irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060906

00:01.06 ``Erik mebbe the line should've been changed to reflect the true limit of 32k ?
00:01.14 Twingy "It seems that Wolfgang Priklopil, the communications technician who kidnapped Austrian pre-teen Natascha Kampusch, relied on a Commodore 64 as his primary machine. Interestingly this is presenting some problems to the Austrian computer forensics people. Major General Gerhard Lang of the Federal Criminal Investigations Bureau told reporters it would 'complicate investigators' efforts' and would be difficult to transfer the files to m
00:01.14 Twingy odern computers 'without loss.' Could this be the latest in the criminal world's security strategy? Can we expect to see Spectrums, Archimedes, and Atari STs turning up in police investigations soon?"
00:01.41 ``Erik heh
00:02.04 ``Erik damnit, twinky, what'd we tell you about kidnapping preteens?
00:02.30 ``Erik (and c64 or sx64?)
00:02.44 Twingy I aint looking
00:03.14 ``Erik you dredged up an sx64 back in your apt, I dont' remember seeing a c64 :)
00:04.23 dtidrow_work Twingy: you have an sx64? I so wanted one of those back when I was in college
00:04.29 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: more details on the bizarre -s64 bug
00:04.41 Twingy says the sophomore who buys a sports car during a war on oil
00:05.13 dtidrow_work I oughta fire up the old Indigo I have and see if it still runs
00:05.14 Twingy dtidrow, a co-worker from my last employer gave it to me
00:05.15 ``Erik I'm special hurrrrrr
00:05.43 dtidrow_work haven't turned it on in years
00:05.49 Twingy I have wheel of fortune
00:05.52 ``Erik I thought the war was on tar, that's used to make roads, not fuel cars
00:08.44 dtidrow_work that reminds me - did you guys see this:
00:45.40 Maloeran Mmhm, neat
00:46.32 dtidrow_work watching paint dry is nothing compared to watching pitch drip :-)
01:21.24 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
01:23.24 ``Erik glass does the same thing *shrug*
01:43.11 IriX64 glass of? ;)
01:43.55 IriX64 perhaps he prefers bottle of? :)
01:49.09 ``Erik no, like, window panes
01:49.11 ``Erik fucktard
01:49.12 ``Erik :)
01:49.47 IriX64 hrmph, only if yoyu're a woman will I accepts that. :)
01:50.34 IriX64 windows can't afford any more pain ``Erik :)
01:50.42 IriX64 pains too
01:51.33 IriX64 smokity break.
01:52.18 Maloeran ``Erik, it's more interesting when it's at room temperature :}
01:53.35 ``Erik mal: windows at room temperature are fluid... if you look at a hundred year old window pane, it's thicker at the bottom than the top
01:55.49 Maloeran Woah. I see, I really didn't know that
02:03.38 IriX64 unless its plexiglass.
02:05.23 IriX64 did you people ever look at the files I sent to some time ago?
02:30.33 ``Erik no.
05:32.04 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
07:00.08 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
15:38.32 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
15:38.33 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is an open source solid modeling software suite || Developers needed! Read the HACKING file for details on getting involved
16:02.30 *** join/#brlcad mauryzyo (n=fuysokoa@
16:02.38 mauryzyo hello everybody
16:02.56 mauryzyo I have a problem in the installation of brl-cad
16:03.12 mauryzyo is there anybody that could help?
16:05.54 mauryzyo is it possible to install brl-cad in the Applications directory?
16:08.21 Maloeran What operating system would that be? Compiling from source or installing binaries?
16:11.27 ``Erik "Applications" directory is very much a mac thing, afaik
16:12.19 mauryzyo I have mac osx
16:12.20 ``Erik you should be able to install brlcad anywhere you have write and execute permission, so /Applications is ok, but brlcad does not have a bundle, so it's not friendly to how finder works...
16:12.46 mauryzyo erik... no problem
16:13.00 mauryzyo I can install it where you want
16:13.17 mauryzyo but I don't know how
16:13.17 mauryzyo I have the file .pkg
16:13.26 mauryzyo I have run the .pkg
16:13.32 mauryzyo then I go to terminal
16:13.40 mauryzyo and I go to /usr
16:13.52 mauryzyo and there there is the brlcad folder
16:13.53 mauryzyo ok
16:14.01 ``Erik export PATH=$PATH:/usr/brlcad/bin
16:14.04 mauryzyo <PROTECTED>
16:14.05 ``Erik then you can run "mged"
16:14.15 ``Erik you MIGHT need to be running
16:14.24 mauryzyo I have x11
16:14.49 mauryzyo but... if I go to /usr/brlcad/bin
16:14.56 mauryzyo ther eis not a file mged
16:15.01 ``Erik mebbe it's
16:15.05 ``Erik ?
16:16.09 mauryzyo when I go to /usr/brlcad/bin
16:16.16 mauryzyo I write ls -i
16:16.29 mauryzyo it tells me that there are no files
16:16.32 mauryzyo nothing...
16:17.19 ``Erik :o
16:17.43 mauryzyo I don't understand where the problem is
16:17.46 ``Erik sounds like maybe the pkg is broken? was it really a pkg, not just a dmg with a directory to drag?
16:17.53 mauryzyo if I made mistakes during the installation process
16:18.08 mauryzyo a pkg
16:18.20 ``Erik hrm, brlcad would be the guy to talk to about that
16:18.39 ``Erik if you lurk long enough, he'll look at irc again *shrgu*
16:20.48 mauryzyo erik..
16:21.07 mauryzyo could you give me the right link and I retry to reinstall it?
16:21.24 ``Erik right link? I always build mine from source...
16:21.47 ``Erik if you want to do that,
16:22.17 ``Erik then untar it, go into the dir, run "./configure && make && make install"
16:22.30 ``Erik then go have a nice cup of coffee and read the morning paper, cuz it'll take a while
16:22.58 mauryzyo ok Erik I download it
16:23.12 mauryzyo and then please assist me during the installation
16:23.22 mauryzyo I need this program absolutely
16:23.23 mauryzyo :-))))
16:24.06 ``Erik <-- just gave you the q&d 'how to install', plus the source package has a file named INSTALL
16:25.29 mauryzyo ok
16:25.42 mauryzyo but it is one day that I try...
16:25.55 mauryzyo I have downloaded it now
16:28.26 mauryzyo sorry but...
16:28.29 mauryzyo x11
16:28.40 mauryzyo is a windows server?
16:28.54 mauryzyo Do I have to install it in my mac osx?
16:29.25 ``Erik yesh, the X windowing system, unix for graphics... if you have tiger (10.4), it should be on your install dvd
16:30.11 mauryzyo ok
16:30.23 mauryzyo I have seen that I already have this program
16:30.30 mauryzyo in the Applications folder
16:30.37 mauryzyo I never used if before
16:30.44 mauryzyo now...
16:30.56 mauryzyo I downloaded the file you gave to me
16:31.02 mauryzyo I opened it
16:31.18 mauryzyo and there is a folder brlcad-7.8.2
16:31.28 mauryzyo I hope all is ok
16:31.40 ``Erik go in there, and run "./configure"
16:32.14 mauryzyo ok
16:32.17 mauryzyo with x11?
16:32.28 mauryzyo Do I open x11 before?
16:32.28 ``Erik either an xterm or a
16:32.32 ``Erik it doesn't matter at this point
16:32.38 mauryzyo ok
16:32.46 ``Erik <-- likes xterm more than :)
16:33.01 mauryzyo I open the Terminal
16:33.16 mauryzyo I go to the folder brlcad-7.8.2
16:33.28 mauryzyo and I run
16:33.29 mauryzyo ./configure
16:33.38 mauryzyo I write ./configure
16:34.15 ``Erik lots of text scroll, I hope
16:36.54 mauryzyo I did
16:36.55 mauryzyo configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH
16:37.26 ``Erik ooh, you need the developer kit installed, get it from your install dvd, sorry hehehe
16:38.37 mauryzyo what?
16:39.06 ``Erik "xcode"
16:39.12 mauryzyo It is too much difficult for me
16:39.17 mauryzyo to install this program
16:41.54 Maloeran The package for OSX binaries out of the sourceforge files doesn't work? That's what you used, right?
16:43.09 ``Erik apparently brlcad/bin was empty, alexis... *shrug*
16:44.11 Maloeran Just making sure he used the official package and not some other, but I don't suppose there are dozen package management systems on OSX as on Linux
16:45.01 ``Erik well, there's a few big mechanisms on mac... the pkg system, the bundle drag&drop way, the 'installshield' and 'installit' third party apps... :/
16:46.49 ``Erik installing...
16:47.06 ``Erik hm
16:47.10 ``Erik I see a very full /usr/brlcad/bin
16:47.21 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
16:47.30 ``Erik /usr/brlcad/bin$ ls | wc -l
16:47.58 ``Erik /usr/brlcad$ du -s .
16:47.58 ``Erik 176144 .
16:48.31 ``Erik yeah, works for me, the pkg is ok... *shrug* mebbe you need to rm -rf /usr/brlcad and try the pkg again?
16:50.48 ``Erik alexis: do I get to see pretty pictures on friday? :D
16:51.10 Maloeran Won't be very pretty yet, but sure :)
16:51.44 Maloeran It's a lot more work than one could think, I'm writing this raytracing pipeline to handle dynamic geometry with multiple graphs already
16:51.56 Maloeran No point in doing anything less to see the code being thrown away later
16:52.34 ``Erik okie, coo'
16:53.22 Maloeran I haven't really looked into this "convenience library" stuff, mm.c still needs fixing, plus I'll be reusing some code ( old libfrti ) for multiple demos
16:53.55 Maloeran If you are ever incredibly bored, setting an autoconf/automake/libtools framework for this stuff would be appreciated ;)
17:30.31 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
19:06.55 ``Erik heh
19:07.33 ``Erik ohyeah, btw, because you used make style behaviors instead of autoconf style behaviors, your program only compiles on linux...
19:07.37 ``Erik :D
19:14.50 Maloeran Feel free to pinpoint problems more precisely, I don't have fbsd around at the moment
19:15.35 ValarQ IriX64: foo
20:39.18 IriX64 ValarQ: fo is Gods function :)
20:39.24 IriX64 foo too
20:40.55 ValarQ :p)
20:41.41 ValarQ IriX64: lightened your desktop yet?
20:41.51 IriX64 ValarQ: which .g file is yours?
20:42.05 IriX64 and no i havent its still pretty heavy:)
20:42.14 ValarQ no .g file is mine
20:42.33 IriX64 push of a button it all goes away anyway :)
20:43.49 ValarQ
20:43.57 ValarQ my new fancy desktop :)
20:45.50 IriX64 you're good.
20:46.03 IriX64 im not that advanced yet. :)
20:46.44 IriX64 XL?
20:47.01 ValarQ XL?
20:47.13 IriX64 forgot the name of that package.
20:47.22 ValarQ XGL?
20:47.23 IriX64 XGL?
20:47.27 IriX64 heh
20:47.28 ValarQ :)
20:47.39 ``Erik mal: libdl is very linux.
20:47.39 IriX64 havent got that yet.
20:47.42 ValarQ XGL/Compiz to be more precise
20:47.52 IriX64 thankyou.
20:48.20 IriX64 does it cause you're knuckles to bleed?
20:48.29 ``Erik hrmmmm
20:48.30 ``Erik with gnome?
20:49.04 ``Erik and I guess that's irssi, not bx?
20:49.05 Maloeran Erik, POSIX 1003.1-2003 describes dlclose(), dlerror(), dlopen(), and dlsym().
20:49.12 Maloeran What's specific to Linux?
20:49.21 ``Erik mal: yes, and sane systems, since it's a POSIX set, put it in libc
20:49.49 ``Erik glibc used to have it in, too, but they broke it out
20:49.52 ValarQ IriX64: not yet
20:49.58 Maloeran Oh well, then it's just the automake stuff which needs fixing
20:52.21 ``Erik in, use the search-libs to find the function, and set DL to whatever is returned, then AC_SUBST and add @DL@ when dl* is needed :)
20:53.19 ``Erik libtool has some shtuff for that, too
20:53.42 ValarQ IriX64:
20:55.34 clock_ good ole chopper
20:56.47 ``Erik Mi-28
20:57.05 ``Erik
20:57.07 ``Erik :D
20:59.34 IriX64 transparent? how cool is that coolness?
21:00.45 IriX64 ``Erik... one word gag me with a spoon :)
21:01.52 IriX64 XGL...good stuff ValarQ:?
21:02.13 IriX64 is source available?
21:05.28 ValarQ yes
21:05.46 IriX64 where? one i found is for suse.
21:06.26 ValarQ i use the portage overlay for gentoo
21:06.49 IriX64 all specific tho right?
21:07.00 ValarQ what?
21:07.39 IriX64 all specific to an os? is a platform independant version of the source available like brlcad?
21:08.52 ValarQ i guess it depends pretty hard on OpenGL and unix sockets (it's X after all)
21:09.01 ValarQ but it should work on any system
21:09.17 IriX64 so whos code should i borrow:)
21:09.47 ValarQ i believe freedesktop got the cvs repo
21:10.10 ValarQ
21:10.50 IriX64 thwy have 5 components where's the beef:)
21:11.22 ValarQ it's gonna be pretty much work to set it up from source on your own...
21:12.31 IriX64 tell me about it. (sticky note applied to ValarQ's forehead...remind Irix64 of this in a month ) :)
21:14.02 ValarQ heh
21:16.59 IriX64 just so we're comparing apples with apples, gentoo=gnu64?
21:17.51 IriX64 or are we back in gnu32?
21:20.31 IriX64 btw you should rotate that helicoptor ValarQ.

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