irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060707

01:27.25 *** join/#brlcad IriX64_ (
01:29.41 Mario hahah already taken.
01:31.18 MarioD now you know me :)
01:31.24 MarioD and its registered.
01:35.00 brlcad MarioD: what does ymp stand for?
01:37.56 MarioD cray multi-processing
01:41.04 brlcad heh, so you did mean that
01:41.31 brlcad why in the world did you put that on the ftp upload to windows binaries?
01:42.06 MarioD say what?
01:42.19 MarioD my transfer never completed.
01:43.13 ``Erik o.O
01:43.26 MarioD somebody's trying to do me dirt brlcad.
01:43.31 ``Erik new windows super computing edition for cray? blue-screen faster than ever? :D
01:43.48 MarioD heheh ``Erik craydows :)
01:44.49 ``Erik in case someone hasn't seen it yet..
01:45.44 MarioD elf?!?
01:46.14 MarioD Robin Goodfellow :)
01:48.38 ``Erik uh... did you enjoy a lot of wall candy when you were a kid?
01:49.05 MarioD i smoke... i don't toke :)
01:49.28 ``Erik uh... that's not what wall candy is...
01:49.38 MarioD judeg me by my iq number will you ? ;)
01:49.47 ``Erik O:-)
01:49.57 MarioD so elucidate what the fark is wall candy?
01:50.08 brlcad MarioD: one of the transfers completed, I decompressed it
01:50.24 MarioD no not mine, both my transfers aborted.
01:50.37 brlcad still, doesn't explain why you'd choose a cray designation on windows binaries.. ;)
01:50.42 ``Erik ... well... long long ago, people used lead based paint for their walls... and eventually it'd start flaking... and kids would eat it... and, uh, become slightly mentally deficient... hockey helmet, water wings, etc
01:50.49 MarioD i DIDN'T!!!
01:51.12 ``Erik O:-)
01:51.30 MarioD ahhh i see eric dumb of me not to have made the connection, perhaps i inhaled a few flakes.
01:51.43 brlcad you say they aborted.. what aborted?
01:51.51 MarioD the uploads.
01:51.58 brlcad i mean what were the filenames of what you were uploading..
01:52.06 MarioD disconnected connection closed by remote host.
01:52.29 MarioD one was and the other was
01:52.41 ``Erik why 'ympbrlcad'?
01:52.54 brlcad okay, there you have it.. yes, why ymp for windows binaries? :)
01:53.05 MarioD man..... i was hoping youd take a chance and test it.
01:53.32 brlcad heh
01:53.41 MarioD do you or do you not have that cray in your database drawings file?
01:54.03 brlcad i wouldn't copy user-provided binaries to HPC assets
01:54.03 MarioD i dont do that eric.
01:54.06 ``Erik yeah, like an old cray2...
01:54.08 ``Erik but, uh...
01:54.17 ``Erik DUDE, you DID
01:54.35 MarioD no i didnt whats the ip it came from?
01:54.38 ``Erik when we see 'ympbrlcad', we see "this is brlcad built for a cray machine runnign unicos"
01:54.50 MarioD exactly.
01:55.20 MarioD thats the problem with anonymous ftp its so easy to smear someone, now ill shut up.
01:55.24 brlcad actually, I highly doubted it was cray binaries and simply assumed ymp had to mean something else :)
01:55.33 MarioD heh
01:55.42 brlcad especially after a file type showed they certainly were not
01:55.49 ``Erik (unicos is a funkyarsed OS, btw)
01:56.01 MarioD mvp 12 7809
01:56.27 MarioD smoke break.
02:07.33 MarioD it's bugging me, my transfers never completed , i swear, if you keep aborted files you should have a and a partial too im sorry i caused you grief, i won't repeat the mistake.
02:07.58 MarioD back to work.
02:08.00 brlcad there were several versions of each, it iterates versions
02:08.16 MarioD my client keeps trying.
02:08.28 brlcad no surprise
02:08.35 ``Erik quit letting it do that
02:08.49 MarioD heh yah i should not have gone to bed... sue me :)
02:09.17 MarioD plz appoint one.
02:09.25 ``Erik mr hat!
02:09.32 MarioD mrs cat
02:09.36 MarioD !
02:09.40 ``Erik had her
02:09.42 ``Erik I mean, uh
02:09.47 ``Erik O:-)
02:09.57 MarioD heh thats the name of the house smooz.
02:10.43 MarioD for me work calls, for you duty calls have at her....;)
02:53.09 MarioD say ``Erik do you have access to a vax boxen?
02:53.42 MarioD vax code generator is complete.
02:58.29 MarioD my days as an FSE for DEC came in handy here :)
02:59.27 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
07:42.53 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
14:04.47 IriX64 ./configure --build=pdp11/70 <---- system pdp11/70 not recognized... *GOOF* doh.
14:05.19 IriX64 its pdp11 dork. :)
14:06.02 IriX64 brlcad for the pdp11 ultrix systems, sweet.
14:08.36 IriX64 time to build one for myself.
14:40.13 IriX64 10 years worth of work just to compile BRL-CAD ? ;)
14:40.36 IriX64 ``Erik i'll buy it from you i was not given one when i left :P
14:41.05 ``Erik if you have a pdp crosscompiler on your windows machine, I would be HIGHLY surprised. Bear in mind, just because you say --build=somearch does NOT mean it'll actually build for that arch... you need the appropriate crosscompiler installed... a full compiler for each target
14:41.06 IriX64 they gave me a watch instead :)
14:41.11 ``Erik (and --target is the right flag)
14:41.30 IriX64 heh
14:41.31 IriX64 ok
14:41.59 IriX64 unless of course your configuring *as a pdp11/70.
14:43.46 ``Erik eh?
14:44.52 IriX64 set build type if a cross compiler is detected it will be used direct quote from configure.
14:45.04 IriX64 dont use --host.
14:46.33 IriX64 i try to configure my compiler and linker ``Erik, different approach to that of gcc.
14:47.25 IriX64 heh where were you with your questions all these years?
14:47.29 IriX64 :)
14:47.40 ``Erik o.O
14:48.16 IriX64 set CC=cassie.exe and set LD=cassield.exe is what i live by.
14:48.41 IriX64 hrmph or in some cases die by. :)
14:49.18 IriX64 what do you call yours?
14:49.33 ``Erik erm, heh, which ones?
14:49.35 ``Erik :>
14:49.46 IriX64 the most popular one heh.
14:50.00 IriX64 gcc right?
14:50.02 IriX64 :)
14:50.12 ``Erik well, I've provided aid to bigger projects... the ones that are actually mine are pet projects that haven't been released
14:50.19 ``Erik nah, I don't mess with gcc
14:50.25 IriX64 ill show you a collect ;)
14:50.36 ``Erik the 'compiler' I've probably done the most with is gauche
14:50.43 IriX64 mine will *never be released.
14:50.54 IriX64 other plans for her.
14:51.00 ``Erik <-- bit of a scheme head
14:51.07 IriX64 gauche as in bouche?
14:51.24 ``Erik no, gauche as in the japanese scheme compiler/interpreter?
14:51.39 IriX64 ah dont know that one.
15:04.47 IriX64 doing pix now how fast is a build on your cluster ``Erik?
15:05.50 ``Erik um, I haven't done a build across the cluster yet
15:05.51 IriX64 45 mins 25 secs ... finally.
15:06.22 ``Erik just a single node on a cluster...
15:06.49 IriX64 sigh now 10 mins for the install... you know all computers wait at the same speed 18.2ticks/sec :)
15:07.44 ``Erik hm, most of mine tick at either 100hz or 1000hz
15:07.47 ``Erik depending on their role
15:08.11 IriX64 dropped the g file did you? :)
15:08.24 ``Erik huh?
15:08.30 IriX64 heh
15:08.53 IriX64 100cps or 1000cps?
15:09.52 IriX64 doing the jack stuff now...jack...jack shit, i know him :P
15:10.15 ``Erik man, you need to lay off the crack
15:10.33 IriX64 its that wall candy.
15:11.18 IriX64 i do crack of dawn everyday
15:11.46 SWPadnos 18.2 ticks/sec was the slowest the PC timer tick could be, but it can be much faster (possibly up to the full clock rate of 1.192MHz
15:12.24 IriX64 the timer tick cant be changed youll break backwards compatibility.
15:12.32 SWPadnos not really
15:12.39 IriX64 its so.
15:12.45 IriX64 they insist
15:13.08 SWPadnos that may be true for DOS and Windows, but I assure you that the Linux kernel runs at 1000 Hz just fine
15:13.37 SWPadnos or 100, or 250, or ...
15:13.50 IriX64 its not programmable SWPadnos.
15:13.53 ``Erik Elapsed compilation time: 3 minutes, 35 seconds
15:13.55 ``Erik sweet
15:14.09 IriX64 cmon. nothings that fast.
15:14.15 ``Erik 12 core altix is
15:14.24 ``Erik real 3m35.257s
15:14.24 ``Erik user 14m55.047s
15:14.24 ``Erik sys 6m18.258s
15:14.27 SWPadnos some of us only had access to PDP-11s or PCs ;)
15:14.30 IriX64 your serious here?
15:14.44 IriX64 heh
15:14.45 brlcad and that's optimized, unoptimized only takes about 2.5 minutes
15:15.04 ``Erik numanumanuma
15:15.05 ``Erik *duck*
15:15.08 brlcad the 16 core takes about 2
15:15.14 IriX64 where do i swear allegiance :)
15:15.14 ``Erik brlcad, you coming in today?
15:15.20 brlcad nope
15:15.26 SWPadnos my dual Opteron did a full optimized build in ~10 minutes, and that's dual single-core, 244s, with 800 MHz HT
15:15.42 brlcad ``Erik: plan to actually get some work done, get some stuff coded
15:15.50 ``Erik darn, I was hoping to bounce ideas about wdb for my meat balls
15:15.59 IriX64 sigh im stoneage by comparison.
15:16.05 ``Erik and the building is empty, heh
15:16.23 ``Erik uh... opteron? ht? uh?
15:16.46 SWPadnos heh
15:17.08 brlcad there's a compilation threshhold where it's not really going to get any faster without parallel linking and multi-directory compilation parallelism
15:17.27 ``Erik that's where a smarter make would be nice... :)
15:17.31 SWPadnos are uou using recursive makefiles, or "submakefiles"?
15:17.34 IriX64 ;)
15:17.34 SWPadnos you
15:17.36 brlcad there is a make rule that does parallel linking (make fast), that can give a boost on distributed compiles
15:18.03 SWPadnos I'd bet that ccache or something similar would also help
15:18.25 ``Erik uh, only on the second build... it makes the first a bit slower
15:18.42 brlcad recursive
15:19.09 SWPadnos ``Erik, ok - I wasn't sure if multiple files in the build would have an advantage (if they use similar headers)
15:19.19 brlcad non-recursive starts to fall apart the larger the project gets
15:19.35 IriX64 dudes whats with terra.g mged crashes on it, mapped file open failed.
15:19.38 SWPadnos brlcad, we found that changing to a hierarchical make sped up emc compilation by ~2-3x
15:19.52 SWPadnos and made it so you could actually cvs up and get correct builds ;)
15:20.16 SWPadnos hmmm - maybe only 2x or so, not 3x
15:20.20 brlcad i don't doubt that it is usually faster
15:20.25 brlcad the tradeoffs are in other aspects
15:20.42 SWPadnos yeah - nobody's used to the method ;)
15:20.57 IriX64 ERROR: NULL bu_mapped_file_pointer , file g_dsp.c line 3135
15:21.00 brlcad if you're a project composed of projects (which brl-cad is massively), then you've suddenly lost all the "free" build rules
15:21.39 brlcad IriX64: that's a terrain database -- you probably have to find the datafile and have it in . or somesuch
15:22.02 IriX64 thanks
15:22.03 brlcad i.e. it's an outboard data file that is trying to be read in, and it fails because it can't find it
15:25.18 brlcad SWPadnos: not only are folks unfamiliar with it, you have to manually create custom clean rules for every "subproject", there's no standard naming convention and make does not expose targets leaving users to guess, read docs, read the Makefile, etc instead of using the otherwise consistent convention of using cd to designate a selection
15:26.42 SWPadnos the ability to cd <blah> and make is great, and I'm not sure if we needed that
15:26.52 SWPadnos (I didn't do any of the makefile work - I don't know enough about it)
15:27.25 brlcad it's pretty simple, does emc comprise multiple projects? :)
15:27.35 brlcad or have a lot of binaries/libraries at least
15:27.38 SWPadnos sort of
15:27.41 SWPadnos yes
15:27.52 brlcad what do you consider a lot?
15:27.52 SWPadnos there are multiple GUIs, RT components, kernel modules, etc.
15:28.21 SWPadnos there are roughly a dozen executables, and more than a dozen kernel modules, plus generated scripts and the like
15:28.22 brlcad not referring to configuration items
15:28.42 brlcad configure generally handles features/modules, not make directly
15:29.08 SWPadnos well, you run the make from the top level src dir, and only from there ;)
15:29.17 brlcad sure
15:29.27 brlcad that's basic non-recursive make
15:30.06 SWPadnos it used to be recursive, and we still did things that way
15:30.32 brlcad i implemented the start of a non-recursive make for brl-cad but it really just wasn't providing a significant benefit and was going to require a considerable amount of extra work to match was current recursive make already provides
15:30.34 SWPadnos there were annoying complications like having to create a temp headers dir and copy all .h files there, and other ugliness
15:30.37 ``Erik recursive make is as fast as non-recursive if your subdirs are well populated...
15:32.13 brlcad one of my biggest complaints against it is that the main arguments against recursive make are not based on user-experience, they are founded on limitations of make itself (that "could" be fixed)
15:33.09 SWPadnos not really
15:33.13 brlcad theoretically, we're using automake so if they were so inclined, they could turn all the's into a non-recursive setup, it's just such a massive amount of work that I doubt they ever will
15:33.20 brlcad at least not this decade
15:33.29 SWPadnos the issue is that make can't generate a complete dependency tree, because it doens't know about everything up front
15:33.53 brlcad uhm, that's entirely a limitation of make itself
15:34.38 SWPadnos not really - remember, the makefiles have multiple projects in them, so the information is being intentionally kept separate
15:34.39 brlcad has nothing to do with the user interface aspect of building projects
15:35.13 SWPadnos right
15:36.28 SWPadnos
15:36.35 brlcad from an automake-using project perspective, the information is all there -- I've told it exactly which subdirs that tie into it
15:36.51 brlcad yes, that's an ancient pile of tripe :)
15:37.13 SWPadnos heh
15:37.33 SWPadnos well - I shouldn't waste your time - I don't know enough to discuss the subject intelligently :)
15:37.36 brlcad the entire arguement focuses on performance limitation, not usability
15:38.27 brlcad it sacrifices implicit usability for the sake of performance (or at best delegating the role of usability onto developer hands)
15:38.43 brlcad instead of focusing on the limitations of make and fixing the problem there
15:38.47 SWPadnos the argument that got me wasn't about performance
15:38.50 brlcad or automake should you have the case
15:38.55 SWPadnos it was correctness
15:39.26 brlcad i'd argue that there is nothing inherintly "incorrect" about recursive make in the least
15:39.29 SWPadnos we had problems where a build wouldn't work until you did make clean (or just did a clean checkout)
15:39.38 brlcad make could propagate information to children make processes
15:39.44 SWPadnos and those were all solved by changing to a non-recursive make
15:40.05 SWPadnos they may have been due to stupidities in the original makefiles though
15:41.28 brlcad we used to see similar issues but it almost always traced down to either an automake bug or an invalid assumption or missing dependency in some
15:42.13 brlcad it took a while to get in right, but now it does assuming the automake rev isn't buggy -- all dependencies update like they're documented to work when things are edited, things generally don't get "stuck" etc
15:43.51 brlcad the biggest problem with recursive make that I see is a similar agreement that make should propagate state information
15:44.46 brlcad i've talked to the gnu make devs to some extent about it and they mostly agreed after a similar long debate but basically boiled down to "it'd be a lot of work" and nobody wanted to do it
15:45.37 brlcad easier to start yet another religion by declaring the hard way incorrect and the status quo correct :)
15:49.37 SWPadnos FSM
15:49.53 SWPadnos sorry - new religion ;)
15:57.11 IriX64 i like the -i switch on make it comes in very handy ;)
16:00.38 IriX64 that file is farked, but still it should not shutdown should just report an error and keep on trucking.
16:06.25 IriX64 smoke break bbiab.
17:30.37 IriX64 ray tracing the m35 belly up :)
17:30.52 IriX64 on a sky blue background.
19:02.27 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
19:50.18 *** join/#brlcad Lapo (
19:50.23 Lapo Hi all
20:19.03 Lapo help close
20:26.58 *** join/#brlcad Lapo (
20:27.04 Lapo Hi all again
20:28.39 Lapo please Can someone help me in the installation of brl-cad?
20:42.50 ``Erik ?
20:46.00 Lapo Hi Erik
20:49.50 Lapo mged: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/brlcad/lib/ ELF file OS ABI invalid
20:50.09 Lapo I got this problem
20:50.35 Lapo Do you have an idea of what is wrong?
21:08.22 *** part/#brlcad Lapo (
21:12.16 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * 10brlcad/src/librtserver/rtserver.c: added (int) cast to eliminate compiler warning
21:27.59 ``Erik heh, and he bolts
23:19.44 IriX64 that go on often?
23:20.19 IriX64 thought so was a static lib.
23:20.53 IriX64 ahh well too much beer :)
23:27.02 IriX64 This better: Frame 0: 894916 rays in 1.02 secs = 880822.83 rays/sec RTFM (Read the fine manual)
23:29.34 brlcad .so => shared object library
23:29.43 IriX64 .la
23:29.48 brlcad libtool archive
23:29.58 IriX64 .a
23:30.02 brlcad archive
23:30.12 IriX64 static lib?
23:30.23 brlcad yes, static library archive
23:30.36 IriX64 hmph :)
23:30.55 IriX64 you know way too much to be useful ;)
23:31.37 brlcad heh, you can run gentoo on gentoo..
23:31.40 brlcad
23:31.54 IriX64 any experience with vmware?
23:32.41 brlcad yeah, good stuff
23:32.56 IriX64 so i hear. ... might play.
23:32.57 brlcad used to write linux kernel code in it
23:33.07 IriX64 that advanced?
23:33.08 brlcad makes for a great kernel dev environment
23:33.33 brlcad reboot the system, write filesystem drivers without potentially screwing up your main system
23:33.51 brlcad if the kernel crashes, you just restart vmware, etc
23:34.06 brlcad all in an app instead of waiting for hardware
23:35.22 IriX64 nice
23:35.45 IriX64 smoke break :)
23:36.34 brlcad you smoke a lot
23:45.46 ``Erik hah
23:45.47 ``Erik wow
23:46.04 ``Erik knowing a couple lbasic and very common file extensions is 'knowing too much', that's ripe
23:46.04 ``Erik :)
23:47.18 ``Erik and pungent?
23:47.23 brlcad most definitely
23:48.08 ``Erik zo, I am tinkink about ze wdb file format, ja?
23:48.23 brlcad "wdb file format"?
23:48.26 ``Erik erm
23:48.27 ``Erik for
23:48.29 ``Erik meat balls
23:48.34 ``Erik sveedish ones
23:48.57 brlcad ah, you mean how to add your prim to the .g
23:49.05 ``Erik a float (the eval value), and a set of [point&float]
23:49.48 ``Erik point&float pairs need to be modifiable, and need to be added to the 'metaball' after the metaball is defined
23:49.56 brlcad would include a count at the onset so a future mod or even current code can jump to the next section fwiw
23:49.58 ``Erik is there an obvious approach?
23:50.03 ``Erik of course
23:50.07 brlcad ran into that problem with the nurbs prim where it didn't do that
23:50.08 ``Erik that's a minor optimization, though
23:50.15 brlcad making it a bltch to add trimming info
23:50.30 brlcad (in a backwards-compatible way)
23:50.58 brlcad what are the point/float pairs?
23:51.06 ``Erik heh, I've already noticed cruft from maintaining backwards compatability...
23:51.26 brlcad probably all the v4 stuff, this isn't that bad
23:51.31 ``Erik they're the defining points
23:51.54 brlcad the what's the initial float?
23:52.23 brlcad the effective power no?
23:52.34 ``Erik a set of points, each with a field strength generates the raw 'metaball', then to get the shell, you define an value and generate an isosurface...
23:52.56 ``Erik as far as I understand
23:52.57 brlcad ahh, the zero-crossing value to evaluate the implicit at
23:53.03 brlcad gotcha
23:53.16 ``Erik yeah, f(n)-q=0 where f(n) is the metaball and q is the evaluation value
23:54.02 ``Erik <-- not sure how to interface this via brlcad's "in" cmd or how to spec a wdb friendly way to store it...
23:54.31 ``Erik I'd imagine having the points as a linked list spread throughout the .g would be a bad thing...
23:55.18 ``Erik <-- wanted to bug lee about this last evening
23:55.24 ``Erik but lee was busy and I decided I wanted to go hom :)
23:55.57 ``Erik <-- should probably annoy lee on thursday
23:57.49 brlcad the wdb interface is just going to call the primitive's export function, librt deals with the actual i/o
23:58.22 brlcad the export/import functions will implicitly determine how things are stored onto disk
23:58.29 brlcad you basically serialize your data there
23:58.54 ``Erik hm, and there is no concept of compaction or collection ?
23:59.03 brlcad and from the database layer's perspective, you're just stashing a binary chunk of data for the primitive
23:59.20 brlcad there is across multiple objects
23:59.43 brlcad and individual objects can optionally manage that on their own, though I don't think any take advantage of that right now
23:59.52 ``Erik I mean, I could save a two floats, then an array of vec4's...
23:59.53 brlcad the BoT's are actually a good example

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