irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060826

00:38.14 brlcad ``Erik:
00:58.44 ``Erik heh, tell mal, not me :)
01:07.35 brlcad ahh, interesting.. apparently this was a recently _dropped_ feature, 4.0.1 gcc on mac disabled it
01:07.57 brlcad which means we could have simply selected a different gcc version (several are installed) and moved on
01:08.05 brlcad
01:10.46 ``Erik that was old ocde that's being thrown away
01:10.54 ``Erik the new code compiled fine on my g4 lappie
01:20.24 IriX64 patch? for a simple !=NULL? ;)
01:20.50 IriX64 the user should do *some work :)
01:23.02 IriX64 maybe I should use bu_free() on it ;)
01:24.13 IriX64 a friend of mine named sean tells me that code can't possibly work :)
01:25.06 IriX64 sigh starting over is hard to do but lets see where cygwin is today.
01:40.22 IriX64 gotta reboot. cya
01:40.31 *** join/#brlcad cadguy (
01:52.59 *** join/#brlcad cadguy (
02:11.53 Maloeran Thanks brlcad, Erik forwarded the url :)
02:42.00 brlcad np :)
02:44.56 Maloeran brlcad, any interest in a bicycle ride tomorrow? I guess you might have replied to Lee's message already
02:45.15 brlcad yeah, I just saw it
02:45.32 brlcad i normally would, but I have crew practice most all saturday morning
02:46.34 Maloeran Ah, unfortunate. All right then
02:46.42 brlcad 5am until about 10am, and then I'm usually beat..
02:59.13 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
04:04.17 *** join/#brlcad digitalfredy (n=digitalf@
04:46.14 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
06:39.15 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:47.10 *** join/#brlcad UltraMagnus (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/ultramagnus)
08:47.52 UltraMagnus hi
08:48.38 UltraMagnus how do i install brl-cad when it is not in my distro's repositoriese? please, i am kinda new to linux.....
08:49.07 clock_ UltraMagnus: download and compile from the sources
08:49.34 UltraMagnus clock_: ok, uh, how do i do that?
08:49.49 clock_ UltraMagnus: download the .tgz file, unpack and go according to the README
08:49.50 clock_ inside
08:50.13 UltraMagnus ok, thanks
08:52.34 UltraMagnus uhh, i went to "brl-cad" for linux on the brlcad website, and there are 6 differnt files, how do i know what one i need?
08:53.44 clock_ UltraMagnus: you need the sources
09:07.40 brlcad UltraMagnus: there's basically only three choices -- ia32, ia64, and amd64 (x86_64)
09:08.08 brlcad depending on your distribution of linux and your hardware, ia32 may indeed work for you
09:08.20 UltraMagnus yeah, i realised that..... i guessed i needed ia32, thanks
09:08.46 brlcad otherwise you will need to go to the BRL-CAD Source section and compile the package for your system like clock suggested
09:09.13 UltraMagnus oh, so this isnt the sources?
09:10.01 UltraMagnus so, what is this i just downloaded then? the....... uh, binary?
09:10.15 UltraMagnus what do i need to do with this then?
09:11.01 brlcad well, it's a binary for linux that you're downloading
09:11.13 brlcad you'll want to follow the instructions in the INSTALL file
09:11.38 brlcad which basically amount to copying the usr/brlcad directory in there to /usr/.
09:12.35 brlcad i got to run out for a bit.. back in a while if you still need help .. most everything is in the INSTALL file, various sections
09:12.43 UltraMagnus where is the install file?
09:13.39 brlcad it's in both the source and binary downloads
09:13.49 brlcad or go to it directly here:*checkout*/brlcad/brlcad/INSTALL
09:14.12 brlcad good luck, gotta run..
09:15.09 UltraMagnus thanks
09:18.55 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
12:33.16 ``Erik row row row a boat
12:45.16 IriX64 urf, only 120gigs left better clean house :)
13:22.22 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
13:50.33 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
17:10.45 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
17:34.38 *** join/#brlcad digitalfredy (n=digitalf@
17:37.41 UltraMagnus hmm, ok, i have extracted the linux binary, how do i get it to..... uh..... work?
17:42.48 ``Erik there should be a brlcad/bin dir with lots of programs, the one you probably want to try running is "mged"
17:45.00 brlcad *after* you move that brlcad dir into /usr/.
17:46.29 UltraMagnus ok, but how do i add it to my menu? usually i will just use alacarte to add it via the console command, but it currently doesnt have a console command...
17:47.11 ``Erik ROW ROW ROW A BOUT
17:47.13 ``Erik boat, even
17:47.14 ``Erik hehehe
17:47.15 ``Erik :D
17:48.02 ``Erik UltraMagnus: there's four hundred and something binaries to brlcad, it's a big honkin' suite, not "program" :)
17:49.01 UltraMagnus ``Erik: uh, isnt there some sort of unifying program? or something.....
17:50.23 brlcad in short - no, though most people jump in and use "mged" for starters as it is a gui application
17:50.37 brlcad and has the most extensive documentation, and is a solid modeler, etc
17:51.01 brlcad probably the closest to "unifying" that there is for now
17:51.15 brlcad still.. before you go adding shortcuts and all, you really should make sure it works
17:52.16 brlcad If you installed everything correctly, you should be able to run this and have some windows pop up:
17:52.19 brlcad /usr/brlcad/bin/mged
17:52.43 brlcad if that works, you can add that as a menu item or shortcut or whatever your heart desires
17:54.47 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/INSTALL:
17:54.47 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: more detailed testing section, with details on testing functionality before and
17:54.47 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: after installation. also, make the quick instructions be an optimized build.
17:54.47 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: give examples on how to provide custom flags during configure and make too.
17:54.53 brlcad if that doesn't work typed *exactly* like that, then you've missed some installation step
18:04.03 UltraMagnus ok, thanks
18:04.22 UltraMagnus thanks everyone for your help! and thanks for putting up with my absolute ignorance!
18:04.30 UltraMagnus bye all
18:10.09 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
18:14.50 IriX64 `Erik... get that boat ashore yet?
18:14.59 IriX64 :)
18:15.17 ``Erik <-- not the one who was boating
18:15.47 IriX64 show.... me that in the backscroll ;)
18:17.35 IriX64 my knucles are bleeding slightly from latest cygwin attempt. :)
18:17.41 IriX64 knuckles too.
18:18.47 IriX64 why cygwin tho when i have redhat 6.0 (Hedwig) running on Twingys vm.
18:19.49 IriX64 I'm necient about some things, how do you start the network in RedHat?
18:20.40 dtidrow I seem to have had better luck building stuff with mingw than cygwin
18:20.54 IriX64 never tried mingw.
18:21.17 dtidrow starting the network in RedHat: ifup eth0
18:21.25 IriX64 ty
18:21.44 dtidrow do you have it set for dhcp?
18:23.56 IriX64 all the defaults for workstation whatever they are.
18:24.18 IriX64 comes back ifup <device name>
18:45.46 brlcad if only because of the fewer dependencies and licensing details
18:45.57 brlcad msys is a nice subset at that too
19:02.17 Maloeran You can always pass -mno-cygwin to cygwin, mingw is lacking many packages by default
19:06.37 ``Erik <-- does the -mno-cygwin trick when he has to touch that os cuz he likes automake too much...
19:19.05 brlcad i like the fact that it's "missing" a lot by default -- I usually want it for minimal build environment, not interactive use
19:22.09 ``Erik heh, I just want to take my code developed on bsd or linux, run "configure&&make" and have the .exe to give to winiots...
19:22.20 ``Erik not exactly interactive use
19:23.22 Maloeran Quite, you at least need Make... unless you want to write out a .bat file or something :)
19:24.34 brlcad mingw includes the default build stuff, even msys includes make
19:24.45 ``Erik "configure" requires at least a posix shell, though *shrug*
19:24.55 ``Erik and nmake is grotesquely differen than unix breed makes
19:25.09 ``Erik last I looked, anyways
19:26.52 brlcad are we talking about the same thing? last time I checked, mingw/msys provides the shell, make, binutils, autotools, etc
19:28.23 brlcad Maloeran: how was the ride?
19:28.47 ``Erik but it's been five years, y'know?
19:30.03 Maloeran Quite nice, brlcad, the area we went to was surprisingly quiet. As well, Lee isn't in bad shape
19:30.09 brlcad msys is supposed to be the bare "mininmal system" subset of mingw that gets a configure script to work (including the implicitly required tools, make, gcc, ld, cat, grep, etc, etc)
19:30.28 brlcad Maloeran: really? hmm.. i was just about to ask
19:30.43 brlcad if there was any trouble keeping up
19:30.45 ``Erik rode around abingdon?
19:30.54 brlcad (not you, him)
19:31.21 Maloeran He's riding a recumbant so he got some aerodyamic advantage, but it wasn't a problem
19:31.23 ``Erik he cheats with that recumbant, though, less air resistance, less full body exercise...
19:32.18 brlcad when I've ridden, the aerodynamic advantage hasn't been enough ..
19:32.23 Maloeran Eheh :), I of course didn't go as fast as I could, but we kept a reasonable pace
19:32.41 brlcad i generally have to hold *waaay* back
19:32.49 clock_ wayback machine
19:33.08 brlcad not that he can't keep a good pace, just not what I usually go at
19:33.14 ``Erik ya shoulda gave it some juice to leave him behind, mal :D I bet that trek would hold itself together for that ;)
19:34.45 Maloeran Mmhm :). The pace was reasonable really, I expected worse
19:35.08 Maloeran I have friends who certainly ride slower than Lee
19:37.10 ``Erik though I'd probably exhaust myself just getting onto it :)
19:37.49 brlcad heh
19:37.54 Maloeran You should go for a ride with Lee every Saturday morning, that will give you an excellent reason to get in good shape :)
19:38.25 ``Erik I can think of better things to do saturday morning
19:39.26 brlcad should at least get sam to pay you to go to the gym a couple times a week for a few months
19:39.30 Maloeran Being in good shape generally gives you more energy to be more productive in most activities, as well as increasing the life expectancy
19:39.37 Maloeran So it's generally a good.. investment
19:39.38 ``Erik sam?
19:39.39 brlcad or was it just a month? either way..
19:39.42 brlcad uncle sam
19:39.45 ``Erik oh
19:39.56 ``Erik yeah, one of these days, I'll go to the gym
19:40.06 ``Erik I got the one here my hoa pays for, I got to that once every few months
19:40.21 brlcad might as well *pay* you to go :)
19:40.27 ``Erik but all I do is see what my limits are
19:40.31 Maloeran I don't understand that. People travels in their car, but spend hours at the gym. Anyone sees how to combine the two? :)
19:40.53 brlcad Maloeran: yeah, live in a city :)
19:40.58 ``Erik alexis: when bicycling to work is a possiblity, people around here do it... for many, it's not
19:42.03 Maloeran Yes, this area could use some investment for small tracks dedicated to bicycles going between cities...
19:42.11 Maloeran or between towns, rather
19:42.19 ``Erik cars hitting deer or dogs or cats is a relatively common occurance out here, bicycles aren't TOO terribly different on those roads
19:43.01 ``Erik and I'm sure you can appreciate the consequences of a car vs bicycle collision ;) *duck*
19:43.02 brlcad i ride quite a bit and have nearly been hit several times just in the past couple years
19:43.15 ``Erik like on 40?
19:43.36 brlcad 40's actually pretty nice
19:43.45 Maloeran I have never been "hit" by a car really. I mostly tend to ram into car doors opening right in front of me
19:43.47 ``Erik yeah, straight with nice big shoulders
19:43.54 brlcad only have to worry about idiots that try to cause a scare by throwing or yelling something
19:43.56 ``Erik hit by, hit a, whatever
19:44.03 ``Erik and gravel
19:44.36 Maloeran I sure am beginning to miss Montreal's bicycle lanes and roads dedicated to pedestrians and bicycles
19:44.43 brlcad i've had a big truck pass me only to make almost an immediate right turn right in front of me (going 25mph mind you)
19:45.21 Maloeran Ow. With good brakes, it should still be fine
19:45.22 brlcad that was pretty bad.. I barely skidded to a halt within a foot or so of the truck
19:45.31 ``Erik there are a couple bike lanes out here, but not enough to make the bicycle a good regular commuter vehicle... and if there's snow, those lanes don't get plowed
19:46.28 ``Erik <-- wouldn't rely on a motorcycle out here, either... need something with 4 wheels and a roll cage, protection from the elements is nice, too :/
19:46.58 Maloeran With the kind of temperature you have here, I sure wish my bicycle had air conditionning
19:47.23 ``Erik 35c and brutal humidity isn't comfortable for ya? ;)
19:47.30 brlcad i like the thrill, flying down a hill at 50mph on my bike is quite a rush...
19:47.56 Maloeran No Erik, definitely not :)
19:47.57 ``Erik ummm, what did it get up to a couple weeks ago, 46c?
19:48.02 ``Erik (115f, right?)
19:48.02 brlcad course so are most life-threatening situations
19:48.30 brlcad it's not been horribly hot lately
19:48.38 ``Erik yeah, the last couple weeks
19:48.39 brlcad couple weeks ago was pretty bad
19:48.41 ``Erik but we had a front that was rough
19:48.44 Maloeran 50mph on a bicycle? I don't think my gears go far enough for that, it's a hybrid
19:49.37 Maloeran Unless you meant 50km/h? You sure get some awful air resistance at 50mph
19:49.39 brlcad Maloeran: going down a very large hill that has a good 10-20% grade, for almost a mile
19:49.48 Maloeran Eheh, I see
19:49.50 brlcad nope, mph
19:50.23 brlcad quite exhilirating.. the slightest rock or puncture and I would have been launched
19:50.48 Maloeran A day or two after some storm or cyclon hit the american east coast, I remember having much fun riding a bicycle in winds of 70km/h
19:51.56 brlcad in the fall here, the winds pick up pretty heavy -- only 30-40mph or so, but it's enough to knock you off the bike in a gust if you're not careful
19:52.26 Maloeran *nods* That's some powerful wind, yes
19:52.30 ``Erik heh, I've watched cars almost blown out of control, too
19:53.32 ``Erik suv's seem the worst, large side area, drivers who feel too 'safe' and complacent... ;)
19:53.51 brlcad yeah
19:54.10 ``Erik (though the minivan that did a few spins behind me in snow was amusing... one fo those blue taxi things)
20:03.46 Maloeran Erik, did Lee put the code to read BRL-CAD files in the raytracer cvs or elsewhere?
20:04.03 Maloeran Or maybe it just isn't completed yet
20:14.05 ``Erik heh, I d'no
20:15.33 ``Erik I scrolled back through some history and see no commits from lee in the last few days
20:22.49 Maloeran Right, I'm supposed to be reading BRL-CAD geometry by September 1st so I'm wondering
20:25.50 ``Erik it's a milestone, not a deadline...
20:26.21 ``Erik and if worst comes to worst, you can copy g-stl.c or g-obj.c and alter it to your liking
20:40.42 IriX64 bikes? get with with a motor :)
20:56.48 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
21:24.03 ``Erik

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