irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051231

00:17.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
00:17.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: rename --enable-everything to --enable-almost-everything just to keep things
00:17.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: more truthful, yet keep the original as an alias. make jove and the proe-plugin
00:17.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: have a -build by default to be consistent with the other provided packages,
00:17.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: exand on the proe plugin aliases.
00:50.41 pra5ad yo unix h4x0rs
00:59.18 pra5ad i need a one-liner to make dirs for a bunch of zip files based on their filenames (sans extension) and unzip em to said folders
00:59.25 pra5ad (w/o using gawk)
01:01.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: don't have access to intel compiler so reprioritize the benchmark testing to a later release.
01:03.34 brlcad for i in *.zip ; do base=`echo $i | sed 's/.zip//'` ; mkdir $base ; unzip $i -d $base ; done
01:05.33 pra5ad sh?
01:06.21 brlcad posix
01:07.32 pra5ad no work on tcsh
01:07.40 brlcad of course not
01:07.46 brlcad tcsh isn't posix :P
01:08.10 brlcad and no i ain't converting that to tcsh syntax
01:10.01 pra5ad excellent =)
01:11.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/iges/ add the missing g-iges-vers_win.c iges-g-vers_win.c windows vers.c files to the dist
01:11.38 brlcad it's the way of the future
01:14.43 pra5ad how about mkdir+unzip in another directory?
01:14.51 pra5ad given the files are in the current dir
01:15.03 pra5ad do i cd out?
01:15.22 brlcad huh?
01:15.31 brlcad -d option to unzip
01:15.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/iges/ (g-iges-vers_win.c iges-g-vers_win.c): bogus merge to dead directory. iges moved to src/conv/iges/.
01:16.06 pra5ad ... helps if i read
01:16.21 brlcad if it didn't put them into base, you'll need to shove that into a file and sh it
01:16.50 brlcad since the ` ticks might get eval'd on the interactive
01:18.09 pra5ad unrar doesnt have a -d option
01:18.15 pra5ad only has 'unrar to current dir'
01:18.19 brlcad heh
01:18.31 brlcad then those are zip files now are they :)
01:18.41 brlcad and you're probably not doing something legal :)
01:18.52 pra5ad unzip doesnt do rar3
01:18.57 pra5ad i have unrar (non-free)
01:19.08 pra5ad help me oh unix master
01:19.10 brlcad just add a cd and cd .. before/after an unrar
01:22.53 pra5ad filenames have spaces
01:22.55 pra5ad mkdir is borking
01:22.57 pra5ad =P
01:23.49 brlcad 20:16 <@brlcad> if it didn't put them into base, you'll need to shove that into a file and sh it
01:24.52 brlcad quote the filenames
01:27.01 brlcad echo 'for i in *.zip ; do base="`echo $i | sed \'s/.zip//\'`" ; mkdir "$base" ; cd "$base" ; unrar "$i" ; cd .. ; done" | sh -
01:27.25 brlcad oop, small 1-char typo there, but i'll let you figure it out
01:32.56 pra5ad yay
01:33.50 brlcad 20:11 * brlcad thinks pra5ad should learn him some posix shell
01:34.38 pra5ad the force is not strong in this one
01:35.55 ``Erik *sneeze*
01:37.02 *** join/#brlcad tegtmeye (
01:37.16 pra5ad tegtmeye, get my email?
01:37.27 tegtmeye no, I'll look now...
01:37.52 tegtmeye wait... whats the URL to our webmail?
01:40.12 tegtmeye thx, reading now...
01:47.47 tegtmeye hmmm....
01:48.06 tegtmeye what did you think about it?
01:48.21 pra5ad seemed elegant enough
01:48.54 tegtmeye *very* expensive tho
01:49.19 tegtmeye + a reinterpret_cast???
01:49.41 pra5ad i meant the optional var system
01:49.44 pra5ad not the implementation
01:49.51 tegtmeye ah...
01:50.29 tegtmeye you could have done...
01:51.00 tegtmeye pair<valid_flag_type,data_type> foo()...
01:51.22 tegtmeye It basically gives you the same.
01:51.24 pra5ad *eyes bleeding*
01:51.25 pra5ad =)
01:51.34 tegtmeye exactly...
01:52.05 pra5ad optional<optical_interaction>
01:52.32 tegtmeye both are syntatic sugar for the same thing
01:52.49 pra5ad pair isnt intuitive
01:52.50 pra5ad imo
01:52.52 pra5ad *shrug*
01:53.31 tegtmeye yea, but there is some precedence though...
01:54.27 tegtmeye pair<iterator, bool> std::map::insert(const value_type& x);
01:54.57 tegtmeye the bool is to indicate whether the insert succeeded
01:55.05 pra5ad oh
01:55.20 pra5ad but that's not the behavior u want
01:55.25 brlcad if it's the syntax, just typecast the pair
01:55.37 brlcad pairs are very useful
01:55.54 brlcad pairs of pairs can be fun too
01:56.03 brlcad not that I'd ever do that
01:56.13 brlcad *ahem*
01:56.19 tegtmeye have you ever seen the compile-time n-tuple?
01:56.29 tegtmeye *that* will make your eyes bleed...
01:56.33 brlcad :)
01:56.37 brlcad n-tuple? heh no
01:56.43 brlcad but i've seen various tuples
01:57.01 brlcad hmm, easily implemented with pairs even
01:57.25 tegtmeye all syntax hell imo
01:58.15 tegtmeye if you replaced the <>'s with ()'s, you'd have LISP:)
01:58.33 brlcad cept lisp is more forgiving
01:58.50 brlcad with respect to whitespace at least
01:59.10 tegtmeye will it forgive mefor shooting myself in the head for using it?
01:59.28 brlcad i'll forgive you
02:00.33 brlcad of course everyone knows it's supposed to be in ML if you want pure functional
02:01.35 tegtmeye I had to use ML for my Logic and Autonoma class...
02:01.41 tegtmeye I hated that class...
02:01.58 pra5ad automata?
02:02.37 tegtmeye uh, yea...
02:02.45 tegtmeye I hated English too
02:02.47 tegtmeye :)
02:02.58 brlcad used ML for a course on writing compilers and programming languages
02:03.30 tegtmeye I had to write compilers the good old fashoned way...
02:03.41 tegtmeye lex, yacc, and c
02:03.55 pra5ad i wrote abel..
02:03.55 brlcad good stuff
02:04.28 brlcad this year actually
02:05.22 tegtmeye for a class or brlcad?
02:05.49 brlcad just on my own initially, was writing a parser for bzflag's world file format
02:06.06 brlcad figured I'd give it a stab, very enlightening/useful
02:06.54 brlcad makes the simple "oh, we'll just add this here" crap that creeps into formats pretty blatently obvious in the grammar
02:07.20 brlcad later used it for writing a point parser for the vulcan scan data in brl-cad
02:08.55 tegtmeye yea, for nothing else, it does force your grammar to be well structured, ie
02:09.33 tegtmeye if your language can't be done in lex/yacc, it is probably screwed up
02:14.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: add support to restore the backups when an step aborts
02:16.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/ add the rtcheck_vers_win.c rtedge_vers_win.c that were added from the windows port branch so they are included in the dist
02:17.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/rtexample.c: add more comments on what the file is and its purpose, fix the compile example so that it works on an installed brl-cad too
02:19.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/common.h:
02:19.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: do not include our config.h header in common.h if common has been installed (our
02:19.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: public header files shouldn't be using config defines anyways). this will
02:19.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: undoubtedly require more testing, but it makes it such that 3rd party developers
02:19.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: don't necessarily need to include /usr/brlcad/include or use -DHAVE_CONFIG_H to
02:19.41 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: get the header to simply work
02:25.35 pra5ad dood
02:25.46 pra5ad tris feel like calves from three weeks ago
02:31.15 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
04:00.57 Twingy you want calves? do some grout
06:11.21 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
07:42.06 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
08:33.07 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:10.52 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
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20:30.58 clock_ happy new year
21:04.14 ``Erik O.o
22:09.16 pier happy 2006 to everyone!
22:50.40 *** part/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
23:36.30 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (

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