irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060706

00:53.40 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
00:59.12 Twingy new pc bbl
01:05.52 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
03:36.14 *** join/#brlcad MarcC|afk (
04:10.12 IriX64 bbiab
04:11.08 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
04:11.16 IriX64 back
06:17.22 *** join/#brlcad varsendaggr (
06:17.34 varsendaggr hey anyone here?
06:20.16 varsendaggr anyone get this running on a debian ? ie ubuntu?
07:10.33 *** join/#brlcad CIA-2 (
08:04.30 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos_ (
10:14.42 brlcad varsendaggr: any particular question, or just taking census?
12:52.17 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
14:34.42 varsendaggr brlcad, nah i just was wondering if there getting brlcad running on a debian machine is easy. i tried a while back and i had a hard time of it, however i now know more about everythign
14:42.01 varsendaggr wow brlcad is 42 mb
14:42.47 cradek I had trouble with autoconf on breezy but it worked fine on dapper
14:42.58 cradek compiling cvs head of a couple days ago
14:43.33 cradek I guess if you use a source release (which I never found) it avoids the autoconf problems because the configure script is already generated
14:44.51 brlcad cradek: you didn't find the source release?? :)
14:45.27 brlcad varsendaggr: it should be fairly turn-key, though I rarely get a debian box to test on so minor issues might pop up
14:46.02 varsendaggr ohhh
14:46.04 brlcad if gbs tools are all installed correctly, it should be a matter of ./ && ./configure --enable-everything --enable-optimized && make
14:46.25 cradek hmm I found, which talks about cvs
14:46.27 brlcad then of course sudo make install or what have you to install
14:46.32 cradek has releases for download
14:46.43 cradek that's odd
14:46.48 brlcad cradek: follow the first link on
14:46.55 varsendaggr great
14:47.00 varsendaggr the file is huge
14:47.14 brlcad not so huge for a CAD system.. ;)
14:48.09 cradek brlcad: ok, duh
14:49.01 cradek brlcad: on, none of the links jumped out at me as "how to get it" except for #6
14:49.20 brlcad yeah the site really sucks..
14:49.33 brlcad it's high on the todo list to make the site suck less
14:49.44 cradek well I didn't exactly say that
14:49.58 cradek on I went right to "downloads"
14:50.38 cradek (I don't understand why there are two completely different sites)
14:52.02 ``Erik heh
14:52.42 ``Erik is owned and operated by the developers, is owned and operated by a company that makes money selling documentation and training for the software...
14:52.43 ``Erik :)
14:53.03 cradek ok, that explains it
14:54.19 ``Erik brlcad, maybe we should put a "Get it"! link around the "project site" and "images&screenies" links that go to the sf files page?
14:54.52 ``Erik or put a note with thte project site link?
14:54.58 cradek if that had been there, I would have built a release, not cvs head - which is probably what you want newbies like me to do
14:55.35 ``Erik cradek: did you look at the cvs tags before co'ing head?
14:55.41 cradek no
14:55.58 ``Erik :)
14:56.01 cradek
14:56.07 cradek I followed the instructions...
14:56.52 brlcad those should work too
14:57.18 brlcad ``Erik: the entire site needs to be redone .. there's a lot more that just "how to get the source" that needs 'fixing'
14:57.34 cradek yes but Ithink ``Erik was imlying I should have found a tag for the latest release
14:57.37 brlcad and by fixing I mean things that involve a shotgun and the back end of a shed
14:57.51 brlcad yeah, you could have used the last release tag
14:58.03 brlcad that would match the source downloads on
14:58.08 cradek I understand
14:58.24 brlcad is the "official" distributions
14:58.30 cradek I actually thought I was being a "good newbie" by precisely following the instructions
14:58.47 brlcad nothing wrong with the approach you took :)
14:59.08 brlcad it's a debian-caveat that something is borked with the GBS tools :)
14:59.19 brlcad that's outside our domain/control
14:59.24 cradek GBS?
14:59.30 brlcad GNU Build System
14:59.36 cradek oh autoconf stuff
14:59.39 brlcad autoconf + automake + libtool + m4 etc
14:59.46 cradek sure, sounds like that's not your problem
15:00.03 brlcad got to run.. back in a few
15:00.12 cradek probably by getting the right packages installed it would have worked, but it was easier for me to go to another machine
15:13.00 cradek when I use g-dxf to get 3DFACEs (bag of triangles) how do I control the tesselation (how many triangles I get for say, a sphere)?
15:16.10 cradek ok I see there are some tolerances in the manpage
17:33.45 ``Erik O.o
17:38.43 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/librt/ (g_extrude.c g_sketch.c g_xxx.c): we don't use cake anymore (comment fix)
17:49.00 ValarQ ymp?
17:49.09 brlcad the cray y-mp comes to mind..
17:49.10 SWPadnos that's a Cray supercomputer, of course
17:49.32 brlcad he uploaded some cross-compiled binaries labelled as 'ymp'
17:49.41 brlcad somehow I doubt they are for a cray
17:51.44 brlcad looks like static-compiled windows 32-bit binaries
18:03.21 SWPadnos "Yucky Microsoft Product"?
18:05.53 brlcad :)
18:10.20 ValarQ SWPadnos: it's shorter just to say "Microsoft Product"
18:10.49 SWPadnos well, I had to use the Y also ;)
18:12.18 ValarQ yeah, my point is that it's an unlikely abbreviation :P
18:15.32 SWPadnos indeed
18:56.50 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
19:02.12 IriX64 ./mged
19:02.27 IriX64 duh. :(
19:04.03 IriX64 low overhead scanline-per-cpu buffering <--- gotta love it.
19:06.26 IriX64 Frame 0: 900434 rays in 101.08 sec = 8908.13 rays/sec (Wallclock)
19:06.38 IriX64 raytrace complete.
19:06.45 IriX64 sweet.
19:06.59 ``Erik heh, which one is that?
19:07.05 IriX64 havoc
19:07.39 IriX64 nice and solid :)
19:09.00 cradek Frame 0: 881047 rays in 22.34 sec = 39442.32 rays/sec (wallclock)
19:09.12 IriX64 which one?
19:09.18 cradek hey I figured out how to render something
19:09.21 ``Erik Frame 0: 264415 rays in 1.44 sec = 183412.51 rays/sec (wallclock)
19:09.24 cradek havoc
19:09.25 ``Erik you people have slow computers :(
19:09.34 IriX64 heh yeah.
19:09.57 IriX64 2.4ghz sucks :)
19:10.07 SWPadnos I suppose that depends on scene complexity
19:10.18 IriX64 and background.
19:10.26 ``Erik the one I just ran on is 1.4ghz...
19:10.27 IriX64 colour i mean.
19:10.47 ValarQ IriX64: they don't suck when there are 64 of them in a cluster :P
19:10.49 IriX64 yah ``Erik with your 16 cpus :)
19:10.53 ``Erik 12
19:10.58 IriX64 heh
19:11.05 ``Erik and, actually, I have a 4cpu 2.0ghz one that I THINK might be a hair faster
19:11.08 ``Erik but brlcad crashes on it
19:11.11 ``Erik *grouse*
19:11.22 IriX64 snarl eh:)
19:13.09 IriX64 why set the cpu's requested to 16?
19:13.20 IriX64 in raytrace control panel?
19:14.04 IriX64 mine says 16 cpus requested only one available using 1.
19:15.09 IriX64 warning compile time debugging is enabled and may limit performance.... time for another build then ill race you again :) bbiab
19:16.50 brlcad heh
19:17.05 brlcad turning off debugging might get him 100 rays/sec
19:26.14 ``Erik I've been able to replicate that amd64 seg bug without the --with-optimization flag... :/
19:33.52 brlcad that's rather uninteresting given there is no --with-optimization flag ;)
19:34.13 brlcad more interesting if you meant --disable-optimized
19:35.49 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (9 files in 3 dirs): follow erik's lead, obliterate the other references to Cakefiles
19:36.03 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
19:36.06 ``Erik er
19:36.15 ``Erik yeah, whatever, that knob
19:36.32 ``Erik it's done via dialog in my latest port, so *shrug* I d'no :)
19:38.09 brlcad can you try and see if it helps to change from/to pthreads vs some other threading lib?
19:38.34 brlcad i can hobble up and show how to disable SMP to see if it's at least related to parallelism
19:39.41 ``Erik um, lemme dork with it some
19:40.11 ``Erik <-- kinda flipping through g_dsp to see how objects without explicitely known sizes are managed...
19:44.39 ``Erik does it with both libpthread and libthr
19:45.17 ``Erik librt/shoot.c ... stp is null, (and print *stpp shows 0x0)
19:45.41 ``Erik this is std view on havoc, btw, and the crash LOOKS like it happens right as it touches the first glass part of the canopy
19:49.38 ``Erik same crash with bu_avail_cpus() replaced with 1
19:49.49 ``Erik don't think it's threading, duder
19:49.59 brlcad eek, g_dsp is probably not the best example..
19:50.38 brlcad it probably is the first glass, that would point towards something related to liboptical
19:51.06 brlcad setting bu_avail_cpus() to 1 isn't the same as disabling SMP outright
19:51.35 brlcad it will still acquire locks and spawn threads with 1 avail cpu
19:51.45 brlcad (potentially)
19:52.03 ``Erik hm *shrug*
19:52.04 brlcad PARALLEL in include/machine.h
19:53.15 brlcad undefine it and *poof* it should all go non-smp
19:53.57 brlcad s/should/will/
19:54.14 ``Erik ghah, that cruft is still there? :/
19:54.50 brlcad haven't absorbed machine.h yet, impacts a ton of code, particularly ray-trace lib stuff
19:55.12 ``Erik building...
19:55.18 brlcad close to getting rid of the bit shift first
19:56.12 ``Erik and a smarter make
20:03.56 ``Erik same crash
20:22.36 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
20:26.51 IriX64 almost ready to race you, I need one thing, 6 of your cluster :P
20:42.42 ``Erik heh, which one?
20:44.09 IriX64 geez how many clusters do you guys have :)
20:44.22 ``Erik um, look up 'army' at the top500 list
20:45.12 IriX64 scuse i thought you guys were engineers... oh wait, first we dig em then we die in em right.
20:46.59 IriX64 nice truck the m35 lets see what she looks like.
20:49.42 IriX64 summat wrong with my system, can't cut and paste sheesh.
20:50.36 IriX64 deauce and a 1/2 without the canopy top neat.
20:51.56 ``Erik engineers? O.o
20:52.07 IriX64 spell it right :P
20:52.36 ``Erik that reminds me, I wanna see barbies new jeep...
20:52.54 IriX64 10518.30 rays per sec wallclock.
20:53.16 IriX64 tried barbies jeep the truck is much nicer.
20:54.03 IriX64 whyd they put the exhaust stack on the right, driver have sensitive ears?
20:54.09 ``Erik awwww, it's so pwetty
20:54.31 ``Erik what, on the m35?
20:54.44 IriX64 yeah.
20:54.45 ``Erik visibility?
20:55.05 IriX64 ah the passenger doesnt need to see to shoot :)
20:55.35 ``Erik um, it's not an assault vehicle?
20:55.54 IriX64 tell that to the guy riding shotgun :)
20:56.56 IriX64 whats another pretty picture lets browse /db
20:57.04 ``Erik sphflake is neato
20:57.19 IriX64 tanks err wait... :)
20:57.32 ``Erik tank_car.g is a halftrack I think?
20:57.56 ``Erik ktank.g is a favorite
20:59.56 IriX64 either a linoleum floor or a chess board i think.
21:00.07 IriX64 sphflake that is.
21:00.14 ``Erik did you rt it?
21:00.25 IriX64 still rting. its big.
21:00.31 ``Erik heh
21:00.35 IriX64 raytrace
21:02.04 IriX64 that took 134.81 secs.
21:02.04 ``Erik purdee, ainnit?
21:02.05 IriX64 so lets 2minutes and some right.
21:02.10 IriX64 very
21:02.32 IriX64 slow system ah well i love her anyway.
21:02.54 ``Erik can't be any slower than my home systems
21:03.07 IriX64 heh this is a home system.
21:03.39 IriX64 tank_car is a railroad car already looked at that one.
21:04.10 ``Erik <-- has 5 systems at home... 1.2 ghz g4 powerbook, 1.2ghz athlon tower, 850mhz athlon, 700mhz g3 ibook, 120mhz cyrix 6x86, and a busted sun ultra5
21:04.11 IriX64 star is enterprise and shuttle also very purdy.
21:04.15 ``Erik 6, rather
21:04.39 IriX64 heh a collector :)
21:04.48 ``Erik not really
21:04.56 IriX64 repair shop?
21:05.02 ``Erik otherwise I'd still have my commodore 64's, coleco adam, etc
21:05.07 ``Erik just haven't thrown the garbage out yet
21:05.08 ``Erik :)
21:05.13 IriX64 ha
21:10.02 IriX64 well we have the floor lets dance. :)
21:11.22 brlcad wallclock time is not the best metric for comparing raytrace times
21:11.27 brlcad use the RTFM value
21:11.28 IriX64 hrmph scene.r won't expand ... bug in the geometry browser, ill be back.
21:11.47 IriX64 7.41 secs.
21:11.49 brlcad that isolates out system interference, startup costs, etc
21:12.12 IriX64 362509.86 rays/sec.
21:12.48 IriX64 RTFM=real time frame meter ? :)
21:13.34 IriX64 ill stay wont take long to fix.
21:14.10 IriX64 and recompile mged.
21:15.36 IriX64 ill ftp you the mged src, you fix it ok ? :)
21:16.27 IriX64 btw i really like these .1 files, whose idea?
21:17.00 IriX64 templates ala the U.S. Military, gotta love it.
21:21.31 brlcad ray trace figure of merit :)
21:21.49 IriX64 does mean anything to you?
21:21.56 IriX64 ty
21:22.29 IriX64 heh doh.
21:22.34 IriX64 me i mean.
21:22.39 brlcad that would be a shell script that raytrace sphflake
21:22.57 IriX64 yes works too, kudos:)
21:24.48 IriX64 i could dcc you if you like.
21:26.40 IriX64 bbiab
22:00.18 ``Erik ...
22:01.13 IriX64 pummel him ``Erik. :)
22:01.38 ``Erik actually, I'm more apt to pummel you
22:01.45 ``Erik brlcad could benchpress like 3 of me
22:01.53 ``Erik plus he's not a total 'tard..
22:01.56 ``Erik *coughcough* :)
22:02.29 IriX64 Company in my town wants a linux build, I'm gonna take this on as a mini project :)
22:04.26 ``Erik like the ones you can download for free from...
22:04.33 IriX64 ./configure --enable-almost-everything --with-x --disable-shared --enable-optimizations --build=i586-unix-linux.
22:04.47 IriX64 don't take that the wrong way ``Erik.
22:05.13 IriX64 shes configuring now.
22:05.27 IriX64 they like my work what can i say? :)
22:05.39 ``Erik *shrug*
22:06.00 IriX64 *gasp* ;)
22:06.02 ``Erik if you want to be actually useful, redoing builds isn't gonna accomplish that... check out
22:06.08 ``Erik :)
22:06.23 IriX64 who says im doing this to be useful :)
22:06.30 ``Erik aight *shrug*
22:09.49 IriX64 sorry eric didn't know wed switched to serious mode, ill look at some of these, ive got oodles of time on my hands.
22:16.57 IriX64 a "piss off user key" <---- did that guy pay you for the binaries :)
22:21.09 ``Erik eh?

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