irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060119

00:19.58 CIA-13 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
00:19.58 CIA-13 BRL-CAD: search for the tcl/tk stub libraries too, and utilize them accordingly if
00:19.58 CIA-13 BRL-CAD: someone asks for a system tcl or tk. for now, presume that tcl+tclstub and
00:19.58 CIA-13 BRL-CAD: tk+tkstub always exist together or at least that it'll link regardless.
00:34.56 CIA-13 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/bwish/main.c: modify the auto_path as soon as we have the tcl interpreter so that even resources like tk.tcl may be found when mixing system/non-system tcl with other system/non-system components
00:37.35 *** join/#brlcad phcoder (
02:08.39 CIA-13 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/archer/archer: have archer search the current directory for tclscripts in case we're not installed
02:44.10 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
03:04.12 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
04:02.51 *** join/#brlcad justin_ (
04:05.51 justin_ haha
04:05.56 justin_ first article on slashdot
04:06.37 CIA-13 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: mingw is once again delayed a release, archer rises to the list for the current distribution
04:14.18 CIA-13 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: support for features either as primitives or operations or both, e.g. chamfer, fillet, round
04:28.44 pra5ad link
04:29.57 CIA-13 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: system identifier application with sysctl-style information database
04:31.50 CIA-13 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: justin's idea of a librt-based path tracer is pretty cool
04:33.31 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
04:40.12 CIA-13 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/m4/epsilon.m4: while it's bizarre for them to be different, only report a failure to conform if the implementation is epsilon is less than the expected power
05:54.38 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
08:00.31 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:10.01 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
09:21.27 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
11:30.45 *** join/#brlcad phcoder (
12:18.38 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
12:24.26 d_rossberg what's the plan with HAVE_CONFIG_H ?
12:25.14 d_rossberg you need it for every brlcad application, e.g.
12:30.03 d_rossberg this define causes trouble for the users (developers are used to trouble)
13:46.44 learner d_rossberg, the plan for it is to have it go away completely on an install, same for brlcad_config.h, like it is supposed to
13:48.23 learner i believe i now have it so that the header file isn't used in common.h if it's installed so that brlcad_config.h may be left uninstalled
13:48.33 learner but haven't fully checked
13:59.28 learner even with the rtexample.c application, it only uses common.h -- which is supposed to hide the detail of whether you have the define or not and make it so that the config.h doesn't need to be installed for it to work
14:00.13 learner this was broken for a few releases, requiring you to either provide the define, or add the header, or add a search dir
14:00.30 learner shouldn't be the case on cvs head now though
14:13.38 d_rossberg rtexample.c includes raytrace.h which includes bu.h which uses the time_t type which requires time.h which is only included if HAVE_TIME_H is defined so "config.h" is required
14:15.33 ``Erik fucking fuckity fuck fuck fuck
14:17.46 d_rossberg lerner: your goal is to distinguish between internal and external declarations
14:18.18 d_rossberg common.h should provide the internal declarations only if required
14:21.40 ``Erik sean, is justin there?
14:21.50 learner d_rossberg: yes, a mistake in the bu.h header really
14:22.04 learner ``Erik: i dunno
14:22.14 ``Erik oh, you're not in the office, ok
14:22.23 ``Erik I'm thinking about suckering someone into driving me around to buy a new car
14:22.29 ``Erik *sigh*
14:22.32 learner heh
14:22.42 ``Erik I blew the tranny out on my truck this morning
14:23.26 d_rossberg lernaer: what's the mistake, the time_t or the ifdef HAVE_TIME_H?
14:23.33 learner d_rossberg: yes, that is the goal, and config.h is definitely a private header .. bu.h and other headers need to be fixed to remove the HAVE_ defines and system header includes if possible
14:24.21 learner d_rossberg: probably both
14:24.43 learner the ifdef is fine really, it just can't require what's in the ifdef
14:25.28 learner well, half-fine -- bad things might then happen if a user provides HAVE_ defines and our header's logic doesn't behave
14:25.35 ``Erik hey, sean, wanna take the day off, hang with a bud, and cruise by car sales lots? :D *Duck*
14:25.55 learner heh
14:26.39 learner possibly, though I can't take a day off this week .. already did :)
14:27.04 ``Erik ah, and since you're contractor, I don't think I can donate leave to you
14:28.51 ``Erik 6.2 miles... about 2 hrs
14:31.40 d_rossberg lerner: at the moment, it looks like you need this defines
14:32.31 d_rossberg lerner: hiding the internal structures, e.g. casts to void*, requires a large amount of work
14:37.13 learner d_rossberg: i agree, but i do believe it to be the right long-term direction
14:37.24 learner or do you have another idea? :)
14:38.42 learner they should certainly work for internal, which they do now -- it's of course the public external header appearance that will take a fair bit of restructuring
14:39.06 learner as I mentioned in the dev e-mail, the bigger problem in my view is the dependency ordering of the headers now
14:39.30 learner e.g. *have* to include machine.h before anything, should include vmath.h before raytrace.h, etc
14:40.05 learner the headers don't function stand-alone, and that I do believe needs fixing
14:42.17 d_rossberg learner: that's the classical direction (bringing object orientation into c code)
14:43.08 d_rossberg from my own experiance i can say: it ends with c++ classes :)
14:45.39 d_rossberg but for now i'll start with adapting "my" projectfiles
14:47.48 ``Erik phrack
14:53.02 Twingy .
15:08.48 Twingy heh
15:08.53 Twingy where?
15:10.43 ``Erik the new beamer lot
15:11.17 Twingy how far?
15:11.19 ``Erik y'know when you turn left from 543 to go to my house, then go through a stop light? it's at that light
15:11.25 ``Erik a mile or two
15:11.28 ``Erik by foot
15:11.33 Twingy got a bike?
15:11.35 ``Erik 4 or 5 walking, due to the road geomtry
15:11.50 ``Erik no :( was actually talking sean and lee into helping me buy one a couple weeks ago
15:11.50 ``Erik heh
15:11.57 Twingy might not be a bad idea to pick one up at a nearby bike store?
15:12.03 Twingy ah
15:12.03 ``Erik (I'm a puss, I need people to hold my hand)
15:12.42 ``Erik 'k, lemme think, drivers license, phone, and a copy of my salary w2 for proof of income/employment... damn I shouldn't have left my running shoes at work :(
15:12.53 Twingy hrm
15:13.00 Twingy maybe lease something new?
15:13.09 Twingy why not do a 24 month lease on a new car?
15:13.10 ``Erik well, they have new and used over there
15:13.25 ``Erik I'll go see what they have, if anything grooves with me, I'll see how fast I can get the keys
15:13.34 Twingy heh, k
15:13.40 ``Erik I have like 15k to throw at it, I'm sure I'll get some wheels
15:13.48 Twingy or finance something
15:13.50 Twingy with 0 down
15:13.58 ``Erik ooh, that reminds me, check book
15:14.12 ``Erik ok, catch ya'll later
15:14.40 Twingy later
15:30.07 brlcad ``Erik: ping
15:35.08 CIA-13 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/tkimg/base/ missing trailing slash
16:00.51 CIA-13 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: Minor tweaks to the _invoke_wizard_update and _init_obj_edit_view methods.
17:42.05 *** join/#brlcad raz (
17:45.29 raz brlcad: how do you change the mged status from 'VIEWING' to a status in which we can edit the model?
17:47.37 brlcad raz: depends on what you want to edit
17:48.15 brlcad you can edit a primitive with 'sed' (solid edit), edit an object/combination with 'oed'
17:48.32 brlcad selecting matrix edit or primitive edit on the menu will get you into an edit mode as well
17:49.19 brlcad the 'sill' solid illuminate command will also take you into solid edit mode
17:52.15 raz :brlcad we want to rotate everything in the ktank.g file
18:14.34 raz brlcad:need to change the orientation of ktank.g
19:07.35 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
19:10.23 *** part/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
19:10.40 raz exit
19:20.03 ``Erik heh
19:28.41 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
19:32.12 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
19:44.12 Twingy back?
19:44.31 ``Erik yeah
19:44.41 Twingy and?
19:44.41 brlcad and?
19:44.58 ``Erik drove a few cars, like 'em, but according to kbb and edmunds, they're overpriced
19:45.06 ``Erik wondering if I should head down to another dealership
19:45.10 ``Erik or two
19:45.10 Twingy so you ARE getting the honda civic?
19:45.15 ``Erik heh, no
19:45.25 ``Erik I drove a cooper mini S, bmw 330xi, and bmw m3
19:45.30 Twingy ahh, you went with the honda element
19:45.30 ``Erik the m3 is... nice.
19:45.38 Twingy gonna finance?
19:45.42 ``Erik yeah
19:45.42 brlcad heh, of course it is :)
19:45.53 Twingy only $500/mo? :)
19:46.04 ``Erik the m3 would be more like 700/mo
19:46.10 Twingy eww
19:46.15 Twingy how much is that car?'
19:46.17 ``Erik for a 3 yr
19:46.20 ``Erik they're asking 36
19:46.43 Twingy 700 x 36 is $25k
19:46.43 ``Erik 37, even
19:46.51 ``Erik 10k down
19:46.58 Twingy ah, heh
19:47.02 ``Erik kbb says 34, edmunds says 31
19:47.03 Twingy too rich for my blood
19:47.11 ``Erik dude, it's a rocket on wheels
19:47.21 Twingy I don't need a rocket on wheels to get to work and back
19:47.46 Twingy especially with half the trip at 40 mph :)
19:49.26 Twingy call mike
19:49.29 ``Erik ?
19:49.38 Twingy he's rambling
19:49.50 ``Erik you call him
19:49.51 ``Erik he won't notice
19:49.57 Twingy good point
19:50.23 Twingy ah, he left on his own, boggle
21:00.58 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
21:35.49 *** part/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
23:33.48 ``Erik damn I feel poor

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