irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060103

02:29.20 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
06:20.27 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
07:33.14 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:30.08 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
13:17.05 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
13:42.05 *** join/#brlcad joevalleyfield (
19:34.44 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
19:36.45 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
19:56.56 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
21:06.35 pier Hi brlcad
21:30.57 brlcad howdy
21:47.42 pier hi..
21:48.01 pier I am having a look at the g-dxf.c code
21:48.34 pier and wondering where to look for the db_walk_tree function source
21:49.38 brlcad eep, you hopefully don't need to follow db_walk_tree beyone understanding that it walks the database geometry tree
21:49.49 brlcad regardless, it's in src/librt/db_tree.c
21:50.33 brlcad parallel tree walker
21:51.16 pier looks like this function does a lot of very important things
21:52.14 pier Does it brows the input file pointed by dbip?
21:53.13 brlcad it does
21:54.11 brlcad it walks through all the geometry in a directory
21:54.32 brlcad by itself, that is all that it does
21:54.55 brlcad what makes it useful, though, is that you provide it function pointers
21:55.43 pier nmg_booltree etc?
21:55.44 brlcad those callback functions are called when various geometry are encountered
21:58.03 pier so these functions get out triangles from the shapes in the db tree?
21:58.46 brlcad what are you looking at specifically?
21:59.15 brlcad more than likely if db_walk_tree is being used with nmg evaluation, then yes.. the geometry is being extracted as triangles
21:59.50 pier I was just trying to work out the way the code works but the deeper I go the harder it gets
22:01.36 pier in order to learn something more about the way you get the shell surface from a boolean combination of solid shapes
22:01.42 brlcad you're starting with a pretty complicated converter to begin with
22:02.22 brlcad all the nmg_* routines basically do the "get the shell surface from a boolean combination of solid shapes"
22:02.25 pier ... positive..
22:03.36 brlcad so you presumably were looking at:
22:03.40 brlcad <PROTECTED>
22:03.40 brlcad <PROTECTED>
22:03.40 brlcad <PROTECTED>
22:03.40 brlcad <PROTECTED>
22:03.40 brlcad <PROTECTED>
22:03.42 brlcad <PROTECTED>
22:03.44 brlcad <PROTECTED>
22:03.49 pier yes
22:04.25 brlcad when you open a geometry database, you're create a directory of the contents
22:04.37 brlcad that eventually gets you the dbip
22:04.56 pier ok
22:05.09 pier I get it
22:05.16 brlcad the db_walk_tree function there has two callbacks
22:05.39 brlcad whild it's walking the directory, it encounters combinations/regions and primitives
22:05.48 brlcad the primitives are "leaf nodes"
22:06.09 pier go on please
22:06.11 brlcad when it finds a combination/region, db_walk_tree() calls do_region_end()
22:06.25 brlcad when it finds a primitive, it calls nmg_booltree_leaf_tess()
22:07.41 brlcad nmg_booltree_leaf_tess() is provided by a library and basically tesselates the object into triangles
22:07.54 pier ok
22:08.05 brlcad do_region_end() is presumably a function in the dxf converter that puts it all together
22:11.21 pier I pondered your idea about getting plan views from a raycastin algorithm and I was trying to understand
22:12.36 pier the dxf outputting code to see if that aim could have been achieved by modifying the g-dxf code
22:14.25 brlcad i thought about that a little bit more as well, the route I'd think about to get a non-discretized answer would require adding a routine to all the primitives
22:15.39 brlcad e.g. for the sphere primitive, there already exists a routine to evaluate/get the implicit for (the _shot() routine) and a polygonal explicit form (the _tess() routine)
22:15.45 pier that somewhere finds the coordinates of all the objects in the db whose manipoulation I wouldn't like to get involved with
22:16.33 pier ok but I got stuck when it comes to the hidden line removal
22:16.53 brlcad if one added a _brep() routine or somesuch that returned the brep form, you could then rather easily directly extract exact spline projections
22:19.17 pier say I got a pipe
22:20.11 brlcad you mean a cylinder?
22:20.25 pier which can be thought of as a union rcc1 (with R) - rcc2 (r<R)
22:20.58 pier in a g file I ould retrieve the geometrical data of both
22:20.59 brlcad ah, so an actual hollow pipe, got it
22:21.04 pier yes
22:21.44 pier rcc1 (lenght L) rcc2 (l>L)
22:22.33 pier I could work out the maximum dimensions of the object
22:22.56 pier Xmax Ymax Xmin Ymin to get a view port
22:23.41 pier from whose points shoot perpendicoular rays
22:24.15 pier am I on the right way?
22:25.34 brlcad for a discretized method, sure
22:25.55 pier mmm
22:26.05 pier otherwise
22:27.36 pier for a shape one should consider the edges and project them on a plane
22:28.02 brlcad right
22:28.35 brlcad that's the method i'm referring to, it's just a matter of how to "get the edge"
22:28.39 pier in the case of a cylinder two ellipses joined by two lines tangent to botw of them
22:29.18 brlcad you can get a discretized edge from ratracing (a pretty good one at that, but discretized nonetheless) and respline
22:30.24 brlcad for non-discretized splines, you can get the edges/outlines etc .. but that's where I said that it'll require modifying the primitives themselves since there currently aren't routines to do this
22:31.01 brlcad the first is more simple (and could even be tacked into g-dxf or wherever, but the latter is a "better" solution from a numerical standpoint
22:32.11 pier for the sigle shapes (primitives) the projection shouldn't be hard as long as they are not concave
22:33.43 brlcad some primitives will be very hard
22:33.46 brlcad some not so hard
22:33.49 brlcad at all
22:34.06 pier yes the ellipsoid for instance
22:34.49 brlcad the only hard part will be implementing the boolean evaluation
22:35.33 brlcad we have booleans on implicits and triangles, but not brep splines
22:35.48 brlcad even for generalized polygons
22:35.48 pier yes
22:36.17 brlcad it's more the amount of time/effort involved
22:37.05 brlcad i'd gather it'd be a generous month or so to get splines in an rtedge fashion inside g-dxf
22:37.37 brlcad 6+ months to get full brep support, maybe 2 or 3 for minimal
22:37.48 ``Erik MEER ME
22:37.50 brlcad and that's a lot of math
22:37.50 ``Erik BEER
22:37.58 brlcad ~beer ``Erik
22:37.59 ibot ACTION deftly decants a fine Jever for ``Erik
22:38.06 ``Erik heh, yelling typo's kinda spoiles the effect
22:38.15 pier maybe for one who knows exactly what to do and where put hands
22:38.24 brlcad yet conveniently still works when it's related to alcohol
22:38.37 ``Erik wish I had me some of that
22:38.43 ``Erik but, alas, I'm not allowed yet
22:38.54 brlcad pier: that was factored in somewhat :)
22:39.04 pier :)
22:39.40 pier was thinking about matrix rotation to get ellipsoid projection on a plane but not sure
22:41.52 pier ok I'll think it over... going to bed now. Have a nice day
22:42.04 brlcad not so hard if you have brep
22:42.24 brlcad it all ends up being transformations on the splines like how triangles get transformed
22:47.06 pier put enough meat on the fire for me... risk going to get clogged up :) bye
22:48.15 brlcad heh, cya
22:48.56 *** part/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
23:48.31 ``Erik so how's the new gui going?
23:51.44 brlcad no decent progress in dec

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