)
23:34.15 ``Erik or you can tell me the exact errors and we can see about making it work on 4
23:35.47 rricardo23 i would have to run it again, and save the output to be able to send it. but if Id be more than happy to upgrade to 6.0..:-)
23:37.20 ``Erik *shrug* it's up to you, mebbe some day I'll set up an emulator with 4 on a disk image, heh
23:48.29 ``Erik sean, Elapsed compilation time: 4 minutes, 26 seconds
23:49.37 ``Erik not quite as fast as the altix, but fairly close
23:54.46 brlcad not bad
23:55.24 brlcad see if a make fast is any faster
23:55.48 brlcad that should link in parallel too
23:55.59 brlcad make fast -jwhatever
23:57.15 *** join/#brlcad rricardo23 (
23:58.00 brlcad rricardo23: what's the 4.x error?
23:58.14 rricardo23 i'll type it in a minute..:-)
23:58.36 brlcad oh, and anonymous cvs isn't the greatest.. we just had a major merge of our windows port a couple days ago
23:58.42 brlcad should cvs update -r rel-7-6-6
23:58.51 brlcad should cvs update -r rel-7-6-6 -dP
23:59.22 brlcad s/anonymous cvs/anonymous cvs HEAD/
23:59.52 rricardo23 what's the entire command for that??
23:59.55 brlcad and where exactly did you read that libtool14 was preferred?

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