irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060220

00:36.34 *** join/#brlcad Erroneous (
00:50.59 *** join/#brlcad Erroneous_ (
01:39.46 *** join/#brlcad Mac- (
01:39.50 Mac- hi there
01:54.32 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
01:54.53 *** join/#brlcad Erroneous_ (
02:01.13 brlcad Mac-: howdy
02:03.13 Mac- fine and you ?
02:05.54 brlcad going great
02:08.00 brlcad ~pl
02:08.02 ibot i guess pl is sometimes referred to as \"packet loss\"
02:08.30 brlcad
02:08.31 ibot .pl is, like, Poland (or a perl extension)
02:08.46 brlcad that's right, never seem to remember that one
02:31.40 *** join/#brlcad Mac-- (
02:31.43 Mac-- sorry
02:31.57 Mac-- it was disconnect by ISP
02:51.45 brlcad no problem here ;)
02:54.08 Mac- i was here some time ago, and asked about drafting in brl-cad
02:54.26 Mac- equivalent to autocad
02:54.29 brlcad yeah, I vaguely recall
02:54.39 brlcad that's a frequent question regardless ;)
02:54.46 brlcad everyone want an autocad alternative :)
02:56.39 Mac- but now my university started subject 'CAD/CAM Systems'
02:56.48 Mac- and they talk about CATIA
02:56.57 Mac- which is solid modeling
02:57.02 brlcad there's an expensive system
02:57.06 Mac- yeah
02:57.08 Mac- right
02:57.14 Mac- very expensive
02:57.37 Mac- and i want to ask you is brl-cad equivalent for CATIA ?
02:59.14 brlcad much more equivalent than it is to autocad
02:59.42 brlcad there are plenty of features that catia does that brl-cad doesn't support, though
03:00.02 brlcad e.g. brl-cad doesn't do hardly anything related to CAM other than basic geometric management
03:00.46 Mac- for CNC ?
03:01.07 brlcad right
03:01.42 brlcad that said, it's not a far stretch to get into that area
03:01.56 brlcad it's just a focus that's never been needed or considered
03:03.01 Mac- hmm, well brl isn`t designed to CAM area ?
03:03.36 brlcad CAD, design, and even more specifically towards analyses primarily
03:03.47 brlcad rendering through raytracing, etc
03:04.00 brlcad it has been used in CAM areas
03:04.23 brlcad it's easy enough to export geometry into a format that most CNC machining systems recognize
03:04.39 brlcad and correct solidity should be preserved
03:05.14 Mac- 'should' is very expensive word in mechanic
03:05.15 Mac- :>
03:06.38 brlcad well, it is preserved, guaranteed topology up to the tolerances you select
03:06.44 Mac- ok, but i`m obnly student, my way to real CNC is like from Earth to Sun :)
03:08.14 Mac- is there any support from graphic card for work in brl ?
03:08.37 brlcad the default rendering context is via opengl
03:09.19 brlcad historically, the graphics card isn't relied upon much though as the models historically don't fit within video card memory (until very very recently)
03:11.39 Mac- i`m working on Matrox MGA G200 8MB
03:12.12 Mac- it is too weak ?
03:13.03 brlcad for brl-cad? it should be completely fine
03:13.09 brlcad our minimum requirements are pretty bare :)
03:15.06 Mac- ok, waht about memmory and CPU subsystem ?
03:16.09 brlcad there's not really a memory or cpu minimum.. that only limits the size of the models and speed it will evaluate raytraces, etc
03:16.24 brlcad maybe a minimum of a couple megs to invoke the tcl version of mged
03:17.11 Mac- but Pentium 166MHz is a little to small :>
03:18.35 brlcad brl-cad's run on stuff over the past 20 years, I've run it on old 486's with no problems
03:18.56 brlcad just slows it down ;)
03:21.33 Mac- hehe
03:23.28 Mac- i worked on AMD K6-2 450MHz for 6 years
03:23.58 Mac- but CPU got malfunction (reset by itself from time to time)
03:24.12 Mac- and now i have to byu something to replace
03:25.48 Mac- but they are 486 level?
03:34.07 ``Erik and coleco adam
03:34.10 ``Erik and c128
03:34.40 ``Erik mebbe that's why I dig those little microcontrollers and pics so much, heh
03:35.29 ``Erik fight scenes in family guy are freakin' awesome
03:40.16 brlcad the whole scene to go smack down will ferrill is hilarious
03:45.38 Mac- well something like PIII ~900MHz will be fine ?
03:51.29 pra5ad ohh no work tomorrow
03:52.54 pra5ad but i have class tomorrow
03:52.56 pra5ad nooooo
03:53.36 ``Erik ...
03:53.40 ``Erik damn you whine a lot
03:53.52 ``Erik :D
03:57.56 pra5ad old news
03:58.27 pra5ad ill be in san jose for spring break
04:07.33 ``Erik I thought san jose was a whole lot more west than south
04:19.45 pra5ad that is besides the point
04:45.22 Mac- what about SMP systems ?
06:07.01 brlcad Mac-: all the raytracers take advantage of SMP automatically by default, and can be set up for distributed systems with a little extra effort
06:08.30 Mac- nice
06:08.56 Mac- i could get 2xPIII 866MHz for ~100$
07:11.12 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
09:22.23 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
10:02.52 *** join/#brlcad Mac- (
10:02.53 Mac- re
10:25.11 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
10:50.02 *** join/#brlcad clock__ (
12:24.34 *** join/#brlcad cad934 (
12:42.41 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/librt/wdb_obj.c: Modified wdb_killtree_callback()'s call to dgo_eraseobjall_callback (i.e. parameters were out of order). Modified wdb_killtree_cmd() to call dgo_notifyWdb() to reduce the number of times observers are notified.
12:46.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/librt/dg_obj.c: Added missing parameter to dgo_eraseobjall_callback(). Added dgo_notifyWdb().
12:52.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/include/raytrace.h: Flesh out parameter list for the declaration of dgo_eraseobjall_callback() and dgo_notify(). Declare dgo_notifyWdb().
12:56.28 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/librt/dg_obj.c: Removed declaration of dgo_eraseobjall_callback() and dgo_notify().
13:53.03 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc7/librt/librt.vcproj: Update the debug version's preprocessor definitions.
15:33.51 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
15:37.27 *** join/#brlcad age (
15:37.54 age could BRL-CAD be used for building models also?
15:38.48 ``Erik ... that's kinda the purpose of it :)
15:39.21 age i mean, building (structures) models
15:41.02 ``Erik there's a detailed building that comes with the package as an example
15:41.51 *** join/#brlcad Mac- (
15:41.53 Mac- re
15:42.10 age ok, my interest is in using brlcad for simulating NBCR/explosive events, on structures
15:43.28 ``Erik ARL has a group that does that, I THINK they use brlcad .g files, but I'm not sure
15:44.22 age are you with the ARL?
15:44.36 ``Erik some of us, yeah
15:45.11 age i've had back luck trying to contact govt ppl lately, whether it is ATEC or whatnot heh
15:45.31 ``Erik <-- has never talked to atec
15:45.49 age did you try to get in contact with them also? :D
15:46.23 ``Erik heh, no :)
15:46.36 age they had some good window dressing on how they evaluate devices for use in the battlefield
15:46.49 age i thought, ok, if i talk to them, maybe they will share their methodology.
15:46.53 age no such luck.
15:47.27 ``Erik there's an official brlcad email with an address, iirc, that goes to a fistful of people, I'd be surprised if you didn't get a fairly prompt response... not today of course, but tomorrow
15:48.12 ``Erik (or, if you just have questions and stuff, I'm here right now, others will wake up or something later)
15:49.06 ``Erik hrm, well, I thought there was an addy, but I'm not seeing it, heh
15:50.43 ``Erik nbc+r on structures? I can only think of a couple industry niches interested in that kinda stuff o.O
15:51.08 brlcad there was/is, it's a moderated forwardable alias -- the old mailing list addr
15:51.12 brlcad cad @
15:51.19 age erik > have you ever looked at digital sandbox?
15:51.36 age they have a very very expensive solution for doing some of that
15:51.38 ``Erik newp
15:51.47 age they do explosions only i believe
15:52.12 ``Erik blast, shock, fragments/debris, all that?
15:52.23 brlcad sounds incredibly familiar :)
15:52.38 age i'm not sure how much of it they do, but if i remember right, only explosions
15:52.58 ``Erik well, those're some of the damage mechanisms from an explosion... heh
15:53.18 age i want to do chemical agents of various types, bio agents, explosions, radiological, nuclear, etc
15:53.25 ``Erik sean, is the sf mailing list the best 'official channel' now?
15:53.31 brlcad you could rather easily simulate explosive events via the raytrace libraries, it's pretty much used in that manner already in muves to some extents
15:53.53 brlcad ``Erik: for anything non-sensitive, yeah
15:54.07 brlcad and here
15:54.22 brlcad i'd even say irc is primary, mailing list is secondary
15:54.23 age what about modeling people within the buildings also? I'd be interested in doing that too :D
15:54.23 ``Erik radiation transport can be done fairly easy, I'd imagine? (path tracing style)... chem might be a bit hairier, that seems to get more towards fem land
15:55.12 age i don't like the idea that the US govt has to pay 300,000+ for a software package to do counter terrorism planning stuff
15:55.19 brlcad there's an effort going on this year where brl-cad is being used to simulate radiation transport levels to people in situations/places
15:55.47 age what about fluid dispersion?
15:55.48 ``Erik I've seen plain csg models of humans that have enough fidelity for building and vehicle stuff... and nurb support is being improved right now
15:56.38 brlcad why pay 300k when the government has already paid millions for brl-cad over it's life ;)
15:57.01 brlcad and it's fully customizeable and "free" today at least now
15:57.33 age brldcad: i think because is an easier to use package
15:58.07 brlcad age: that is a fairly safe "no" towards fluid dispersion, don't think anyone has done that yet as fluid mechanics usually involve a completely different class of calculations
15:58.22 age and has more features specific to counter terrorism.
15:58.50 ``Erik fluid dispersion seems pretty well wedged into the FEM world
15:59.47 ``Erik if we had (better) voxel support, it's be a possibility, I'd suppose... that damn boy needs to get off his ass and do the nastran converters
16:00.02 brlcad age: i do understand the naysayers concerns, brl-cad's gui modeling interface can be painful -- nobody ever wanted to pay to make it easy to use ..
16:00.27 brlcad but this is more in-line with the libraries, not so much the tools, and the libraries are pretty easy to use
16:00.57 age is brlcad funded only by govt users of it?
16:01.11 brlcad primarily, but not solely
16:01.29 brlcad plus it's also open source now, so anyone can get in on the development
16:03.14 brlcad there's not really anything preventing you or anyone else from contributing to the project to the point that they'd actually become a core developer or core contributor (for non-devs) etc
16:10.06 age that is good, i have to see how much time i will have in the future
16:10.53 brlcad even if you can't get involved and there's something that you're interested in, it's good to raise the issues and questions on the mailing list or to even make feature requests on sf
16:11.29 brlcad they do get read several times over
16:11.54 brlcad of course unless it's something sensitive, then just contact directly
16:14.51 ``Erik heh, I thought milton was supposed to be doing that
16:15.05 brlcad heh
16:15.25 brlcad something different
16:15.28 ``Erik I was kinda hoping I'd get put on that after milton... didn't do anything at all :D
16:15.31 ``Erik ahhh, okie
16:15.57 brlcad working on auto-improving the orca human model
16:16.05 ``Erik 'auto-improving'?
16:16.07 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
16:16.16 brlcad yep, it's looking good so far
16:16.51 brlcad found a nasty bug in orca in the process
16:17.37 brlcad something trivial to fix fortunately
16:22.01 ``Erik *snrktkt*
16:24.13 brlcad heh
16:25.29 age Erik: the value of small teams of snipers is tying up conventional forces is vastly underrated :)
16:25.55 ``Erik true, but if they don't watch the paths to get to 'em... EXACTLY that happens
16:26.06 ``Erik I've done it and I've been done like that, hehehehhee
16:26.57 age yeah, but most infantry people become so sound aware when deployed
16:27.25 age my sense of smell became hyper sensitive also when i was deployed
16:29.21 ``Erik I'd imagine that any sense that could keep you from getting dead becomes hightened in those kind of situations o.O
16:29.47 age i just looked at the photo too, it had someone taking a shot from the knee
16:30.09 age which is something in the army we almost never do, and AA discourages if i remember right
16:30.26 age almost exclusively from the prone :D
16:30.57 ``Erik opposed to ut and quake, where most shots are taken while spinning airborne
16:31.06 ``Erik :D
16:31.28 age yeah, the unrealistic aspect of most FPSs bother me.
16:31.54 age jump through the door, land and duck, facing opposite direction, shoot.
16:31.56 age lol.
16:32.29 *** join/#brlcad cobbaut (
16:32.34 ``Erik running 60mph, jumping 30 feet, landing without ever losing bead...
16:33.02 brlcad
16:33.05 age i remember AA taking breathing into affect though, which is an improvement over most FPSs
16:33.06 ``Erik laughing off hits with no ill effects, just grab a box and it's all better, do it over and over
16:33.39 age but, i remember AA discounting trigger squeeze, as if newb soldiers have perfect non pulling squeezes from the start
16:33.40 age :D
16:33.44 ``Erik only in 'aim' mode
16:33.53 ``Erik iirc
16:34.14 age yeah.
16:34.22 ``Erik one of these days, I'll get my fbsd box back up and running how it's supposed to so I can play some games again
16:34.41 age they overrate the recoil on the m249 also
16:35.05 age experienced m249/240/60 gunners, have very tight shot groups on piasters
16:35.41 ``Erik heh
16:36.19 ``Erik back when I was playing it, i tended to take medic roles...
16:36.34 age it would ruin most FPS games, but i'll tell you straight up. Nothing compares to an M249 for real life stuff
16:36.49 ``Erik massive points just to stop one dude from bleeding
16:37.48 age the m249, is only 17 lbs, cyclic rate is very fast, recoil is minimal, one person can take out squads with minimal difficulty.
16:40.20 ``Erik provided they aren't flanked
16:42.34 age also, another thing that is great about the m249 is the accuracy
16:43.01 age you can snipe with an m249, with the regular barrel
16:43.42 age put some NODs on it, and they are so sweet at night
16:43.42 ``Erik what's the dispersion numbers? do ya know? (are they public release?)
16:44.00 age i think they are public release
16:44.37 age
16:45.07 age here it says max effective range on a point target is 600m
16:45.18 age but i think it is longer than that
16:45.42 age ditto with effectiveness on area target
16:45.54 ``Erik they don't say the radius or anything of accuracy at those distances, tho :/
16:46.10 ``Erik ah well
16:46.35 age it is really easy to clean and disassemble also
16:47.56 ``Erik against an 8x8 target at 850m, 90% hit rate out of 800 rounds (zeroed to 300m)
16:49.11 age 5.56 rounds drop out at the long ranges so skill comes into play
16:49.50 age but, i thought my m249 was much more accurate than the m60, which i was used primarily before then
16:49.51 ``Erik these were vehicle mounted computer systems and test stands, I think...
16:50.50 ``Erik aannnyyywwwaaayyysss
16:51.24 age probably not vehicle mounted, since m249s are not fired so often in vehicles
16:52.44 ``Erik this was a 'crow' system, they were testing different guns for use in it
16:52.50 ``Erik computer controlled dealie, I think
16:53.13 ``Erik *shrug* I skipped most of the slides in the pdf, was lookin' for the numbers :)
16:56.51 pra5ad buildings eh
16:58.31 ``Erik oi, prasad
16:58.48 pra5ad we used STMG (see ARA) for that
17:07.13 brlcad which should be integrated with STMG, that was someone's failure to notice the replication/need
17:07.37 brlcad they're still busy reinventing the wheel there
17:07.46 brlcad geometricly
17:09.57 pra5ad what should be integrated with stmg?
17:10.27 pra5ad o brlcad
17:13.51 age STMG looks interesting
17:14.08 pra5ad buggy as hell though
17:14.22 pra5ad here's the kicker.. its a java program
17:15.15 ``Erik *shudder*
17:15.40 age hehehe
17:19.05 pra5ad brlcad, fwiw stmg does save its models in 4 formats, and iirc one is a .g
17:20.28 ``Erik
17:22.43 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak|RDP (
17:26.41 pra5ad watched harold and kumar again
17:26.42 pra5ad =)
17:39.40 learner pra5ad, yeah, v4 ascii iirc, maybe
17:39.57 learner and it's something like simplified arbs/boxes
17:40.29 learner their internal geometry management was pathetic from what I listened to last fall
19:27.31 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
19:32.11 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
19:43.58 pier brlcad... about g-dxf, get an error message when giving:
19:44.09 pier bash-3.00$ g-dxf -o cubo.dxf cubo.g cubo.s
19:44.09 pier db_walk_subtree() FAIL on '/cubo.s'
19:44.09 pier 12 triangles written
20:06.06 brlcad pier: cubo.s is a "leaf" node, i.e. a primitive
20:06.45 brlcad converters work on a region/combination level
20:07.28 brlcad generally speaking, there is no "physical" geometry until you make a region
20:08.11 pier I made one as a matter of fact
20:08.18 brlcad it's just a template, a void space
20:08.25 pier cubo.s -> cubo.r
20:08.26 brlcad before you make a region
20:08.37 brlcad ah, great
20:08.52 brlcad so specify that instead of the .s on g-dxf
20:09.00 pier so the command I gave was faulty
20:09.10 pier ok yhanks
20:09.14 pier thanks
20:09.22 brlcad you told it to convert cubo.s
20:09.31 brlcad g-dxf -o cubo.dxf cubo.g cubo.r
20:09.32 pier yep
20:10.02 pier ok it works
20:10.40 pier brlcad... I am still working on the second volume but a bit slowly
20:12.38 brlcad no problem at all ;)
20:12.42 pier so I am not sure about when it will be ready
20:13.14 brlcad wouldn't want to shadow it with the other big announcements coming out this month and next regardless
20:13.37 pier bit in trouble with an exam these days...
20:13.50 pier about releasing a win version?
20:14.22 brlcad that's one of the big announcements
20:16.08 pier and a taste of the others...?
20:16.34 pier nevermind it it is top secret
20:16.57 brlcad no top secrets, this is open source :)
20:17.34 pier yes of course
20:19.20 brlcad most of it's in the NEWS file already, hasn't been announced in a while
20:19.40 pier ok I'll have a look at it
20:19.43 brlcad the new clone duplication command will be big news to some
20:20.38 brlcad it's a tool for very easily creating patterns of geometry, way easier than the current pattern tool
20:20.54 pier Is it to make copies of components and regions?
20:21.17 brlcad yes, in various ways through a pretty simple syntax
20:21.53 brlcad one of a handful of really powerful tools from the former GSI modeling powerhouse
20:32.21 *** join/#brlcad Erroneous (
20:33.28 pier brlcad, I can't see why I am not able to import a dxf file exported with the gdxf commnd with blender as well as with ac3d
20:34.23 brlcad blender's dxf support is horrible
20:35.41 pier I'm testing this with a dxf file that ac3d can open whereas blender fails
20:36.08 pier but both of them cannot open cubo.dxf
20:36.23 brlcad keep in touch with a few of the blender devs from time to time, their support is very basic. fails on most things that autocad exports too
20:36.46 pier neithed autocad does
20:36.53 pier neither
20:37.09 brlcad if autocad doesn't then it's probably our fault ;)
20:37.14 brlcad unless it's a versioning problem
20:37.19 brlcad dxf has several versions
20:39.26 brlcad send me or post the cubo.dxf, I can at least see if it's something trivial
20:39.48 brlcad should probably get reported as a bug on the tracker
20:39.49 pier not that I am interested in it but before trying to extract triangles from the dxf file I wanted to have a go at looking the objects in these programs
20:40.15 pier ok will via ftp work
20:40.30 brlcad extract triangles? there are better exporters for that
20:40.39 brlcad stl is a very simple triangle format
20:40.59 brlcad e-mail would be better, but ftp works too
20:41.56 pier yes... I am still looking to writing a program (crappy for sure) that draws the mai view of an object
20:42.09 pier main views
20:43.10 pier removing hidden faces (the painter's algo) and drawing hidden edges with dashed lines
20:43.34 brlcad or not drawing them altogether ;)
20:45.10 pier do you think that it would be to much effort for a rookie programmer?
20:45.39 pier please give me the e:mail
20:48.14 brlcad not too much effort, anything's possible ;)
20:49.42 pier I thought that extracting all the triangles wouldn't be that hard... perhaps I am wrong
20:50.09 pier Is there a positive verse in the vertex numbering?
20:50.38 brlcad extracting the triangle is the easiest part
20:50.45 pier so that it woud be possible to work out an exiting versor from the surface?
20:52.50 pier that way it wouldn't be hard to pinpoint the hidden ones
21:00.50 brlcad possible, though that's where it gets tricky
21:01.28 brlcad i've seen some algorithms for it, but only glanced through them
21:04.07 pier I'll have a look at the dxf txt file to see if the triangles are stored cws or ccws
21:07.02 pier and let you know if I get to something
21:14.00 pier Ok bye then

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