02:49.16 |
IriX64 |
#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# |
02:49.16 |
IriX64 |
Benchmark results indicate an approximate VGR
performance metric of 1274 |
02:49.16 |
IriX64 |
Logarithmic VGR metric is 3.11 (natural
logarithm is 7.15) |
02:49.16 |
IriX64 |
#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# |
02:49.17 |
IriX64 |
These numbers seem to indicate that this
machine is approximately 1274 times |
02:49.19 |
IriX64 |
faster than the reference machine being used
for comparison, a VAX 11/780 |
02:49.21 |
IriX64 |
running 4.3 BSD named VGR. These results are
in fact approximately 3.11 |
02:49.23 |
IriX64 |
orders of magnitude faster than the
reference. |
02:53.42 |
*** join/#brlcad IriX64_
(n=IriX64@toronto-HSE-ppp4304848.sympatico.ca) |
02:56.29 |
IriX64 |
refreshed my code tree and i'm back at 7.8.2
:) |
03:02.40 |
IriX64 |
BRL-CAD: truck.g put treads on the tires.
:) |
03:05.49 |
IriX64 |
overlap 2 of 2 object1: /g4/r59 overlaps
object2: /g4/r74 by as much as 0.100005 in. |
03:07.08 |
IriX64 |
Ray spacing (in) 3.93700 |
03:11.10 |
IriX64 |
fixed, no more overlaps. |
03:15.20 |
IriX64 |
can't get mged -c to like me though ahh
well. |
03:46.34 |
IriX64 |
./configure --enable-almost-everything
--with-x --enable-math --enable-optimizations --disable-symbols
--disable-debug. |
03:46.47 |
IriX64 |
well compare benchmarks after this
ok? |
03:47.40 |
IriX64 |
yah well mine compiles in .01 to the point
ought fall he said :) |
07:14.42 |
*** join/#brlcad DTRemenak
(n=DTRemena@c-24-23-59-104.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) |
07:38.37 |
*** join/#brlcad clock_
(i=clock@84-72-63-202.dclient.hispeed.ch) |
10:34.41 |
*** join/#brlcad clock_
(i=clock@84-72-95-187.dclient.hispeed.ch) |
12:18.22 |
CIA-9 |
BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/rtgeom.h:
can only use 4 bytes, not 5 on the RT_METABALL_INTERNAL_MAGIC ..
made it 'ball' instead of 'mball' |
16:03.43 |
*** part/#brlcad danfalck
(n=dan@pool-71-111-76-8.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
18:06.14 |
*** join/#brlcad clock_
(i=clock@84-72-60-77.dclient.hispeed.ch) |
18:12.09 |
*** join/#brlcad SWPadnos
(n=Me@dsl245.esjtvtli.sover.net) |
18:36.43 |
CIA-9 |
BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/configure.ac:
make the 'whether to build against OpenGL' test actually run a
function that it has to link against so that it doesn't erroneously
pass and leave OpgnGL enabled when there is no library but headers
exist. |
18:51.30 |
CIA-9 |
BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/Makefile.am:
pro/e is no longer in this directory, same logic moved to
src/external |
18:54.39 |
CIA-9 |
BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/lines.sh:
initial revision of a new tool that computes how many lines of code
BRL-CAD uses. this separates the code into various categories such
as documentation, build system, non-project code, and the actual
source code. |
18:54.39 |
CIA-9 |
BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/Makefile.am:
add the new lines.sh script |
18:55.50 |
CIA-9 |
BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/README: add
an introductory header that hopefully better explains the various
content in the src/ directory as well as a basic summary of just
what it comprises before getting into the individual content
dirs |
18:57.32 |
CIA-9 |
BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libdm/clip.c:
quell warning on INFINITY (again), instead renaming the define to
CLIP_DISTANCE (just without changing the value this time) |
18:59.05 |
CIA-9 |
BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/
(sig/interp.c rt/viewxray.c): quell warning |
18:59.28 |
CIA-9 |
BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/util/lowp.c:
missing std headers |
20:05.14 |
CIA-9 |
BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/lines.sh:
consistent line lengths |
20:53.47 |
IriX64 |
$ mged |
20:53.47 |
IriX64 |
Initializing and backgrounding, please
wait...Done |
20:55.41 |
IriX64 |
showoff ;) |
20:56.20 |
IriX64 |
think i'll "go ahead and have a look around"
;) |
20:59.14 |
CIA-9 |
BRL-CAD: 03brlcad *
10brlcad/sh/lines.sh: |
20:59.14 |
CIA-9 |
BRL-CAD: instead of using the 'total' summary
from the wc command, calculate the sum |
20:59.14 |
CIA-9 |
BRL-CAD: directly ourselves using a simple sum
function. this slows things down |
20:59.14 |
CIA-9 |
BRL-CAD: considerably, but is necessary to
avoid the default behavior of xargs on linux |
20:59.14 |
CIA-9 |
BRL-CAD: that can break up a piped stream into
multiple invocations (resulting in |
20:59.17 |
CIA-9 |
BRL-CAD: multiple total lines). |
21:00.30 |
IriX64 |
xargs cab be disabled on the fly in linux, try
that. |
21:00.44 |
IriX64 |
can too :) |
21:01.20 |
IriX64 |
./disable xargs(); |
21:01.34 |
IriX64 |
./do what you want(); |
21:01.43 |
IriX64 |
./enable xargs(); |
21:02.16 |
IriX64 |
look up spawn. |
21:03.27 |
IriX64 |
time to offer tobbaco to manitou,
bbiab. |
21:26.26 |
CIA-9 |
BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: |
21:26.26 |
CIA-9 |
BRL-CAD: new script for computing BRL-CAD file
line counts. this computes the line |
21:26.27 |
CIA-9 |
BRL-CAD: counts of the various categories of
files in the project including |
21:26.27 |
CIA-9 |
BRL-CAD: documentation, source code
(distinguishing header code from non-header source |
21:26.27 |
CIA-9 |
BRL-CAD: code), 3rd party code (e.g. tcl/tk,
png, urt, etc), and build system files. |
23:28.19 |
*** join/#brlcad danfalck
(n=dan@pool-71-111-76-8.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net) |