irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060525

00:24.12 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
00:34.06 *** join/#brlcad scanf (
01:04.52 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak|RDP (
01:36.38 ``Erik bah, stupid nickserv
01:41.42 Twingy today is a glorious day
02:00.46 brlcad ``Erik: ping
02:01.58 brlcad a particular file server, one that wm is using right now preparing for a major presentation tomorrow, just disappeared
02:03.12 Twingy I can access it
02:03.21 brlcad it just returned..
02:03.37 Twingy it also has an uptime of 3 minutes
02:03.45 brlcad yeah, just noticed
02:03.46 Twingy it must have kernel panic'd
02:04.26 brlcad my phone isn't ringing, so hopefully he didn't notice
02:04.42 Twingy I wonder if samba is doing that
02:04.52 Twingy I don't trust it
02:05.10 ``Erik heh
02:05.13 brlcad possibly, though it's always a kernels fault to panic :)
02:05.28 Twingy samba keeps sliping it a micky
02:05.36 ``Erik is it working?
02:05.43 brlcad it's back up at least
02:05.46 Twingy we just lost like 4 months of uptime
02:06.02 ``Erik it was an update I scheduled to happen WAY AFTER ANYONE SHOULD BE IN THE OFFICE
02:06.04 ``Erik o.O
02:06.10 Twingy oh
02:06.11 ``Erik it's now running 6.1 with updated ports
02:06.35 Twingy I said it once, but I recommend emails to the BND sysadmins when a machine gets upgraded or rebooted
02:06.36 brlcad ``Erik: tell that to wm tomorrow, i'm sure he'll have choice words for you
02:06.50 ``Erik I'd raise a stink about wm not alerting certain sysadmins when they require availability outside of business hours
02:07.01 ``Erik but *shrug* I didn't notify people, so *shrug*
02:07.03 brlcad supposed to be the other way around :P
02:07.10 ``Erik heh
02:07.12 Twingy business hours is 24/7 :)
02:07.14 ``Erik dude, 10pm?
02:07.40 brlcad major deal ma?ana
02:07.45 ``Erik not according to the opm policies, twingy, no one should be in that office after 6pm
02:08.02 Twingy aruge that to chuck and bill :)
02:08.07 Twingy *argue
02:08.13 ``Erik anyways, *shrug* if bill and chuck wig out, I'll deal with 'em tomorrie
02:09.11 Twingy pjt was also trying to get PP slides off it after opm hours yesterday
02:09.27 ``Erik stupid bustedass nickserv, not letting me privmsg
02:09.55 ``Erik trying? it had issues yesterday?
02:10.21 Twingy he forgot to put on laptop before he left for NM
02:10.35 ``Erik heh
02:10.45 ``Erik it had issues?
02:10.53 Twingy no, but if it had been tonight...
02:11.07 brlcad sure takes a hell of a lot longer to encode 43200 frames of video than it does 360
02:11.27 ``Erik bout 120x the time?
02:11.42 brlcad much worse
02:11.57 brlcad 360 was almost instant, less than a second
02:12.01 Twingy 5 hours till pay day
02:12.03 ``Erik erm, 43200/360 = 120
02:12.04 ``Erik o.O
02:12.18 ``Erik is that what's clobbering that old linux machine?
02:12.22 ``Erik the big one?
02:12.23 Twingy I might have to go out for lunch tomorrow
02:12.28 brlcad nah, i'm doing that all local
02:12.36 brlcad don't want nfs to slow it down
02:12.42 ``Erik SOMEONE is beating that machine like you wouldn't believe
02:12.51 Twingy post theater at 9am tomorrow?
02:12.56 ``Erik ja
02:13.03 Twingy !@#$@
02:13.06 ``Erik 2 hours of hurrrrr
02:13.19 Twingy @#$#%!%#!@#^
02:14.02 Twingy I think you should do that on 'vi'
02:14.23 Twingy *meow*
02:15.35 Twingy I did some welding tonight
02:15.49 Twingy I think that 20 amp circuit made the difference
02:15.53 ``Erik heh, with the arcwelder?
02:15.56 Twingy yes
02:16.03 Twingy much improved over last time
02:16.06 ``Erik cool
02:16.13 Twingy last time I was on a 15 amp circuit
02:16.25 Twingy iirc
02:16.36 Twingy I welded two L brackets together
02:16.52 Twingy I can jump on it
02:16.57 Twingy and drop it on the concrete
02:17.45 Twingy I ground the welds and painted
02:17.55 Twingy all in about 10 minutes
02:18.12 Twingy not the prettiest thing, but for 10 minutes it's not bad
02:18.12 ``Erik cool beans
02:18.21 ``Erik pics?
02:18.25 Twingy I'll bring it in
02:18.42 Twingy see if I can get sean to break it
02:18.45 ``Erik heh
02:18.56 ``Erik <-- wonders how clean your pattern is :D
02:19.07 Twingy not very
02:19.18 Twingy it's flat and it's strong
02:19.38 Twingy once I start doing this on a bench
02:19.42 Twingy instead of hunched over on the floor
02:19.48 Twingy I can get a little better control
02:20.37 ``Erik if it does the job, it does the job *shrug*
02:21.05 Twingy I need an air grinder
02:22.40 ``Erik heh, dremel aint' enough for the inside? :D
02:23.00 Twingy pfft
02:23.03 Twingy dremel is a toy
02:23.06 ``Erik you have a regular grinder, right? the ones we used in metal shop, we had a grind wheel on one side and a wire wheel on the other
02:23.17 ``Erik with heavy shields on both sides
02:23.22 Twingy 2 aluminum oxide wheels
02:23.32 Twingy but not designed to fit such an obtuse shape on the wheel
02:23.36 Twingy with the cowling on it
02:23.41 ``Erik right, the inside :D
02:24.21 ``Erik beer good *grunt*
02:25.18 Twingy
02:26.37 Twingy
02:26.43 Twingy that micro grinder is sexy
02:27.01 Twingy 56,000 RPM
02:29.27 ``Erik and slap a wire wheel on one side, dude
02:30.06 Twingy I have the 8" version of that
02:30.23 Twingy that bracket is bigger than the gap
02:30.36 Twingy it doesn't fit in there quite well
02:30.44 Twingy you have to bust off the cowling
02:30.49 ``Erik take off the lower shelf?
02:30.54 Twingy that would work
02:31.03 Twingy but silly every time you want to do something
02:31.07 Twingy a hand grinder is ideal
02:31.44 Twingy I'm going to add another 4 feet onto my work bench I think
02:32.17 Twingy or wait until I build a work shed out back
02:35.33 Twingy looks like I'll ride scooter to work monday
02:35.41 Twingy helmet arrives tomorrow
02:37.29 ``Erik um
02:37.35 ``Erik monday is a holiday
02:37.40 ``Erik ...
02:37.56 Twingy tuesday then
02:38.00 ``Erik I mean, you can ride your scooter in if you want, but, ...
02:38.00 ``Erik :D
02:38.12 Twingy I think my mom will be here monday
02:38.18 ``Erik why not friday? work at home?
02:38.25 Twingy so I'm sure she'll remind me not to goto work
02:38.30 Twingy telework
02:39.00 ``Erik I'm productive. o.O
02:40.44 Twingy how's the CASE?
02:41.13 ``Erik heh
02:43.16 Twingy break time
03:03.16 pra5ad ok.. Lost finale
03:03.19 pra5ad so very confused
03:37.09 scanf can I create assiciative ISO standard drawings from precise hybrid geometry models entirely with brlcad
03:37.13 scanf ?
03:38.03 scanf s/assiciative/associative/
03:40.52 scanf I wonder if anyone here even knows what that meant...
03:49.42 Twingy the great thing about standards is there's so many to choose from
03:56.37 scanf I'll remind the customer of that point.
05:42.04 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
06:26.56 scanf ok, thanks... I think I know what I wanted to find out.
06:27.00 *** part/#brlcad scanf (
06:44.52 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak|RDP (
12:13.00 *** join/#brlcad rogier (
12:25.23 brlcad g'morning rogier
12:39.10 *** join/#brlcad digitalfredy (n=digitalf@
15:46.46 *** join/#brlcad roshambo (
15:47.08 roshambo who knows how to work oed
15:48.54 roshambo When i'm using mged, and go to the Edit menu, and do Matrix selection...
15:49.12 brlcad it's basically the command line version of doing that in the gui
15:49.27 roshambo right, i'm getting to the question
15:49.50 brlcad just how in matrix edit, you have to select the combination/path, and then select the "leaf" -- you have to specify two sides of a path for oed
15:50.03 roshambo when i finally select my region, where everything is illuminated, the path is listed as /Foo.r/__MATRIX__/blah.c/foo.s
15:50.34 roshambo now how to do the same with oed
15:51.05 roshambo anything with __MATRIX__ gets rejected
15:51.26 roshambo so i only end up illuminating blah.c/foos by invoking oed Foo.r blah.c/foo.s
15:51.33 brlcad yeah, __MATRIX__ is just letting you know where the matrix is going
15:51.40 brlcad doesn't really have anything to do with the path
15:51.41 brlcad HOWEVER
15:51.57 brlcad the left hand and right hand paths are listed to the left and right
15:52.07 brlcad and oed wants to know the lhs and rhs
15:52.17 brlcad "left hand side", etc
15:52.30 brlcad so: oed /Foo.r blah.c/foo.s
15:52.43 brlcad will apply a matrix on blah.c in Foo.r
15:53.29 brlcad also, just for convenience, the command line "reject" and "accept" commands might be of use the more you get into command line editing
15:53.54 roshambo i get that, but that only illuminates foo.s, not all of Foo.r
15:55.03 brlcad if you want to apply a matrix over Foo.r, you'd have to put Foo.r on the right hand side
15:55.12 brlcad i.e. oed / Foo.r/blah.c/foo.s
15:55.40 roshambo trying now
15:55.51 brlcad similarly, to get foo.s, oed /Foo.r/blah.c foo.s
15:56.09 brlcad just depends on exactly what you want to transform/rotate/etc
15:56.16 roshambo thanks a bunch
15:56.19 brlcad no problem
16:41.21 ``Erik *belch*
17:08.06 archivist fart
18:27.01 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
18:32.13 brlcad heh
18:34.54 archivist delightful children
19:00.37 pier Chapter four done :)
19:00.56 pier gonna end this up by the end of the millenium
19:01.12 archivist or die first
19:01.40 pier ;)
19:02.08 pier I simply can't... unless tome two is completed :)
19:56.41 brlcad :)
19:57.03 brlcad sweet
20:32.31 pier notte a tutti :0
20:45.18 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
21:22.13 *** part/#brlcad IriX64 (

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