irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060731

02:26.22 IriX64 photon mapping engaged.
02:27.01 IriX64 <PROTECTED>
02:27.01 IriX64 <PROTECTED>
02:27.01 IriX64 <PROTECTED>
02:32.40 Twingy heh
02:40.20 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
04:07.45 *** part/#brlcad danfalck (
05:06.11 *** join/#brlcad justin_ (
08:59.46 *** join/#brlcad Urielll (
09:01.23 Urielll Hello everyone, how do I run brlcad on windows?
09:03.08 ValarQ Urielll: have you checked the README.Windows ?
09:05.15 Urielll Hmm I can't find this file on the MS packge
09:05.54 ValarQ oh well, it wasn't very usefull...
09:07.30 Urielll Ah, looks like I downloaded the wrong files
09:08.11 Urielll Thanks anyway ;)
09:08.14 ValarQ the windows packages doesn't seem to contain very much
09:09.00 ValarQ youre probably better of compiling it from source
09:19.11 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
13:32.24 siggraph Urielll: there's a dll developer download as well as the usual binary distribution.. you probably got the dll
13:32.57 siggraph that won't last very long, it's going to get moved into its own section so it's not so opaque
13:33.14 Urielll Yeah I understood that, thank you :)
15:18.08 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/liboptical/shade.c: quell warning, takes floats not fastf_t's
15:19.26 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/proc-db/picket_fence.c: fixed incorrect parameter usage of mk_lcomb .. takes an array of three char values, not a string of colors
16:58.25 ``Erik ls
17:27.43 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
17:28.00 IriX64 regards all.
17:28.34 IriX64 rotate-check,drag-check,scale-check :)
17:28.49 IriX64 gui working nicely.
17:32.21 IriX64 shot10.jpg on :)
17:33.18 ``Erik sean, ya there? I gotz an interface question (proxy)
17:44.23 IriX64 shot11.jpg
17:48.46 IriX64 mged> B
17:48.46 IriX64 Error: Usage: B [-A -o -C#/#/# -s] <objects | attribute name/value pairs>
17:49.46 IriX64 <PROTECTED>
17:51.05 ``Erik 'B' is for blast o.O
17:51.24 ``Erik functionally equivelant to running 'Z' then 'e'
17:51.43 IriX64 sticky too.
17:52.32 IriX64 heh naughty boy ;)
17:53.43 ``Erik ??? I'm not the one making things sticky!!!
17:54.06 IriX64 but you know of it so you've used this method.
17:58.46 IriX64 amp lify that. but it's not amp lified.
18:00.45 IriX64 gotta recompile. bbiab=bebackinabit :)
18:03.58 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
18:04.32 IriX64 valiant :)
18:05.14 IriX64 gionnini here?
18:06.06 IriX64 sob is probably in with the admiral. :)
18:06.43 IriX64 look the incinerator is pumping out black smoke.
18:09.06 IriX64 back to mged
18:13.48 IriX64 is pasting permitted?
18:15.05 IriX64 SHOT: cpu = 1.969 sec, elapsed = 63.466 sec
18:15.05 IriX64 <PROTECTED>
18:15.05 IriX64 <PROTECTED>
18:15.05 IriX64 Additional mem=1507328., #malloc=903, #free=710, #realloc=26 (193 retained)
18:15.06 IriX64 349487 solid/ray intersections: 102577 hits + 246910 miss
18:15.06 IriX64 pruned 29.4%: 387470 model RPP, 2320981 dups skipped, 326723 solid RPP
18:15.11 IriX64 Frame 0: 476100 pixels in 1.97 sec = 241797.87 pixels/sec
18:15.11 IriX64 Frame 0: 483790 rays in 1.97 sec = 245703.40 rays/sec (RTFM)
18:15.12 IriX64 Frame 0: 483790 rays in 1.97 sec = 245703.40 rays/CPU_sec
18:15.14 IriX64 Frame 0: 483790 rays in 63.47 sec = 7622.82 rays/sec (wallclock)
18:15.16 IriX64 Raytrace complete.
18:15.22 IriX64 mged> took your silence as a yes.
18:16.20 IriX64 now take a lead pencil and tap you're teeth with it..... ;)
18:17.24 IriX64 time to light a fire close to my mouth , i'll be back shortly.
18:20.43 *** kick/#brlcad [IriX64!n=sean@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad] by siggraph (you've asked three times in the past and been told the same every single time including pleas/complaints from others.. NO, pasting is not allowed (for you, now))
18:20.43 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
18:24.42 *** topic/#brlcad by siggraph -> || BRL-CAD is an open source solid modeling software suite || Developers needed! Read the HACKING file for details on getting involved || SIGGRAPH BOF, Tuesday @ 4pm!
18:26.16 IriX64 what size was that boot? :)
18:26.23 IriX64 but point taken.
18:27.34 IriX64 Do I have this correct then, the overlap tool can either raytrace (to my spec) to find overlaps, or it can take input from a glint file?
18:28.08 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
18:30.32 siggraph IriX64: yes, pretty much
18:30.41 IriX64 thankyou.
18:31.15 siggraph for overlap detection, there is basically "rtcheck", "g_lint", and "g_qa"
18:31.39 siggraph the overlap tool runs one of the first two for you (the third only recently been written)
18:31.49 IriX64 having trouble choosing apprpriate ray spacing, using 10cm at the moment.
18:32.15 IriX64 on havoc that is.
18:32.35 IriX64 azimuth and elevation both 0.
18:33.15 siggraph if you use the command window, you can run rtcheck directly, e.g. rtcheck -s 50
18:33.29 siggraph for 50x50 grid of test rays
18:34.05 IriX64 ahh i get it. my way comes up overlap 1 of 9 edit object 1 etc...
18:35.02 IriX64 can also read overlaps from a g_lint file.
18:36.06 IriX64 can i ftp you a screen shot? maybe you can help me out?
18:38.11 IriX64 or maybe dcc.
18:38.16 IriX64 or mail.
18:43.30 IriX64 screen shots ready.
18:47.43 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
19:02.07 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (
19:15.30 *** join/#brlcad catskul (
19:15.40 catskul can brl read stp/step models?
20:27.46 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos_ (
20:33.12 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
20:58.53 *** part/#brlcad catskul (
21:11.05 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
21:12.35 IriX64 announcing the t90-cray-unicos BRL-CAD v 10.0.0 :)
22:42.42 ``Erik irix.. knock that shit off... we ferakin' WRITE brlcad, we KNOW what version we're on, we KNOW where it works, we even have a fucking cray c2!

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.