irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060226

00:00.20 brlcad pix-[tab][tab] in bash will give a list of exporters, drop of the - for a list of pix tools
00:00.29 brlcad s/of the/off the/
00:01.44 cobbaut yes, i just noticed...sorry for not trying the obvious :-/
00:03.19 brlcad pix-fb will display then, -F/dev/Xl -w640 -n480, etc
00:03.28 brlcad er, s/then/them/
00:03.44 brlcad should be manpages for most/all of them
00:05.46 cobbaut it works! pix-png is easier than the echo hack ;-)
00:06.33 cobbaut any idea why the script i posted on the forum misplaces objects ?
00:06.54 brlcad the script didn't error for me
00:06.59 brlcad was it supposed to?
00:07.39 cobbaut it puts the 135degree wall in another place
00:08.04 cobbaut i can reproduce it with screenshots if you like
00:08.24 brlcad ah, no I'll take your word on it
00:08.34 brlcad i presumed it was going to error, not simply work incorrectly
00:08.39 cobbaut i'm useing 7.6.4
00:08.49 cobbaut no, it doesn't error
00:13.00 brlcad okie, i'll give it another try then
00:14.15 pra5ad_ sean
00:14.16 pra5ad_ u win?
00:18.44 brlcad across my weight class, yep
00:18.54 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
01:18.36 pra5ad_ what was max?
01:18.50 pra5ad_ and win by how much?
03:03.41 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
03:06.06 ``Erik O.o
04:10.48 PrezKennedy o.0
04:25.30 brlcad 270, pretty sure I could have done 275
04:25.51 brlcad three others peaked at 265
04:27.59 ``Erik what kinda lift?
04:28.00 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
05:08.54 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
05:50.43 brlcad bench press
07:34.41 birdmun is there life here?
08:02.00 birdmun 42?
08:09.49 pra5ad_ =)
08:13.41 birdmun worth a shot
08:14.11 birdmun so do you think i could find any help w/ brlcad this time of day?
08:15.08 pra5ad_ sometimes
08:15.18 pra5ad_ its 3am here
08:15.31 birdmun 2 here
08:15.38 birdmun am
08:17.49 pra5ad_ *shrug*
08:19.08 brlcad crazy talk
08:19.17 birdmun crazy?
08:19.47 brlcad there's plenty of time to sleep when we're dead
08:20.06 birdmun i did finally get a list of errors that doing a make in cygwin generates
08:20.40 brlcad did you add the LIBS and CFLAGS/CPPFLAGS to the X11 include dir?
08:21.07 birdmun not the c*flags no
08:22.11 brlcad if I recall correctly, you had a /usr/X11R6
08:22.12 birdmun i could send the email i drafted to send when i managed to catch you again
08:22.15 birdmun yes
08:22.24 brlcad run a make clean
08:22.32 brlcad then can rerun configure
08:22.41 brlcad what was your origianl configure line?
08:23.04 birdmun ./configure --without-opengl --enable-optimized
08:24.11 brlcad mkay, so try ./configure --without-openGgl --enable-optimized CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/X11R6/include LIBS=-lX11 LDFLAGS=-L/usr/X11R6/lib
08:24.28 brlcad er, typo in there on openGgl, otherwise should be good
08:26.09 birdmun so what do i read to learn what flags i should try
08:28.04 brlcad ah, and before you run configure, either run again or rm -rf *cache*
08:28.15 birdmun doh
08:28.44 brlcad there shouldn't be any flags to add, though INSTALL and ./configure --help cover the options
08:28.53 birdmun well that configure only took 3 mins 11 secs
08:29.21 brlcad you shouldn't need to add those CPPFLAGS, LDFLAGS, LIBS lines.. something is wrong with the autoconf X11 detection that came with cygwin
08:29.37 birdmun ic
08:30.02 birdmun running
08:30.15 birdmun shouldnt take long no?
08:30.51 birdmun i admit to not having spent much time installing software from source
08:33.02 birdmun so i need to now use the long configure line or just try ./configure?
08:33.07 brlcad give that a run, leave a note how it went and I'll reply in a few hours :)
08:33.10 brlcad the long configure line
08:33.19 birdmun alright
09:10.02 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
09:10.27 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:22.37 birdmun sorry brlcad Im off to bed I will let you know how it turns out later this morning
15:35.25 birdmun well I'm back ... it did make
15:35.25 birdmun after an hour :)
15:44.59 ``Erik heh
15:52.16 birdmun dont know how long after i started the make before it finished
15:59.52 ``Erik it should say after the build
16:00.12 ``Erik there're timing scripts tied into the build system
16:02.54 birdmun it did
16:03.00 birdmun 1 hr 9 mins
16:03.50 birdmun what i meant to say was that after i went to bed i dont know how long it ran
16:04.09 birdmun sounds like a fairly hardy system :P
16:04.36 ``Erik my home box takes like 10 minutes, it's a 1.2ghz athlon
16:04.47 birdmun i wonder if it wouldnt run faster in linux
16:04.50 ``Erik winderz is horribly horribly slow at fork, and make is fork heavy
16:05.07 ``Erik big builds in cygwin take forever... small ones, too :D
16:05.13 birdmun my sys is a 2.1g athlon gig of ram
16:05.51 ``Erik it pissed me off enough that several years ago, I set up a cross compiler on fbsd to generate mingw PE binaries (was working on a video game, had to support the winiots on the team)
16:07.56 ``Erik (on a fast forking operating system with like more than 500mhz speed, disk access should be the bottleneck...)
16:09.07 ``Erik heh
16:09.32 birdmun forking i dont understand
16:10.03 ``Erik um, I think windows calls it something like ExecuteProcess
16:10.23 birdmun *dumb look*
16:10.34 birdmun *blank stare* even
16:10.42 ``Erik heh, it's not important
16:10.54 ``Erik "make" is very slow on windows
16:10.58 ``Erik that's teh bottom line
16:11.01 birdmun lol
16:11.27 birdmun the upside is it did complete
16:14.41 birdmun after rearranging the office and running make install it will be time to figure out how to use the software
16:15.33 ``Erik 'mged' is the graphical thing, but there're like 400 and something command line tools, too
16:15.46 ``Erik there's an introductory manual floating around, I believe
16:16.02 birdmun i believe you are correct
16:17.37 birdmun well i need to get this office taken care of
16:19.22 *** join/#brlcad cobbaut (
16:48.56 brlcad needs to be an "intro to the whole package" tutorial, that talks about all the most useful tools
16:49.09 brlcad manual 1 just doesn't cut it
16:49.16 brlcad and 2 just focuses on mged
16:54.02 cobbaut ah, good evening...
16:54.31 cobbaut i don't know enough about brlcad to write a more complete tutorial :-(
17:00.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: write an introduction to brl-cad document that overviews the primary tools and how they can be used together.
19:59.58 justin_ I just had the most ghetto idea for changing channels
20:00.11 justin_ use "eject" to bump the channel changer
20:05.34 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
20:18.06 brlcad heh
20:18.09 brlcad that's so bad
21:28.02 birdmun mged is supposed to be in the /usr/brlcad/bin directory correct?
21:36.18 brlcad yep
21:36.25 brlcad along with a lot of other apps
22:56.33 ``Erik cobbaut: if you started writing stuff, those of us with the knowledge but less free time would surely chime in and make suggestions/corrections
23:11.52 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
23:30.12 *** join/#brlcad daggerr (

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