irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060216

01:14.37 ``Erik *yawn*
01:17.36 Twingy and now for your moment of zen
01:18.30 brlcad hehehe
01:21.18 Twingy you know what
01:21.27 Twingy my friend emily (21) knows as much about networking as mike
01:21.40 Twingy she doesn't have a CS degree either >_<
01:22.41 brlcad I know at least a dozen people that don't have a CS degree that could do .. uhm, good work
01:22.54 Twingy actually, she's 20
01:23.25 Twingy she had a good mentor though ^_^
01:23.36 Twingy *whistle*
01:23.37 brlcad you mean she's damaged goods :)
01:23.44 Twingy bah
01:24.00 Twingy harsh :)
01:24.05 Twingy if you rate
01:24.08 brlcad heh
01:24.14 Twingy then what's mike
01:24.15 Twingy :)
01:24.31 brlcad moleman comes to mind for some reason
01:24.37 Twingy hah
01:27.57 ``Erik O.o
01:28.07 ``Erik ain't she the crazy one that wanted to move in with you? o.O
01:29.25 Twingy she aint crazy, but yea, she might move here, eventually
01:29.34 Twingy well, let me rephrase
01:29.55 Twingy she's not as crazy as me, if that says anything ^_^
01:30.04 ``Erik so she's fucking nuts
01:30.08 Twingy haha
01:30.18 Twingy she doesn't build rockets...
01:30.27 Twingy yet o.O
01:30.41 Twingy she's more of the artsy type though
01:35.03 ``Erik my paper got accepted
01:35.06 ``Erik now I gotta write it :(
01:36.04 ``Erik dilbert is a riot
01:36.17 Twingy gonna bolt on a bug eater?
01:36.24 ``Erik and a triple deck wing
01:36.24 ``Erik yo
01:36.30 Twingy blue barron!
01:36.37 ``Erik gonna take down the rear tray and pull the subs out
01:36.45 Twingy rattling?
01:36.53 ``Erik yeah
01:37.02 Twingy got any sticky foam pads?
01:37.05 ``Erik the "bmw fix" was to shove a piece of foam in there
01:37.13 ``Erik the diy fix is to secure it with a bolt
01:37.24 Twingy I would use a sticky felt/foam pad
01:37.25 ``Erik I wanna pull it apart and see what's going on, I have a selection of bolts, and two pads of foam rubber
01:37.31 Twingy like the kind you put on the bottom of chair legs
01:37.31 ``Erik I will un-rattle it. Damnit.
01:37.46 Twingy I go through those things like mad
01:37.56 ``Erik I dont' have any self-adhesive foam, but I have heavy foam, and glue.
01:38.06 Twingy you don't want to glue it
01:38.27 ``Erik why not?
01:38.46 Twingy just messy
01:38.55 ``Erik tonights expedition is primarily investigative.
01:38.58 Twingy why kind of glue?
01:39.15 ``Erik slowzap or 5min epoxy
01:39.25 Twingy I'd use "Gorilla Glue" since it expands as it drys and is as strong as epoxy
01:39.35 ``Erik um
01:39.39 ``Erik <-- has limited supplies handy
01:39.42 Twingy I have some here if you want it
01:39.45 Twingy its expensive
01:39.52 ``Erik let me pull the deck down first
01:40.00 ``Erik one of the "fixes" is to shove 3 tennis balls in
01:40.05 ``Erik another is to shove a tshirt in
01:40.07 Twingy good luck :)
01:40.23 ``Erik I have an idea of the actual mechanism cuasing the issue, but I want to confirm
02:42.26 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
03:54.02 Twingy hrm, $400 trailer
04:42.44 ``Erik there's one for $300 on, uh, powder mill road
04:43.02 ``Erik looks like a cut-off of a military vehicle
05:10.17 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
06:36.14 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
07:25.19 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:21.56 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
10:33.35 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
12:34.37 clock_ brlcad: hi
12:34.53 brlcad hi
12:35.08 clock_ brlcad: I got an idea that it would be possible to make a snowboard for wheelchair users
12:35.36 clock_ brlcad: actually they could ride then like devils because they would have their centre of gravity low ;-)
12:36.16 brlcad heh
12:36.54 clock_ brlcad: can you imagine the uproar when stephen hawking gets the gold and shaun white only silver? ;-)
12:36.57 archivist i thinks its been done, saw something on telly some years ago
12:38.30 archivist methinks hawking would just fall into a black hole in the snow
12:38.32 clock_ when-i-did-this-1080-i-got-a-sudden-idea-of-new-possible-model-of-the-universe
12:40.32 clock_ or: this-machine-gave-me-the-american-voice-and-burton-gave-me-this-american-snowboard
13:53.00 ``Erik hm, I can't find the "stephen hawking extreme wheelchair" picture that was floating around on the 'net a bit ago... :/
13:54.55 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
13:56.22 clock_
14:04.08 ``Erik heh, yup, that's it... I was googling for 'extreme', silly me
14:06.19 ``Erik heh, yeah, that's it :D
14:10.57 clock_ stephen hawk extreme wheelchair competition ;-)
14:16.14 clock_ it's a pity that hawking has also his arms paralyzed, otherwise he could be a chick magnet like this one:
14:28.24 ``Erik heh
14:28.31 ``Erik I think my arms are like, four inches
14:28.32 ``Erik o.O
14:32.07 clock_ ``Erik: 4 inches diameter or circumference?
14:33.54 ``Erik circumference, heh (and I'm joking)
15:57.54 clock_ the guy with melons instead of biceps was really funny
16:01.43 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak|RDP (
16:37.24 whitehawk bye
20:30.25 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
20:49.41 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (

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