irclog2html for #brlcad on 20060926

00:11.19 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/ (bn.h bu.h): have the headers include the headers they respectively require
00:26.25 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (
01:34.29 Maloeran - The killer of ray-tracing acceleration structures
01:34.47 Maloeran With all these wires and ropes in the way :)
01:36.22 Maloeran That will look better with a touch of texturing... that and global illumination
01:39.23 Maloeran I challenge these kd-tree people to get good performance in this scene, eheh
01:53.46 *** join/#brlcad dan_falck (
01:53.58 brlcad nice model
01:54.26 brlcad where'd it come from?
01:56.23 Maloeran A friend of mine made it, as I mentionned to Lee. Technically, I'm paying the guy
01:56.51 Maloeran It's much more impressive with texturing and so on
01:57.21 Maloeran
01:59.23 brlcad unlimited rights? willing to share? :)
01:59.28 brlcad would make for a great test model
01:59.52 Maloeran Exactly my idea, it's the perfect model for raytracing benchmarks
01:59.59 brlcad is it a full on poly model only?
02:00.01 Maloeran It will be available for non-commercial use soon
02:00.32 Maloeran "Full on poly model only"? It's made of triangles exclusively, and all volumes are closed to run vulnerability analysis or whatever else you guys do
02:02.25 brlcad yeah, a triangle/poly-only model
02:02.38 Maloeran *nods* Right
02:02.40 brlcad instead of say a patches model of some sort
02:02.54 brlcad solid would have been my next question, cool
02:03.38 Maloeran And it was made from real blueprints, so this should be nice. The author really is impressing me, he's a hobbist
02:03.54 Maloeran Well, besides the pitiful amounts I pay him to tweak his models for my needs
02:04.26 brlcad :)
02:05.37 brlcad is he looking for work? I'd pay for some models myself
02:06.03 Maloeran Oh, he definitely is, he has no contacts to get in the industry
02:06.24 Maloeran Hence why I'm trying to promote his work a bit, because he's getting really good
02:07.44 Maloeran If you are interested, his nickname is mcarp on efnet, otherwise
02:12.52 brlcad hangs out anywhere in particular?
02:13.16 Maloeran On efnet's #asm, among the crazy assembly programmers like myself
02:13.53 brlcad aiight
02:15.07 brlcad well I am definitely interested, there's been a couple models I've wanted for several years
02:16.01 brlcad though I would like to have it constructed of primitives and CSG so I can do comparisons
02:16.33 brlcad either implicits or breps/nurbs, but CSG-driven design to match the original
02:16.43 Maloeran Excellent news. I don't know if he's used to anything else than triangles as final product, but feel free to ask him
02:17.00 Maloeran He certainly is used to nurbs, I wouldn't know about CSG though
02:17.02 brlcad he's a student?
02:17.15 Maloeran He's a ~40 years old tech support guy
02:17.20 brlcad ah, cool
02:18.41 Maloeran Feel free to share how it goes if you chat with him, I have been willing to get some attention on his skills for some time
03:07.23 Maloeran Erik, the autoconf/automake stuff breaks when trying to compile a 32 bits executable on amd64. It appends a ton of -L paths but these are for 64 bits libraries
03:08.38 Maloeran Ah, it forces -L/usr/lib/ instead of letting ld find it by itself
03:17.37 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
06:20.07 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
07:37.01 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
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11:16.29 *** join/#brlcad mcarp (
13:44.21 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
15:36.25 mcarp does anyone have an estimate of how long it took to create the tank in this screen shot:
15:36.26 mcarp
15:37.17 clock_ mcarp: you mean how long it took to develop Stryker ICV? Or how long the guys in factory assemble it together? Or how long it took to make the model? Or how long it renders?
15:37.31 Maloeran Make the model surely
15:37.48 mcarp how long did it take to make the model from primitives in brl-cad
15:38.35 mcarp approx man hours
15:39.28 clock_ mcarp: I'm sure this is a classified information, the information that the information is classified is classified too, and by just thinking about it you are automatically becoming a terrorist and will be dispatched to Syria upon your next visit to an airport :)
15:39.36 Maloeran There's a possibility it might have been provided by the company producing the vehicule. It was also rendered with ADRT which only deals with triangles, so perhaps it wasn't made of BRL-CAD CSG primitives
15:39.52 mcarp cute
15:40.28 Maloeran Are you on the brl-cad team or an user of the software, clock_?
15:40.43 clock_ Maloeran: user
15:41.23 mcarp i fail to understand how keeping the number of man hours to build that model secret has any relevence to anything in reality
15:41.37 Maloeran Right. mcarp : brlcad or ``Erik are likely to know more
15:41.58 clock_ mcarp: the whole idea o classified information doesn
15:42.04 clock_ t have any relevance to reality either
15:42.18 clock_ and also the one with terrorism ;-)
15:42.23 mcarp incorrect. classified information protects us national security sir
15:43.05 clock_ Much more people die on highways than from terrorism...
15:43.16 mcarp point?
15:43.36 clock_ it's just a masquerade
15:43.57 clock_ Basically "we want power, but we have to hook it up on something to make it look plausible"
15:44.25 mcarp that is irrelevent to my question of required man hours for a model of this complexity
15:44.59 clock_ mcarp: I don't know it and I just wanted to push my irrelevant opinion :)
15:58.11 brlcad mcarp: it's a hybrid model, put together in various systems and involves lots of people
15:59.02 brlcad it's a mix of csg and poly, converted to full poly for that particular rendering for adrt
15:59.39 clock_ brlcad: adrt is part of brlcad?
15:59.56 brlcad it's shipped as part of brl-cad, yes
16:00.16 clock_ brlcad: is rt for CSG and adrt for polygons?
16:00.28 brlcad pretty self-contained codebase though, it could just as easily be it's own project (and is/was)
16:01.34 brlcad clock_: pretty much, though it's more like adrt for triangles and rt for anything (csg, poly, brep, etc)
16:01.48 brlcad adrt gets its performance by specializing on processing triangles quickly
16:01.53 clock_ brlcad: is adrt faster or what is the advantage? And what does the ad mean?
16:02.15 brlcad advanced distributed ray tracer
16:02.32 brlcad adrt is faster processing triangles than rt is
16:03.30 brlcad rt supports much more of a variety of geometry, lighting models, run-time options, cross-platform support, etc
16:05.18 mcarp well as far as man hours on that model are we talking about weeks months what
16:06.03 brlcad mcarp: the stryker model is also part of a much larger effort that involves several organizations, engineering teams, analysis teams all with different focus points and is a constantly changing model as new armor is tested, different systems are tried, etc
16:07.02 mcarp im trying to get an idea what kind of workflow time wise the average modelers are getting in this
16:07.32 brlcad as far as man hours, if you were to try to model what's already there and had all the design specifications (which isn't reasonably feasible), we'd be talking several weeks, maybe a couple months
16:07.35 clock_ brlcad: how is it from moral point of view if someone doesn't want to contribute to arms race, but wants to work on GPL project? Is working on BRL-CAD moral or immoral then?
16:07.58 brlcad and that estimate is using BRL-CAD or Unigraphics or Pro/E or Solidworks
16:08.38 brlcad as it is, the model actually involves what's probably more like several man-years of effort as, again, it's a constantly changing model
16:09.00 brlcad and brl-cad only touches one small aspect of it, the vulnerability/lethality analysis side
16:09.03 mcarp are there any non-classified examples of high detail available
16:09.25 brlcad mcarp: not of any of the good models
16:09.30 clock_ brlcad: I did lethality analysis on Ronja, but the resulting lethality is very low :)
16:10.12 mcarp as an independent contractor i have to get a grasp on some method of fee calculation
16:10.19 brlcad i've been trying to get a simplified version of a particular russian vehicle released as open source for several years without success (a very well known model that you could probably go buy on the market if you really wanted)
16:10.29 mcarp which is directly perportional to likely time spent on complex geometry
16:11.26 brlcad mcarp: understood, it's a hard problem to estimate time on an unknown task
16:11.44 mcarp havoc.g for instance crashes brlcad on raytrace so i cant get a good idea of the final results. castle.g will ratrace
16:11.49 mcarp tank-car.g crashes
16:11.58 brlcad clock_: i don't personally see contributing to brl-cad as contributing to an arms race
16:12.13 clock_ brlcad: because anyone can use brl-cad for any purpose, right?
16:12.14 mcarp is there anything about "draw *" that could contribute to a crash of ratrace attempts
16:12.17 brlcad havoc.g crashes? .. that shouldnt' happen
16:12.36 brlcad eek
16:12.36 clock_ brlcad: and if the army pays some money for development, it will become weaker by the money removed, and arms race is actually slowed down :)
16:12.43 brlcad yeah.. "draw *" is .. bad :)
16:13.06 brlcad gets back to all of the expert knowledge that you have to know for basic operation ;)
16:13.16 mcarp sure of course
16:13.27 brlcad * expands to every object at every level of the model hierarchy
16:13.31 mcarp what is the recommended level of drawing to get a view of the final results
16:13.33 clock_ brlcad: we implemented a segfault recovery into Links - maybe you could borrow the code
16:13.33 brlcad which is certainly not what you wanted
16:13.51 mcarp right of course
16:13.53 clock_ brlcad: we use it for the final demonstration as university project - to make sure it doesn't segfault in front of the comission :D
16:13.53 brlcad start with "tops" to get a list of the top level objects, and then "draw some_object"
16:14.15 mcarp isnt there a draw everything thats going to be looked at type command?
16:14.47 clock_ brlcad: then the debugging was like "PerM, you should really do something with your javascript interpreter, my browser got already 7 segfaults..."
16:15.16 brlcad no, brl-cad geometry files often contain multiple models, not just one like you often find in other modeling systems .. there is no "default" object to display in several instances
16:15.39 brlcad we try to only have one in the public test databases, to minimize confusion, but that's not the common practice
16:15.48 brlcad for havoc.g, the primary object is "havoc"
16:16.19 brlcad clock_: what license is links?
16:16.31 *** join/#brlcad danfalck (
16:16.47 Maloeran Ah, I wish I had access to reasonably complex models myself ;), though I'm really fond of mcarp's superb frigate
16:17.22 Maloeran I finally have a model with which I can work on collection of multiple intersection points per ray, segment construction for traversal of materials
16:17.55 brlcad clock_: i also don't get the "it will become weaker by the money removed", you mean the army? that's hardly the case
16:18.21 mcarp is there a method of discovery for what is the primary object
16:18.22 brlcad governments are not corporations, don't act like them and certainly don't involve finances like them
16:18.32 brlcad mcarp: yes, tops
16:19.02 mcarp ah, sorry i misunderstood that
16:19.02 mcarp ty
16:19.02 clock_ brlcad: GPL
16:19.02 brlcad it's a hierarchy (a directed acyclic graph), so there are only a few trees
16:19.14 brlcad clock_: ah, then no use to me :)
16:19.24 clock_ brlcad: why? BRL-CAD is BSD?
16:19.31 brlcad need to remain lgpl/bsd clean
16:19.43 clock_ brlcad: we could give you an exception
16:19.56 brlcad brl-cad is a mix, different portions under different licenses
16:20.04 clock_ brlcad: we already made exception for OpenSSL
16:20.43 brlcad all of the GPL code is going to be converted to LGPL here shortly due to an issue with integrating the GPL portions
16:21.12 clock_ GPL that's like a woman - issues, issues, issues...
16:21.30 mcarp thats certainly a much improved display (havoc) as compared to castle.g or truck.g
16:21.53 mcarp that being the only way to see the geometry final results is a big hit to workflow tho
16:22.07 brlcad havoc is a fairly small model, but probably the most complex CSG example openly available
16:22.35 brlcad rt -F/dev/ogll (assuming you're on Windows) will render into a window
16:22.36 clock_ mcarp: if you want some example small models,
16:22.43 mcarp i'm only seeing orthagonal view modes are there not full perspective views?
16:23.19 clock_ mcarp: if you subject me to hypnosis I'll be maybe even recall how much manhours it was
16:23.49 brlcad mcarp: hit "3", is that what you mean? otherwise, go to Misc->Perspective for a default high-degree perspective
16:24.01 mcarp do you guys make bolts with threads or are all bolts non-threaded?
16:24.04 brlcad using the shift-grips key bindings, you can spin/pan/zoom the view
16:24.13 brlcad mcarp: depends entirely on the model
16:25.37 mcarp yes ive had no problems using shift grips
16:25.59 mcarp '3' appears to show an orthagonal view with no diminishing point
16:26.02 brlcad for a vulnerability/lethality analysis, threads are generally not of interest on bolts
16:26.21 brlcad mcarp: okay, just making sure you really meant perspective ;)
16:26.31 mcarp yes i REALLY meant perspective
16:26.35 brlcad you're looking for misc->perspective :)
16:27.04 mcarp ah, better
16:27.15 mcarp is this display ogl accellerated?
16:27.20 clock_ mcarp: I do without threads because I don't know how to do with threads
16:28.12 brlcad mcarp: depends which platform -- in general it usually is compiled with opengl support, though it's not really going to "accellerate" a wireframe view
16:28.42 brlcad mged supports various "display managers", one of them is an opengl view
16:29.19 mcarp i dont currently have available a bsd or linux system with useful graphics capability so i'm stuck in windows
16:29.36 mcarp not that 'stuck in windows' is bad for me
16:29.39 brlcad the windows binary should be opengl
16:29.57 brlcad that doesn't get you shaded views, but that's an entirely different/long discussion
16:30.43 brlcad implicit geometry vs explicit, design history, ..
16:31.09 mcarp flat shaded in viewport would be a big problem?
16:33.21 brlcad as mged is currently architected, it's a non-trivial problem
16:33.53 mcarp its not non-trivial for visualization of what you're building
16:34.04 brlcad brl-cad on the whole doesn't really care, but the geometry is fundamentally stored in implicit form which doesn't get you triangles to feed opengl
16:34.42 mcarp so the primitives arent drawable per se in ogl?
16:35.16 brlcad opengl *only* deals with triangles, so what ever you have, you have to convert to triangles to display via opengl
16:35.34 brlcad depending on your base model geometry types, that involves different sorts of conversions
16:36.12 brlcad they can be converted, all of them, and we do for some purposes (e.g. adrt is a triangle-only ray-tracer)
16:37.03 mcarp has anyone there done any boat hulls?
16:37.20 brlcad guys at the navy
16:37.36 mcarp nurbs?
16:38.22 brlcad there's no direct nurbs edit support in mged, only rendering support where the models come in through conversion or through programmatic creation
16:38.58 mcarp how about suspension springs
16:39.05 mcarp single helix
16:39.10 brlcad oh sure, lots of those
16:39.38 mcarp i havent gone deep enough into the tutorials to have a clue how you'd go about doing that with primitives
16:40.00 brlcad those can be rather easily constructed using torus sections or using the pipe primitive (which is basically a path-swept sphere with constraints)
16:40.00 mcarp which is why i asked about the bolt threads b4
16:40.51 mcarp ok, so there are some specialized deformative type parameters then
16:41.13 brlcad csg construction methods don't "come naturally" if you're coming from different design philosophies
16:41.47 brlcad it's a different way at looking at modeling problems
16:41.51 mcarp well i think its not the csg issues that im in the dark about its the brl-cad issues that im really in the dark on
16:42.02 brlcad some things lend themselves very nicely to CSG, others not so nicely depending on the primitive set
16:42.14 mcarp sure its all about the primitive set
16:42.28 mcarp just as with any system its all about what parameters can be applied
16:45.43 brlcad yep
16:46.11 brlcad some things with the brep method become complex, there certainly is a tradeoff in the techniques
16:46.33 brlcad which would be why most systems have become rather highly hybrid (the CAD systems that is, MAX doesn't count) ;)
16:47.37 brlcad solid modeling in general has a variety of topological constraints that aren't easily verifiable in non-CAD systems
16:50.54 mcarp yeah thats completely obvious when you start talking about things like pullies and ropes reguarding overlap
17:08.59 mcarp /dev/ogll could be much more efficient if it draws only invalidated regions rather than the entire window
17:09.35 mcarp but i am able to ratrayce all the scenes i crashed originally with draw *
17:10.24 Maloeran Anything better looking than the donut-wheeled truck? :)
17:10.38 mcarp yeah havoc looks very nice
17:10.48 mcarp tank_car is reasonable as well
17:10.55 Maloeran *nods* Good
17:11.01 mcarp i havent explored all the examples yet tho
17:11.54 mcarp donut tires tho...*shakes head*....i wouldnt show those, not good for recruiting business
17:13.10 Maloeran Ah! Donuts, is there anything they can't do?
17:13.56 brlcad mcarp: none of the example models are intended for recruiting business .. can't generally provide the models that would be good for recruiting business
17:14.10 brlcad they're mostly intended as test models for development
17:14.18 brlcad made by non-modelers often too
17:14.59 brlcad havoc is perhaps the only exception, and maybe the barbie jeep toy
17:15.28 mcarp which database is that?
17:15.53 brlcad the latter is a good example of what was possible after the introductory training and a couple hours modeling
17:16.12 brlcad it's toyjeep.g
17:16.25 brlcad probably not in your version, you'd have to pull it from cvs
17:16.31 mcarp yeah its not here
17:17.05 brlcad a *really* nice one that I like is the motorolla walkie-talkie that was used in the advanced modeling tutorial
17:19.58 brlcad but i've not put that into cvs yet, but it's a nice modeler by one of the best modelers; it's got a lot of meta resources, textures, extrusions, and even a few articulations iirc
17:20.21 mcarp okeydoke
17:22.50 brlcad and instead of the "couple hours" investment in the toyjeep, it's got a couple weeks of care and detail put into it
17:23.15 mcarp got a screen shot?
17:23.23 brlcad mcarp: you can get toyjeep from here:
17:23.35 brlcad download the .asc and run asc2g to convert it
17:24.12 mcarp k
17:25.23 brlcad there are a couple screenshots in
17:25.35 brlcad though none of the talkie as a full model
17:25.46 mcarp yeah im actually flipping through that document at the moment but havent gotten to it
17:25.47 mcarp yet
17:26.06 brlcad it just covers a piece of the antenna and the circuit board
17:34.58 mcarp odd, raytrace lingering window exits when i try to raytrace that
17:35.17 mcarp tops
17:35.18 mcarp all/
17:35.20 mcarp draw all
17:36.21 mcarp at least it didnt crash mged :P
17:52.35 mcarp i can raytrace individual objects but there is something under all/ that cant be drawn
17:54.00 mcarp or rather, cant be raytraced
17:55.42 brlcad hmm
17:56.13 mcarp lot of stuff under there i'd hate to have to figure out what object(s) shouldnt be drawn
17:56.17 mcarp the only thing in tops is all/
17:57.38 mcarp ah
17:57.39 brlcad it ray-traces just fine here, there may be some issue with the windows version, or asc2g on windows
17:57.48 mcarp um, error! fabs(y)=0
17:58.19 mcarp bn_mat_inv: error! fabs(y)=0
17:58.55 brlcad yeah, something wrong with the model
17:59.19 brlcad see if this .g works:
17:59.40 mcarp a sec
18:00.20 mcarp exact same behavior
18:00.36 mcarp bn_mat_inv: error! fabs(y)=0
18:00.37 mcarp MATRIX singular matrix:
18:00.37 mcarp <PROTECTED>
18:00.37 mcarp <PROTECTED>
18:00.37 mcarp <PROTECTED>
18:00.39 mcarp bn_mat_inv: singular matrix
18:00.58 mcarp quick fix suggestions?
18:01.27 brlcad short of recompiling with the latest, not really
18:01.37 mcarp k, not a problem i can live without seeing it
18:01.44 brlcad that will require a debugging session
18:01.46 mcarp shame tho
18:01.53 brlcad good to know, but quite unexpected
18:02.05 mcarp hey, if it can be broken i can break it
18:02.08 brlcad the windows release hasn't been around for very long, that is the very first release
18:03.15 mcarp i had a machine that could be available for bsd or linux but that hdd was ancient and has gone *poof*
18:03.37 mcarp well ancient for maxtor *shrug*
18:04.34 mcarp not to mention i'd hate to give up my dual display
18:05.10 mcarp max + photoshop you need every available square inch of real estate you can get
18:06.24 mcarp i dunno how ppl without dual displays live without them when editing uvw maps in max
18:06.31 mcarp ok i do know cuz i used to
18:07.26 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
18:30.09 mcarp drawing bl_main_power_line.r or bl_bl.s2 causes the raytracer to exit
18:30.20 mcarp all other objects drawn, successful raytrace
18:31.12 mcarp bbiaf
18:43.26 ``Erik *yawn*
18:55.08 Maloeran Eheh. Erik, mcarp is the cathedral & galleon modeller
18:55.57 Maloeran Galleon which is quite a test for any raytracer acceleration structure
18:56.44 mcarp back
18:58.31 ``Erik cool, hi
18:58.52 mcarp hi
18:59.24 ``Erik <-- is Erik, not a modeller
18:59.46 mcarp okeydoke
18:59.53 Maloeran Erik, how am I supposed to compile 32 bits executables on amd64 with your autoconf/automake stuff? It tries to link against /usr/lib/ which is 64 bits
19:00.05 Maloeran Rather than letting ld find the proper library itself
19:00.13 ``Erik I'm a model :D *pose*
19:00.23 brlcad mcarp: thanks for the details, it's scheduled to get looked into
19:00.24 ``Erik mal: that'd be an issue with sdl-config itself... :/
19:00.32 mcarp yw
19:01.20 Maloeran No hint of solution then? Besides quickly putting together a working Makefile or even a bash script
19:01.58 ``Erik um, I'm sure there is one...
19:02.29 Maloeran If I just use -lSDL, ld will find the proper library by itself
19:02.39 ``Erik ermmmmmmm
19:02.50 Maloeran But the automake stuff tries to force a particular version by -L
19:02.51 ``Erik you link with @SDL_LIBS@ ?
19:03.18 ``Erik um, I'm kinda wondering if that's libtool doing it, not automake...
19:03.18 Maloeran Yes
19:03.50 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: rendering toyjeep.g on Windows causes a crash on 'all', as well as bl_main_power_line.r or bl_bl.s2. bn_mat_inv() singular matrix error. bug found and reported by mcarp, thanks
19:04.11 ``Erik try to echo ${SDL_LIBS} in or better yet, read what was printed on the screen to link, heh, should be two very very long lines, one that calls libtool with flags, the next being what libtool tries to execute
19:04.38 brlcad ah, sdl-config doesn't know/care about 64bit iirc
19:05.19 Maloeran gcc -std=gnu99 -I./RT -I/usr/include/SDL -D_REENTRANT -m32 -o .libs/rftest main.o env.o crudemesh.o rtirender.o rtirenderflat.o -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/usr/lib -L/usr/lib /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/3.4.5/ -L/usr/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin -L/usr/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/lib -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/3.4.5 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/3.4.5/../../../../x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/lib/../lib -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/3.
19:05.23 Maloeran <PROTECTED>
19:05.27 mcarp CIA-9: yessir
19:06.20 Maloeran CIA-9 is a bot, but I'm sure he appreciates the acknowledgement of its existence :)
19:06.25 ``Erik the line before it is what you care about, mal
19:06.29 mcarp ah :/
19:06.39 Maloeran mkdir .libs
19:06.46 Maloeran <PROTECTED>
19:06.46 mcarp you might amend that to 'raytrace exit' doesnt crash brl-cad
19:06.49 ``Erik should be like ../../libtool --mode=compile
19:07.06 ``Erik ok, so it's libtool screwing the pooch
19:07.12 ``Erik not automake or autoconf, hrm
19:08.44 ``Erik damn my ribs hurt :/
19:09.14 Maloeran Too much boat rowing with Sean?
19:09.20 brlcad heh
19:10.08 brlcad you could add an --enable-64bit option of some sort and when enabled/detected do something like `sdl-config --libs | sed 's/lib/lib64/g'`
19:10.38 Maloeran Compiling 64 bits is quite fine, it doesn't manage to build on 32 bits
19:10.46 Maloeran Unless I compile on another box anyway
19:11.03 Maloeran I maintain that we probably would have less problems with one Makefile per platform, it's simple and it works, but.. *sigh*
19:11.06 brlcad what does sdl-config --libs output?
19:11.24 Maloeran -L/usr/lib -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib -lSDL -lpthread
19:11.41 Maloeran It should be /usr/lib32/ for 32 bits libraries
19:12.28 brlcad ah, well similar 'trick' should do the trick
19:12.59 brlcad ``Erik: cad crash?
19:13.17 ``Erik huh?
19:13.23 Maloeran Pricy BWM crash?
19:13.27 ``Erik yeah :(
19:13.50 brlcad just lost connectivity
19:13.56 ``Erik (my camera sucks, I need a new one)
19:14.17 brlcad system, not the software
19:14.44 Maloeran Ahh!
19:14.47 Maloeran What happened?
19:15.05 ``Erik caught some grass, slid, hit a tree, rolled
19:15.20 Maloeran This is horrible.
19:15.26 ``Erik no shit?
19:15.46 brlcad eek
19:16.12 Maloeran I really wasn't aware of that. I hope you aren't too damaged?...
19:16.45 ``Erik um, some bruises, stretched ligamints in my rib cage, banged up my elbow, and a minor concussion
19:16.56 brlcad that sucks
19:17.07 ``Erik yeah, need another car :/
19:17.07 brlcad when was that?
19:17.10 Maloeran Ouch, ouch..
19:17.13 ``Erik saturday afternoon
19:17.18 brlcad damn
19:17.47 Maloeran Were you speeding at the time?
19:18.41 ``Erik didn't think I was, but the cops seem to think I was a tiny bit over the limit
19:19.13 Maloeran Could that be a problem for the car insurance?
19:19.32 ``Erik so far, no? *shrug* I'm crossing my fingers and hoping I'll have a check on friday
19:20.42 Maloeran I'm really sorry to hear this...
19:21.08 Maloeran At least you came out of it mostly intact, it seems
19:23.11 Maloeran Did you lose consciousness or just felt dizzy?..
19:23.20 ``Erik neither
19:23.35 ``Erik rolled it, got out through the sunroof and was walking around
19:23.59 Maloeran Ah, so it was quite minor, right
19:24.46 Maloeran ( the concussion that is )
19:37.12 dtidrow_work banged your head good, in other words?
19:37.14 Maloeran Were air bags helpful? I have often wondered how effective these cushions were
19:37.14 dtidrow_work well, I suspect they don't do much in a rollover
19:37.15 Maloeran They could prevent strain on the upper back, as the torso and head are being thrown around
19:39.55 ``Erik I d'no, I hit a tree and rolled it and came out pretty decent, so I guess between the seat belt and airbag that deployed *shrug*
19:40.32 Maloeran Yes, it really could have been worse
19:42.43 Maloeran I wish you a good recovery, please take care of yourself Erik
19:43.22 ``Erik heh, I'm trying to not get dead :) I think I came out better than you did with your bike accident
19:43.29 ``Erik those bikes are horrible death traps ;) *duck*
19:44.34 Maloeran :) Yes that's probably true, bicycles only get dangerous when there are motorized vehicules around
19:44.57 ``Erik I d'no, I've heard about people taking tumbles on trails and stuff
19:45.24 mcarp plus those derned helmets can muss yer hair
19:45.45 ``Erik meh, programmers hair is always mussed up
19:46.15 mcarp well sure but...thats beside the point of the inconvenience
19:46.31 Maloeran I suppose so. I once rammed fairly hard in a tree to avoid a child on roller blade who fell just in front of me, but that car door sure was worse
19:46.44 mcarp s/programmers/all computer nerds/
19:47.19 ``Erik damn nonprogrammer computer nerds, trying to get into the programmer geek clique... :D
19:47.45 mcarp <---15 years x86 assembly booya
19:47.59 brlcad heh
19:47.59 ``Erik um, ok, so you're a masochist, too
19:48.00 ``Erik :)
19:48.06 mcarp correct
19:48.33 mcarp add to that win32 usage :~
19:49.08 ``Erik I had an x86 15 yrs ago, but still used my commodores heavily
19:49.13 mcarp better watch it, is that a mactel?
19:49.17 ``Erik no
19:49.20 mcarp lol
19:49.29 ``Erik on a dual g5 right now, have a g4 powerbook and g3 ibook at home
19:49.51 mcarp to each his own
19:50.07 ``Erik but I tend to do crunch work on freebsd boxes with many opteron chips pushing
19:50.38 mcarp hey, they're all computers i can live with it
19:50.51 Maloeran The g4 powerbook was somewhat poor, half the ray-tracing crunch of a Sempron 1.8ghz laptop
19:51.14 mcarp bummer
19:51.27 ``Erik if you blow the pipeline and stall left and right, yeah... *cough* *cough*
19:51.29 mcarp im using a sempron 2200 on a 1.5Ghz mb
19:51.48 Maloeran Laptop or desktop?
19:51.53 mcarp desk
19:51.56 mcarp (asus)
19:52.05 Maloeran Mmhm. Let's get you an upgrade soon :)
19:52.35 mcarp doubt it will matter much considering the non-graphicly intense requirements of brl-cad
19:52.36 ``Erik heh, pheer my 850mhz tbirt at home :)
19:52.51 ``Erik erm, mged and 'rt' are pretty graphically intense
19:52.56 dtidrow_work heh
19:53.26 mcarp maybe when you get into 100s of 1000s of objects
19:53.37 ``Erik small geometries hehehe
19:53.46 mcarp im doing ok on 2million faces in max
19:54.01 mcarp lags until cached, but otherwise not bad
19:56.20 Maloeran Your galleon takes 200mb of RAM to ray-trace too, somewhat heavy
19:57.04 mcarp its a good thing the capt of the roter lowe is not alive to hear you call his frigate a gallean or *slash slash*
19:57.47 Maloeran :) Right right, frigate
19:57.48 mcarp now of course spanish galleons were about that size
19:59.14 mcarp Maloeran: build me a perspective viewport flat shader
19:59.26 ``Erik pheer
19:59.49 mcarp aye
20:00.17 mcarp the site i got my drawings from misspelled roter-lowe to 'rotter-lowe'
20:00.37 mcarp i was unable to google for images until i had nearly completed the model in its entirity :/
20:00.38 ``Erik
20:00.44 mcarp this was...a slight inconvenience
20:01.19 mcarp yeah that last image was the one i used for flag reference
20:01.43 Maloeran Quite cice. I still prefer a 3d model to a wood model
20:01.47 Maloeran nice, even
20:01.58 mcarp wood are quite satisfying to build tho
20:02.35 mcarp it should be completely obvious that i made up my own (non-period) color scheme since i didnt have any images
20:03.13 mcarp however i would have done a few things differently had i had access to google images at the time
20:03.30 mcarp and i totally ignore that in the drawins 'roter-lowe' was spelled correctly :?
20:03.32 mcarp :/
20:04.16 mcarp note the tripple block/tackle loading on the fore and main stays
20:04.20 mcarp mine are singles :/
20:05.31 Maloeran Oh... Well, still something that could easily be fixed if you desire so. It's a great model in any case
20:05.44 mcarp perhaps
20:06.20 mcarp i also found another interesting fact (language gap) roter lowe == "red lion"
20:07.13 Maloeran That explains the lion figure
20:07.16 mcarp so you see, history of a particular subject is good to have
20:07.22 mcarp indeed and that it is red
20:07.49 mcarp all i had were black and white fuzzy line drawings
20:09.00 Maloeran Don't worry about that :), it can be interesting to fill the missing pieces as you see them
20:09.18 mcarp i almost wonder if the web site owner misspelled rotter-lowe to keep us from finding additional info :P
20:09.52 mcarp well as you know it began as a personal fulfilment project so yeah, it doesnt matter that mauch
20:09.54 mcarp much
20:10.33 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
20:10.34 mcarp at least one thing is for sure, bitmaps are easy to switch out heh
20:12.18 Maloeran Eheh yes. I might try swapping a few textures once I get to worry about eye-candy
20:12.33 mcarp Maloeran: build me a perspective viewport flat shader
20:12.50 Maloeran In BRL-CAD?
20:13.02 mcarp begin spam repeat 2,000,000
20:13.13 mcarp of course
20:13.36 Maloeran It's a bit early for that, I'm supposed to integrate my stuff in there in January or so
20:13.53 Maloeran Until then, I can post crude screenshots :p
20:14.20 mcarp that wont do me anygood building csg :P
20:16.48 mcarp whew, you need some normal smoothing
20:18.17 mcarp hey, havent you downloaded the release version yet?
20:19.01 Maloeran I did, not converted it yet. It's a bit low priority, I'm supposed to code and document a bunch of code for last friday
20:19.52 mcarp ah
20:38.07 ``Erik screw smoothed normals, just add more triangles, once they hit the subpixel range, it's all good
20:38.07 Maloeran Nah. Screw triangles, use curved facets
20:38.07 ``Erik heh
20:38.07 Maloeran Triangles are just a special case of curved facets
20:38.07 ``Erik and curved facets are a special case of b-splines, yadda yadda
20:38.08 ``Erik somethin' about hyperdimensional manifolds, blah
20:38.08 ``Erik which, of course, are all just a coarse approximation of a particle render
20:38.10 mcarp and hey, we're all just collections of harmonic bumps in the quantum strata
20:38.11 ``Erik "Today, a young man on acid realised that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we're the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather."
20:38.11 ``Erik -billhicks
20:38.12 mcarp gasp
20:38.13 mcarp i suggested to my brother a few weeks ago that after his "death" his particular electro-chemical brain pattern might become manifest in some distant part of the universe
20:38.14 mcarp there was no reply
20:38.14 Maloeran Neat, I think that's a more likely occurance than the existence of some god-guided after-life
20:38.14 mcarp indeed mal
20:38.14 mcarp altho for those who feel they need to believe in such things, i suppose its a matter of syntax
20:39.31 mcarp bbl
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23:59.38 brlcad gah, damn opengl

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