irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060228

00:47.45 pra5ad_ lol brlcad
00:48.10 pra5ad_ i sent in my report to the prof last week
00:48.22 pra5ad_ he sends it to APL's computational geometry guy
00:48.45 pra5ad_ no word from him since (apparently he was very interested)
00:49.06 pra5ad_ heh i'll probably see a paper on it in a couple of months
01:04.22 *** join/#brlcad tegtmeye (
01:18.13 tegtmeye brlcad, you around?
01:21.33 pra5ad_ .. amazon is great
01:21.41 pra5ad_ Women's Sampler
01:21.41 pra5ad_ Average Customer Review:
01:21.41 pra5ad_ Release Date: February 23, 2006
01:21.41 pra5ad_ Our Price: $25.00  
01:21.41 pra5ad_ I Own It Not interested Rate it
01:21.42 pra5ad_ <PROTECTED>
01:22.04 pra5ad_ so i can have a facial while playing gta
01:22.46 *** join/#brlcad cobbaut (
01:23.37 tegtmeye got my book today from
01:23.49 tegtmeye saved 28$ over
01:23.53 pra5ad_ what book
01:24.03 tegtmeye dino OS book
01:24.06 tegtmeye for school
01:24.20 pra5ad_ what school
01:24.27 tegtmeye UD
01:24.32 pra5ad_ phd?
01:24.38 tegtmeye maybe:)
01:25.03 tegtmeye you should look into it.
01:25.16 tegtmeye Cheaper than used here in the US
01:25.30 pra5ad_ hmm
01:25.32 tegtmeye even after shipping
01:26.21 pra5ad_ er
01:26.36 pra5ad_ TNG complete: 450 pounds vs $385
01:26.54 tegtmeye TNG?
01:27.39 pra5ad_ star trek: the next generation
01:27.59 tegtmeye ah
01:28.29 pra5ad_ perhaps i have special credit at .com
01:28.44 tegtmeye can anyone tell me how to set -D options from the configure invoction?
01:28.58 tegtmeye without hacking the
01:31.12 docelic tegtmeye, CFLAGS="-Dsomething" ./configure
01:31.57 docelic The actual variable might be named CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS or CXXFLAGS, depending on a few things, but you can set all thre
01:32.01 docelic three*
01:34.18 tegtmeye I thought there was a DEFS variable?
01:38.05 docelic Well, maybe there is, but my instructions are generic, and work unless ./configure is custom-hacked
01:44.44 tegtmeye thanks, I'm aware of how to set the flags but that isn't what I'm really looking for
01:46.35 brlcad pra5ad_: cool, hopefully something interesting can come of it, tegtmeye: yep
01:47.21 brlcad defines would be a preprocessor, hence CPPFLAGS
01:47.54 brlcad brl-cad's configure also provides a --with-cppflags set of options too
01:49.34 tegtmeye I thought that --with-... was supossed to be for including external packages;)
01:50.35 tegtmeye Do you loose the DEFS variable when setting AC_CONFIG_HEADERS?
01:50.36 brlcad you can indirectly include external packages using those --with-*flags options :)
01:51.01 tegtmeye nah, just quoting the gcc docs for ARG_WITH
01:51.07 brlcad i know
01:51.25 brlcad i'm saying, you could twist only slightly and it still "complies"
01:51.44 brlcad the --with options usually just set cflags/cppflags/ldflags, etc anyways too
01:52.03 brlcad it's reaching, but it works
01:52.19 brlcad mainly for folks that don't understand the somewhat opaque --help blather
01:54.55 tegtmeye e> Do you loose the DEFS variable when setting AC_CONFIG_HEADERS?
01:56.35 brlcad do you lose it?
01:56.39 brlcad no, not really
01:56.50 brlcad but it changes to just -DHAVE_CONFIG_H
01:59.17 tegtmeye ah... the docs seem to gloss over this a little... I guess because no one uses it for the most part.
01:59.19 tegtmeye thanks
02:01.18 brlcad you don't generally use it directly
02:01.22 brlcad automake uses it
02:02.19 tegtmeye I know, issue is, config.h will override CFLAGS if you are trying to just override a default
02:02.23 brlcad autoconf sets it to either all the defines or to the have_config_h define, automake just passes it along as a cppflag append
02:02.58 brlcad override a default?
02:03.01 brlcad like -O2 -g ?
02:03.15 tegtmeye and when I tried to #ifdef... in, AC_DEFINE... gets lost
02:03.17 tegtmeye no
02:03.29 tegtmeye eg
02:03.39 brlcad gets blown away
02:03.45 tegtmeye I know
02:04.35 tegtmeye you want a user selectable offset value for some foo your adding to the stack (not important)...
02:04.58 tegtmeye but you want to provide a reasonable default value that you have to reference in the code
02:05.40 tegtmeye it isn't somethign that is necessarly going to change at runtime
02:05.49 tegtmeye but
02:06.01 tegtmeye it needs to be user selectable at configure
02:06.23 tegtmeye currently have --with-whatever options but seems kinda crufty
02:06.43 tegtmeye be nice to just do
02:06.55 tegtmeye ./configure -DSTACK_OFFSET=blah
02:07.19 brlcad ./configure CPPFLAGS=-DSTACK_OFFSET=blah
02:07.26 tegtmeye _but_
02:07.39 brlcad it you do your right, that should work
02:07.41 tegtmeye there has to be a default value
02:07.51 tegtmeye if it isn;t given
02:09.17 *** join/#brlcad cobbaut_ (
02:10.07 tegtmeye which is why I was looking for DEFS
02:10.19 brlcad that's pretty easy, that's just a matter of tossing in a #ifndef into config.h
02:10.51 brlcad you're limiting yourself to a version of autoheader written in the last five years or so, but .. it should work
02:11.07 tegtmeye I tried taht but AC_DEFINE choked, maybe I'm missing something?
02:11.17 brlcad ah
02:11.29 brlcad ac_def is just to define something
02:11.37 brlcad not add random foo into the header
02:11.50 brlcad you want ah_verbatim
02:11.51 tegtmeye go on...
02:12.02 brlcad iirc
02:12.33 brlcad AH_VERBATIM([STACK_OFFSET], [
02:12.41 brlcad #ifndef STACK_OFFSET
02:12.50 brlcad # define STACK_OFFSET -1
02:12.53 brlcad #endif
02:12.54 brlcad })
02:13.02 brlcad sans typo
02:13.29 tegtmeye hmmm... missed that, in autoheader docs I guess then?
02:14.04 brlcad autoconf docs mention it
02:14.22 brlcad
02:14.24 tegtmeye just going to say.. plain missed that...:)
04:41.21 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
04:49.00 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
04:53.06 pra5ad_ ibot, time
04:53.07 ibot 2006.02.28 4:53:07 GMT
04:53.17 pra5ad_ ibot, time est
04:53.27 pra5ad_ well then
04:59.14 Twingy fileserver is up
05:16.18 pra5ad_ whats in it
05:43.56 pra5ad_ ibot, time est
05:44.05 pra5ad_ useless
05:44.07 pra5ad_ ibot, time
05:44.08 ibot You are educated stupid and therefore too dumb to understand nature's perfect time cube! (2006.02.28 5:44:08 GMT)
06:47.30 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
09:28.03 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
11:07.33 *** join/#brlcad cobbaut (
11:25.19 *** join/#brlcad cobbaut (
12:49.38 *** join/#brlcad grumbel (
18:24.47 *** join/#brlcad cad370 (
20:32.45 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
20:49.22 *** join/#brlcad IngMan (
20:50.13 IngMan Hi
20:54.39 IngMan how make gears
21:00.40 pier tried to draw one out this afternoon
21:01.16 pier but making a sketch turned out being very tricky
23:55.05 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (

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