irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060901

01:12.50 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
03:08.32 IriX64 ``Erik thanks for saying c2 instead of c4, was worried for a minute ;)
03:10.35 IriX64 btw that was a long minute, when did you say that yesterday? :)
03:11.35 IriX64 tap,tap,tap distinctly hollow, who has that stuff? :)
03:12.01 IriX64 got some filesys stuff to do back l8r.
05:12.35 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
06:30.40 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:08.05 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:56.27 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
11:07.07 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
14:27.37 *** join/#brlcad digitalfredy (n=digitalf@
16:07.33 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
16:44.41 brlcad heh, incredible..
16:44.59 brlcad cost about 1.5k for each of the 8 real turbine engines, 2 years to build it
16:45.59 clock_ brlcad: turbine engine just for 1500 USD?
16:46.29 dtidrow microturbines
16:46.34 clock_ ah
16:46.57 dtidrow looks like a 1/12 scale model or so
16:48.01 brlcad yeah, roughly
16:48.23 brlcad shame to dump that much into a hobby to crash and burn it :)
16:48.49 clock_ brlcad: was it built just for the crash?
16:48.58 brlcad heh, no
16:49.07 brlcad did you watch the videos?
16:49.57 clock_ brlcad: I watched just the crash
16:50.23 *** join/#brlcad cadguy (
16:54.21 *** join/#brlcad cadguy (
17:15.21 cadguy got the new doxygen stuff online. Only libbu fully converted to the new format so far.
17:19.36 dtidrow :-)
17:20.28 brlcad hmm, hung the first time, but looks good now
17:21.29 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/Doxyfile: use 'BRL-CAD' for the project name
17:23.53 cadguy Note that isn't connected
17:24.22 brlcad ahh, that'd do it
17:24.45 cadguy Working on libbn right now
17:24.52 cadguy Got vmath, working on bn.h
17:31.50 brlcad the mirroring can be set up to go whichever way it makes sense to go, even bidirectional -- but then deleting files is a pita
17:33.17 brlcad right now it goes from sf to ftp mainly just from a backup perspective -- i had been using a script that just uploads to both for the time being
17:34.45 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (
17:35.34 brlcad since we cant go ftp -> sf until a quota justification can be made (which we don't have enough reason for now), I'll just leave it as sf -> ftp
17:51.43 *** join/#brlcad digitalfredy (n=digitalf@
18:14.58 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
18:18.45 IriX64 ValarQ: you sound like someone who's interested in what I call tweaking. :) That's why the screen shots.
18:19.56 IriX64 Hah. Steve Miller ---> "Really love your peaches, wanna shake your tree."
18:20.19 IriX64 whoa. thats not directed at anybody.
18:24.20 IriX64 ValarQ: feel free to show those to anybody who expresses an interest. :)
18:25.33 IriX64 and a multitude of key clicks is heard as they churn out their code :)
18:26.02 IriX64 don't mind me, im in a good mood.
18:26.19 IriX64 vax instruction set is complete.
18:30.40 brlcad get the simh vax running yet?
18:31.01 IriX64 haha no its in vmware.
18:31.13 IriX64 :)
18:31.27 brlcad vmware doesn't have a vax simulator
18:31.37 IriX64 hehe my system does.
18:31.49 brlcad oookay
18:32.05 IriX64 starting a brlcad build for it now....
18:33.41 IriX64 vax-dec-ultrix lets tango.
18:34.48 brlcad ah, not a vax sim, but perhaps a vax cross-compilation
18:34.53 brlcad quite a difference
18:35.10 IriX64 shoot me i'm literatly challenged :)
18:41.27 brlcad if it were only that easy :)
18:45.22 IriX64 use your sidearm :)
18:45.40 IriX64 .................................................................... did i get you?:)
18:51.33 brlcad huh?
18:51.57 IriX64 poor attempt at virtual bullets :)
18:52.06 brlcad ah
18:52.24 dtidrow drat
18:52.33 IriX64 steppenwolf, all right.
18:52.40 IriX64 drat?
18:54.39 dtidrow was trying to /msg lee, and his client just disconnected
18:55.01 IriX64 whats /msg?
18:55.09 IriX64 :)
18:55.20 dtidrow private message in irc
18:55.43 IriX64 i click the dcc chat icon, much easier.
18:55.49 dtidrow essentially irc's version of IM
18:55.51 dtidrow heh
18:56.01 dtidrow wimp ;-)
18:56.04 IriX64 don't have to keep typing /msg
18:56.07 IriX64 :)
18:56.19 IriX64 yah weemp:)
18:56.53 ValarQ IriX64: what what?
18:57.18 IriX64 we of the two finger school try to keep typing to a minimum.:)
18:57.31 IriX64 what weemp?
18:57.36 IriX64 weenie wimp :)
18:58.02 ValarQ IriX64: you're in a school for two fingers?
18:58.08 dtidrow rofl
18:58.12 IriX64 no no i graduated :)
18:58.34 ValarQ ok...
18:58.37 dtidrow if you only have two fingers, how do you grab the mouse? ;-)
18:58.53 IriX64 palm pilot style. :)
18:59.34 ValarQ with your tongue?
19:00.05 IriX64 is that an offer? (and if it is i hope you're female) ;)
19:01.29 IriX64 spontaniety sometimes lacks decourm (sigh sorry).
19:01.38 ValarQ keep hoping
19:02.01 IriX64 meaning youll have the gender change operation for me? :)
19:02.36 IriX64 CCR yeahhhhhhhhh.
19:03.22 IriX64 wait'll i put my mind back in, it's out being washed right now.
19:04.03 IriX64 "you can ponder perputal motion, hitch your mind on a crystal day...."
19:05.17 brlcad IriX64: just type /query username
19:05.33 brlcad it should open a session similar to dcc but without the overhead and firewall requirements
19:06.09 IriX64 opened it.
19:06.25 IriX64 i can do that with a mouse click to though.
19:06.34 brlcad most clients have that
19:06.51 IriX64 true.
19:06.51 brlcad still, a query is far better than dcc chat
19:06.58 brlcad same end result
19:07.08 IriX64 meaning dcc does'nt always connect?
19:07.15 IriX64 doesn't too.
19:07.41 brlcad dcc has extra overhead and connection associated, have to make sure you can directly form a connection on both ends
19:08.04 brlcad which requires firewalls to be more lenient, instead of query where you just talk through the irc network like usual
19:08.18 IriX64 should know that this isn't school :)
19:08.43 brlcad school?
19:09.00 IriX64 dcc needs an open port query uses the currently open port thats all.
19:09.26 brlcad heh, not quite
19:09.36 IriX64 splain then lucy :)
19:11.18 brlcad i just did.. but even easier is to just refer:
19:12.05 brlcad that port has to be negotiated with the network, and isn't the same one that's outbound for the irc network already
19:13.12 brlcad so if you're running a firewall, that's one extra port that both ends minimally need to allow and even without that, there's still the negotiation in general.. why bother when a session can be opened up as-is with a query with NO effort
19:13.36 brlcad and i don't mean just no user effort.. no network/implementation/network effort
19:14.29 IriX64 agreed but i miss the ease of file transfering.
19:14.29 brlcad i couldn't care less what you do, but I know I will personally rarely ever respond to a dcc chat .. there's just no point
19:14.41 brlcad dcc file transfer isn't dcc chat -- you said chat
19:15.16 IriX64 hehe its still dcc, but chat i rarely have need of either the dcc variety or the query variety.
19:15.49 IriX64 not many people do that to me and i rarely take the intiative.
19:15.59 brlcad still, the problems you have with dcc file transfer are exemplary in itself
19:16.24 IriX64 feeling loqacious are you?
19:16.37 IriX64 loquacious too.
19:16.37 brlcad ~dict loqactious
19:16.57 brlcad ~dict loquacious
19:17.13 brlcad gassy.. hmm..
19:17.22 IriX64 how sweet a friendly bot.:)
19:18.07 IriX64 heh gregarious (brings up mr. Rogers)
19:18.25 IriX64 what a neighbourhood.
19:20.18 Maloeran Use a mouse to irc? What blasphemy
19:20.47 IriX64 we'll call it irmousing.
19:21.29 IriX64 bbiab smokity break.
20:23.20 *** join/#brlcad dan_falck ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
20:23.38 *** join/#brlcad dan_falck (
21:25.13 IriX64 hah 1hr 22minutes for vaxcad to compile.
21:26.04 IriX64 wonder if celine dionne singing had any effect on compile time? :)
21:26.39 IriX64 a happy compiler produces good code, my compiler likes music so....
21:28.12 IriX64 simh eh?
21:28.49 IriX64 have around here on 8" disk somewhere a z80 emulator.
21:30.07 IriX64 heh prefer the trout. it's edible :)
21:30.31 IriX64 gave mine away.
21:30.55 IriX64 little 3 board computer system s100 buss based.
21:31.04 IriX64 64k ram
21:31.51 IriX64 built a card punch and paper tape punch replacement out of it.
21:32.23 IriX64 all hand rolled asm for the z80.
21:32.52 IriX64 i'll stop reminicing now:)
21:33.23 IriX64 the problem with aging is that which is there to remember grows.
21:34.23 IriX64 vms pfffttt this ones for ultrix (dec style)
21:34.51 IriX64 say does vms have an xserver?
21:35.11 IriX64 that would be too crazy, cross compile for vms.
21:35.15 dtidrow think it did near the end
21:35.22 IriX64 end?
21:35.29 dtidrow of DEC
21:35.33 IriX64 still several around.
21:35.36 IriX64 oh i c
21:35.42 IriX64 hp owns them now.
21:35.51 dtidrow via Compaq
21:35.59 IriX64 no compaq sold out
21:36.42 IriX64 hahahahah blahhhhhhhh.:)
21:36.43 dtidrow IIRC, Compaq bought DEC, then HP absorbed them
21:37.13 IriX64 thought hp bought the dec division and compaq went its way.
21:37.36 IriX64 how you do you feel maloeran?
21:37.41 dtidrow nope - if you buy a 'Compaq', you're realy buying from HP
21:38.13 IriX64 young too.
21:38.13 IriX64 good dtidrow now i can sleep nights.
21:38.17 dtidrow don't you remember the HP-Compaq merger?
21:38.26 dtidrow happened back in the late '90s
21:38.28 IriX64 actually i don't
21:38.34 Maloeran It's just peculiar to hear people talk of these days I have never known, although I sometimes wish I did
21:39.12 IriX64 if you need help in computer trivial pusuit, call maloeran.
21:39.38 dtidrow yeah - I'm dating myself when I mention that I actually took some courses at a local DEC office
21:39.50 IriX64 now in basic 10 goto 10 does what?
21:40.12 dtidrow ewww, basic... :-\
21:40.28 dtidrow how old?
21:40.33 IriX64 at 80 you'r qualified to say you *are dirt.
21:40.43 dtidrow heh
21:40.51 IriX64 50 qualifies as older than dirt.
21:40.58 dtidrow heh
21:41.11 IriX64 so now the astute student knows i am between 50 and 80.
21:42.02 dtidrow ah, my mistake - it was 2002 that HP absorbed Compaq
21:42.04 IriX64 heh long as we're trivial pursuiting it, "Mabel, black label"
21:44.25 dtidrow have they quit making that stuff?
21:44.35 IriX64 my compiler sings, you can hear the bits shifting and rotating:)
21:44.43 dtidrow lol
21:44.50 IriX64 what stuff 8" drives?
21:45.33 dtidrow ah, yes - the only place that I ever encountered 8" disks was the 'boot
21:45.44 dtidrow boot drive for a 11/785
21:46.10 dtidrow iirc, it held the microcode for the cpu
21:46.14 IriX64 they were in use by dec long before the 785.
21:46.30 IriX64 diags too
21:46.39 dtidrow I'm sure, but that was the only place I ever came into contact with them
21:47.07 IriX64 did they do the job?
21:47.44 dtidrow until the floppy wore out :-)
21:50.01 IriX64 how to merge two databases in one easy step:)
21:51.11 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
21:51.45 IriX64 awfull slow though
21:52.04 IriX64 ahh there its visible now slick.
21:55.39 IriX64 Twingy, you get that hole punched ;)
21:56.35 IriX64 oh my a head on with havoc.
21:57.00 IriX64 hahaha havocs running away from the cray.
21:57.14 IriX64 ill stop rambling now. sigh i do go on.
21:58.52 Twingy hole?
21:59.55 IriX64 think heat.
23:25.02 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos_ (
23:27.00 IriX64 oh boy toasted tomatoe sandwhich with mayo.. yum
23:29.20 IriX64 dtidrow: you worked for DEC?
23:35.31 IriX64 No project too simple to make too complex. Quite the religion SWPadnos

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