irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060324

00:14.19 *** join/#brlcad rogier (
00:26.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/rtarea.1: -v for viewsize is not longer that option
01:18.19 *** join/#brlcad tegtmeye_ (
01:55.29 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
03:21.28 *** join/#brlcad prasad (
03:21.41 prasad im turning into a marketing schill
03:21.52 prasad trying to sell a product that doesnt exist
03:26.12 Twingy then hurry up and write it
03:27.49 prasad i told them justin shumaker was lead engineer
03:27.55 prasad and to direct all technical questions to him
03:28.00 prasad and gave them ur cell #
03:28.07 Twingy good, cause I can get the shit done :)
03:28.19 prasad ;)
03:28.26 prasad so yea
03:28.32 Twingy okay, living room is all torn up
03:28.40 prasad sony is being a little bitch
03:28.40 Twingy probly not as bad as mikes
03:28.53 prasad wont sell me the dev kit unless i pose as a middleware company
03:29.05 prasad now can i do that w/o arl backing?
03:29.05 Twingy so start a middleware company? :)
03:29.06 prasad =)
03:29.16 prasad u got venture capital?
03:29.23 Twingy cost you $125 to register a company in deleware
03:29.24 prasad if so, lets do it
03:29.39 Twingy you don't need vc
03:29.49 prasad dev kit costs $$
03:29.51 prasad u got $5k?
03:29.58 Twingy bittorent
03:30.01 prasad that's the price point in 2 weeks
03:30.08 Twingy yea :)
03:30.16 prasad yes.. bittorrent hardware..
03:30.30 Twingy wouldn't spend it on that junk though
03:30.48 Twingy I'd rather get a new dining room set and hardwood floor
03:30.54 Twingy :)
03:30.57 prasad im sure i can get wendy to buy one
03:31.03 Twingy hah
03:31.06 Twingy haha
03:31.07 prasad posing as a middleware company might cause her to implode
03:31.16 prasad u know it's on my objectives right?
03:31.21 Twingy she is faaaaar to risk adverse
03:31.22 prasad acquiring cell hardware?
03:31.30 Twingy you'd have better luck getting it through bill
03:31.48 prasad im allowed to circumvent the branch chief?
03:31.48 Twingy he seems to be uncle warbucks lately
03:31.59 Twingy no, but it didn't stop me with alexis
03:32.14 Twingy she just doesn't know what's good for her
03:32.26 prasad i didnt follow ur previous comment
03:32.35 prasad u convinced her to bring on board alexis
03:32.35 Twingy I didn't expect you to
03:32.44 Twingy that's the perception, yes :)
03:32.59 prasad well i convinced wendy to send me to gdc
03:33.04 prasad so i have something going for me
03:33.05 prasad =)
03:33.08 Twingy cause it's training
03:33.14 Twingy where's wendy today
03:33.15 Twingy training
03:33.19 prasad heh
03:33.20 Twingy big surprise!
03:33.49 prasad the sony guy was telling me about a company called mercury or something like that
03:33.51 prasad from germany
03:33.56 prasad that does real time rt
03:33.58 Twingy I herd of them
03:34.05 Twingy from siggraph 04 and 05
03:34.07 prasad apparently showcased at siggraph
03:34.09 prasad ah
03:34.33 Twingy yartc
03:34.43 prasad so i have an intel and sony contact
03:35.03 prasad waiting for ibm to email me back about dev kits
03:35.14 Twingy find any women?
03:35.20 prasad nop
03:35.27 Twingy sheesh
03:35.35 prasad u shouldnt be talking
03:35.38 prasad =)
03:35.39 Twingy hey
03:35.58 Twingy last siggraph woulda been perfect if she didn't have a kid
03:36.10 prasad uh huh
03:36.16 Twingy there's always boston
03:36.26 Twingy so I get to spin the wheel of siggraph again
03:36.30 prasad heh u guys should see the will wright keynote
03:36.33 prasad fucking hilarious
03:36.47 prasad guy started talking about the russian space program
03:36.49 prasad out of the blue
03:36.55 Twingy you wanna see a good keynote, check out bruce sterlings from siggraph '04
03:36.58 prasad along with other random topics
03:37.08 Twingy it'll keep you thinking long after you're done watching it
03:37.09 prasad hey nintendo's keynote was excellent
03:37.35 prasad they'll support all *NES games AND all SEGA saturn games
03:37.41 prasad er the revolution will
03:38.05 Twingy I wonder if I'll ever play video games again
03:38.17 Twingy you know I haven't played one in over a year?
03:38.20 prasad m$ has already lost the war
03:38.24 prasad it's nintendo vs sony
03:38.34 Twingy actually, I played 10 minutes of tux racer this year
03:38.41 prasad didnt u play gta recently
03:38.53 Twingy it's still sitting on the floor
03:38.58 prasad oh yea.. nvidia's "advanced rendering effects" lecture was such BS
03:39.03 Twingy I played that for 30 minutes at a friends house
03:39.14 prasad it turned out to be a sales pitch for the havok fx physics engine
03:39.15 Twingy heh
03:39.18 prasad that runs on the nvidia gpu
03:39.21 prasad sorta cool
03:39.28 prasad but come on..
03:39.33 Twingy I'm sooooooooo over tooty fruity graphics tricks no matter how much math they try to soil it with
03:39.42 prasad and i was one # away from getting that 7800gt in the raffele
03:39.45 prasad :o
03:39.59 prasad im with u
03:40.07 prasad that's why i want rt hardware
03:40.17 Twingy that's for the quasi-mathematicians
03:40.30 prasad ?
03:40.41 Twingy I'm more interested in engineering the appropriate hardware to solve my problems
03:41.02 prasad im trying to do the same thing with hardware
03:41.08 Twingy (assuming it cannot be done in a respectable manner on a general purpose cpu)
03:41.18 prasad arent u bandwidth limited?
03:41.25 prasad what's the peak fps
03:41.29 prasad for stryker
03:41.44 Twingy if siggraph spent all the man hours on quantum computing rather than graphics tricks, we'd be in a different era
03:41.56 Twingy 1 node or cluster?
03:42.01 prasad cluster
03:42.11 Twingy oh, I can push 25 fps on the new cluster I think
03:42.14 prasad and what's the performance of 4 nodes vs 6 vs 8
03:42.20 Twingy with alexis's that's about 150 fps
03:42.32 prasad 25 bandwidth limited or are u not saturating the gig e?
03:42.37 Twingy it's 90% linear
03:42.48 Twingy I'm not even close to saturdation
03:42.56 prasad ack
03:43.02 prasad i thought u were
03:43.03 prasad hmph
03:43.05 Twingy nope
03:43.11 Twingy everything is compressed
03:43.23 prasad zlib?
03:43.24 Twingy even uncompressed it'd take like 32 nodes to get close
03:43.26 Twingy yes
03:43.30 Twingy it's lame, but it works
03:43.32 prasad whats the compression overhead
03:43.38 Twingy minimal
03:43.38 Twingy like 10%
03:43.43 prasad k
03:44.04 Twingy wait till you see alexis's stuff
03:44.16 Twingy as much as a difference I made between adrt and brl-cad
03:44.20 prasad ive been asking for a demo since forever
03:44.22 Twingy there will be between adrt and alexis's stuff
03:44.35 Twingy I'm not at liberty to hand one out
03:45.37 prasad the only way i can get the ps3 dev kit is if i pose as a middleware person who can guarantee an RT api that runs on cell
03:46.12 prasad good performance on 4 spus will be ideal
03:46.20 Twingy I might be able to help you out
03:46.28 Twingy talk to me next week
03:46.33 prasad all it needs is to maintain 30fps
03:46.37 prasad hdmi standard
03:46.43 Twingy sure, but talk to me next week
03:46.47 prasad k
03:47.01 prasad ill hold off on talking to the sony rep till then
03:47.36 Twingy I'd say there's a 70% chance we could get it based on new things happening
03:47.49 prasad new things where
03:48.06 Twingy in land of arl from high above
03:48.11 prasad i see
03:49.06 Twingy you could potentially work with alexis on this
03:49.31 prasad true
03:49.46 Twingy he is your best resource
03:49.54 prasad but how do i get the go ahead from management
03:50.07 prasad unless u mean circumvent arl altogether
03:50.10 Twingy that's not an irc conversation
03:50.13 Twingy no, it's legit
03:50.19 prasad oh interesting
03:50.22 prasad k we'll talk later
03:50.43 Twingy yea
03:51.13 Twingy if I were to guess, it'd be 4 - 8 months before you got it
03:51.56 prasad heh
03:53.19 prasad now selling this api will be pretty hard as a primary renderer
03:53.36 Twingy do you know how to check your priv msgs?
03:53.40 prasad completely discarding the rsx will be very bad
03:53.56 prasad did u pm the wrong nick?
03:54.02 pra5ad-sj pm me
03:54.28 Twingy are you registered with nick serv?
03:54.35 pra5ad-sj gah
03:54.57 pra5ad-sj u on aim?
03:55.01 Twingy yes
04:06.36 brlcad bruce sterling was awesome at siggraph 2004, .. best .. keynote .. ever
04:07.25 brlcad wait.. that's not who I'm thinking of :)
04:07.42 Twingy it certainly wasn't lucas
04:07.54 pra5ad-sj got a video?
04:08.01 brlcad that's the worst in a long time
04:08.15 pra5ad-sj went to the new m$ flight sim terrain gen lecture
04:08.15 Twingy
04:08.18 Twingy ^-- there
04:08.18 pra5ad-sj very interesting stuff
04:08.18 brlcad he just didn't give a damn to be there.. utterly boring to listen to
04:08.29 pra5ad-sj procedural textures in software
04:09.05 brlcad the guy i'm thinking of wasn't keynote
04:09.21 brlcad maybe the lifetime achievement award
04:09.31 brlcad talked about his work on sketch
04:09.57 brlcad 8kb ram to work in for code and graphics
04:10.01 brlcad or somesuch
04:11.33 brlcad san diego iirc
04:18.16 Twingy <PROTECTED>
04:19.34 brlcad java? :)
04:20.00 Twingy hmm :)
04:20.05 brlcad apple!
04:20.34 pra5ad-sj oh yea
04:20.44 pra5ad-sj i talked to david carmein today
04:20.47 pra5ad-sj met him up at lunch
04:21.02 pra5ad-sj ceo of VSD inc (aka omni directional treadmill)
04:21.17 pra5ad-sj interesting chap
04:21.21 pra5ad-sj got good ideas
04:21.29 pra5ad-sj lacks funding
04:21.47 brlcad that device can't be cheap
04:21.49 pra5ad-sj apparently the hamster ball treadmill idea was his (he is cited in their patent)
04:22.57 brlcad you should tell him that he should demo the platform with someone playing bzflag
04:23.08 brlcad or counterstrike or something
04:23.10 pra5ad-sj heh hred wants a system w/o harness but the odt needs one for full immersion
04:23.29 pra5ad-sj well hred is using some game engine coupled with the odt
04:23.33 pra5ad-sj so he says
04:23.42 pra5ad-sj perhaps there is a game tied into the system
04:23.53 pra5ad-sj can find out when we go on the field trip
04:24.06 brlcad mm.. bzflag compiled on the spot
04:27.49 pra5ad-sj The following items were included in this shipment:
04:27.50 pra5ad-sj ---------------------------------------------------------------------
04:27.50 pra5ad-sj Qty Item Price Shipped Subtotal
04:27.50 pra5ad-sj ---------------------------------------------------------------------
04:27.50 pra5ad-sj <PROTECTED>
04:27.55 pra5ad-sj ARRRRR!
04:28.13 pra5ad-sj i swear it didn't cost that much when i bought it
04:28.40 brlcad that's almost a new computer
04:28.55 pra5ad-sj i know =(
04:29.13 pra5ad-sj nintendo's brain game is fuckin brilliant
04:29.17 pra5ad-sj i want to get a DS just for that
04:29.32 pra5ad-sj treadmill for ur brain
04:29.33 pra5ad-sj and it works
04:29.45 pra5ad-sj they performed an experiement on stage at the keynote
04:30.00 pra5ad-sj convinced me ^_^
04:32.06 pra5ad-sj so i did save a little.. normal price is $520
04:33.28 brlcad brain game?
04:33.40 pra5ad-sj yea
04:33.41 brlcad trying to smarten up the dulled massives
04:33.46 pra5ad-sj the crazy japanese
04:33.57 pra5ad-sj it's the fastest selling game in japan
04:34.00 brlcad tired of selling to idiots
04:34.07 pra5ad-sj and it only has math puzzles
04:34.39 pra5ad-sj nintendo gave out free copies to everyone at the keynote
04:34.54 brlcad now, if they could just combine the hamster treadmill thing with the brain game thing.. two problems would be taken care of
04:34.59 pra5ad-sj i couldnt leave my seat cos will wright was up next and i didnt want to get back in that damn long line
04:35.10 pra5ad-sj heh
04:35.41 pra5ad-sj just wear a suit with million electrodes that produce eletric shocks
05:31.54 Twingy only took 90 minutes too
05:41.50 pra5ad-sj sketch?
05:42.23 brlcad Twingy: for isst?
05:42.24 Twingy yea, they let you talk for 15 minutes about something that's not beefy enough for a paper
05:42.30 Twingy cnc milling
05:42.34 brlcad heh
05:42.53 Twingy there's 118 submitted so far
05:42.57 brlcad eep
05:43.01 Twingy typically they only pick about 50
05:43.22 Twingy so, I think I got atleast a 50% chance
05:43.33 Twingy depends on who else does related stuff
05:43.55 Twingy if they get one or two 3d printer guys
05:44.02 pra5ad-sj heh
05:44.06 Twingy then it could be quite likely
05:44.39 Twingy either way I can try the milling again next year
05:45.58 pra5ad-sj tomorrow is ps3/cell day
05:46.13 pra5ad-sj waking up early to get a good seat
05:46.26 pra5ad-sj way too many ppl today
05:46.35 pra5ad-sj all lectures were overflowing
05:47.54 Twingy sounds alot like siggraph
05:48.05 Twingy minus the hangover
12:18.00 *** join/#brlcad rogier (
19:08.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/rle_config.h: define USE_TIME_H to quell implicit declaration warnings of time()
19:36.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/ (65 files in 6 dirs): quell compiler warnings
19:49.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/blt/src/ (21 files): quell compiler warnings, missing header
19:54.24 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/bitv.c: argument is incompatible with corresponding format string conversion, go with %lx (might still need a cast on the value now for 32-bit systems), add missing stdlib.h header
19:59.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/bu_tcl.c: argument is incompatible with corresponding format string conversion, quell warnings by using long format specifiers instead
20:02.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/ (cmdhist.c ispar.c): quell compiler warning
21:50.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/malloc.c: quell some intel compiler warnings
22:08.58 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/ (cmdhist.c parse.c printb.c units.c vls.c): quell intel 9 compiler on altix warnings
22:18.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/vls.c: final touches, missing header
22:19.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbn/bn_tcl.c: ack, missing the %s for a slew of printfings, quell intel compiler warnings
22:33.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_nurb.c: odd arguments that don't have print specifiers.. possible bug that should get looked into for the tclget serialization.
23:22.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/ (20 files): lots of intel 9 for altix compiler warning quellings
23:31.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/nurb_example.c: quell more intel 9 compiler warnings, reorder interpolate_data() to avoid decl
23:45.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libpkg/pkg.c: quell intel 9 on altix compiler warnings

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.