irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060331

00:56.20 Twingy and remember, no dangling projects in front of me
02:32.00 Twingy only you can prevent a forest fire
16:53.50 *** join/#brlcad cad622 (
16:53.51 *** join/#brlcad grumbel (
17:44.29 *** join/#brlcad rogier (
22:46.44 Twingy hmph, I had over 5700 people try out nurbana back in the day
23:02.54 ``Erik o.O
23:03.08 ``Erik done flooring?
23:06.56 Twingy I've been working all day
23:07.20 ``Erik on the railroad?
23:07.27 Twingy on muves
23:07.35 ``Erik s2?
23:07.38 Twingy yep
23:07.44 ``Erik wendy made us put the screens back int he windows
23:07.52 ``Erik cuz dixie was whining about the wasps collecting in her office
23:07.55 ``Erik :(
23:07.58 ``Erik so much for that plan
23:07.59 Twingy hah
23:08.23 Twingy there is a huge tree just outside my fence that has started to uproot
23:08.38 Twingy and has a 5 foot 1 inch gap in the center
23:08.40 ``Erik as in; falling over? o.O
23:08.56 Twingy I need to call hoa and have them remove
23:09.18 Twingy maybe I can talk them into replacing it with something
23:09.28 ``Erik heh, unlikely
23:09.43 Twingy otherwise I'll buy a little 1 foot pine and plant it myself
23:10.23 ``Erik trees around here seem pretty small, if it falls away from your fence, it'll probably be no problem... back in washington, when a tree fell over, it could pull roots 6' away up, so even falling away it'd tear apart a fence or something
23:10.30 Twingy there's enough wood in that tree to do my floor
23:10.45 ``Erik heh, ya think? you lose half the wood from cutting it down...
23:11.12 Twingy I dunno about half
23:11.24 Twingy maybe 1/5
23:12.17 Twingy
23:12.28 Twingy that big one 1/3 from the right
23:12.31 Twingy tilting right
23:14.51 archivist time for chainsaw massacre
23:15.19 ``Erik ;)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.