irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060831

00:07.37 IriX64 time to bring up RedHat 6.0.
00:09.04 Twingy that reminds me
00:09.15 Twingy I need to install linux
00:09.32 ``Erik last rhat I installed by choice was 4.2
00:09.54 ``Erik :/
00:10.05 ``Erik which breed, justin? debian? gentoo?
00:10.20 ``Erik ubuntu seemed extremely developer unfreindly on the lappie alexis had
00:10.25 Twingy last redhat I installed by choice was 2.0, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 7.0, 7.1, 8.0, 9.0, RHEL 3
00:10.36 IriX64 hahaha
00:10.48 ``Erik that's more than the last
00:10.54 Twingy no no
00:10.58 Twingy I installed them all at once
00:11.01 ``Erik :o
00:11.08 IriX64 gotta find an easy way to copy files from win to redhat.
00:11.11 ``Erik um
00:11.17 ``Erik in linux... mount the windows drive...
00:11.18 ``Erik and
00:11.18 IriX64 so you got an aggregate system?
00:11.20 ``Erik copy them...
00:11.40 IriX64 doh file systems don't match.
00:11.46 ``Erik eh?
00:11.54 IriX64 think vmware.
00:12.01 ``Erik so, uh
00:12.09 ``Erik look at the disk image windows is running on
00:12.15 ``Erik and do a loopback device attach
00:12.16 ``Erik ...
00:12.27 IriX64 its the other way around
00:12.37 IriX64 redhat is the guest.
00:12.44 IriX64 whoa...
00:13.43 IriX64 last file i transferred i burnt onto a cd but that gets real expensive real fast. hold ive got an erasbel here somewhere.
00:13.51 IriX64 just a sec.
00:14.12 dtidrow cd's are expensive??????
00:15.17 dtidrow well, if you use a lot, I suppose
00:16.12 Twingy so you did install vmware like I suggested
00:16.32 IriX64 yes, beautiful, except i farked up and installed server.
00:17.00 IriX64 brb
00:21.16 ``Erik if the guest rhat has network access, you should be able to drop samba on it and talk via winderz network shares
00:25.13 *** join/#brlcad ValarQ_ (
00:36.59 ``Erik swank, mentions brlcad :)
00:37.50 ``Erik ah
00:37.55 ``Erik and sean is to blame, hah
00:46.43 brlcad ahh, yeppers
00:47.10 brlcad hey, anyone got a sec to comment on a diagram?
00:49.53 brlcad
00:53.28 brlcad the overlaps and ratios are mostly all quite intentional/deliberate, though still a very rough stab -- needs a lot more detail me thinks mebbie, perhaps expanding the acronyms
01:09.54 Twingy throw in a couple backronyms and recursonyms for good measure.
01:16.53 Maloeran That's one elaborate and clear diagram. It's intended for managers, right? :)
01:17.34 ``Erik there're "letters", no mgr would feel comfortable with that on the screen
01:17.42 ``Erik letters go by bullets on powerpoint slides, that's it
01:30.20 brlcad Maloeran: uh, lets just say it's intended to explain how brl-cad "fits in" on the highest level
01:30.23 brlcad ;)
01:32.10 Twingy DEY TUK R' JBS!
02:10.17 Maloeran It seems rather painful to make much sense out of this, but maybe that's not the intended purpose...
02:15.43 brlcad i don't mind painful as long as sense *can* be made out of it. if people have to use a few neurons to understand it then that's fine.. if something is really confusing, then that would be a problem
02:15.59 brlcad it is a little too busy, too many heavy lines.. /me tones some of them down
02:45.40 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
02:46.13 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
02:47.06 IriX64 irssi compiled in the virtual machine :)
02:47.33 IriX64 tempted to try brlcad.
02:54.43 IriX64 thought you were threatning me for a moment :)
03:20.08 *** join/#brlcad haywood_giablomi (
04:11.51 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/misc/ (doxygen_structure Doxyfile):
04:11.51 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: New doxygen configuration file Doxyfile. The doxygen_structure file defines
04:11.51 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: the layout of the heirarchy of the doxygen document
04:38.35 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/librt/memalloc.c: annotate malloc entries so that we know where the allocation took place
04:41.53 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/include/ (16 files): miscelaneous changes to support doxygen
05:15.37 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
05:49.12 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/librt/db_lookup.c: added BU_FLSTR to malloc/free to help track down memory creation/leaks
05:51.09 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/libbu/ (21 files): Mostly doxygen formatting.
05:53.26 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/misc/ (Doxyfile doxygen_structure): Added to structure. Changed Doxyfile to put html output in subdirectory of misc instead of in my Mac's Sites directory.
05:54.51 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/ added target for producing doxygen run
05:55.36 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/libbn/anim.c: doxygen patches
06:35.15 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
07:24.02 Maloeran Erik, any idea of where I should or will find Lee's code to read BRL-CAD geometry? Seems simple enough, but I would rather work from the code he already wrote
07:30.37 Maloeran And I don't think the cathedral/galleon modeller ever received an email for some reason o.O
08:00.24 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
12:24.27 *** join/#brlcad clock__ (
14:41.01 ``Erik mal: I'll go ask him, uh, right now
15:27.23 Maloeran Thanks Erik, I'm supposed to do that before September 1 :}
18:39.26 brlcad i like deadlines
18:39.37 brlcad especially the *whooshing* sound as they pass by
18:42.53 dtidrow rofl
18:47.51 ``Erik meh, it's not a deadline, it's a 'milestone'
18:57.14 ``Erik alexis: context.c:141: warning: implicit declaration of function `_rtDestroyContext'
18:57.47 ``Erik putting an underscore infront of symbols is A Bad Thing(tm) on several os's
19:05.26 Maloeran Is it? It was to differentiate between functions exported in the dlopen'ed library, the underscore marked functions not meant for "public" use but for the wrapper
19:06.02 Maloeran So Erik, can I find Lee's code somewhere?
19:11.02 ``Erik mal: would putting "static" infront of the symbol be adequate? :) linkers often prefix symbols with one or two underscores and treat the number of leading underscores as a meaningful thing...
19:11.05 ``Erik he said he'd commit it
19:11.15 ``Erik we got access to the repo sorted out on our side today...
19:11.18 ``Erik I'll go prod him, brb
19:14.35 ``Erik he'll commit what he has, says he'll finish it this evening, and apologizes for how long it's taken
19:15.02 ``Erik (btw, the platform your shtuff failed on was fbsd/amd64)
19:15.52 Maloeran I just tried your autoreconf stuff here at home and it broke as well, but I think my tools are outdated
19:16.13 ``Erik automake 1.9 and autoconf 2.59 is what I write for
19:16.31 ``Erik it SHOULD work with automaek 1.6 and autoconf 2.53
19:16.47 ``Erik it should not with automake 1.4 and autoconf 2.13, much has changed since those dark days
19:17.18 Maloeran Okay I got that, it still failed though
19:18.39 Maloeran
19:22.12 ``Erik autoreconf -vi
19:23.03 Maloeran Ah right, thanks. I'll learn this stuff eventually.. :)
19:23.11 ``Erik <-- points at the errors from l ines 25 to 32
19:23.48 ``Erik lee is committing right now, btw
19:24.55 Maloeran Good, thanks
19:25.32 ``Erik eh, that buttmonkey used a straight makefile and hardcoded brlcad's path
19:26.26 Maloeran That's stuff I know how to work with, fine with me :)
19:27.12 brlcad i think he still doesn't know how automake/autoconf work yet really
19:29.05 brlcad i'm just wondering how many times erik will have to see autoreconf "not work by default" before you see the utility of the script :)
19:30.11 ``Erik I see the utility, it's dandy for people who have no clue what they're doing *shrug* :)
19:30.20 brlcad i've yet to see a new autotools user not hit the same half-dozen basic errors.. and they're completely stupid ones imho, usually buried deep in useless verbose output
19:31.09 brlcad even for folks that have a clue, it just hides the stupid gnu folks idiotic tendancies
19:31.18 brlcad s/tendancies/religion/
19:31.44 ValarQ ALL HAIL Bob Dobs!
19:33.52 ValarQ "thou shalt"?
19:36.42 brlcad too long to get into, i left my soap box at home
19:37.32 brlcad but a limited few gnu folks are rather opinionated (especially the autotools folks) on how thou shalt use their tools in ways that are counterproductive and unreasonable really
19:38.31 brlcad i'm apparently in the minority (with respect to their religion) of liking things to work by default and not distributing burden unnecessarily
19:39.07 ValarQ ok, i must confess i havent rolled that many autotools packages myself, only a few smaller things
19:40.32 ``Erik if it was hard to write, it should be hard to use! :D
19:40.38 ValarQ hah
19:53.57 IriX64 try working with AM_PATH_SDL not found in library.
19:54.52 ValarQ hmm
20:05.47 ``Erik alexis: do another update, g-tri.c is done and 'works'
20:06.16 ``Erik irix: in order to run aclocal, you need sdl development stuff installed.
20:21.21 Maloeran I noticed, Erik, thanks
20:22.03 IriX64 thanks Erik.
20:24.56 ``Erik yes, I am erik, stater of the obvious, purveyor of unnecessary information...
20:39.21 IriX64 pooh.... checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error C compiler cannot create executables. whats that all about ?
20:40.49 brlcad you have some bad option/compiler set
20:41.10 IriX64 heh and Erik claimed ... ;)
20:41.15 brlcad look in config.log near the end for details (like it suggests iirc)
20:41.37 IriX64 ty
20:41.40 IriX64 :)
21:02.55 IriX64 --verbose is a wordy sort. :)
21:54.44 IriX64 did she have a good trip :)
21:54.44 brlcad heh
21:55.46 ``Erik the bike, I presume? :)
21:56.40 IriX64 err i get errors loading that page.
21:56.52 brlcad "errors"?
21:57.04 IriX64 just a sec.
21:57.26 IriX64 bad Cmap/encoding.
21:57.28 Maloeran Eh no, I had the bicycle, but the rest ( clothes mostly ) went to Philadelphia before I was put in a cab to Washington Dulles to catch a plane to Montreal
21:57.38 ``Erik works fine for me
21:57.53 IriX64 fark.
21:57.53 ``Erik actually, some of the text boxes are clipped at the bottom
21:57.55 brlcad ``Erik: added CAID just for you :P
21:58.15 ``Erik electronic cad, electrical, conceive, and validation
21:58.18 ``Erik woohoo!
21:59.10 IriX64 ill worry about my farked up viewer later :)
22:00.02 brlcad the text box clipping seems to be out of my control, tried various things
22:00.18 brlcad i get a hairline white outline around them too
22:00.19 IriX64 electronic cad wasn't that movie called Tron? :)
22:03.30 brlcad ahh, comes out perfect if I don't use v4 pdf, and instead use v5
22:04.07 IriX64 at least 1.
22:04.10 IriX64 :)
22:04.17 Maloeran Seems perfect in xpdf 3.0
22:04.50 brlcad just uploaded the v5 now, does that render well?
22:05.18 Maloeran Ouch, no transparency at all now in xpdf
22:05.32 Maloeran Unless that is the intended effect
22:05.43 brlcad hmm.. what do you mean?
22:05.58 ``Erik looks good on mine
22:07.06 brlcad should look like this:
22:07.12 Maloeran
22:07.57 brlcad heh, eww
22:08.21 brlcad that's some pretty harsh line rendering too even on the good one
22:10.07 brlcad interesting.. it got the "ornamentation" on the corners right in the new one, but gets it wrong in the old one
22:10.08 Maloeran Yes, it could use some anti-aliasing
22:10.10 IriX64 ill figure out my viewer later (sigh)
22:18.21 IriX64 hah comparing floating point with == or != is unsafe <=== so get a condom ;)
22:20.24 IriX64 wrapper takes on whole new meaning. :)
22:21.49 IriX64 smokity break, back later.
22:29.57 brlcad heh
22:30.40 brlcad B
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23:13.07 IriX64 geek code (one language i'm weak in)
23:13.10 IriX64 :)
23:13.39 IriX64 shouldn't it be geec :)
23:14.38 IriX64 +?
23:15.05 IriX64 ratz those aren't the right operators in gee c are they? :)
23:15.58 IriX64 reboot hopefully see you soon.
23:17.10 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/libbu/ (39 files): Doxygen comments

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