irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060823

00:08.40 BrownBear q
01:01.22 *** join/#brlcad digitalfredy (n=digitalf@
01:05.34 *** join/#brlcad digitalfredy_ (n=digitalf@
01:05.40 *** part/#brlcad digitalfredy (n=digitalf@
01:49.50 CIA-11 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/libbu/malloc.c:
01:49.50 CIA-11 BRL-CAD: bu_prmem() was printing the number of available slots in the memory debug
01:49.50 CIA-11 BRL-CAD: table. This was easily mis-interpreted as the number of memory allocations.
01:49.50 CIA-11 BRL-CAD: Since this is a diagnostic for how the memory debug table is being manipulated
01:49.50 CIA-11 BRL-CAD: and not something the average user/programmer wants to see, the value
01:49.52 CIA-11 BRL-CAD: was removed from bu_prmem()'s output. Minor benefit: The table now prints
01:49.54 CIA-11 BRL-CAD: one less line, so output is more compact.
04:42.50 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
04:44.27 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (
05:34.41 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (n=Apathy@
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13:17.10 *** join/#brlcad digitalfredy (n=digitalf@
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14:53.42 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libdm/dm-pex.c: missed pex interface, use xtkwin insted of dpy with Tk_IsMapped()
15:35.31 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/.cvsignore: ignore the auto-generated files so they aren't accidentally committed to cvs
16:36.06 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
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18:47.50 IriX64 brlcad: question, are adrt and x11 mutually exclusive?
19:09.42 *** join/#brlcad IriX64_ (
20:52.38 ``Erik adrt uses SDL, it should work fine with x11
20:53.03 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
21:18.48 ``Erik
21:20.27 IriX64 thenk yeah. :)
22:03.45 *** join/#brlcad digitalfredy (n=digitalf@
22:06.13 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
22:31.04 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
23:23.21 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
23:23.22 IriX64 ``Erik sdl install blew up on me :)
23:23.22 IriX64 but thanks.
23:23.23 brlcad adrt has nothing to do with the x11 detection
23:23.23 brlcad relies upon successful detection of sdl and python
23:23.23 IriX64 but it *wants sdl and python.
23:23.23 IriX64 whoa mind reader :)
23:23.40 ``Erik heh
23:23.44 ``Erik why are you looking at adrt?
23:23.49 brlcad even after detecting sdl and python, it's not likely going to compile without manual massaging and build fixing
23:24.21 ``Erik in like six months, adrt will be superceded, hopefully
23:24.21 IriX64 by?
23:24.21 ``Erik which is why I've psent the last two days in all-day meetings and will spend tomorrow there, too
23:24.21 ``Erik uh, it doesn't have an official name yet
23:24.42 IriX64 ok
23:24.47 ``Erik since you don't know what adrt is about, telling you anything about this new project would be useless for you
23:24.53 ``Erik trust me, don't bust your nuts over adrt just yet
23:24.53 IriX64 truvth ;)
23:24.59 pra5ad did the interactive rt presentation continue today?
23:25.19 ``Erik um, it was a recap of yesterdays material, for eds benefit
23:25.32 pra5ad nm then
23:25.42 ``Erik and mal showed us some of his stuff running on a sempron 1.6ghz
23:26.12 ``Erik got like ~3fps on the bigassed cathedral model
23:26.13 pra5ad dammit
23:26.16 ``Erik and a couple fps on an m1 with several colored lights
23:26.17 pra5ad the force told me that i had missed something
23:26.18 ``Erik but in the very near future, I can show you that
23:26.19 pra5ad k
23:36.46 ``Erik we got a cvs repo set up for it today, tomorrow we should have the code in the repo and my automake stuff bolted in
23:36.48 ``Erik MAYBE we'll have it working on a non-linux/amd64 arch
23:36.49 ``Erik or maybe I'll just have to find that leenewx amd64 box we have somewhere :)
23:36.57 pra5ad it's with tegt
23:36.59 pra5ad the dual opt
23:37.00 ``Erik I doubt he'd be upset if we came over to run a program on his box
23:37.04 ``Erik supposedly it works on ia32 leenewx
23:37.06 pra5ad i doubt he's using it at all
23:37.07 ``Erik maybe he shoved it in the office of someone who pissed him off...
23:37.08 ``Erik space heater that sounds like a fucking military jet, hehehehe
23:37.11 pra5ad where the hell is the fedex distro center around here
23:37.13 pra5ad missed a package
23:37.18 pra5ad can i go pick it up now?
23:37.38 ``Erik um, the closest fedex point last I heard was way down in like essex off of 40
23:37.40 ``Erik that day you got in the wreck, I had to drive down there to pick up some important documents
23:37.42 ``Erik with all the stoplights out
23:37.43 ``Erik :(
23:37.43 pra5ad tracking says it came from white marsh
23:37.48 ``Erik um, meh, it was off of 40
23:37.50 ``Erik and way way way sotuh
23:37.51 pra5ad er what wreck
23:37.51 ``Erik it might've technically been whitemarsh
23:37.53 ``Erik your old car? no?
23:38.03 pra5ad 5/2004?
23:38.03 ``Erik yeah
23:38.07 pra5ad when i wasn't working at arl?
23:38.09 ``Erik o.O
23:38.09 ``Erik I think it was '04
23:38.11 ``Erik in hurricane season
23:38.11 ``Erik you whacked your car on 40, right?
23:38.14 pra5ad oh
23:38.15 pra5ad nah, near college park
23:38.17 ``Erik oh, shit, power musta been out everywhere
23:38.18 pra5ad prolly
23:38.18 ``Erik cuz there was a harsh hurrican cutting through and I had to drive down 40 to get the thing from the fedex station in time
23:38.19 pra5ad 2 girls had their car slammed against one of the bldgs
23:38.20 pra5ad both died
23:38.20 pra5ad sisters too :(
23:38.22 ``Erik :/
23:38.25 ``Erik it'd be nice if this country weren't so car-centric.
23:38.49 ``Erik if I could take light rail to work, I SO would
23:38.49 pra5ad if i moved to dc, i would be able to
23:38.49 pra5ad of course that means i'd have to get up at 5
23:38.49 pra5ad which is a no no
23:38.49 dtidrow_work heh
23:38.49 ``Erik hahaha
23:38.49 ``Erik 5 is the time to go to sleep, dude
23:38.50 pra5ad exactly
23:38.50 pra5ad Aug 23, 2006 10:29 AM
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23:42.21 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
23:42.22 ``Erik fedex's website has a listing of locations
23:42.22 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
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23:42.28 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
23:42.28 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
23:42.30 pra5ad doh!
23:42.31 pra5ad sorry for the spam
23:42.32 ``Erik look up the facility, see if they're open, call 'em to see if they have your package... drive like the wind o.O
23:43.07 pra5ad why dont they have a damn system which tells u were the package is
23:43.10 pra5ad online
23:43.21 ``Erik erm, the tracking thing kinda does
23:43.44 dtidrow_work heh - it should display the gps coords of the truck so you can go and find it ;-)
23:43.46 pra5ad YES!
23:43.50 dtidrow_work with real-time updates :-)
23:43.50 ``Erik hm, yeah, so robbers can intercept the trucks easier?
23:43.56 ``Erik :)
23:44.01 dtidrow_work of course
23:44.04 ``Erik or the buzzword of the day, tarrsts
23:44.06 ``Erik we're fighting a WAR on TAR, damnit!!!
23:44.10 ``Erik heh
23:44.14 dtidrow_work tar as in the command?
23:44.15 ``Erik no, the roof goup
23:44.15 ``Erik goop
23:44.17 dtidrow_work ah
23:44.18 ``Erik tar rhymes with jar, and the gov't seems to be looking to suck java's dick lately. :(
23:44.21 ``Erik for "portability".
23:44.29 dtidrow_work now now...
23:44.30 ``Erik *grouse*
23:44.43 dtidrow_work would you rather have C#?
23:44.49 ``Erik hah.. I'd rather not have mono, thank you very much :)
23:45.02 ``Erik keep your herpes to yourself :)
23:45.19 dtidrow_work lol
23:45.20 dtidrow_work I trust M$ to fsck up C# if mono makes a big enough dent
23:45.20 ``Erik like j++?
23:45.21 dtidrow_work exactly
23:45.22 ``Erik and in 20 years, dotgnu will almost be ready to start, uh, somoething
23:45.27 ``Erik but only support hurd
23:45.27 dtidrow_work rofl
23:45.32 ``Erik which will almost be ready to start, uh, something
23:45.35 dtidrow_work they'll be starting to start ;-)
23:45.40 ``Erik aawwwww yyyyyeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh
23:46.11 pra5ad gah

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