irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060326

00:17.43 *** part/#brlcad terrylr (
02:31.11 *** join/#brlcad tegtmeye (
03:13.17 Twingy good movie
03:53.31 brlcad worth seeing?
03:53.53 Twingy indeed
03:53.56 brlcad rather.. worth paying $15 to see in theater
03:54.06 brlcad mandatory popcorn and all
03:54.15 brlcad or just worth seeing eventually
03:56.03 Twingy I brought two smores granolla bars and a soda
03:56.13 Twingy with torrenting atleast
03:56.16 Twingy *worth
03:56.20 brlcad 33heh
04:10.08 Twingy sean
04:10.12 Twingy where is vgrs
04:10.23 Twingy XXX times faster?
04:10.38 Twingy These numbers seem to indicate that this machine is approximately 12734 times
04:10.38 Twingy faster than the reference machine being used for comparison, a VAX 11/780
04:10.38 Twingy running 4.3 BSD named VGR.
04:10.47 Twingy I just got that
04:23.12 brlcad yes?
04:23.33 Twingy you got 11,600
04:23.34 brlcad on the machine "VGR", the results for each of those tests == 1
04:23.45 Twingy I got 12,700
04:23.56 brlcad so 12700 VGRS is X times faster
04:24.01 Twingy yes
04:24.05 Twingy but icc is 15,000 still
04:24.09 Twingy let me see if I can go higher
04:24.49 brlcad right, without going deep into options for either, icc was considerably out performing
04:25.16 brlcad e.g. didn't use the -march flag, that would have helped some
04:25.28 brlcad or -ffast-math
04:25.40 brlcad but then icc also hasd similar options 
04:26.00 brlcad what really steals it is that multi-pass
05:21.23 Twingy 12,836
05:28.23 Twingy last test for tonight :)
05:28.32 Twingy maybe I can sqeak out 13,000
05:32.33 brlcad sounds about right
05:32.52 Twingy I should push adrt through it again
05:32.55 brlcad i'd expect it possible to squeak 1-3k out of both with more fine tuning
05:33.00 Twingy everytime I have used it in the past gcc was faster
05:33.06 brlcad you should try adrt with the multi-pass
05:33.11 Twingy I even got the pathscale guys to formally admit gcc was faster
05:39.08 brlcad when I first tested on the pre-altix, the gap was about 50%-60% with the same options iirc
05:39.42 brlcad so nice to see that the gap is decreasing
05:41.11 Maloeran Ahah Justin, gcc defeated pathscale then? :) Neat
05:41.26 Twingy there's a bug in their database as a result of my ray-tracer
05:41.36 Twingy if I dig up old emails I have the title
05:41.38 Twingy I think
05:41.47 Twingy if something is faster, they report as bug
05:41.50 Maloeran GCC is fairly horrible for Opteron optimisation, in comparison to what you can get from assembly
05:42.03 Maloeran Eh, nice
05:42.06 Twingy the funny thing is I was testing on opterons
05:42.13 Twingy 2ghz quad opteron
05:42.21 Maloeran Sure, that's what Pathscale is designed for
05:42.29 Twingy at siggraph 2004
05:44.34 Maloeran I maintain that assembly is seriously under-estimated :), I seem to be the only one crazy enough to code paths optimized for archs or chips
05:49.00 Twingy do you have a script you run to apply the mods post gcc compile?
05:50.02 Maloeran No, it's all hand written
05:50.09 Twingy so everytime you compile
05:50.14 Twingy you have to open up file with editor
05:50.16 Twingy and type it in?
05:50.20 Twingy seems kind of laborious
05:50.22 Maloeran Though, there are some easy changes to be made to GCC's output to increase performance on amd64
05:50.55 Maloeran Somewhat, it doesn't take too long when you have the C version next to it as reference
05:51.17 Twingy seems like a little sed scripts could be useful
05:51.24 Twingy to just go
05:51.26 Maloeran It's a hand written .S file, I don't change anything
05:51.26 Twingy everytime you compile
05:51.35 Maloeran gcc foo.S -o foo.o
05:51.39 Twingy so all assmembly lives in own file
05:51.47 Maloeran A couple files, but yes
05:51.53 Twingy I thought you were taking gcc's output
05:51.56 Twingy everytime you compile
05:52.02 Twingy and putting it in from scratch
05:52.13 Maloeran Eh no, working from gcc's output wouldn't lead to the best results
05:52.22 Twingy gotcha
06:25.37 *** join/#brlcad ibot_ (
06:25.37 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software! || BRL-CAD Windows port has been merged to HEAD, not yet stable yet || Archer is now on HEAD as well, kick the tires, report any bugs || there WILL be a 7.6.8 released ASAP for January after all
06:59.37 *** join/#brlcad learner (n=brlcad@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad)
06:59.37 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
09:57.13 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
09:57.13 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software! || BRL-CAD Windows port has been merged to HEAD, not yet stable yet || Archer is now on HEAD as well, kick the tires, report any bugs || there WILL be a 7.6.8 released ASAP for January after all
13:10.47 *** join/#brlcad rogier (
16:25.18 *** join/#brlcad tegtmeye (
17:39.26 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
21:45.40 *** join/#brlcad tegtmeye (
21:48.21 *** join/#brlcad grumbel (
22:55.01 Twingy yep, that's a dirty job
22:56.42 Twingy living room is oficially classified as DMZ now

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