irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060425

00:05.31 pra5ad heh presentation was most excellent
00:05.46 Twingy did you score any chicks?
00:05.54 pra5ad all married
00:06.03 Twingy I'd say it was only mediocre then
00:06.34 pra5ad my grade isnt a function of the # of chicks i score with
00:06.41 pra5ad so id say it was excellent
00:06.43 Twingy you're in the wrong school then
00:06.57 pra5ad yea, i should be at NJIT
00:06.57 Twingy what do you think erik?
00:07.04 Twingy no no, NJIT it horrible
00:07.08 pra5ad duh
00:07.09 Twingy they have no womenz
00:07.21 Twingy the 12% women they DO have are in architecture
00:07.32 Twingy and like 0.1% in comp sci/math/physics
00:07.44 pra5ad when u find the school that has hot women in their cs program, let me know
00:07.59 Twingy depends on how long it takes me to start one
00:08.28 Twingy mmm, pizza is almost done
00:08.42 Twingy then a blissful night of coding
00:08.59 pra5ad hmm pretty much done with this semester
00:09.02 pra5ad so i should be coding too
00:09.29 Twingy whatcha gonna write
00:09.38 pra5ad website
00:09.44 Twingy *yawn*
00:09.59 pra5ad in java, that uses jini
00:10.03 pra5ad hah!
00:12.15 Twingy bbl, pizza
00:25.05 ``Erik there were a couple hot chicks in my cs program :/
00:25.11 ``Erik also; married != un-scorable.
00:26.24 ``Erik y'know, apples mach manpages ... the very very very few that exist suck.
00:26.56 ``Erik at least on fbsd, there was awesome docs and on leenewx, the proc fs was well documented.
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