irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060917

02:05.36 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
02:30.36 brlcad pretty incredible
02:31.46 dtidrow why is that?
02:32.47 brlcad the announcement about lilo
02:33.10 brlcad worked with him quite a bit over the years
02:33.19 dtidrow ah
02:33.42 dtidrow kinda reminds me of when Mike passed away
02:33.56 brlcad extensive discussions about the pdpc, cloaks, the network, etc
02:34.28 brlcad yeah, kinda if only because of the unexpected nature
02:34.40 dtidrow inded
02:35.13 brlcad though not in the least bit the same personalities, talent, etc
02:35.47 brlcad still a sad occurance
02:36.54 brlcad i think Freenode's done more in support of open source than anything else, fostering development and communications
02:37.25 PrezKennedy im using my mod points to put the smackdown on some jackasses commenting about it on slashdot
02:38.11 PrezKennedy im so apathetic about them... im like... eh ive got mod points... now i have to find something to mod
03:30.24 Maloeran Amazing, they got both power outlets and wireless access at the Las Vegas airport
03:31.24 Maloeran A fairly strange place too.
03:34.08 Maloeran What happened to lilo? googling
03:36.52 Maloeran Woah! Okay, I just noticed the messages about lilo
03:42.08 Twingy silly people not wearing their helmets
03:44.55 Maloeran It really depends where you ride... but I can't imagine Huston, Texas to be very friendly to bicycles
03:47.13 Twingy I am really leaning toward an electric bike
03:47.27 Twingy will be more than a year before I can afford though
03:48.21 Maloeran Oh? Well, you could begin with a standard bicycle
03:48.53 Maloeran Even if it's just to replace your runs at first, I think it might be more pleasant
03:49.30 Maloeran And you'll be able to join Lee on his saturday morning rides :}
03:55.05 Twingy what do you think the probability of me choosing to spend my time riding with Lee on saturday mornings is :)
03:57.00 Maloeran Who knows, you might fall in love with bicycle riding once you try and reject all your previous hobbies :)
03:58.23 Twingy ...and I might also discover how to put a rocket in space with a table spoon of sugar
03:58.55 dtidrow well, with the right mix of potassium perchlorate..... ;-)
03:59.19 Twingy btw, I used to ride my bike 7 miles back and forth to work for a couple years
04:00.33 Maloeran Oh, good
04:01.42 Twingy 15 - 17 before I got a suzuki
04:02.50 Maloeran The battery on my laptop seems quite poor. It might be related to the acpi governor apparently not working so the frequency remains at 1.8ghz
04:03.14 Maloeran Any suggestion on some kind of battery I could carry in my back pack, for hours of use? :) Even if it must weight 10kg
04:04.26 Maloeran At the moment, I can get a whole 75 minutes or so
04:04.30 Twingy COTS or custom?
04:05.05 Twingy what's the voltage of your battery
04:05.23 Maloeran COTS?
04:05.28 Twingy commercial off the shelf
04:05.37 Maloeran 14400mV
04:05.44 Maloeran 2000mAh design capacity
04:05.46 Twingy 14.4V
04:05.51 Twingy 2Ah
04:05.56 Twingy what about the DC input
04:06.01 Twingy (charger)
04:06.03 Maloeran Already down to 1853mAh maximum after two full discharges
04:06.24 Twingy what's the specs on the charger
04:06.34 Twingy 18V @ 3A?
04:06.54 Maloeran 19V @ 3.4A
04:06.59 Twingy k
04:07.58 Maloeran A big heavy battery in the back pack to last 10 hours would be great
04:08.03 Twingy
04:08.18 Twingy that'll double your juice
04:09.17 Twingy ~1.25kg
04:09.28 Twingy 1.5kg
04:09.43 Maloeran Interesting
04:09.53 Twingy good for 1,000 charges
04:10.10 Maloeran Is there anything massive for hours of use without worry?
04:10.10 Twingy and cheap
04:10.15 Twingy um
04:10.18 Twingy let me figure something ou
04:10.50 Maloeran Something to plug the laptop in as if it were a power outlet, I am guessing
04:14.10 Twingy I could easily make you anything
04:14.20 Twingy but nothing I can see off the shelf
04:14.45 Maloeran Right, I see. That could be an interesting little project
04:15.08 Twingy if you want, paypal me 110% the cost of the materials and shipping and its yours
04:15.17 Maloeran Turn my back pack into one massive laptop battery that will prevent me of getting through any airport security
04:15.29 Twingy nah
04:16.17 dtidrow Maloeran: "Is there anything massive for hours of use without worry?" - probably a small generator would be the best bet
04:16.52 Maloeran Generating the electricity from what? I don't see anything else than batteries being practical...
04:18.37 Twingy you could go fuel cell, but you'll spend a small fortune
04:18.49 Twingy cause the hydrogen generator and compressor aint cheap
04:19.15 Maloeran Fuel cells are forbidden on airplanes now
04:19.40 Twingy I so go with that kit I just pasted
04:19.42 Twingy *say
04:19.44 Twingy $50
04:19.50 Twingy and you double your life
04:19.50 Maloeran Yes, it's surely an improvement
04:20.02 Twingy that's what I would get
04:20.18 Maloeran *nods* Thanks for the tip
04:20.39 Twingy order two if you want more
04:20.56 Twingy you can always wire them in parallel if you have the adapters and heat shrink
04:21.05 Maloeran Or just swap once in a while
04:21.11 Twingy yep
04:21.21 Twingy I mean I can build you one that'll keep it powered for 10 hours
04:21.26 Twingy but it'll cost you like $250
04:21.34 Twingy and weigh like 10kg
04:21.37 Twingy err 5k
04:21.39 Twingy 5kg
04:21.48 Maloeran If it goes through airports, that's not too bad
04:22.11 Twingy but why not just switch a battery every 90 minutes
04:22.17 Maloeran Right.
04:22.22 Twingy surely it's not that much of an interruption
04:22.28 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
04:22.29 Twingy I get up and stretch more often than that
04:23.04 Twingy there's always a hand crank that charges a battery
04:23.10 Maloeran Argh! *sobs* I don't see how the noise of slot machines is not driving anyone crazy, I'm almost tempted to put up the volume of my Brahms
04:23.18 dtidrow or solar cells
04:23.29 Twingy solar is not practical
04:23.33 Twingy I always bring head phones
04:23.39 brlcad heh
04:23.45 brlcad Maloeran: in the airport now?
04:23.50 dtidrow more than a hand crank
04:23.56 Maloeran Yes, waiting 5 hours at Las Vegas
04:24.12 brlcad yeesh
04:24.19 brlcad have fun
04:24.26 Twingy go play some slots :}
04:24.30 brlcad heh
04:24.37 IriX64 *don't lose :)
04:24.43 Twingy see if you can write some code to beat it
04:24.57 Maloeran I'm statistically losing, you'll never see me put a quarter in those things :)
04:25.00 brlcad or find a hammer to beat it
04:25.22 Maloeran The only such game I'll ever play is Poker Texas Hold'em with my AI to.. pretty much decide everything
04:25.26 Twingy anything is better than this mostly dead 9.6V
04:25.34 IriX64 if you don't play you win :)
04:25.52 Twingy if you don't play you don't get free meal comps
04:26.11 IriX64 free?
04:26.12 brlcad I'm statistically dying, but you don't see me not breathing from time to time ;)
04:27.02 dtidrow
04:27.12 dtidrow only 50lb ;-)
04:27.42 Maloeran <brlcad> I'm statistically dying, but you don't see me not breathing from time to time ;)
04:27.49 Maloeran Oops
04:28.07 Maloeran Trying to copy/paste urls with that a mousepad, not a pleasant task
04:28.19 brlcad dtidrow: that's not a bad price either
04:28.52 brlcad Maloeran: well, i think you got the paste part down at least ;)
04:29.12 dtidrow brlcad: indeed
04:29.14 Maloeran It's curious, it seems to "unlick" after 1 second which gives little time to select anything properly
04:30.01 dtidrow brlcad: and only slightly heavier than that alienware 'laptop' I carted around siggraph this year ;-)
04:30.02 brlcad i hate it when things unlick
04:30.57 Maloeran When are you arriving, Sean, and Erik and Lee if you know?
04:31.24 dtidrow you guys all going to a conference?
04:31.33 *** join/#brlcad IriX64_ (
04:32.00 Maloeran Some of us are, yes
04:32.23 dtidrow what's the conference?
04:32.52 Maloeran Some ray-tracing thing in Salt Lake City for 3 days
04:33.20 dtidrow ah, that one - I remember you guys talking about it last month
04:33.27 dtidrow have fun :-)
04:33.57 Twingy ray-tracing, hah, that'll never catch on
04:34.05 brlcad Maloeran: I arrive mid-day
04:34.20 brlcad dtidrow:
04:34.47 dtidrow yeah, I looked at it last time you posted the link :-)
04:34.47 Maloeran Nice, better choice than my 2 a.m. local, or 4 am for my biological clock
04:35.23 brlcad i'm supposed to wake up in 4 hours for my flight, flying west is always .. a trip
04:36.36 Maloeran Neat
04:36.43 ``Erik heh
04:37.07 ``Erik the rooms have mini-fridges
04:37.26 Maloeran When do you arrive, Erik?
04:37.35 ``Erik like 5pm mst
04:37.37 IriX64 nice page... you people must be excited about it.
04:37.59 ``Erik sharing transportation with lee
04:38.05 Maloeran Not excited at all, no :), I would rather have stayed home to code
04:38.23 ``Erik I might try to get him to stop by a package shop on the way
04:38.40 IriX64 Malorean: duty calls thing I assume or "told" to go?
04:38.46 dtidrow gotta go check on the baby and get some sleep - 'nite all...
04:38.59 IriX64 err spelt it wrong.
04:39.08 Maloeran Technically, I could refuse as a consultant I imagine, that didn't seem very polite though
04:39.20 IriX64 hah true.
04:40.02 Twingy hrm
04:40.10 Twingy I want this $110 sliding table for my drill press :|
04:40.19 Maloeran Okay, having a walk elsewhere before the slot machine noise destroys what remains of my sanity, see you later or tomorrow
04:40.31 IriX64 ciao
04:40.36 Twingy you should record some of that :)
04:40.40 Twingy you can use it for your alarm clock
04:40.52 Maloeran Ahaha :)
04:42.31 Twingy and a 6" vice
04:42.48 *** join/#brlcad digitalfredy (n=digitalf@
04:43.12 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
04:44.06 Twingy and a small swivel vise
04:49.54 IriX64 a swise :)
04:56.45 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
06:29.25 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos_ (
07:20.03 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:53.15 *** join/#brlcad CIA-9 (
15:26.53 *** join/#brlcad digitalfredy (n=digitalf@
19:13.08 Maloeran It was not even music, it was a random sequence of notes every time someone pressed some button, and there were 8-12 overlapping sources of such noise
20:08.42 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
20:09.26 PrezKennedy heres a great question i got from a friend "who still uses IRC?"
20:10.28 Maloeran No living being, we are the wandering souls of former geeks
20:12.48 PrezKennedy does this mean im dead?
20:14.45 Maloeran It depends, some of us are also artifical intelligences stuck on pursuing our task of providing social interactions for our lost masters forever
21:11.27 Maloeran Is anyone at Salt Lake city yet? :) My room number is 239 if you want to meet today
23:20.23 *** join/#brlcad LLSLouie (
23:27.54 Maloeran That's a hilly ride, many mountains and canyons in the way, but I trust your path-finding algorithms can overcome such obstacles
23:57.44 Twingy indeed
23:58.18 Twingy I need some stuff from digikey

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