irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060511

03:31.47 *** join/#brlcad digitalfredy (n=digitalf@
06:40.40 *** join/#brlcad Erroneous (
07:36.46 *** join/#brlcad Erroneous (
10:26.32 *** join/#brlcad rogier (
12:19.42 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
13:00.00 *** join/#brlcad rogier (
13:53.46 *** join/#brlcad digitalfredy (n=digitalf@
14:51.07 brlcad pier: direct rendering shouldn't help or hurt, bugs notwithstanding
14:55.09 pier :) thanks
15:03.23 brlcad there's not an expectation that it will be fixed before this weekend
15:03.38 digitalfredy brlcad: hello
15:03.45 brlcad hola
15:04.32 digitalfredy brlcad: need the names of the autor of overview document
15:05.00 digitalfredy and needs they affiliations
15:05.25 brlcad that one is more 'open' to debate, it's been rewritten and modified by many
15:05.31 brlcad no single author
15:05.57 digitalfredy is for put in the docuemt
15:05.58 brlcad digitalfredy: use the same names as volume II for starters
15:06.15 digitalfredy brlcad: ok
15:06.19 brlcad actually, just put Eric for starters
15:06.31 brlcad he wrote the majority
15:07.29 digitalfredy like see the header made at this moment?
15:08.24 brlcad huh?
15:08.53 digitalfredy how can send you a file in irc?
15:09.42 brlcad mm, can /ctcp it or ftp it to
15:10.37 digitalfredy <PROTECTED>
15:11.14 digitalfredy brlcad: open a priv
15:12.29 digitalfredy i now send files in irc usin the GUI (drag and drop)
15:13.44 brlcad open a priv? you initiate a send, and I will get a notification and can accept the receive
15:15.48 brlcad
15:16.02 brlcad <PROTECTED>
15:16.16 brlcad er
15:16.19 brlcad <PROTECTED>
15:18.15 digitalfredy brlcad: say not valid command
15:18.34 digitalfredy brlcad: weit
15:19.04 brlcad puedes mandarlo por ftp o mandamelo por e-mail
15:19.58 digitalfredy brlcad: sen me /msg any
15:22.23 brlcad lo hice
15:23.32 *** join/#brlcad rogier (
15:24.39 digitalfredy brlcad: no te llego el ofrecimiento del archivo?
15:25.21 brlcad nope
15:25.34 brlcad "DCC no file offered by digitalfredy"
15:25.42 digitalfredy brlcad: usemos ftp
15:26.28 brlcad ahh.. if you're behind a router, DCC won't work for you
15:26.43 brlcad reverse connection has to work on your IP
15:27.03 digitalfredy not router
15:27.12 digitalfredy i go direct to my ips
15:27.21 brlcad you're on dsl.. there's some router there :)
15:27.25 digitalfredy no
15:27.29 brlcad er, not you..
15:27.38 brlcad that was rogier, just reading the wrong lines :)
15:27.47 digitalfredy i have a single 64k rdsi
15:27.47 brlcad maybe a firewall
15:27.59 digitalfredy rdsi in englis is ..
15:28.32 digitalfredy isdn
15:28.44 digitalfredy red digital de servicios integrados
15:28.47 brlcad ~ping
15:28.49 ibot pong
15:29.00 brlcad dunno then.. maybe your irc client
15:30.02 digitalfredy can to be a problem in my client (gaim) instaling xchat
15:30.19 brlcad just sent you a request
15:30.37 digitalfredy yes
15:31.09 brlcad that worked
15:31.42 digitalfredy isntaling xchat 23%
15:31.52 brlcad heh
15:33.06 digitalfredy 75%
15:36.07 *** join/#brlcad digitalfredy_ (n=digitalf@
15:38.59 digitalfredy_ brlcad, you recibe the request?
15:40.21 digitalfredy_ brlcad, ping
15:43.12 ``Erik hehe, sean, :)
15:44.57 *** part/#brlcad digitalfredy (n=digitalf@
15:57.04 *** join/#brlcad rogier (
16:09.11 digitalfredy_ brlcad, ping
16:26.40 brlcad pong
16:26.49 brlcad digitalfredy_: never recibe the request
16:42.34 digitalfredy_ brlcad, recibe the request
16:42.56 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
16:44.34 brlcad todavia, no (adonde?)
16:44.57 digitalfredy_ brlcad,
16:45.44 digitalfredy_ brlcad, el xchat dice que est� esperando respuesa
16:45.58 digitalfredy_ digitalfredy_: never recibe the request
16:45.58 digitalfredy_ --- Ofrece overview.html a brlcad
16:45.58 digitalfredy_ <digitalfredy_> brlcad, recibe the request
16:45.58 digitalfredy_ --> pier (n=pier@ ha entrado en #brlcad
16:45.58 digitalfredy_ <brlcad> todavia, no (adonde?)
16:45.59 digitalfredy_ <digitalfredy_> brlcad,
16:46.01 digitalfredy_ --- Ofrece overview.html a brlcad
16:46.03 digitalfredy_ --- DCC SEND overview.html para brlcad agot� el tiempo de espera - abortando.
16:46.05 digitalfredy_ <digitalfredy_> brlcad, el xchat dice que est� esperando respuesa
16:47.19 brlcad yep, never get the request here, which means it's being filtered somewhere .. it's a known problem for people behind NAT and/or firewalls, not sure what the problem is in this case since you say you're not
16:50.19 digitalfredy_ brlcad, what is the begin year for the copyrigth in the doc?
16:50.59 brlcad you're creating a substantial derivative work by translating to docbook, so this year
16:51.44 brlcad before going open source, the documents actually hold no copyright claim
16:54.37 digitalfredy_ but if the documet is gpl yes have copyright
16:55.17 digitalfredy_ when are much pepole you see
16:55.32 brlcad right
16:55.39 digitalfredy_ (c) year principal autor and others
16:55.50 brlcad that's what i mean about you creating a derivative work
16:56.02 brlcad we do something similar for the source code
16:56.49 brlcad the entire package presently has implicit copyright assignment to "U.S. Goverment" for direct contributions
16:57.13 brlcad you could use that, or retain copyright of your own (since you're creating the derivative work)
16:57.34 brlcad the 'original' authors cannot claim copyright at this point, they can only claim authorship
16:57.59 brlcad as they were all u.s. government funded, public domain work
16:58.08 digitalfredy_ put (c) U.S. Goverment and others ?
16:58.23 digitalfredy_ haaa public domain is other history
16:59.14 digitalfredy_ when y get the doc this is in public domain?
16:59.34 digitalfredy_ if yes i can put a legal notice
17:01.28 brlcad we can talk more about it in a little bit, I have to run out for a little while
17:01.33 brlcad be back in an hour or so
17:01.57 digitalfredy_ brlcad, ok
18:21.48 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
20:04.54 *** join/#brlcad Erroneous (
20:43.28 *** join/#brlcad Erroneous (
21:07.02 *** join/#brlcad digitalfredy (n=digitalf@
21:07.08 digitalfredy brlcad, ping
21:08.17 brlcad pong
21:08.38 digitalfredy hello
21:09.29 digitalfredy i think to is best speak in spanis about the copyrigt in the documets
21:09.55 digitalfredy is for can understand well
21:11.12 digitalfredy brlcad, fine?
21:12.31 brlcad no estoy seguro que lo puedo escribir tan bueno en espanol, pero lo tratare
21:12.46 digitalfredy bueno
21:13.26 digitalfredy me dices que los documentos tienen doble licencia
21:15.34 digitalfredy cuales son las dos licencias?
21:16.31 digitalfredy brlcad, can understand well?
21:19.38 digitalfredy brlcad, ping
21:21.06 brlcad GFDL o GPL
21:21.18 digitalfredy ok
21:21.36 brlcad y si, los dos necesitan copyright (como se dice copyright?)
21:21.37 digitalfredy gfdl whitout ivarian sections
21:21.46 digitalfredy asi
21:21.51 brlcad heh
21:21.52 brlcad ok
21:22.30 digitalfredy befor the doc arent free
21:22.49 digitalfredy but in the moment of chache always are questions
21:23.24 digitalfredy yo sugiero esto
21:23.47 digitalfredy en cada documeto colocamos el copyright asi:
21:25.08 digitalfredy (c) year_of_firt_publication - year_of_change_to_opensource Army Research Laboratory
21:26.20 brlcad depende en el documento
21:26.37 digitalfredy explicame
21:27.15 brlcad podemos hacerlo asi con el source code
21:27.39 brlcad copyright was obtained on the entire body, and assigned to the government
21:28.01 brlcad pero con los documentos, es un poco m?s complicado
21:30.22 digitalfredy que lo hace m�s complicado, politicas del govierno
21:30.27 digitalfredy ?
21:30.28 brlcad con los documentos, solo puedes obtener el copyright si hagas una modificaccion significante
21:31.05 brlcad yo pienso que una conversion a docbook cualifica
21:31.20 brlcad heh, damn italian slipping in
21:31.44 digitalfredy what?
21:33.29 brlcad los volumes I II III IV, etc como estan publicados son public domain (no tienen copyright)
21:34.01 brlcad tu puedes venderlos asi mismo si quierias, o cambiarlos como te da la gana
21:34.33 brlcad si hagas una modificaccion grande, tu puedes obtener un copyright a tu version
21:35.03 brlcad con ese copyright, lo puedes hacer un "copyright assignment" a quien quieres
21:35.17 brlcad por ejemplo, al U.S. Government
21:36.02 brlcad el COPYING archivo en BRL-CAD manda que si lo vas a dar un cambio al proyecto que hagas el copyright assignment
21:36.48 brlcad con el copyright, se puede usar el GPL/GFDL/Creative Commons, etc
21:38.03 digitalfredy bueno ya tengo claro lo del copyright
21:38.55 digitalfredy yo respeto mucho las obras de los otros
21:39.02 brlcad tambien podemos mantener los documentos en el public domain
21:39.28 digitalfredy brlcad, si ya tengo eso claro como el agua
21:39.31 brlcad para mi, lo importante es que tenemos una version en docbook :)
21:40.02 digitalfredy y deseo que en mi versi�n en docbook citar los autores
21:40.23 brlcad si, por supuesto
21:40.30 digitalfredy en los vol III y IV estan escritos
21:40.36 brlcad tambien tu contribuccion a convertirlo a docbook
21:40.41 digitalfredy ok
21:40.57 digitalfredy y dice las empresas y cargos
21:41.29 brlcad los autores no cambian.. ser autor o no no significa copyright (porque empezo sin copyright)
21:41.40 digitalfredy si
21:42.52 digitalfredy tienes el .doc del overview con los nombres de los autores?
21:42.57 brlcad i like to give credit to any contribution whenever possible for the work that is provided, and preserve that contribution
21:43.10 brlcad quiza..
21:43.13 brlcad i'll look
22:15.36 *** join/#brlcad iday (

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