irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060301

00:18.56 *** join/#brlcad learner (n=brlcad@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad)
00:18.56 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
00:31.11 Twingy mill arrived
00:32.07 archivist mill=milling machine?
00:32.50 Twingy yep
00:33.24 Twingy cnc too
00:33.34 archivist nice
00:34.08 archivist we have a toy(educational) one here at work
00:34.28 Twingy what brand?
00:34.35 archivist boxford
00:34.39 Twingy ah
00:34.49 Twingy mine is a taig with the xlyotex steppers
00:34.53 archivist english
00:36.48 archivist cad>dxf>cnc is fun
00:40.53 archivist with the occasional tool breakage
00:41.47 Twingy I'm making my own tool path editor
00:44.53 archivist dont let the tool dwell on path changes as the boxford does, tool spring etc leaves horrid marks
00:45.06 ``Erik O.o
00:45.49 Twingy erik is a tool
00:46.04 Twingy and leaves horrid marks
00:46.09 ``Erik on your MOM
00:46.10 ``Erik O.o
00:46.12 Twingy with his tar irn'
00:46.16 ``Erik heh, wow, I feel like I'm in fifth grade
00:46.34 ``Erik it's a tar arn, tyvm
00:46.35 Twingy DEY TUK R JBS!@
00:47.00 ``Erik so you got the mill today, I presume?
00:47.05 Twingy yes
00:47.09 ``Erik <-- scrolls up
00:47.11 ``Erik hurrrrrr
00:47.12 Twingy I just unboxed it
00:47.15 ``Erik swank
00:47.18 ``Erik tiny, ain't it?
00:47.25 Twingy I'm feeling rather lethargic so it's just sitting there
00:47.29 ``Erik gonna put the c&c bits on tonight?
00:47.29 ``Erik ah
00:47.29 Twingy yep
00:47.36 Twingy it's very cute $1800 toy
00:47.42 Twingy nope
00:47.51 ``Erik the c&c motors will move without the main motor running, right?
00:48.16 Twingy Tekrad what hex numbers are \r and \n
00:48.16 Twingy Topangea :-D
00:48.17 Twingy Topangea 0x13 I think is \n
00:48.19 Twingy KostiX i bet avr is alike in some stuff
00:48.21 Twingy Twingy "man ascii"
00:48.23 Twingy Topangea \r might be 0x14 or something..I don't remember
00:48.25 Twingy _Q \r == 0x0D
00:48.27 Twingy Topangea or maybe \r is
00:48.35 ``Erik so you can wrap some paper around a 2x4, stick a pencil in the chuck, and try to program it to draw things to debug/test?
00:48.36 Twingy yep
00:49.02 Twingy heh I guess, but that's too much trouble
00:49.04 ``Erik opposed to cutting up wood or cheap aluminum stock o.O
00:49.14 Twingy I don't need to cut anything
00:49.15 ``Erik do you have a micrometer?
00:49.20 Twingy meh
00:49.23 Twingy eyeball it y0
00:49.27 ``Erik heh
00:49.48 ``Erik I don't trust your eyes to measure ten thousandths :D
00:49.51 Twingy measure once, cut twice
00:50.34 Twingy I'll know shortly if this junk works
00:50.38 ``Erik swank
00:50.40 Twingy streaming tv
00:50.56 Twingy much more interesting to me right now
00:50.57 ``Erik you should try hand milling some basic things out of aluminum stock, imho
00:51.13 ``Erik just to find the right spot where c&c becomes worth it
00:51.13 Twingy go buy me a mill with hand cranks then
00:51.20 ``Erik uh, yours doesn't have 'em?
00:51.27 Twingy uh, cnc motors duh?
00:51.38 Twingy you use one or the other
00:51.42 ``Erik hrm, I've seen systems that have both...
00:51.43 archivist press da buttons then
00:51.44 ``Erik *shrug*
00:52.01 ``Erik <-- actually liked milling by hand, it was theraputic or something
00:52.05 ``Erik lathing, too
00:52.05 Twingy you're taking more interest in this than I am :)
00:52.19 brlcad up up down down left right left right a b a b [return]
00:52.33 Twingy konami codes *grunt grunt grunt*
00:52.41 ``Erik well, shit, bitch, you're talkin' about serious nostolgia stuff for me... :D 15 years ago, I was trying to figure out if that's what I wanted to do with my life
00:52.42 Twingy ba ba select start
00:53.01 Twingy guess you chose poorly
00:53.04 Twingy *duck*
00:53.05 brlcad heh
00:53.24 ``Erik damn I feel old
00:53.50 ``Erik <-- still highly amused by prasads reaction at finding out how old he is :D
00:53.50 Twingy you're going to be one of the bobs
00:54.05 ``Erik twinky, you have a real go getter attitude
00:54.12 ``Erik I'm going to recommend that we promote you to mgmt
00:54.24 Twingy cool, then I can fire your ass :)
00:54.26 ``Erik <-- ducks to avoid the backhand
00:54.26 ``Erik :D
00:55.26 Twingy forizzle
00:55.54 ``Erik man, I installed gnucash on my fbsd7 box, and the fucking pos segfaults on certain chart related functions :(
00:56.17 ``Erik sean, shouldn't you be prepping a bz release?
00:56.18 Twingy how do you feed configure arguments when it's in a port
00:56.18 brlcad what you get for trying to manage your finances
00:56.23 brlcad gotta just let em run free
00:56.23 ``Erik indeed
00:56.26 ``Erik heh
00:56.34 ``Erik uh, I have responsibilities
00:56.43 ``Erik I'm a "provider" now
00:56.45 Twingy beer + car?
00:56.51 ``Erik well, a lot less beer
00:56.52 ``Erik but that car, yes
00:56.58 ``Erik jason had a brat, I had a beast
00:56.59 ``Erik :D
00:57.04 brlcad you were sober enough to knock someone up?
00:57.14 Twingy *psst* I think he knocked his car up
00:57.25 brlcad he was doing something to it..
00:57.40 ``Erik heh, uh, she dumped me on friday, and was on the pill, haven't tagged any tail since :)
00:57.45 ``Erik I buffed it good
00:57.48 ``Erik polished the curves
00:57.49 ``Erik aw yeah
00:57.54 ``Erik got up in the tail pipes, even :o
00:57.58 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
00:58.00 Twingy look you scared chucks son off
00:58.07 ``Erik hehehehe
00:58.27 Twingy how do you feed configure args from in the port?
00:58.40 Twingy without going into the work dir
00:58.50 Twingy or izzat the preferred method?
00:58.53 ``Erik um, the port might have knobs, grep for \..*if
00:59.00 ``Erik if it doesn't, you can do something like
00:59.03 PrezKennedy you spoke too soon!
00:59.09 ``Erik make CONFIGURE_ARGS=--enable-wozzle
00:59.11 ``Erik iirc
00:59.21 PrezKennedy darn xchat and its crashing...
00:59.26 ``Erik BitchX-1.1-final+ by panasync - FreeBSD 6.0-STABLE
01:00.49 Twingy nah
01:00.53 PrezKennedy bazing
01:00.56 Twingy you just need to write a raytracer
01:01.03 ``Erik uh, right, ...
01:01.14 Twingy my raytracer gets all the girlz
01:01.17 ``Erik and how much tail have you gotten since hurley burley?
01:01.20 ``Erik none? thought so :)
01:02.14 Twingy cool, mplayer picked up live lib
01:02.21 PrezKennedy speaking of myspace stalkers... i knew a guy at UMBC who raped and killed a girl he met on myspace
01:02.32 ``Erik charming
01:02.38 PrezKennedy indeed
01:02.55 ``Erik but if she was legal, it's not newsworthy. The story of the day is statuatory rape.
01:03.01 ``Erik so says smacksnot.
01:03.19 Twingy forizzle
01:03.46 Twingy I do it for the druuuuugs
01:03.59 ``Erik hehehehe... towlie... :D
01:04.07 ``Erik remember to bring a towel!... wanna get high?
01:04.28 Twingy I get high on lee's farts
01:04.38 ``Erik y'know, I totally missed the h2g2 connection there until today after lunch...
01:04.41 ``Erik <-- slow
01:04.57 ``Erik oh, man, if I could set the topic...
01:05.07 PrezKennedy Twingy is using designer drugs
01:05.08 Twingy I had a connection to h2g2? netstat didn't say anything
01:05.27 ``Erik :o it didn't? that SLUT!
01:05.39 Twingy that's no way to speak about PrezKennedy
01:06.03 PrezKennedy :'(
01:06.11 PrezKennedy i thought you cared!!!
01:06.12 Twingy I found a use for an apple hockey puck today
01:06.24 ``Erik playing hockey with our canuckian friends?
01:06.42 Twingy do I look like some kinda fucking care bear?
01:06.47 ``Erik I don't like the hockey puck, but I do like the big pill
01:07.05 Twingy if I were care bear I'd be the one that drinks heavily and poops on children
01:07.22 Twingy can't remember the name of that one
01:07.30 brlcad hahaha, damn that's good stuff..
01:07.31 PrezKennedy Alcoholism bear?
01:07.37 ``Erik party bear
01:07.40 ``Erik "cool bear"
01:07.40 Twingy yes, that's it
01:07.50 Twingy and milton would be gay bear
01:08.03 ``Erik um, except it's spelled "intarweb"
01:08.04 Twingy haha
01:08.21 PrezKennedy its spell Teh Intraweb!
01:08.32 ``Erik *ghuh* should milton hop on irc and join #bearcave ?
01:08.46 Twingy he might flood himself off the channel
01:08.56 PrezKennedy no... i think not... not checking out that channel
01:08.57 Twingy that would imply you're already on the channel erik?
01:09.14 ``Erik no, I'm afraid I wasn't qualified :(
01:09.22 ``Erik <-- not fat enough, not hairy enough, and not gay enough
01:09.34 Twingy his laptop is fruity
01:09.47 Twingy I was watching sean unbreak it all day
01:09.57 Twingy he stops in every 5 minutes to see if it's fixed
01:09.58 ``Erik that old tibook?
01:10.00 Twingy yea
01:10.15 ``Erik I thought an order was put in for new macbook pros?
01:10.27 Twingy I think we should just give him that xserver in the machine room
01:10.36 ``Erik if it weren't for some minor screen damage, I think this g4 lappie would be perfect for a few yrs yet
01:10.41 Twingy yea, we'll get those as a retirement gift
01:10.59 Twingy you spill another beer?
01:11.03 ``Erik <-- not entirely sold on an xserve
01:11.10 ``Erik apple martini... and I blame you, beeyotch
01:11.11 ``Erik :D
01:11.12 Twingy not even the cardboard kind?
01:11.19 ``Erik well, teh cardboard one, sure
01:11.21 Twingy heh, I had a few of those ove rthe weekend
01:11.42 ``Erik but I think if you factor in things like admin time and cost of downtime, scsi is still the winnar in the server room
01:11.56 Twingy I think cardboard hard drives trump all
01:12.01 ``Erik I threw the idea out to a group of top tier admins, got a chunk of "yeah, what he said"
01:12.14 PrezKennedy govt top tier?
01:12.18 ``Erik <-- thinks sata is great at replacing pata, but it aint' up to scsi raid
01:12.26 ``Erik no, industry, people who have clues and make good decisions
01:12.58 PrezKennedy the first bad decision govt people make... is to join the govt
01:13.14 ``Erik meh, it depends on the persons goal
01:13.29 ``Erik the job stability is... not neglegible.
01:13.49 ``Erik <-- been canned a couple times, it can happen out of teh blue and for no good reason
01:13.55 Twingy hrm
01:13.59 ``Erik I mean, I didn't even take down an entire network at a large isp or anything
01:14.03 ``Erik :}
01:14.12 PrezKennedy hahaha
01:14.42 Twingy meh
01:14.51 ``Erik (dynsol was due to attricion, fedex was due to petty politics)
01:15.08 Twingy fedex has a good commercial
01:15.09 ``Erik attrition
01:15.13 Twingy with cavemen
01:16.07 ``Erik hehehe, the fedex political bullshit also caused most of their top shelf minds to leave for companies like google :)
01:16.18 ``Erik so I don't feel too awfully bad about all that
01:17.38 ``Erik
01:18.36 Twingy checking for lt_dlopen in -lltdl... no
01:18.45 Twingy hrm, /usr/local/share/libtool15
01:18.54 Twingy tried symlinking libtool15 to libtool, still aint findin' it
01:20.04 ``Erik there's a handful of shit that has to be linked... ls /usr/local/bin/*15 might be a good starting point
01:20.14 Twingy aight
01:20.51 Twingy 253* too
01:20.55 ``Erik that's one thing that pisses me off about fbsd... the peckers maintaining the ports wont' write the scripts to figure out how to link up expected names
01:21.10 ``Erik yeah, if that's the version you use... I use libtool15, automake19, and autoconf259, usually
01:21.12 brlcad devel/libltdl15
01:21.29 brlcad tis a separate port lib
01:21.39 Twingy ah
01:21.45 ``Erik find /usr/local/bin -type s <-- on one of the fbsd boxen I rigged up shows some of the stupid
01:21.54 ``Erik meh
01:22.20 brlcad ie shoulda been a dep for whatever you're building but aparently aint
01:22.38 ``Erik you making a port of that program, justin?
01:22.56 Twingy nope
01:22.59 Twingy gotta get it working first
01:23.08 brlcad ah
01:23.21 Twingy mplayer is having trouble finding stream, with support it gets further
01:23.35 Twingy I think the rtsp://<localhost>:8554/ actually needs something after the slash
01:24.04 Twingy damn
01:24.14 Twingy still missing ltdl for nemesi, the client for fenice
01:24.38 Twingy /usr/local/share/libtool15/libltdl
01:25.08 Twingy AC_CHECK_LIB(ltdl,lt_dlopen,,\
01:25.15 Twingy hrmm
01:25.18 brlcad <PROTECTED>
01:25.48 brlcad oh, what video device is that capturing?
01:26.18 brlcad er, what capture device did you get?
01:26.52 Twingy bktr0
01:27.04 Twingy Failed to get a SDP description from URL "rtsp://": cannot handle DESCRIBE response: RTSP/1.0 415 Unsupported Media Type
01:27.10 Twingy I don't think the stream has a name
01:29.49 Twingy hrm, file...
01:32.18 brlcad looks interesting
01:32.30 brlcad has a channel changer
01:32.44 Twingy fxtv does as well
01:32.57 Twingy plus capture stuff
01:34.56 Twingy ah
01:41.00 *** join/#brlcad tegtmeye (
01:41.10 ``Erik
01:41.14 Twingy the mill arrived mike
01:41.16 ``Erik
01:41.21 tegtmeye sweet!
01:41.27 tegtmeye and???
01:41.47 Twingy it's very mill'ish
01:41.52 ``Erik
01:41.52 tegtmeye lol
01:42.04 Twingy mplayer is borked
01:42.05 tegtmeye all that youhoped for?
01:42.15 Twingy I'm working on rtsp stuff
01:42.23 tegtmeye ah
01:42.50 tegtmeye I expected you to mill up a soda can out of recycled soda cans by now
01:43.31 Twingy hrm, libltdl is sitting in /usr/local/lib
01:45.19 Twingy ah
01:45.23 Twingy fixed their configure script
01:46.17 Twingy I might build the mill later tonight or tomorrow
01:47.06 tegtmeye how much "some assembly necessary"?
01:47.19 Twingy like 4 parts
01:47.29 Twingy and then cnc portion
01:47.35 Twingy another 4 parts
01:48.07 tegtmeye gcc 4.1 released today...
01:48.15 tegtmeye if anyone cares
01:48.34 ``Erik does it still have the fuckups of the beta? o.O
01:49.30 tegtmeye not sure, testing now...
02:33.20 Twingy urf, so much breakage
02:33.49 pra5ad_ does mplayer work at all w/ nvidia drivers?
02:33.55 Twingy yea
02:34.08 pra5ad_ special compile flags?
02:34.11 pra5ad_ er conf
02:34.14 Twingy newp
02:34.17 pra5ad_ wtf
02:34.19 pra5ad_ =(
02:34.33 Twingy never had a problem on loonix or freebsd
02:34.43 pra5ad_ from src?
02:34.45 pra5ad_ or binary
02:34.53 Twingy I compile out of ports
02:34.59 pra5ad_ oh
02:35.14 pra5ad_ ubuntu has no mplayer package
03:59.05 pra5ad_ woot mplayer is working
07:46.12 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
10:14.32 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
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10:58.54 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
14:09.45 *** join/#brlcad cobbaut_ (
14:34.41 cobbaut hi, i see on that 7.6.8 is released, but i don't see it with the downloads...
15:05.14 brlcad cobbaut: yeah, jumped the gun by a few hours on the posting.. trouble uploading the tarball
15:05.32 brlcad it'll be up in a few hours
15:52.13 ``Erik heh
16:05.08 Maloeran You may as well grab the cvs I suppose
16:05.22 ``Erik heh, is cvs unbroken now? :D
16:06.11 Maloeran Sourceforge sure seems to have recurrent problems with cvs
16:06.47 ``Erik I meant the code in it, supposedly there were some fresh bugs in librt or something :)
16:07.02 Maloeran Ah :)
16:49.41 brlcad cvs head isn't reliable at the moment, rel-7-6-branch if you want reliable
19:27.12 *** join/#brlcad grumbel (
20:02.29 *** join/#brlcad IngMan (
20:04.26 *** join/#brlcad IngMan (
20:06.09 *** join/#brlcad IngMan (
20:06.23 IngMan Hi Brlcad
20:09.40 IngMan For day I have been having the same doubt: How make gears
20:18.02 IngMan How make gears
20:40.30 IngMan Hi
20:47.46 IngMan exit
21:06.24 Maloeran That was... coherent
21:07.49 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
21:12.14 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
23:12.56 ``Erik spam spam spam and egg salad.
23:18.41 archivist I saw that first time around (shows my age)
23:24.01 ``Erik was that '76 or '77?
23:24.11 ``Erik :)
23:24.21 brlcad mm.. sounds yummy
23:25.00 ``Erik (well, my parents carried me there ;)
23:25.55 archivist maybe earlier than 76 cant remember
23:26.45 ``Erik pisses me off by not posting more pics by the stories... I use the pictures to see if new shit is listed :(
23:28.29 archivist 1969-1974
23:29.10 ``Erik ah, heh, my bad
23:29.14 archivist so i was 17 when it started
23:29.18 ``Erik 76-77 must've been in the movie phase
23:29.56 ``Erik <-- needs to buy the dvd's of the flying circuis and 4 movies... has the latest 'compilation' dvd's
23:33.42 ``Erik heh, he has to wire in the cnc motors, then write control software
23:34.36 ``Erik mebbe tomorrow afternoon, he'll have a psuedorocket
23:38.42 *** join/#brlcad docelic (

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