irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060411

00:08.56 *** join/#brlcad pyranha (
00:09.17 pyranha hello
00:09.41 pyranha has anyone in here installed brlcad on a gentoo based system?
01:07.17 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak|RDP (
01:09.07 brlcad pyranha yes, there have been several that have installed brl-cad on a gentoo system
01:09.14 brlcad ahh, not here
01:12.30 Twingy 39 more days of running >_<
02:36.06 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
02:36.06 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software! || BRL-CAD Windows port has been merged to HEAD, not yet stable yet || Archer is now on HEAD as well, kick the tires, report any bugs || there WILL be a 7.6.8 released ASAP for January after all
03:01.02 pra5ad well well
03:01.08 pra5ad just got tsp confirmations
03:01.15 Twingy heh
03:01.35 Twingy stocks just went up 8000%
03:01.41 Twingy guess you shoulda stayed put
03:01.51 pra5ad shazbot!
03:01.54 Twingy :)
03:07.39 pra5ad woot
03:07.49 pra5ad somehow this transfer netted me $200
03:08.07 Twingy sure it wasn't the rise in stock?
03:08.25 pra5ad what exactly went up? G?
03:08.38 Twingy cause mine went $150 during the transfer
03:08.47 Twingy but I think its cause they were still climbing
03:08.59 Twingy maybe it's a loophole :)
03:09.23 Twingy day trading tsp funds!
03:09.57 pra5ad hah
03:10.06 pra5ad like this oblivion gold hack
03:10.24 pra5ad keep transfering gold from inventory and drops
03:10.37 pra5ad eventually build up a fortune
03:11.10 Twingy heh
03:11.38 Twingy does that make you a gold digger?
03:12.30 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: release note details for 7.6.8 and 7.8.0
03:13.29 pra5ad if i was a hot woman and the tsp fund was a rich guy
03:13.30 pra5ad then yes..
03:14.07 Twingy I knew it
03:14.15 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ ( include/config_win.h): update version to 7.8.0, preparing for release
03:15.00 pra5ad ur script needs a date range function
03:15.08 Twingy meh
03:18.28 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ChangeLog: update Changelog with entries since 2006.12.22, preparing for release 7.8.0
03:26.32 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (README NEWS include/config_win.h): bump to developer rev 7.8.1, cvs is tagged with rel-7-8-0
03:32.37 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ redo 7.8.0 version number
03:33.36 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ bump correctly to 7.8.1 after retag
03:40.20 pra5ad [2]prasad@duriel:/var/www :. date -v2003y -v06m -v+2m +%Y%m
03:40.20 pra5ad date: invalid option -- v
03:40.22 pra5ad hmph
03:40.48 Twingy [justin@lithium:~]$ date -v2003y -v06m -v+2m +%Y%m
03:40.48 Twingy 200308
03:41.12 pra5ad :. date --version
03:41.12 pra5ad date (coreutils) 5.2.1
03:41.12 pra5ad Written by David MacKenzie.
03:41.17 Twingy linux sucks :)
03:41.29 pra5ad bah
03:41.37 Twingy <PROTECTED>
03:41.37 Twingy <PROTECTED>
03:44.13 pra5ad fsa for me then
03:44.41 Twingy hrm?
03:44.52 pra5ad if (m > 12) m = 0
03:44.56 pra5ad :p
03:48.12 Twingy heh
03:48.20 Twingy my file format is sooo overengineered
03:48.27 Twingy this thing will never need changing
04:04.35 Twingy heh
04:04.41 Twingy an hour of changing code and it just compiles
04:07.07 Twingy heh
04:07.23 Twingy 73 million dollars to crash 2 tons into the moon
04:07.36 Twingy and we complain about $80k of air conditioning
04:08.28 pra5ad gah ur gplot script breaks on my box
04:08.41 Twingy old version?
04:11.05 pra5ad extra linebreaks
04:11.11 pra5ad whats tsp_image.cgi
04:11.24 Twingy it opens an image and writes binary data
04:11.32 Twingy to the user
04:11.40 pra5ad post it
04:12.35 Twingy
04:17.15 pra5ad yay!
04:52.19 Twingy working?
04:57.24 pra5ad yup
04:57.32 pra5ad ill hack it tomorrow
04:58.30 Twingy first you have to pay me royalties
04:58.45 Twingy under the justin cost-you-lots licensing (tm)
04:59.36 pra5ad
04:59.40 pra5ad does that work for u?
04:59.53 Twingy I renamed those to pl, they were cgi
04:59.58 Twingy so that server would not parse
05:00.08 pra5ad well does it work?
05:00.25 Twingy seems to
05:00.29 pra5ad k
05:01.00 Twingy pra5ad, make us rich
05:01.15 Twingy we shall thwart the tsp system
05:01.41 pra5ad now i need to tie this into wsj somehow
05:01.43 Twingy then get caught up in some money laundering scandal
05:01.49 Twingy wtf is wsj
05:01.56 pra5ad wall street journal
05:02.17 Twingy heh
05:02.25 Twingy I have much simpler method
05:02.39 Twingy take a 50 - 100 day span
05:02.42 Twingy most recent
05:02.49 pra5ad compare to gas prices?
05:02.52 Twingy compare against last 250
05:03.01 Twingy if curve is above an outlier
05:03.07 Twingy move down
05:03.08 Twingy if it's down
05:03.11 Twingy move up
05:03.17 pra5ad crude
05:03.20 Twingy move down == goto g, move up == goto S and I
05:03.21 Twingy works
05:03.25 pra5ad breaks for small noise
05:03.35 Twingy the small noise is 5 - 25
05:03.45 Twingy 100 provides a very healthy sample
05:03.52 Twingy remember all these are composites
05:03.59 Twingy so they are already filtered
05:13.17 Twingy ooh, sweet
05:13.25 Twingy loading is almost done
14:46.58 *** topic/#brlcad by brlcad -> || BRL-CAD is now Free Software! || Release 7.8.0 is Posted!
14:51.45 archivist you been sent packing then
14:55.46 ``Erik o.O
14:59.09 ``Erik *grouse* changin' --enable names ain't polite
15:02.39 ``Erik also; completely breaking them, uncool
15:06.33 brlcad :)
15:07.26 brlcad ``Erik: the intent for the packaging systems is to use --enable-everything or --disable-everything followed by --enable-whatever for specific packages, adding the rest to the dependency list
15:07.42 brlcad I don't believe you can disable tcl/tk/itcl/iwidgets yet still
15:07.56 brlcad at least not tk
15:08.06 brlcad and itcl/itk, last I checked
15:08.17 ``Erik that ain't what I'm grousing about
15:08.30 brlcad jove crap?
15:08.37 brlcad --disable-jove
15:08.52 ``Erik yeah, you have an over-wide conditional
15:08.52 brlcad (all those -build suffixes are optional)
15:08.59 brlcad oh?
15:14.15 ``Erik *testtesttest*
15:18.26 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/ fix an over-zealous conditional so --disable-jove works (some of us use vi)
15:20.59 archivist didnt know editors other than vi existed
16:24.30 ``Erik well
16:24.45 ``Erik there's this lispos emulator called emacs that some people think is an editor...
16:24.58 ``Erik but if you look at it, it's a full os emulator... that's missing a decent editor
16:24.59 ``Erik go figure
16:29.55 ``Erik ahhh, here we go...
16:29.56 ``Erik O:-)
17:10.01 brlcad heh, i figured you'd add vi, I just wasn't going to add it :)
17:10.40 ``Erik nah, --disable-jove should actually disable jove, not enable some funkyassed fucktard auto mode...
17:11.05 ``Erik (looking for any editor at all is damage, beeyotch)
17:11.48 brlcad mged requires an editor, it's for providing a means at a sensible default better than 'ed'
17:13.22 ``Erik tho some of the slime stuff is kinda neat
23:43.42 Twingy meh, 38 days left
23:44.22 Twingy why not pick nano as a the default editor :)
23:44.38 Twingy it compiles lickity split and is tiny, and an order of magnitude more powerful than ed
23:45.25 Twingy reverse search, search and replace, insert file, spell check, justify, cut/paste, etc.
23:46.38 Twingy so basically a hair less than vi, but it shows you what the key combos are while you are editing

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