irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060602

01:23.05 justin_ it verks
01:37.47 *** join/#brlcad digitalfredy (n=digitalf@
02:57.34 Twingy this CASE package is taking entirely too much time
02:58.05 Twingy to think I may have to do this again *shudder*
09:28.01 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
12:06.52 *** join/#brlcad pier_ (n=pier@
12:43.35 *** join/#brlcad pier_ (n=pier@
13:17.57 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
13:28.34 Twingy hrm, both lcd panels are now broke
13:28.50 Twingy good thing I had 4 in the house
13:41.47 brlcad darn skippy
13:55.27 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
14:15.48 Twingy humph
14:16.42 Twingy you see that email about spending?
14:22.53 ``Erik ja
14:22.54 ``Erik :/
14:28.38 Twingy perfect timing on alexis
14:28.59 Twingy with all the resistance I have faced
14:29.12 Twingy it surely would not go through if things were a month or two behind where they are now
14:36.53 ``Erik heh, I d'no about perfect timing... deferred to the last possible moment, maybe.
14:37.05 ``Erik Hopefully the current operating orders don't alter anything.
14:43.16 Twingy indeed
14:43.22 Twingy I need to figure out how to do cell plots in s2
14:44.05 ``Erik heh, there're two people who've done 'em up on this floor, dude *shrug*
14:47.18 Twingy 3 no?
14:47.48 ``Erik ummmm, mark and ron? who else?
14:48.32 Twingy prasad?
14:48.53 ``Erik he has? (also; he's in key west, dude)
14:49.07 Twingy I've been there twice, fun place
14:49.21 Twingy the airport is hilarious
14:49.24 Twingy it's like a closet
14:49.28 ``Erik I think he plans on swimming to cuba to escape the project
14:49.40 Twingy hah
14:49.42 ``Erik you mean it isn't an umbrella stand next to a dirt field? hehehe
14:50.45 Twingy is mark in?
14:50.52 ``Erik I saw him earlier
14:51.04 Twingy I wonder if they transfered is new line yet
14:51.15 ``Erik probably
14:51.38 ``Erik our bc is useful in chasing minor details like that to completion, as long as no thinking or decisions are required
14:51.48 ``Erik O:-)
14:52.11 ``Erik staying in for lunch?
14:55.19 Twingy I'm at home :)
14:56.14 Twingy but lunch does sound like a splendid idea, bbiab
14:56.17 ``Erik oh, heh
14:56.33 ``Erik bitch
14:56.57 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/regress/ using == is not portable
15:11.53 Twingy <PROTECTED>
15:14.23 Twingy Wet Bulb!
15:31.29 ``Erik twinky: ron believes xcellbrowser is the tool, which looks at the .fr
15:58.08 Twingy k
16:01.33 Twingy I may have found a room-mate for $375/mo week days only
16:07.44 ``Erik cool
16:15.05 ``Erik You are in a geeky room. Exits are to the North, West, and Down. You see a hungry Erik. He bellows "GIT IN MAH BELLY!"
16:30.22 brlcad go d
16:39.00 Twingy wield tire iron
16:39.09 Twingy bludgeon milton
16:39.26 Twingy get loot
16:43.27 ``Erik he has loot?
16:43.44 ``Erik I thought he spent it all on guns and bullets and deer tags
16:43.57 Twingy I'm sure he's got some jew gold
16:44.00 Twingy :D
16:44.03 ``Erik hahaha
16:44.06 ``Erik damnit, cartman!
16:44.13 Twingy hand it over bitch!
16:44.49 ``Erik I don't wanna pay bills anymore. :(
16:44.54 Twingy me either
16:45.11 Twingy I need to get my truck paid off
16:45.54 Twingy then you'll need a ferrari
16:50.02 ``Erik I'll need a bigger garage
16:50.54 ``Erik france only has a couple days less vacation a year, maybe I'll go there and intimidate them with the combo of my german heritage and american arrogance/cowboyism :D
16:51.30 ``Erik ok, scratch that idea
17:04.31 Twingy get the jew gold, no more bills
17:08.13 Twingy I think I'm done my CASE today
17:09.28 ``Erik I hope your case has better grammar than that sentence
17:11.24 Twingy aw reck'n it duz
17:12.49 ``Erik (I'm still left wondering... you completed it today, or you're fed up with it and not touching it for the rest of the day?)
17:13.01 ``Erik I suspect I'll be working on mine over the weekend
17:13.12 Twingy I just got an hour or two left on it
17:14.00 ``Erik ah, I intend to float it by lee on monday, impact the pieces he makes sense on, then pass it off to wendy hopefully by tuesday or wednesday
17:20.15 Twingy sent my mill motor back today
17:20.22 Twingy should have the new one in 2 weeks
17:20.32 ``Erik ?
17:20.42 Twingy getting a better one with more caps for free
17:20.48 ``Erik ah
17:20.52 Twingy $22 shipping free
17:49.32 ``Erik wtf
17:49.55 ``Erik the, uh, trash collection contract wasn't renewed, so wendy has john collecting the trash...
18:07.55 brlcad gah, pra5ad .. g-var has bugs
18:28.12 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/g-var.c: crazy dev trickling variables throughout as if this were c++ code. add a local var footer and remove reference to non-existant codebase. fix header inclusion too.
19:55.01 ``Erik *snrkt*
19:55.14 ``Erik he's a ce, not a cs, pointers are for those cs geeks
20:15.26 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/g-var.c: follow the style guidelines, use K&R/Java style braces/indents not BSD. ws.
20:29.56 *** part/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
20:31.21 ``Erik not bsd??? you suck
20:33.34 brlcad
20:35.13 brlcad brl-cad's always been mostly k&r and it's by far the most common
20:35.51 brlcad which reminds me to set up the automatic nightly formatting
21:48.39 ``Erik gindent sometimes breaks things :/

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.