irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060215

00:55.54 Twingy indeed
01:29.47 ``Erik hah
01:30.07 ``Erik daily show is showing 60's hunting safety videos as a moment of zen... celebrating cheneys recent ... incident.
03:10.28 pra5ad heh
04:45.48 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
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08:06.15 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad_ (
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09:21.24 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
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18:18.34 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (
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20:25.38 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
21:47.23 *** join/#brlcad whitehawk (
21:47.25 whitehawk hi
21:48.01 docelic hi
21:48.12 whitehawk I just found brlca, tried to compile it..
21:48.27 whitehawk In file included from jove_buf.c:64:
21:48.28 whitehawk ./jove.h:256: warning: built-in function 'exp' declared as non-function
21:48.28 whitehawk ./jove.h:477: error: conflicting types for 'malloc'
21:48.30 whitehawk got this..
21:49.19 whitehawk and then after some all-recursive notes compiling failed
21:49.46 docelic ok the first thing is a warning so it doesn't matter
21:50.12 whitehawk yes I know
21:50.34 docelic the malloc thing is an error. You need to look up how is malloc declaration line in jove.h, line 477, different from malloc definition in your /usr/include/malloc.h
21:51.48 docelic (Not that I use brlcad, but this is generic troubleshooting method).
21:52.09 whitehawk this is in jove.h: *malloc(),
21:52.52 docelic what platform and compiler ?
21:54.27 whitehawk linux gcc-3.4.5, glibc-2.3.6-r2, 2.6.14-ck6-2 x86_64
21:54.35 docelic If I got the context right, try replacing *malloc() to be *malloc(size_t)
21:56.07 whitehawk npoe
21:56.33 whitehawk nope
21:56.38 docelic can you give me 2 lines before and after 477 ?
21:57.26 whitehawk <PROTECTED>
21:57.26 whitehawk <PROTECTED>
21:57.26 whitehawk <PROTECTED>
21:57.26 whitehawk <PROTECTED>
21:57.26 whitehawk <PROTECTED>
21:57.43 docelic ah, yeah, that wasn't it then..
21:58.19 docelic does it tell you where is the previous definition of malloc that conflicts ?
22:08.28 brlcad howdy
22:08.38 brlcad whitehawk: that was fixed in the latest cvs
22:10.42 brlcad the fix is easy, just remove the malloc line there
22:11.01 brlcad or disable jove, you don't need it if you've never used it
22:12.02 docelic ah, hi brlcad :)
22:13.49 brlcad docelic: you had the right fix, but it needed to return void* too ;)
22:14.12 brlcad i believe the old jove code is using the old char* return format
22:17.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: geometry viewing commands/visualizations of exploded levels. mulled over this years ago, but davisson revitalized some interest/discussion.
22:21.07 whitehawk brlcad what is jove? I'm totally new to brl cad
22:21.30 brlcad it's a streamlined version of emacs, for back in the day when not every machine had an editor installed
22:21.39 brlcad "jonathan's own version of emacs"
22:22.10 docelic Yeah. It's also available as a standalone package in your distribution, so you can disable it
22:22.48 whitehawk what is the prodesktop plugin?
22:23.08 brlcad it's in the src/other directory, which is filled with optional stuff that is just provided for provenience
22:23.40 brlcad i presume you mean the protoolkit pro-engineer plugin
22:23.49 brlcad it's a plugin for pro/e
22:24.06 brlcad lets you export directly to brl-cad format from inside of pro-engineer
22:24.53 whitehawk can I import from proe inside of brlcad?
22:25.56 brlcad proe is a closed proprietary format
22:26.20 brlcad we'd have to pay 10k seat or somesuch and only distribute binaries
22:26.26 brlcad not very practical
22:26.46 brlcad there are a variety of formats that you can export from within proe that brl-cad will read
22:26.58 brlcad like stl, vrml, iges, ..
22:27.30 whitehawk iges as I remember we used that in cosmos geostar
22:29.58 *** join/#brlcad rhys (
22:31.30 *** part/#brlcad rhys (
22:32.54 *** join/#brlcad fotter (
22:33.02 brlcad howdy fotter
22:33.12 fotter hi there
22:33.55 fotter i wonder if anyone can help (i'm also new to irc as well...) as i'm having a problem with rt...
22:34.19 brlcad no problem, someone usually can ;)
22:35.11 fotter sorry to dive straight in :-)
22:35.26 brlcad that's the irc way ;)
22:35.50 fotter i'm in the raytrace control panel, and when i hit 'fbclear' i get an error:
22:35.56 brlcad just often won't get an immediate answer, have to hang around until someone is available to respond
22:36.23 fotter Rt Error: couldn't execute "fbclear": invalid argument
22:36.39 brlcad hmm
22:36.40 fotter ah ok, no probs, just happy whenever!
22:36.50 fotter googled etc, but couldn't find anything
22:37.09 brlcad 1) what version are you running and 2) did you set your path?
22:37.33 fotter 2) yes, my execute path includes /usr/brlcad/bin
22:38.07 brlcad ls -la /usr/brlcad/bin/fbclear
22:38.32 fotter -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 14973 2006-02-15 17:48 /usr/brlcad/bin/fbclear
22:38.43 brlcad looks good
22:38.50 brlcad /usr/brlcad/bin/fbclear -F/dev/X
22:38.57 brlcad should flash a window
22:39.02 fotter it did
22:39.34 brlcad so then.. 1)?
22:39.45 fotter 1) i downloaded the latest version today and compiled, 7.6.6
22:40.45 fotter on ubuntu 5.10
22:41.01 brlcad did you raytrace first?
22:41.04 fotter yes
22:41.09 fotter i have a nice sphere :-)
22:41.18 brlcad type fbclear into the command window
22:42.07 fotter Error: invalid command name "fbclear"
22:43.29 brlcad hmm
22:43.50 fotter other commands work from the command window - i created the sphere from there, and typing 'rt' in the command window also works
22:43.50 brlcad er, do_fbclear id_0
22:44.13 brlcad same error?
22:44.35 fotter ah right, yes, it gives Rt Error: couldn't execute "fbclear": invalid argument
22:44.46 brlcad mkay
22:44.50 brlcad puts $env(PATH)
22:46.10 brlcad (in the command window)
22:47.19 fotter Error: can't read "env(PATH)": no such variable
22:47.56 brlcad aha
22:48.35 fotter Tcl is something i know nothing about - shed some light please!
22:48.37 brlcad set env(PATH) /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/brlcad/bin
22:48.48 brlcad try that, then click fbclear again
22:49.40 fotter thank you!!
22:49.52 brlcad well, that's only a half-fix then :)
22:49.57 brlcad that fixed it for this run of mged
22:50.10 brlcad the path isn't getting set correctly
22:50.23 brlcad in the tcl interpreter
22:50.50 brlcad which is a relatively recent change .. ubuntu seems to be the one that hits this problem
22:50.51 fotter ah ok cool. understood.
22:51.18 brlcad if you want to change sources so that it works, since you compiled ..
22:51.25 fotter no probs
22:51.29 brlcad you can edit src/mged/setup.c and search for
22:51.38 brlcad HAVE_GETENV
22:52.04 fotter am there
22:52.05 brlcad there's a line a few lines after with a "{", make that "if (0) {" and recompile and you should be golden
22:52.27 fotter so replace binpath with 0
22:52.35 brlcad no
22:52.46 fotter right, ok. in wrong place maybe
22:52.51 brlcad up a few more lines
22:53.02 brlcad right after the comment
22:53.56 brlcad <PROTECTED>
22:53.59 brlcad <PROTECTED>
22:54.02 brlcad <PROTECTED>
22:54.05 brlcad <PROTECTED>
22:54.05 brlcad that "{"
22:54.22 fotter ah
22:54.23 fotter ok
22:54.25 brlcad change to be: if (0) {
22:54.31 fotter right got you
22:54.34 brlcad basically disabling that section
22:55.12 brlcad that's a convenience for the plethora that don't seem to know how to set their path
22:55.35 brlcad yet there's some peculiar tcl book keeping that isn't getting updated correctly
22:56.29 brlcad did you get a message when you run mged saying "unable to modify PATH" by chance?
22:57.01 fotter before correcting the error? haven't recompiled yet, so will check
22:57.37 fotter no errors written to the terminal, just the 'Initializing and backgrounding, please wait...Done'
22:57.49 fotter and then up pops mged
22:57.56 brlcad mkay
23:02.28 fotter if there are any other checks/help i can give i'm more than happy... just finishing compiling the new mged :-)
23:02.52 fotter so probably not the best time for help if i now have a working version though...
23:03.30 brlcad oh, there is lots, I'd love to trace down why PATH doesn't get set ;)
23:04.05 brlcad make sure that works first, though :)
23:06.49 ``Erik O.o
23:06.50 fotter will do :-) just typed 'make install', although i guess i could have just copied across the mged binary?
23:07.03 fotter but anyway, it works perfectly. thank you!
23:07.11 brlcad good to know
23:07.15 brlcad care to try one more edit?
23:07.21 fotter no probs
23:07.35 brlcad change that same line to if (1) {
23:08.10 brlcad and add this right before the "# ifdef HAVE_PUTENV" line below
23:08.34 fotter ok
23:08.34 brlcad <PROTECTED>
23:08.34 brlcad <PROTECTED>
23:08.35 brlcad <PROTECTED>
23:08.53 brlcad those three lines right before the HAVE_PUTENV line
23:09.15 brlcad then if you compile and make install, it should report two lines when you run mged.. and hopefully still work
23:09.17 fotter ok they're in
23:10.12 fotter just waiting for it to compile
23:16.00 fotter OLD_PATH = /usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games:/usr/brlcad/bin
23:16.00 fotter NEW_PATH = PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games:/usr/brlcad/bin:/usr/brlcad/bin
23:16.17 brlcad woah
23:16.27 fotter but it has failed to load...
23:17.03 brlcad failed to load?
23:17.26 fotter it's just written 'Detached' to the terminal and quit, given the terminal back to me
23:18.56 brlcad run mged with the -c option
23:19.30 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:19.30 fotter BRL-CAD Release 7.6.6 Geometry Editor (MGED)
23:19.31 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:19.31 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:19.34 fotter the paths above
23:19.37 fotter and then
23:19.41 fotter Segmentation fault
23:20.14 brlcad a segfault?.. hrmph
23:20.26 brlcad gdb --args mged -c
23:20.38 fotter ok
23:20.41 brlcad run
23:20.53 fotter Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
23:20.53 fotter [Switching to Thread -1218259264 (LWP 16628)]
23:20.53 fotter 0xb794fee7 in Tcl_ExternalToUtfDString (encoding=0x0,
23:20.53 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:20.53 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:20.55 fotter 811 srcLen = (*encodingPtr->lengthProc)(src);
23:21.04 brlcad type: bt
23:21.13 fotter #0 0xb794fee7 in Tcl_ExternalToUtfDString (encoding=0x0,
23:21.14 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:21.14 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:21.14 fotter #1 0xb7952b51 in Tcl_PutEnv (
23:21.14 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:21.18 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:21.18 fotter #2 0x0810bcb0 in mged_setup () at setup.c:85
23:21.20 fotter #3 0x080e1b4a in main (argc=1, argv=0xbfd46c48) at ged.c:513
23:23.23 brlcad ah
23:25.09 fotter ok... (over my head)
23:25.50 brlcad can't make that Tcl call without an interpreter, which hasn't been created/initialized yet
23:26.57 brlcad
23:27.09 brlcad save that file in src/mged
23:27.18 brlcad curl -O
23:27.31 fotter ok
23:28.46 fotter and compile...?
23:28.56 brlcad yeah
23:34.09 brlcad how goes it?
23:35.08 fotter just installed... am about to run
23:35.32 fotter can't read "env(PATH)": no such variable
23:35.32 fotter MGED Aborted.
23:35.53 brlcad picked
23:36.14 brlcad alright, I'll have to dig deeper into what Tcl is doing
23:36.25 brlcad thanks anyways for your help
23:36.41 brlcad oh, which Tcl are you using?
23:36.48 brlcad ldd /usr/brlcad/bin/mged
23:37.08 fotter ldd /usr/brlcad/bin/mged
23:37.08 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:37.08 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:37.08 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:37.08 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:37.08 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:37.10 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:37.12 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:37.15 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:37.16 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:37.18 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:37.20 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:37.22 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:37.24 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:37.26 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:37.30 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:37.32 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:37.34 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:37.38 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:37.40 brlcad it is at least the right tcl
23:37.40 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:37.42 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:37.44 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:37.46 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:37.48 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:37.50 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:37.52 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:37.54 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:37.56 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:37.58 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:38.00 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:38.02 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:38.04 fotter <PROTECTED>
23:38.20 brlcad so yeah. thanks for your help :)
23:38.22 fotter ok, well if i'm around i'm more than happy to try and help... and from what i've seen of brl-cad so far i'm going to find it pretty useful
23:38.40 brlcad you did find the manual tutorial series on the website I presume?
23:38.46 fotter yes
23:39.09 brlcad if you change that block back to an if (0) { you should be back to working
23:39.17 fotter so, i guess i would have hit other commands that wouldn't have worked? but fbclear comes first in the tutorial...
23:39.19 fotter ok cheers
23:39.20 brlcad it's lower in the file
23:39.43 brlcad you wouldn't have hit many other commands that rely on the path
23:39.49 brlcad slowly been decoupling from the path
23:39.50 fotter ah ok
23:39.58 brlcad nirt might also have been a problem
23:40.05 brlcad other than that, I don't know of another
23:40.18 brlcad all the raytracers should be good
23:40.56 fotter yes typing 'rt' into the command window worked just fine.
23:43.11 fotter well thanks. and as i said, if i'm around i'm more than happy to try things out if it helps - cheers!
23:43.25 *** part/#brlcad fotter (

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