irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060728

00:01.38 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
00:19.19 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
01:38.37 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/doc/description.txt: add a tidbit on some of the humorous incorrect pronounciations that have been overheard as well as an explanation of where the name BRL-CAD comes from
02:29.00 *** join/#brlcad digitalfredy (n=digitalf@
02:34.14 *** join/#brlcad dan_falck (
02:39.15 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/ (Archer.tcl pkgIndex.tcl tclIndex): look for commands in the plugin 'Commands' directory instead of 'Command' to be consistent with 'Wizards'
02:48.15 *** join/#brlcad ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
02:48.15 *** mode/#brlcad [+o ChanServ] by
02:59.53 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/pkgIndex.tcl: revert the inadvertent loss of the Archer package
03:10.27 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libfb/tcl.c: go ahead and check for valid parameters to fb_refresh even if this isn't IF_X
03:12.03 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
03:13.39 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ged.c: ws
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03:39.19 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (20 files in 3 dirs):
03:39.19 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: move the Pro/Engineer plugin from misc/pro-engineer to src/external/ProEngineer.
03:39.19 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: the new src/external directory is intended for all of the codes that are written
03:39.19 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: to work with and link against external packages (often as a plugin to said
03:39.19 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: external package)
03:42.13 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ traverse into src/external for all builds since there may be something to build in there if it was enabled
03:44.04 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ misc/pro-engineer was moved to src/external so update the output Makefiles accordingly as well as the new src/external/Makefile and the plugin resource files
03:49.27 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
03:56.56 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/external/README: describe the contents of this directory and its intent
03:57.27 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
03:58.18 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/external/ distribute the new README as part of the source dist (oh yeah, the README also includes details on the Pro/Engineer plugin for starters)
04:01.05 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ add some additional pro/engineer enable aliases
04:22.44 *** join/#brlcad IriX64_ (
04:26.23 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
05:16.48 *** part/#brlcad IriX64 (
12:30.34 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
14:41.27 *** join/#brlcad digitalfredy (n=digitalf@
14:48.02 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (14 files in 2 dirs): moved the Unigraphics importer from src/conv/unigraphics to src/external/Unigraphics since it requires the external UGOPEN library api.
14:49.06 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/ the unigraphics directory is no longer stashed here, it moved to src/external/Unigraphics
14:50.15 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/external/ add Unigraphics to the subdirectory list, moved over from src/conv/unigraphics to here since it relies on the external UGOPEN api/libraries
14:51.11 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ src/conv/unigraphics was moved to src/external/Unigraphics, so update the corresponding Makefile generation
14:54.55 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/external/README: include a blurb about the Unigraphics/NX importer.
15:01.28 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ add configuration options supporting the Unigraphics importer, providing the BUILD_UG symbol if it is to be compiled (used in src/external)
15:05.01 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/external/ProEngineer/.cvsignore: oop, forgot to add the .cvsignore file moved from misc/pro-engineer. add it.
18:16.34 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
18:18.13 IriX64 pleasure to meet you all.
18:20.32 IriX64 is maintained by you people?
18:22.46 IriX64 urrr theres a skunk in the house.
18:26.40 IriX64 the geometry editor is quite good.
18:27.06 IriX64 err browser.
18:28.44 IriX64 terra.g loads but when trying to display it crashes.
18:29.56 IriX64 null mapped bu-pointer line 3135 but i forget the filname might have been g-disp..
18:34.02 IriX64 $ ERROR: NULL bu_mapped_file pointer, file g_dsp.c, line 3135
18:46.48 IriX64 would you like a paste of my current Shot: ?
18:47.54 IriX64 SHOT: cpu = 4.938 sec, elapsed = 194.606 sec
18:47.54 IriX64 <PROTECTED>
18:47.55 IriX64 <PROTECTED>
18:47.55 IriX64 Additional mem=1482752., #malloc=795, #free=706, #realloc=17 (89 retained)
18:47.55 IriX64 3224618 solid/ray intersections: 891704 hits + 2332914 miss
18:47.55 IriX64 pruned 27.7%: 306831 model RPP, 1824609 dups skipped, 736889 solid RPP
18:47.57 IriX64 Frame 0: 476100 pixels in 4.94 sec = 96415.55 pixels/sec
18:47.59 IriX64 Frame 0: 659931 rays in 4.94 sec = 133643.38 rays/sec (RTFM)
18:48.01 IriX64 Frame 0: 659931 rays in 4.94 sec = 133643.38 rays/CPU_sec
18:48.03 IriX64 Frame 0: 659931 rays in 194.61 sec = 3391.11 rays/sec (wallclock)
18:48.05 IriX64 Raytrace complete.
18:48.31 IriX64 mged> i took your silence as a yes.
18:48.35 IriX64 :)
18:49.28 IriX64 RTFM = Real Time Frame Measurement? ;)
18:51.26 *** join/#brlcad digitalfredy (n=digitalf@
18:51.52 IriX64 SHOT: cpu = 4.938 sec, elapsed = 194.606 sec
18:51.52 IriX64 <PROTECTED>
18:51.52 IriX64 <PROTECTED>
18:51.53 IriX64 Additional mem=1482752., #malloc=795, #free=706, #realloc=17 (89 retained)
18:51.53 IriX64 3224618 solid/ray intersections: 891704 hits + 2332914 miss
18:51.55 IriX64 pruned 27.7%: 306831 model RPP, 1824609 dups skipped, 736889 solid RPP
18:51.57 IriX64 Frame 0: 476100 pixels in 4.94 sec = 96415.55 pixels/sec
18:51.59 IriX64 Frame 0: 659931 rays in 4.94 sec = 133643.38 rays/sec (RTFM)
18:52.01 IriX64 Frame 0: 659931 rays in 4.94 sec = 133643.38 rays/CPU_sec
18:52.03 IriX64 Frame 0: 659931 rays in 194.61 sec = 3391.11 rays/sec (wallclock)
18:52.05 IriX64 Raytrace complete.
18:52.07 IriX64 mged> urgggh sorry.
18:56.08 IriX64 mged> Building Photon Map:
18:56.09 IriX64 <PROTECTED>
18:56.09 IriX64 <PROTECTED>
18:56.09 IriX64 mged>
18:56.09 IriX64 HitGB: 16384,3708
18:56.09 IriX64 Scale Factor: 227.108
18:56.11 IriX64 EPL: 2936811, Adjusted EPL: 2394819
18:56.13 IriX64 <PROTECTED>
18:56.15 IriX64 <PROTECTED>
18:58.30 IriX64 mged> /me wonders how long this will take.
18:58.37 IriX64 err
18:59.58 ValarQ IriX64: still got pasting problems?
19:00.36 IriX64 yeah, finally figured it out though i think.
19:01.00 IriX64 the two environments insist on exclusicve clipboard :)
19:03.50 IriX64 when this is done, gonna try my latest build.
19:05.05 IriX64 aborted it, installing now im an impatient little sot :)
19:17.57 siggraph at 3k rays/sec wallclock, photon mapping would take way way too long
19:18.08 IriX64 ray tracing with photon mapping now.
19:18.23 IriX64 we'll see.
19:19.18 siggraph something still really wrong with your performance numbers .. the rtfm and wallclock should be within at least 10% of each other
19:19.40 IriX64 shouldn't have visualized the irradience cache, this is gonna take a while.
19:19.57 siggraph has it even said 10% progress yet? :)
19:20.20 IriX64 overlaps in havoc cluters the output area.
19:20.24 siggraph it gives progress numbers, and it WILL take at least 10 times as long as rt to run unless you pick the worst settings
19:20.43 IriX64 did slap me quick :)
19:21.54 IriX64 OVERLAP1: /havoc/main_rotor/mr_bldassys/mr_bldassy101/mr_bldroot101/r.bld101
19:21.54 IriX64 OVERLAP2: /havoc/main_rotor/mr_bldassys/mr_bldassy101/mr_spinatch101/r.rot140
19:21.54 IriX64 OVERLAPa: dist=(1602.56,1602.56) isol=s.rot141.i osol=s.rot141
19:21.54 IriX64 OVERLAPb: depth 0.00312mm at (11525.2, -686.324, 2993.31) x0 y0 lvl0
19:21.54 IriX64 (overlaps omitted)
19:21.54 IriX64 OVERLAP1: /havoc/main_rotor/mr_bldassys/mr_bldassy101/mr_bldroot101/r.bld101
19:21.56 IriX64 OVERLAP2: /havoc/main_rotor/mr_bldassys/mr_bldassy101/mr_spinatch101/r.rot140
19:21.58 IriX64 OVERLAPa: dist=(3911.53,3911.53) isol=s.rot141.i osol=s.rot141
19:22.05 IriX64 thats whats going on.
19:22.26 IriX64 heh sorry.
19:22.33 siggraph feel free to fix them and submit an updaated havoc.g
19:22.49 IriX64 all right if you fix april.g ;)
19:23.10 siggraph i'd send you something like april.g if you did that
19:23.39 IriX64 im lousy at cadding, use other peoples work to do my testing.
19:24.22 IriX64 irradiance cache progress 50%
19:24.26 siggraph fixing overlaps is pretty easy .. you run rtcheck and it'll highlight the overlapping areas -- outputs a list of the geometry pairs too
19:24.45 siggraph usually a simple matter of moving one object ever so slightly or subtracting one from the other
19:24.58 siggraph the one you pasted overlaps by just 0.00312mm
19:25.05 IriX64 why not use the overlap tool ?
19:25.26 siggraph could use that too
19:25.35 IriX64 smokeity smoke time bbiab.
19:26.19 siggraph woo.. new macbook pro has a VGR count of roughly 4800k... nice..
19:26.29 siggraph s/00k/00/
19:35.09 ``Erik o.O
19:45.56 *** join/#brlcad digitalfredy (n=digitalf@
19:49.58 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
20:25.14 IriX64 well it did it.
20:26.41 IriX64 what are you expecting another paste? :)
20:27.06 IriX64 my paste buffer runneth over :)
20:28.07 IriX64 siggraph: havoc.g your effort?
20:34.07 IriX64 no treads on the tires, just like the deauce and a half :)
20:44.07 IriX64 sweet s zoomed view, lets try a rotated view.
20:45.37 IriX64 she's showing me her underbelly :)
20:49.48 IriX64 would be too hard to paste this into the channel, but if anybody wants a screen shot ill supply.
20:55.21 IriX64 ok ive played with 5-click long enough time to buy the little gem, ill be away for a bit.
21:05.03 IriX64 there legally mine.
21:30.35 IriX64 bbiab
21:40.40 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
22:01.13 *** join/#brlcad boemann (
22:01.19 boemann Hi there
22:01.35 boemann a quick question not really related to brl
22:02.11 boemann Are homogenous coordinates need internally in a cad application?
22:02.39 boemann or will x,y,z do for storage and manipulation
22:13.00 boemann never mind - stupid question of course they are
22:13.34 *** part/#brlcad boemann (
22:38.38 IriX64 mmm a monolouge ;)
22:47.01 IriX64 | bjorkBSD ( (Network)
22:47.01 IriX64 3 ircname : bjork whoElse?
22:47.01 IriX64 | channels : ##opera ##freebsd #openlaszlo #brlcad #r
22:47.01 IriX64 3 server : (
22:47.06 IriX64 <PROTECTED>
22:47.19 IriX64 #opera?
22:47.56 IriX64 werks ;)
22:48.46 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak|RDP (
22:50.57 IriX64 [ctcp(bjorkBSD)] VERSION
22:50.57 IriX64 <PROTECTED>
22:50.57 IriX64 <PROTECTED>
22:50.57 IriX64 [ctcp(IriX64)] VERSION
22:50.57 IriX64 >>> IriX64 [] requested VERSION
22:50.57 IriX64 <PROTECTED>
22:50.59 IriX64 <PROTECTED>
22:51.01 IriX64 <PROTECTED>
22:51.22 IriX64 bjorkBSD wheres you get the xchat source?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.