irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060509

00:07.29 Twingy I added the voxel stuff :}
00:07.55 ``Erik heh
00:08.22 Twingy but I'm sure Lee will tell you he added it :)
00:09.48 ``Erik hahha
00:10.47 Twingy forizzle
00:11.14 ``Erik he doesn't seem to appreciate it when you call him on that shit in public forum... but he seems to swallow it and move on.
00:11.17 ``Erik O:-)
00:11.31 Twingy ask me if I care :)
00:11.45 ``Erik I already know your answer, bitch
00:11.59 Twingy good, homofaggatus
00:12.09 ``Erik *I* intend to keep calling him on it, if people care to join, groovy
00:12.51 ``Erik credit given where credit is due, I support the concept of a meritocracy, and I'm willing to make some people look like dumbasses to support it. :D
00:13.00 ``Erik if only I did anything worth merit *sigh*
00:13.32 Twingy I've mentioned your name on contributing to those cluster build system stuff every muves meeting for the last month
00:13.46 ``Erik thnx
00:13.46 Twingy "Erik Greenwald did this... Thanks to Erik we have this. Erik just got blah working, etc."
00:14.09 Twingy lee hasn't brought your name up once iirc
00:14.11 ``Erik I'm sure other parties are attempting to claim that I am 100% commited to muves
00:14.20 ``Erik if I'm not there, he won't
00:14.23 ``Erik it's not his nature
00:15.16 ``Erik I vagually recall some meeting a few months ago where he said he did something and I corrected him, noting that you did it, and he had to agree, but he seemed... uncomfortable. :)
00:15.44 ``Erik I have a suspicion I'm gonna piss him off a lot over the next few months.
00:16.18 Twingy I suspect everyone who's no passive and agreeable with him annoys him
00:16.26 ``Erik I don't mind correcting people in public O:-) dixie got a smackdown infront of the division, tyvm
00:17.57 ``Erik but lee is generally open to correction and he generally wants to do 'the right thing', even if he wants to claim credit, so that makes him less odious than ... some other individuals.
00:18.27 Twingy he doesn't learn very quick then :)
00:18.35 ``Erik speaking of "some other individuals", are you going to try to have a discussion to push that toughbook?
00:18.47 Twingy nope, not important
00:19.12 ``Erik hehehe, I think he's gotten away with enough that he has a bit of a god complex going, it'll take a good series of rapid smackdown to make an impression :)
00:19.24 Twingy go for it :)
00:19.53 ``Erik I think your toughbook request IS important... not because of the piece of hardware, but because of the policy and the blind adherence to it
00:20.11 Twingy for somone that cares, sure
00:20.17 ``Erik you got the letter, bitch, go nail it to the church door.
00:20.18 ``Erik :D
00:20.30 Twingy I stopped caring :)
00:20.36 ``Erik bah
00:20.53 Twingy I am collecting a pay check
00:21.13 Twingy I can buy toys to get real work done on the weekend
00:21.34 ``Erik well, true, I'm there on that, but if I were getting a hw order cockblocked because of general idiocity, I'd feel at least some responsibility to raise a nasty stink on it
00:22.18 ``Erik where oh where is that hot 25yo redhead nurse...
00:23.13 ``Erik if you want, tell me what else is on the order with that toughbook, and I'll swing by and raise a stink for you... heh
00:27.17 Twingy not important
01:16.14 *** join/#brlcad iday (
02:07.01 *** join/#brlcad animall (
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03:00.09 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software! || Release 7.8.0 is Posted!
06:15.01 Maloeran Ah Justin :), so you need voxel support somewhere? I just wouldn't have expected that
10:21.05 *** join/#brlcad dpy (
10:21.12 dpy hi
10:21.15 dpy anyone around ?
10:39.24 dpy does anyone here know how to get this effect in opengl:
10:41.16 archivist I would draw that in solidworks or solid edge
11:56.19 dpy yes
11:56.26 dpy but I want to render it in opengl
11:56.39 dpy the whole point is... I save the model as xgl
11:56.46 dpy then import it in my program
11:57.03 dpy but then I want to render it again as solid edge does
12:49.56 pra5ad hah
12:50.05 pra5ad gooch shader from the orange book
12:50.13 pra5ad cept the cool color is red
12:50.18 pra5ad nothing special there
13:31.51 dpy pra5ad: where I can download example code that does this ?
13:34.55 dpy do you know ?
14:07.58 Maloeran What is troublesome specifically? Rendering the outlines?
14:10.40 Maloeran You could render the contours as a GL_LINE_LOOP, with a little tweak on glDepthRange or glPolygonOffset to prevent Z fighting issues while still getting mostly accurate Z buffering ( so you don't see lines rendered for culled surfaces )
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14:53.40 dpy Okay, I'm now manually trying to detect edges
14:54.06 dpy and I will create a 3d outline model for this
14:54.27 dpy but what I was afraid off is happening, I can't seem to find faces belonging to edges
14:54.58 dpy
14:59.54 Maloeran Mmm, ruby. The "external" outline is simply defined as separating triangles facing towards or away from the eye
15:01.11 dpy no I need all edges
15:01.19 dpy not just the "outline" of the object
15:01.56 dpy e.g. when you look straight down at: /\
15:02.13 dpy neither will be facing away from the eye, but there still is an edge
15:02.32 Maloeran Right, I'm just mentionning that this outline is different and dynamic as the eye moves. For the rest... I suppose I would group triangles by connectivity and similar normals up to a breaking point
15:03.10 dpy so what I'm doing right now is, I calculate all face normals, then flag all edges with 2 face normals that are angled > than some threshold
15:03.13 Maloeran A good robust solution is going to be much more complex than what you have there
15:03.53 dpy can't I just combine both ?
15:04.33 dpy combine the view direction dependend outline (the one you suggest above) with the detected edges
15:04.33 Maloeran It depends what you want. Do you want any contour to pop up if you have a sphere for example?
15:04.50 dpy depends on the threshold
15:04.56 Maloeran Of course, I'm just saying that the "external" outline is to be computed at run-time, the surface contours can be precalculated
15:05.14 dpy anyway
15:05.28 dpy currently I can't even find two faces belonging to the same edge
15:05.29 dpy grrr
15:05.57 Maloeran You'll need to build yourself some table for this, first of all
15:07.26 dpy I'm doign so, didn't you see the pastebin ?
15:07.50 Maloeran Only briefly
15:07.51 dpy I take the sum of the two vertices belonging to the edge as a key into a hashtable
15:08.03 dpy because summation is commutative
15:09.02 Maloeran That doesn't sound right. 1+5 = 2+4, you want to find another triangle that has the same vertex indices but in the opposite order
15:10.02 Maloeran The "external" outline calculation is a common need for stencil shadows, if you want to get some reading material on the first part
15:10.41 dpy stencilling is extremely slow on my ATI 7500
15:16.57 Maloeran I'm just saying the connectivity and silhouette determination problems are the same, if you are looking for some guide on that part
15:17.24 Maloeran After that, you can worry about precalculating surface contours
15:19.50 dpy oh okay, so you are suggesting I'm going the wrong way around ?
15:20.57 Maloeran First of all, you certainly need to gather connectivity information, and what you presently have won't work :)
15:24.39 dpy you mean, I need a better way to turn two vertices into a key
15:26.27 Maloeran Correct. If you got the pair 2,4 for example, you need to find the pair 4,2 to get the connected triangle and not just some pair with a sum of 6
15:26.53 dpy Maloeran: it depends
15:27.04 dpy if they are floats you will not have that many collisions
15:27.20 dpy but I already started a new class: MatchKey
15:27.21 Maloeran Floats? We are talking about vertex indices, right?
15:27.52 dpy yes, now we are
15:28.41 Maloeran Right, the same indices that would be used by glDrawElements() for rendering
15:29.49 dpy
15:31.26 Maloeran Generally, indices will be in the reverse order. You can still build a single key for fast lookup by the way
15:31.47 Maloeran Such as A*IndiceCount+B where A or B is always the lowest indice of the two
15:59.20 Maloeran Any better success?
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16:19.30 dpy Maloeran: no, I don't get any matches
16:53.46 dpy I got ittttttttttttttt
16:53.48 dpy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16:54.27 dpy you gotta see this (step 1)
16:55.53 dpy
16:58.07 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
17:01.52 Maloeran Nice dpy :)
17:02.22 dpy if I adjust the threshold, it also puts strokes on curvatures
17:02.52 Maloeran Are you just looking for sharp edges, or building surfaces up to a certain treshold for the whole surface?
17:03.13 dpy no I need two more things: 1: the outline using your pointers, 2: combine this with the shaded model and avoid Z buffer errors
17:03.48 Maloeran Ah, right
17:03.49 dpy Maloeran: ultimately I want that yes, but for now I'll settle with edges only
17:04.34 dpy but I know what you mean, a sloped surface that stays under the threshold all the time should also have a stroke somewhere I think
17:04.57 dpy but now it's food time
17:05.02 Maloeran Yes, it does in the curvy door picture you pasted a while ago
17:05.36 dpy up to now, it was pretty much doable
17:05.48 dpy and I wasted again too much time looking for source code to spoonfeed me
19:25.23 *** join/#brlcad Erroneous (
19:53.40 brlcad /db/ goto -50
19:56.28 brlcad dpy: if you have brl-cad geometry, there is an edge raytracer for that sort of shaded edge rendering
19:56.51 brlcad an example is in the screenshots section even iirc.. ah yes:
20:09.08 Maloeran Raytracing edges, curious
20:12.09 brlcad yep, pretty nifty
20:12.11 brlcad
20:13.31 brlcad utilizes identification of unique regions, local neighbor information, and curvature to determine whether the current pixel is an edge or not
20:14.01 Maloeran I was just typing a long question, which included how I was guessing it was done :)
20:14.30 Maloeran So it precalculates edges for specific groups and determine if the ray lies on an edge during raytracing
20:14.43 Maloeran within the border thickness anyhow
20:14.49 brlcad not really
20:15.03 Maloeran Okay, so I didn't get it
20:15.35 brlcad it uses the hit point details of the neighbors, they come back during the raytrace as reporting that you hit a given region/object
20:15.52 Maloeran Ah I see
20:15.59 brlcad if you go from one object to another object on two neighboring pixels, there's an edge there
20:16.28 brlcad or if the distance along the ray is significantly different, you've got an edge
20:16.39 Maloeran Simple enough
20:16.45 brlcad or if the curvature between two neighboring pixels is significantly different, you've got an edge
20:16.59 brlcad yeah, not really a complex idea, works pretty well
20:17.04 Maloeran *nods* Thanks
20:17.33 Maloeran Completely unrelated, I don't suppose Lee hangs around here?
20:18.00 brlcad he shows up once or twice a month sometimes, never hangs around for very long
20:18.37 Maloeran Okay. I was wondering a couple things about the SOW for raytracing software but it can wait
20:19.02 brlcad wouldn't be a good idea to discuss that here regardless
20:20.21 brlcad this channel and/or irc in general is not really appropriate for topics that concern ARL business directly
20:20.50 brlcad s/business/business, people, places, tasks, etc/
20:21.03 brlcad grr, ibot_
20:21.14 Maloeran :) Understood
20:23.34 brlcad woot, fixed
20:23.43 brlcad s/fixed/should be fixed/
20:23.46 brlcad excellent
20:25.13 pier hi everybody
20:25.19 animall greetings
20:25.47 pier I got last 7.8.0 version on my pc
20:26.29 pier but there must be something wrong with former ones that don't want to work any more
20:26.48 pier I get thi error
20:27.02 pier /usr/brlcad_7.6.4/stable/bin/mged: symbol lookup error: /usr/brlcad_7.6.4/stable/bin/mged: undefined symbol: bu_argv0
20:27.03 dpy brlcad: looks cool, although for now I'm satisfied with my own results
20:27.26 dpy also, I'm too stupid to work effectively with brlcad, I use solid edge for making parts and assemblies
20:30.38 brlcad howdy pier
20:31.20 brlcad dpy: understood, just thought you might like to know that it was there just in case ;)
20:31.57 brlcad pier: odd error.. do you have LD_LIBRARY_PATH or BRLCAD_ROOT set?
20:32.47 pier mmm
20:32.56 pier let's see
20:33.12 pier I noticed I got this error too
20:33.25 brlcad and why is it running /usr/brlcad_7.6.4 if you have 7.8.0 installed?
20:34.01 pier difficult question :)
20:34.41 Maloeran A mismatch of versions between binaries and libraries may have such interesting results
20:34.44 pier when I rename brlcad dir to i.e. brlcad_7.8.0
20:34.53 brlcad eep, don't do that
20:35.11 brlcad a renamed install directory is considered a relocation
20:35.15 pier I wanted to preserve all the old versions
20:35.24 brlcad brl-cad has compiled-in data-search paths
20:35.32 pier ok
20:35.48 brlcad you can override them at run-time with BRLCAD_ROOT, but you shouldn't relocate if you don't have to
20:35.55 brlcad did you compile yourself, or downloaded binary?
20:35.56 pier ok
20:36.16 pier I happened to download binary
20:36.18 brlcad you should NOT have BRLCAD_ROOT (or LD_LIB..) set if you did not relocate
20:36.47 brlcad depending on the platform, for newer versions at least, they will all happily coexist in /usr/brlcad
20:37.07 brlcad there should be a /usr/brlcad/stable symbolic link that points to the last installed
20:37.28 brlcad with each new version installed as /usr/brlcad/rel-7.8.0 for example
20:38.02 brlcad so you only add /usr/brlcad/bin to your path to always use the latest mged for example, or run /usr/brlcad/rel-7.6.4/bin/mged to get that specific version
20:38.26 pier ok thanks very much
20:38.53 brlcad i don't think the mergeable installs were done fro 7.6.4 though.. don't remember
20:38.59 brlcad maybe
20:39.22 brlcad have to see what's in /usr/brlcad_7.6.4 (which I presume WAS /usr/brlcad and you renamed it?)
20:39.52 pier yes
20:40.02 brlcad if there's no symbolic link, then you can leave it as /usr/brlcad_7.6.4 and set BRLCAD_ROOT to that when you want to use it
20:40.49 pier can't I just cd to /usr/brlcad_7.6.4/bin and run mged?
20:41.13 pier no as a matter of fact
20:41.18 brlcad nope
20:41.29 brlcad mged needs to locate several resources in order to start up
20:41.48 pier yes
20:41.50 brlcad it has no idea how to search for them since you effectively "moved" it
20:42.01 brlcad it'll dump out with a gui or other tcl error
20:42.15 brlcad setting BRLCAD_ROOT will make it work
20:42.22 brlcad and/or BRLCAD_DATA
20:42.31 brlcad albeit to a different path
20:42.41 pier ok
20:43.03 pier at least now I know how to deal with it
20:48.37 brlcad there is actually code written that will let mged 'discover' that it was relocated and utilize a relative search ordering priority to try to find if it's resources were also relocated
20:48.52 brlcad the code is just not activated.. needs to be tested more before being made active
20:49.37 brlcad hardly any program that loads resources dynamically find them automatically, involved a nice hack based on where the binary lives on the filesystem
20:52.26 pier ok but with a link it works fine
20:54.21 pier I'll move to 7.8.0 and hopefully finish my new router (got a bit busy with an exam lately)
20:55.56 pier do you think that compiling from the source the code would be better optimized? I mean is it worthwhile compiling now that I see that new version works?
20:58.31 brlcad shouldn't gain you a whole lot really
20:58.35 brlcad but you certainly could
20:59.04 brlcad you could add your own platform-specific optimizations to squeeze another 10% or so performance out
20:59.35 brlcad default distributed binaries are high optimization, but not platform-limited
21:03.23 pier is there a way to get mget pointing to a project dir at startup?
21:06.31 dpy
21:09.07 brlcad pier: what do you mean?
21:09.46 pier the startup windows alwais point to the actual dir
21:09.47 brlcad pier: mged will process a .mgedrc in your home dir on startup, you can add just about any tcl scripting in there
21:09.54 pier azz
21:09.58 pier sorry
21:10.28 brlcad dpy: nifty, though wierd tolerancing issues
21:10.43 dpy what ?
21:10.48 dpy you mean the Z buffer fighting?
21:11.20 dpy self.scale = 1.008; #TODO: more robust way of doing this
21:11.32 dpy I have to find a good way of doing this
21:11.43 dpy I haven't been able to find the "offset" documentation yet
21:16.29 brlcad yep
21:19.18 pier buona notte atutti!
21:19.33 brlcad heh :)
21:19.57 *** part/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
21:27.47 dpy notte ? isn't it noche or something ?
21:29.22 brlcad ~translate en it good night to you
21:29.37 brlcad ~translate en es good night to you
21:30.08 brlcad tutti is just the familiar tense
21:31.18 dpy ah ok
21:31.44 dpy no he said: good night to all
21:31.46 dpy a tutti
21:32.19 dpy one day I'll learn to speak italian
21:32.27 dpy it just has to wait until I have more time :)
21:33.15 brlcad ~translate it en a tutti
21:34.02 dpy ~translate it en tutti fruti
21:34.03 brlcad hmm
21:34.10 dpy ~translate it en tutti frutti
21:35.09 dpy ~translate it en prego parlare inglese
21:35.19 dpy lol
21:35.22 dpy that's wrong
21:35.36 dpy "please speak english"
21:35.46 dpy ~translate en it please speak english
21:36.44 brlcad literally, i believe it was right
21:37.02 brlcad please is most translations is a form of begging/praying
21:37.13 brlcad prego is first person
21:37.34 brlcad in that order at least, not imperative
21:37.54 brlcad funny either way ;)
21:39.41 dpy yes
21:39.52 dpy but that's where computers always go wrong
21:39.57 dpy the interpretation
21:40.10 dpy computers can't interprete
21:40.42 dpy I've researched it a bit now I understand what information means, and data and that it is not the same
21:40.49 dpy computers transform data, not information
21:40.56 ``Erik impregnate what? huh?
21:41.05 dpy lol
21:41.06 dpy preggo
21:52.28 Maloeran ~translate s'il vous pla�t
21:52.42 Maloeran So it doesn't do french or it doesn't like me :)
21:52.45 pra5ad si non oscillas, noli tintinnares
21:55.33 pra5ad blame hugh hefner
21:58.12 brlcad Maloeran: you have to tell it the languages to and from
21:58.20 brlcad ~translate fr en s'il vous pla?t
21:58.44 brlcad pasting that char didn't go so well here
22:00.27 Maloeran ~translate fr en s'il vous pla�t
22:00.45 Maloeran Not much better. Anyhow, it's the closest french translation for "please"
22:00.51 brlcad ~translate en fr please
22:01.00 brlcad heh
22:01.14 brlcad cheater
22:01.58 Maloeran Ahah
22:16.40 dpy ~translate fr en s'il vous plait
22:17.22 dpy I guess it doesn't like circonflex or the encoding is off
22:38.32 brlcad i believe it just passes it on to babelfish, so whatever babelfish wants though there is undoubtedly a few encoding conversions possible along the way
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