irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060317

01:52.06 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
09:07.30 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
12:23.52 *** join/#brlcad rogier (
12:55.13 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
16:07.11 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (
16:28.10 *** join/#brlcad iday (
16:31.14 ``Erik prasad is hungry.
16:32.46 iday pra5ad doesn't have his own voice?
16:33.04 ``Erik he is not clever enough to be here right now
16:33.10 iday heh
16:33.17 ``Erik so he walked into my office to get me to see if justin and/or sean were interested
16:33.18 ``Erik heh
16:33.29 iday what about gym?
16:33.40 Maloeran Ah, so he escaped from that place called "outside" where he was trapped yesterday
16:34.11 ``Erik heh, apparently, mal :) he's a bit embarrased that it's common knowledge ;D
16:34.48 iday iday = phcoder
16:35.07 iday but my nick was... um... taken
16:35.32 ``Erik ahhh, with both you and sean ooo, I guess he has no will to pick heavy things up just to put them back down
16:35.54 iday hah
16:36.48 Maloeran Yup ``Erik, it's common knowledge all the way back to Canada :)
16:37.21 ``Erik what? there's knowledge in canada? :D *duck*
16:37.58 iday what about?
16:38.06 ``Erik oconus to canuckia
16:38.13 iday ah yes.
16:38.14 ``Erik I was a bit late
17:04.38 ``Erik mmm mmmmm, cup o' noodles.
17:10.30 ``Erik heh, I bought a big ol' jar of couscous and have eaten it exactly once o.O
17:11.39 Maloeran Ah I have mine delivered, I can't cook that well
19:04.03 Twingy ``Erik, you see the screenshot?
20:14.18 *** join/#brlcad martyn (
20:23.08 ``Erik screenie of what?
20:23.33 ``Erik btw, I fixed that ssh thing just now... so'z you can get into that machine again
20:24.09 Twingy
20:24.40 ``Erik gtk2, and gtkglarea?
20:24.47 Twingy gtkglext
20:24.59 ``Erik nifty
20:26.17 archivist_ashby its a png couldnt see it move
20:27.40 Twingy with any luck I'll have time to get it spitting out g-code this weekend
20:33.30 archivist_ashby ooo
22:03.32 *** join/#brlcad iday (
22:09.14 pra5ad fucking idiots at comast
22:09.16 pra5ad comcast
22:09.20 pra5ad AHHHHHHh
22:09.54 pra5ad i ask for hdmi+dvr and they bring me a box w/o hdmi and w/o dvr
22:10.18 pra5ad most excellent way to spend annual leave
22:12.39 docelic haha
22:23.09 ``Erik ghah, I accidently listened to some screamo
22:59.06 *** part/#brlcad archivist_ashby (
23:08.40 ``Erik ghah, thanks for reminding me, jason
23:17.14 Twingy that's my job
23:17.24 ``Erik twinky, what dates did you reserve for?
23:17.48 Twingy guess
23:17.56 ``Erik the defaults?
23:18.01 Twingy no
23:18.19 Twingy we always leave 1 day before event, and leave the day after
23:18.25 Twingy *arrive
23:19.25 pra5ad wouldnt that be the default
23:19.33 pra5ad on the hotel reservation site at least
23:20.28 Twingy no
23:20.35 ``Erik actually, they have departure listed as the same day as the end
23:20.38 Twingy because default is leaving day OF event
23:20.47 ``Erik so 7/29-8/04 ?
23:20.47 pra5ad oh woops
23:20.52 Twingy silly wabbit
23:21.18 pra5ad i got an F
23:24.15 Twingy you two shacking?
23:24.30 pra5ad nein
23:25.31 pra5ad heh, another guy contacts me thru gdc
23:26.29 pra5ad tata
23:29.59 ``Erik yay, I'm registered
23:30.13 Twingy westin?
23:30.22 ``Erik yup
23:30.45 ``Erik hm, $64/day m&ie, if I treat it like 52, I'm good
23:31.23 Twingy I can get a few steaks for that
23:31.25 ``Erik heh, or if I cash out the travel comp time o.O
23:31.44 Twingy how's that work?
23:32.19 ``Erik you fill out fairly detailed forms for the travel (when you were where, how long you waited for what, etc), some of it applies towards travel comp, if you let it sit for 2 months, it cashes out at overtime rates, I believe
23:32.45 ``Erik last year, I did travel comp for siggraph, lee did not as he was afraid it would give 'them' an excuse not to send us next year
23:32.47 Twingy that's quick
23:32.52 ``Erik *nod*
23:32.53 Twingy regular comp time takes over 6 months
23:33.11 ``Erik did it for java1, too
23:33.49 ``Erik it does require some detailed logging of the trip, though
23:34.09 Twingy maybe I should get out my crayons then
23:35.18 ``Erik heh, we could try a mass justification for going over per diem, the 'actual expense' on lodging... wendy seemed to think a single large group waiver would fly o.O
23:35.51 Twingy I'm not over on lodging
23:36.00 Twingy therefore I don't care :)
23:36.22 ``Erik aight *shrug* even if you and sean could grab a second room and have private singles, instead?
23:36.37 Twingy yea, he wakes my ass up when I'm too tired
23:36.46 Twingy *crack*
23:36.48 Twingy :)
23:36.52 ``Erik unless he finds someone elses room to crash in ;) *duck*
23:37.08 Twingy hey, I'm down with sloppy seconds
23:37.37 ``Erik would be a step up from last year? *duck* *run* :D
23:37.39 Twingy and in that case I'd have a quad to myself, heh
23:37.55 Twingy I called about suits
23:37.59 Twingy ~$1200 a night
23:38.04 Twingy suites
23:38.06 ``Erik yowch
23:38.40 ``Erik and I assume they dont' have 8 beds? heh
23:38.51 Twingy we could probly get one with 7 people staying in one
23:38.58 ``Erik that'd be over per diem
23:39.04 Twingy that's alright
23:39.06 Twingy it's a suite
23:39.13 Twingy you are so finicky about money you know that :)
23:39.38 ``Erik um, heh, I'm paying over per diem for this lodging, you're not, dude
23:40.00 ``Erik also; I have responsibilities now, I can't be throwing money around like you
23:40.01 Twingy so shack up with jason, prasaid, mike or tim
23:40.14 Twingy heh, responsitibilities *snicker*
23:40.15 ``Erik I have to be a grown-up... my baby's depending on me
23:40.39 Twingy you irc'ing from the garage?
23:40.46 ``Erik always
23:40.50 ``Erik o.O kitchen, actually
23:40.54 ``Erik it was a metaphorical pet
23:41.22 ``Erik dr who at 9
23:41.30 Twingy yea, looks like total suckage though
23:41.44 ``Erik it might be... the new doc seems like a yokel goob
23:41.53 ``Erik and; he ain't baker.
23:42.08 Twingy I should call chuck
23:42.15 ``Erik he's busy playing tribes, or working
23:44.11 ``Erik so what're you gonna do if sean gives you a hitler?:D
23:44.26 Twingy I'll be drunk, I won't care
23:44.55 Twingy but after the trip I'll smash his flat panels :)
23:46.26 Twingy don't spill any teqilla on it
23:46.34 Twingy *tequilla
23:46.43 ``Erik pjt bounced back my oconus with a couple really minor changes today, I THINK he may've signed it to send off to the expanse
23:46.53 ``Erik *splash* *ZZZTTTTTT*
23:56.57 Twingy tsp did well this week
23:59.52 Twingy I suspect I will hit 40k on my tsp sometime this year

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.