irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060816

02:17.48 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * 10brlcad/src/libbu/ (bu_fgets.c Added bu_fgets(). A replacement for fgets() that also recognizes CR as an EOL marker
02:22.25 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * 10brlcad/src/conv/dxf-g.c: Now uses bu_fgets() so that DXF files that use CR as an EOL marker will be read correctly
02:25.42 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * 10brlcad/include/bu.h: Added bu_fgets()
03:17.02 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
03:33.36 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/raytrace.h: declare the newly added rt_matrix_transform() routine for applying a matrix transformation to a given object
03:35.20 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/ (transform.c initial implementation of rt_matrix_transform() routine for applying a matrix transformation to a given object. basically a convenient wrapper to not needlessly expose the rt_functab table to userland code.
03:36.44 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/edsol.c: use the rt_matrix_transform() call from librt instead of hooking into the rt_functab directly.
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08:28.16 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: john improved end-of-line file input processing in dxf-g
08:32.00 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS:
08:32.00 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: john fixed the bug where the dxf-g converter was improperly handling files
08:32.00 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: encoded with a different line ending style (e.g. CR+NL or CR only). this was
08:32.00 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: done by implementing bu_fgets() that takes CR's into account. still need to
08:32.00 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: test more and probably update all of the callers of fgets() but it's there now.
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17:55.05 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/mged/help.tcl: add superell and metaball to "make" help string
17:56.05 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/mged/chgmodel.c: added metaball to the "make" command
18:03.13 brlcad ``Erik: superell was intentionally left off of the make help string as it's still considered experimental/incomplete
18:44.13 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ output the date and version of BRL-CAD
18:46.12 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ add = in the version string just to minimize the chance it's something that will not evaluate.
18:48.31 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ use a somewhat more safe means to extract the version number from
18:53.06 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ ( should escape the quotes since they're inside quotes
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20:34.06 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
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20:45.35 IriX64 64 bit cygwin_nt , finally :)
20:46.37 IriX64 not kidding, do a /ver on me :)
20:48.11 IriX64 a cigarrete slaps me up side the head and says "good work, smoke em if you have em" :)
21:07.47 brlcad what does that do?
21:08.32 IriX64 allows linux builds for instance that do not have cygwin functioality in them, ie they don't need cygwin1.dll et al.
21:09.32 brlcad you mean windows builds in the cygwin env that don't need that dll?
21:09.32 IriX64 the other way was workable but had the overhead of all that cygwin code.
21:09.38 IriX64 yes
21:09.43 IriX64 no
21:09.53 IriX64 wont run on windows.
21:10.03 IriX64 with or without the dll's.
21:10.27 IriX64 trying to become a unix system here :)
21:10.56 brlcad you wont or the binaries wont?
21:11.44 IriX64 run for instance irssi in the windows environment even with path set to dll's it simply reorts microsoft windows revision blah blah and exits. now
21:13.12 brlcad so then whats it linking against if not cygwin to resolve those symbols?
21:13.38 IriX64 sub reports/reorts.
21:14.29 IriX64 there are no cygwin symbols, its a unix envronment now use the unix libraries for instance termlib.
21:15.11 IriX64 heh noted :)
21:15.21 brlcad termlib only gives you so much.. where's it getting things like select() from?
21:15.43 brlcad if not from cygwin.. it should be some windows system library :)
21:15.52 brlcad not that that's a bad thing
21:15.56 IriX64 the system libraries i have a whack of them put together from gnu code mostly.
21:16.04 brlcad has nothing to do with the windows gui fwiw too
21:16.15 IriX64 true
21:16.35 IriX64 i vist frequently :)
21:17.18 IriX64 redhat too :)
21:18.06 IriX64 if i leave out --without-cygwin, i can build for windows.
21:19.04 IriX64 was working on gcc 4.1.1 last night, my knuckles are still bleeding ;)
21:20.58 IriX64 IriX64@hagarsfi-f038a0 ~
21:20.58 IriX64 $ gcc --version
21:20.58 IriX64 gcc (GCC) 4.1.1
21:20.58 IriX64 Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
21:20.58 IriX64 This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
21:21.00 IriX64 warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
21:21.02 IriX64 IriX64@hagarsfi-f038a0 ~
21:22.53 brlcad again with the pasting, really not necessary ..
21:23.13 IriX64 $wanted to make point.
21:23.25 brlcad as do I
21:23.34 IriX64 . taken
21:24.12 brlcad no reason to doubt that you didn't "really" have gcc 4.1.1 .. unless you think everyone should doubt everything you say..
21:24.29 brlcad or are you just talking out your ... ? ;)
21:25.03 IriX64 oooooo you are promoted to the head of pyshiatry aberdeen maryland. ;)
21:25.25 IriX64 err pyschiatry too.
21:26.14 IriX64 brlcad: how do I use bu_free() ? ;)
21:26.32 IriX64 ahhh i c bu_free(brlcad) ;)
21:27.35 brlcad you're missing a parameter
21:27.49 brlcad bu_free(brlcad, "deallocate brlcad");
21:28.17 IriX64 thats covered in my free but you have to return(brlcad) :)
21:28.25 brlcad the string is optionally printed if the right debug flags are enabled at run-time so you can look for specific allocations/deallocations
21:29.26 IriX64 err alloc.
21:29.46 IriX64 sobriety break... bbiab
21:30.41 brlcad the existance of the statement doesn't meant that it's going to be called, depends on the context, logic, and location
22:09.11 ``Erik bring to me teh b00z0rz
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