irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060521

06:50.50 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
14:31.58 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/worker.c: get rid of the ifdef linux, init some vars used by USE_FORKED_THREADS
15:23.56 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: merge old and new tops behavior
16:16.05 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ged.c: make sure the curr_dm_list isn't null before trying to close the dm
17:06.48 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
17:07.24 IriX64 dudes...irix build on ftp and dont laff because thats a local ip address.
17:08.20 brlcad IriX64: you have to hang around for more than a few minutes at a time if you want anyone to ever respond.. ;)
17:08.38 IriX64 thanks i will. ;)
17:08.56 IriX64 version 7.8.0 though.
17:08.57 brlcad also, telling us your "local" ip address is useless -- there's no way to connect to that
17:09.10 IriX64 why i connerct to it.
17:09.15 IriX64 connect
17:09.24 brlcad because you're on that subnet, it's a private subnet
17:09.31 IriX64 i have ways ;)
17:09.48 brlcad it's not a mystery, just how IP works
17:09.50 IriX64 says you :)
17:10.08 brlcad says the tcp/ip rfc actually
17:10.58 brlcad if you don't know your public IP address, visit .. it can tell you there
17:11.59 IriX64 lets do it your way, try ftp
17:12.04 brlcad anyone connecting to you will only be able to connect to you via that address, and any firewall or router configuration you have in between will have to permit it
17:12.11 brlcad ~ping
17:12.19 ibot pong
17:16.04 IriX64 what platforms *don't you support?
17:16.58 brlcad no response from an ftp server on that address
17:17.06 IriX64 huh?
17:17.11 brlcad there's not many platforms not supported
17:17.25 brlcad there is just limited resources to make binaries for all of them all the time
17:17.50 IriX64 what binaries would you like, pick one ill work on it.
17:18.35 brlcad the list of platforms on are the primaries -- you can see versions that are released for each
17:18.51 brlcad if there is a platform listed that is not 7.8.0, then that would be one to potentially work on
17:19.08 brlcad (except for Mac OS X, it's not updated yet but it has a specific release process)
17:19.23 IriX64 first i better get my ftp working so i can give it to you.
17:21.26 brlcad probably better, you can upload the binary yourself to to the incoming directory
17:21.43 brlcad that will be much faster
17:21.55 IriX64 you have an incoming, i did not know that sorry.
17:22.15 brlcad no problem, it's not publicized
17:22.44 IriX64 thanks.
17:24.38 IriX64 connection closed by remote host.
17:26.55 brlcad anonymous only
17:27.43 IriX64 doesn't even give the login prompt, just closes.
17:28.34 IriX64 trying to give you sparc-sunos 7.8 and irix 7.8
17:30.56 IriX64 ill go start work on mac OS X m68020 will be architecure
17:31.04 IriX64 chow all
19:13.20 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
19:14.50 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
19:15.01 IriX64 regards once again.
19:15.32 IriX64 on sourceforge you have solaris at 7.4 is that sparc solaris or x86?
19:18.02 IriX64 and your ftp server doesn't connect.
19:21.18 IriX64 ill go with sparc-sun-solaris
19:24.56 IriX64 work to do, i'll be back.
20:58.44 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
20:59.16 IriX64 try ftp to
21:01.35 IriX64 apple-macosx is there.
21:01.41 IriX64 version 7.8
21:03.12 IriX64 anonymous login allowed, i couldnt get connected to your ftp site.
21:07.25 brlcad ~ping
21:07.34 ibot pong
21:08.18 brlcad no ftp server responding on port 21
21:08.36 brlcad ~nslookup
21:08.52 brlcad try connecting via ftp to that IP address
21:09.00 IriX64 thankyou
21:10.04 IriX64 nothing.
21:10.26 brlcad can you browse to ?
21:11.21 IriX64 no and shouldnt that be
21:11.56 brlcad no, i meant in a web browser
21:12.03 IriX64 either way. zilch
21:12.08 brlcad if you can't reach it in a web browser, there's something else wrong
21:12.41 IriX64 dunno but i tried and it failed.
21:13.05 brlcad ~nslookup
21:13.18 brlcad is that the IP address you are browsing from?
21:13.27 IriX64 she built and installed just a sec while i tar it.
21:13.37 IriX64 yes thats my address i think.
21:15.03 IriX64 shes tarring.
21:15.36 brlcad you're not on a block list
21:15.52 IriX64 if i am i don't know about it.
21:15.57 brlcad on this end at least, do you have a firewall or proxy that might be preventing your ability to get out?
21:16.13 IriX64 everything else works.
21:16.22 IriX64 just a sec gonna try hobbes.
21:17.53 IriX64 not your problem i cant even connect via ftp to hobbes.
21:18.09 IriX64 thankyou tho
21:20.29 IriX64 soons this finishes tarring ill investigate my problem, do you allow uploads to incoming on or do i have to be on some sort of list?
21:22.14 IriX64 gonna go have a smoke, bbiab.
21:32.35 IriX64 thats my attempt at sparc-solaris, gonna have a go at x86-solaris, but whats the use if i cant get them to you.
21:32.57 IriX64 make distclean
21:33.04 IriX64 crap, sorry.
21:47.16 brlcad there's no list, it's open to the public
21:48.21 IriX64 thank you if i ever get on i have several things for you.
22:01.56 IriX64 back to work on it, see you later and thanks for the help.
23:58.17 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
23:58.55 IriX64 build successfull.
23:59.08 IriX64 still cant get it to you though.
23:59.32 IriX64 try ftp i was stealing someone elses ip before.

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