irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060720

01:33.00 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
05:01.33 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
05:01.33 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is an open source solid modeling software suite || Developers needed! Read the HACKING file for details on getting involved
05:50.13 *** join/#brlcad ValarQ (
06:15.16 *** join/#brlcad digitalfredy (n=digitalf@
07:07.23 *** part/#brlcad digitalfredy (n=digitalf@
07:48.31 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
10:40.53 *** join/#brlcad matt_ezeki_230 (
10:58.38 matt_ezeki_230 hi guys... i wonder if there is a way to show hidden lines of a solid model after raytrace with command rtedge -W -s1024 as broken lines
11:15.49 brlcad matt_ezeki_230: it'd be easy enough to show the hidden lines.. though rendering to a particular style of "broken" or dashed lines would probably be tricky
11:17.21 brlcad probably doable as a probabalistic speckled line (e.g. randomly don't draw N% of the hidden line pixels)
11:17.39 brlcad not as nice as hard dashes, but would probably get the point across
11:31.27 matt_ezeki_230 brlcad: ok thanks... could i ask to you which command in command window or option need i to set to show hidden raytraced lines as speckled lines?
12:22.07 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
12:31.24 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
13:38.04 matt_ezeki_230 i tried your method but i was still unable to show hidden lines as speckled lines. Let my explain the issue with an exemple:
13:38.17 matt_ezeki_230 1) in a.s rcc 0 0 -2 0 0 4 1
13:38.21 matt_ezeki_230 2) in b.s rcc 0 -2 0 0 4 0 1
13:38.25 matt_ezeki_230 and i need to show hidden lines of the both cylinders after raytracing.
13:38.34 matt_ezeki_230 Because file "" says "raytrace white background hidden-line image -> rtedge -W -o file.pix", i wonder if i've understood properly:
13:38.50 matt_ezeki_230 hidden lines can be showed as speckled lines or hard dashes lines with the ONLY following command
13:38.54 matt_ezeki_230 3) rtedge -W -s1024 -o file.pix
13:39.00 matt_ezeki_230 ?
13:44.20 clock_ matt_ezeki_230: can you show hidden lines with rtedge?
13:45.34 matt_ezeki_230 no i can't. i'm here just to know if is it possible with rtedge or other ways...
13:46.48 matt_ezeki_230 brlcad says "it'd be easy enough to show the hidden lines...probably doable as a probabalistic speckled line (e.g. randomly don't draw N% of the hidden line pixels)..."
13:47.24 matt_ezeki_230 but i have any idea to do his method
14:08.32 brlcad matt_ezeki_230: I said it would be "doable" to implement/add such a feature to rtedge, not that it exists right now
14:08.58 brlcad what you can do with it now is do a multi-pass composite
14:10.19 clock_ brlcad: or make a multipass and make the invisible edges with a grey shade
14:10.33 clock_ brlcad: how do you do multipass? Make another view from the other side and then mirror it?
14:10.39 brlcad either overlaying the wireframe image (which shows the hidden lines) with an rtedge raytrace
14:10.46 brlcad or using two rtedge passes
14:12.08 brlcad clock_: doesn't have to be from the other side, rtedge understands a bunch of options that make it show more/fewer edges
14:12.27 clock_ brlcad: cool
14:12.37 clock_ --show-more-edges --show-even-more-edges :)
14:12.48 clock_ --i-said-i-want-more-edges!
14:13.02 brlcad for example, matt_ezeki_230, you might want to try the "detect regions" flag that will draw hidden edges on region boundaries if you've correctly created parts/assemblies (i.e. regions and groups)
14:13.07 brlcad close :)
14:13.16 brlcad -c"set detect_regions=1" ;)
14:13.20 clock_ brlcad: today I am going into the surf course again :)
14:16.02 brlcad also has -c"set overlaymode=1" for multipass rtedgings, but I suspect the best way will be to save the mged wireframe to an image and composite it over
14:16.29 brlcad clock_: cool, where abouts?
14:16.46 clock_ brlcad: I don't understand now what you mean
14:17.11 brlcad where are you surfing?
14:18.33 clock_ brlcad: on Zurich lake. But there are no waves. Only paddling training
14:18.39 clock_ brlcad: do you swim front crawl?
14:22.54 *** join/#brlcad rossberg (
14:35.24 brlcad clock_: not sure what that means
14:35.30 brlcad hello rossberg!
14:36.18 brlcad rossberg: you were quite a topic of discussion recently ..
14:36.49 rossberg brlcad: really?
14:37.05 brlcad yeah, at the annual STMG and MEVA meetings
14:37.53 brlcad some discussion on your windows brl-cad geometry viewer
14:38.11 rossberg ah, there was a meeting. interesting
14:38.19 brlcad and on a bunker model
14:38.32 brlcad yeah, every year
14:38.35 rossberg in september there will a meeting at the iabg
14:39.27 rossberg the bunker isn't from me (the model), but i made colculations with it
14:39.45 clock_ brlcad: I mean you lie on the face and paddle with your hands and you swim this way. The fastest swimming style known.
14:41.39 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
14:42.36 brlcad clock_: how else would you do it??
14:44.44 clock_ brlcad: :)
14:45.02 clock_ brlcad: for example breastroke
14:57.15 brlcad with a surfboard?? :)
14:57.55 clock_ brlcad: no just with the body, swimming
15:01.23 brlcad ahh
15:01.38 brlcad usually freestyle or backstroke
15:22.13 matt_ezeki_230 brlcad: thanks for your answers. Unfortunately i'm a beginner user of brlcad and i've any idea of what a multi-pass composite is. Furthermore i've found anything about detect regions flag and -c"set detect_regions=1" command in MGED_Quick_Ref, VolumeII... and VolumeIII... docs
15:24.15 matt_ezeki_230 Please, could you give me an example of use to create parts/assemblies correctly using "detect regions" flag? thanks in advance
16:27.04 matt_ezeki_230 are you still here ? :-)
20:14.01 *** join/#brlcad digitalfredy (n=digitalf@
23:00.20 ``Erik sean, ya busy?
23:05.30 brlcad always
23:08.13 ``Erik got a librt question if you're in the mood
23:09.10 ``Erik got 'prep' and something in the shot func, but when I pull the trigger, shoot.c throws an oops, the ray origin is 'bad', with big honkin' numbers (like Xe40)... what'd I fuck up?
23:10.03 brlcad you have to set up the ray in the app structure before you first
23:10.07 brlcad s/first/fire/
23:10.21 ``Erik hm, I'm not doing an app, this is bin/rt
23:10.33 brlcad look at src/rt/rtexample.c as a reference, notice how it sets:
23:10.33 brlcad <PROTECTED>
23:10.33 brlcad <PROTECTED>
23:10.53 brlcad what do you mean then that you "pull the trigger"?
23:11.18 ``Erik well, I got a .g file with a toplevel metaball called "ball" and I run /usr/brlcad/bin/rt /tmp/poo.g ball
23:11.19 brlcad the shot routine eventually gets passed that a_ray at some point
23:11.39 brlcad at lease the shot routine gets a ray from somewhere, and it has to be "valid"
23:11.46 ``Erik ALL I've done to the file is "title metaballs" "units mm" "in ball metaball (lots of numbers)"
23:11.54 brlcad ahhh
23:12.21 brlcad shot func sounds screwed up
23:12.39 ``Erik mine? all mine does at the moment is a bu_log ... which does NOT display
23:13.18 ``Erik are you in tomorrow?
23:13.20 brlcad and returns 1?
23:13.27 ``Erik um, returns 0 I believe
23:13.31 brlcad hmm
23:13.59 ``Erik but since it never prints the bu_log string, I assume the return value is irrelevant
23:14.14 brlcad ahh, it doesn't get that far?
23:14.18 ``Erik newp
23:14.51 ``Erik if you're in office tomorrow, I'll show you the code and output... I'm still trying to get my feet under me wrt brlcad source... :)
23:15.09 brlcad then it's got to be prep work
23:15.15 brlcad i'm in for half-day
23:15.19 brlcad so good luck..
23:15.27 ``Erik all I do in prep is set a couple bounding spheres...
23:15.38 brlcad yeah, have to set the bounding spheres and the bounding boxes
23:15.44 ``Erik oh, the box as well?
23:15.45 brlcad it "should" all be soltab stuff
23:15.51 brlcad yeah, has to set min/max
23:15.52 ``Erik the, um, max/min or the later one?
23:16.03 brlcad st_min[X/Y/Z] and st_max
23:16.10 ``Erik okie, I'll hack something into that and see if I can get my shot function to kick...
23:16.26 ``Erik tomorrie... now it's time to cook and drink and watch tv, w00t
23:16.28 ``Erik thanks :)
23:17.38 brlcad should set st_center, st_aradius, st_bradius, st_specific, st_min, and st_max
23:20.07 ``Erik ok, I only did the first three... what's st_specific?
23:20.12 ``Erik min/max being aabb coords?
23:20.59 ``Erik is st_specific the bu_list for 'render ready' crap?
23:25.00 brlcad st_specific isn't probably necessary, but that'd be your in-memory prep'd data holding things like precomputed values that are useful for any ray
23:25.29 brlcad it's basically a void * to whatever the hell you want
23:25.56 brlcad and yeah, min/max are the aabb
23:26.41 brlcad that's probably what it's crappingg on, it's probably some inf or inverted box or random vals, so when it translates a ray to the start or other side, it goes whack
23:27.36 ``Erik okie
23:27.54 ``Erik at the moment, I'm not sure I see anything that can effectively be precomputed
23:28.16 ``Erik so I'll leave that one blank, do the aabb, see if I can't get a trivial 'walking' ray...
23:28.35 ``Erik I may be harrassin' ya next tuesday... :)
23:29.05 ``Erik (sorry, a few yrs ago, I woulda been all about chugging this out over the weekend, but I'm broken and embittered given my previous... assignment...)
23:32.53 brlcad sad sad .. :)
23:33.04 brlcad that's sweet code to poke on
23:34.44 brlcad i think i enjoy working on primitives more than most of the rest of the codebase.. it's nice and fundamental, math intensive, and you get to see pretty stuff when it all finally works
23:35.02 brlcad the boolean weaver is fun too, but you don't get that visual
23:44.21 ``Erik *shrug* I showed up, wrote a build system, fixed geoffs lserver, and was slammed into muves3
23:44.32 ``Erik I didn't really get the opportunity to learn much about brlcad

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