irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060109

02:33.03 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
06:00.41 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
06:00.41 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software! || BRL-CAD Windows port has been merged to HEAD, not yet stable yet || December/January is a unified iteration to allow time for holidays || Archer is now on head, kick the tires, report any bugs
06:20.18 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
06:34.52 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
08:36.09 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
09:24.42 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:25.13 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
10:02.32 *** join/#brlcad clock__ (
10:04.56 clock__ brlcad: funny comic strip about ronja ->
10:05.04 clock__ brlcad: do you have comic strip about brlcad? :)
10:23.13 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
11:30.44 *** join/#brlcad phcoder (
11:50.14 *** join/#brlcad cad216 (
12:07.04 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
14:20.43 brlcad clock__: heh, maybe but none come to mind
14:23.02 clock__ brlcad: something with m1a1 abrams :)
14:24.00 ``Erik o.O
17:08.34 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
17:08.34 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software! || BRL-CAD Windows port has been merged to HEAD, not yet stable yet || December/January is a unified iteration to allow time for holidays || Archer is now on head, kick the tires, report any bugs
17:45.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/gtools/g_transfer.c:
17:45.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: commit a version that walks the specified geometry both with db_walk_tree() and
17:45.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: db_functree(). db_functree was ultimately considerably more simple for this
17:45.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: exercise, but useful to see what was provided with db_walk_tree and the
17:45.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: differences. add support to run the client either passing all geometry or just a
17:45.53 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: subset (hence the subtree walking)
17:46.29 *** join/#brlcad kaol (
17:51.51 clock__ brlcad: what would you do if someone posted lots of bugreports, which would be technically correct, but would write them in a way you wouldn't like, were emotionally loaded and critical to you or the project?
17:52.05 clock__ brlcad: would you ban the poster with a message "banned for trolling"?
17:56.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/gtools/g_transfer.c: get rid of the db_walk_tree method since db_functree is considerably more simple for this purpose. stash the server details into our data struct.
17:56.22 brlcad clock__: it really would depend on the language and intent
17:57.04 brlcad if the intent was to cause trouble, they would probably either be blocked from posting or reported for abuse
17:57.50 brlcad if they were just upset of some issue, it would get disregarded and treated like any other report
17:58.24 brlcad more likely it would get closed/unresolved if there was insufficient details to reproduce the problem
18:02.45 clock__ brlcad: it would be a short proposal of particular change in documentation, with lots of text why it's important which would include emotionally charged parable that would strongly criticize the current state
18:06.02 clock__ brlcad: then you have different approach than gentoo ;-)
18:09.33 *** join/#brlcad toresbe (
18:10.57 toresbe hey
18:11.19 toresbe hmm.
18:11.21 toresbe bye.
18:11.22 *** part/#brlcad toresbe (
18:26.48 kaol hello. I'm going to package brlcad for Debian. wish me luck. ;-)
18:28.28 brlcad excellent
18:29.37 brlcad kaol: there was a guy that made a package for Debian back 6+ months for 7.6.0
18:30.27 brlcad most of the stuff is outdated now or changed (e.g. dual-licensed docs) considerably, but it might be a starting point
18:30.56 brlcad plus wasn't too fond of the "install everything into /usr/share/brlcad part"
18:31.04 brlcad but it was a good first stab
18:31.37 brlcad still looking for someone interested enough to become the debian sponsor/maintainer for us, though -- I don't keep debian systems on hand readily enough myself
18:31.57 kaol hmm. I didn't see anything about that in the request for package bug report.
18:32.31 brlcad hmm.. i don't remember knowing that there was a request for package report ;)
18:32.40 kaol thanks for the pointer, I'll see if there's anything I can use
18:32.48 kaol
18:33.40 brlcad thanks for the link, good to know
19:14.17 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
19:33.15 ``Erik grar, arms tightening up o.O
19:42.52 kaol I've packaged a few apps from scratch and adopted a couple too. But I've done nothing of this scale yet.
19:44.02 ``Erik is there a good webpage describing the process? debian packaging for dummies?
19:45.08 ``Erik ahhh, the power of :) with the satallite view, I can actually find the trail I walk on
19:47.45 kaol there's the new maintainer's guide (
19:48.13 kaol developer's reference and the policy are the major references
19:54.29 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
19:55.26 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
19:57.07 brlcad we used to have automated rpm generation, there's a script stub in sh/ but i'd be surprised if it didn't need tweaking
20:04.05 ``Erik hm, I do mine in with configure generating an rpm.spec from
20:04.23 ``Erik I thought I strapped that into brlcad when I converted it to automake
20:06.39 brlcad wow
20:06.51 brlcad so prasad was whining, I bet
20:06.58 brlcad his jelly legs
20:11.35 ``Erik huh? heh, I'm not at the office, rdo
20:11.54 ``Erik I went to the 'clubhouse' where I live, then walked the greenway
20:12.00 brlcad ahh
20:12.08 ``Erik <-- boggled he could get 130 up
20:12.21 brlcad hehe
20:12.26 brlcad already passed up pra5ad
20:12.57 ``Erik heh
20:13.00 ``Erik and he's bigger than me
20:13.00 ``Erik pheer
20:13.04 ``Erik what's he pushing?
20:13.18 ``Erik <-- did two sets of 70, a set of 100, then 130 once, is a pussy
20:14.19 brlcad maybe about the same, last time was about 3 sets of 10x95 iirc
20:14.35 brlcad he's still learning his balance
20:14.41 brlcad but making progress
20:15.00 ``Erik can't stick him in a universal until he gets some tone?
20:15.36 brlcad doing that too
20:17.19 ``Erik is interesting
20:17.59 brlcad heh, i read about that in one of my lifting mags just last night
20:18.43 ``Erik the ui is rough, but it's interesting
20:19.08 ``Erik I'm gonna try to use it to help me figure out what to eat
20:19.31 ``Erik my diet of burgers, pizza, bratwurst, and eggs is probably not entirely healthy
20:19.35 ``Erik :)
20:20.51 ``Erik you bastards and your gym trips, tricking me from the pure path of chuck and ed o.O
20:24.03 archivist geeks and programmers arnt supposed to exercise afaik
20:26.22 brlcad heh
20:43.04 ``Erik that's an odd stereotype
20:43.21 ``Erik we don't play team sports, but we exercise...
20:43.28 phcoder yay, Erik, went to the gym, eh?
20:43.33 ``Erik ayup
20:43.41 ``Erik had to search for my proxy card, heh
20:43.45 ``Erik been so long since I've gone
20:43.50 phcoder keep it up. don't listen to that stuff about programmers not exercising ;-)
20:44.13 phcoder go every day with us...
20:44.28 ``Erik in the middle of the day? no way, that's more of a late afternoon activity
20:44.40 phcoder it's not too bad...
20:45.01 ``Erik plus, I'm trying to get fat, so I have to keep eating 2000 kcal greaseslop at lunch
20:45.15 phcoder well, it won't take too long then
20:47.10 brlcad heh, yet
22:42.35 *** join/#brlcad tegtmeye (
22:42.53 tegtmeye brlcad,, you around?
22:49.26 brlcad occasionally
22:55.29 tegtmeye having some issues with shooting rays on brlcad
22:56.16 brlcad i have the example extracting external forms of the geometry for transport now in the example app if you're interested
22:56.19 tegtmeye in application str, the file has...
22:56.25 tegtmeye a_ray.r_dirUNIT VECTOR with direction to fire in (dir cosines)
22:56.34 tegtmeye big yep!
22:56.45 tegtmeye ? is, what is dir cosines?
22:57.27 tegtmeye is the code in cvs?
22:57.32 brlcad yeah
22:57.48 brlcad still got some more to put into it, but it shows the tree walking and getting external
22:58.01 tegtmeye sweet!
22:58.14 brlcad i still have to have the client form the connection, send to remote, and reform an in-memory-only .g
23:03.22 ``Erik *burp*
23:05.03 tegtmeye ny idea on the cosines?
23:07.19 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
23:07.23 brlcad not sure what's mean by the dir cosigns comment
23:07.25 brlcad maybe he does
23:07.44 tegtmeye who?
23:07.59 brlcad the one that just joined ;)
23:08.10 polyspin evening all
23:08.21 brlcad howdy
23:08.42 polyspin What's this about dir cosines?
23:08.51 brlcad polyspin: a_ray.r_dirIUNIT VECTOR with direction to fire in (dir cosines)
23:09.03 brlcad app structure, the ray
23:11.07 polyspin This looks like a lame attempt at saying the vector is/will-be a unit length vector
23:11.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/gtools/g_transfer.c: instead of two separate hook funcs, just use send_to_server() for both the specified geometry case and the non-specified geometry case.
23:11.53 brlcad er, ray structure, not app
23:12.09 polyspin If the vector is unit length, then the tuple gives the cosines of the angles in each of X, Y, Z
23:12.19 polyspin raytrace.h right?
23:12.27 brlcad yeah, it's a comment for the structure
23:12.28 tegtmeye yea
23:13.35 polyspin So for example, a vector at exactly 45deg from each axis would be 0.707, 0.707, 0.707
23:13.51 tegtmeye ahhhh....
23:13.53 polyspin Which happens to be 0.707 = cos(45)
23:16.04 ``Erik heh
23:16.10 tegtmeye cos 270 == cos 90 == 0
23:16.28 tegtmeye how do you define which way your looking on x axis?
23:16.42 tegtmeye I'm a little lost
23:16.49 polyspin The sign on the value.
23:17.02 tegtmeye +0 vs -0 ??
23:17.07 polyspin Again, it's really just a unit length vector. Mike M was trying to be cute.
23:17.46 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
23:18.27 polyspin oops. Back again
23:30.24 polyspin brlcad: Any idea when head will build again?
23:51.28 brlcad oop
23:51.30 brlcad he left
23:53.36 ``Erik heh
23:54.21 pra5ad the pain
23:54.25 pra5ad =(
23:54.28 ``Erik the puss
23:54.58 ``Erik me, too
23:56.53 pra5ad did either of u goto the 'one million particle particle system' presentation at siggraph?
23:57.09 brlcad sounds familiar
23:57.20 brlcad done on the card iirc?
23:57.27 pra5ad yea
23:57.36 pra5ad 1024^2 texture + fragment shader
23:58.21 pra5ad impractical in real world use
23:58.26 pra5ad but impressive nonetheless
23:58.38 pra5ad s/impressive/ingenious/
23:58.47 pra5ad :o
23:59.45 archivist what else has the bot up its sleeve
23:59.45 pra5ad woops
23:59.51 pra5ad twas at gdc

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.