irclog2html for #brlcad on 20061003

02:41.47 *** join/#brlcad LibertyTrooper (
02:41.58 LibertyTrooper Hello
02:42.03 LibertyTrooper Anyone home?
02:44.08 Twingy Jeep Liberty, Isuzu Trooper?
02:44.27 LibertyTrooper Libertarian in a Honda
02:45.09 LibertyTrooper Actually, I have a password program that I also use to generate forum nick's.
02:45.16 LibertyTrooper And this is what it came up with.
02:46.00 LibertyTrooper Are you familiar with running BRLCad on OSX?
02:57.39 brlcad several are
02:57.53 brlcad best to just ask your real question :)
02:59.09 LibertyTrooper Well... I cannot get mged to run at all.
03:00.31 brlcad if you run /usr/brlcad/bin/mged in xterm, what does it do?
03:00.45 LibertyTrooper it gives me an error. One moment.
03:00.56 brlcad ~pastebin
03:00.57 ibot pastebin is probably a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try (BROKEN AND SUCKING NUTS), or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for the lisp/scheme nuts, or
03:04.07 LibertyTrooper One moment while I figure out why X won't start now.
03:11.44 LibertyTrooper
03:12.26 brlcad ack
03:12.29 brlcad opengl error
03:12.34 brlcad what's your video card there?
03:12.49 brlcad and what depth is your display set to?
03:12.58 LibertyTrooper Whatever comes in a Macbook Pro ... :)
03:13.10 brlcad hmmm..
03:13.16 brlcad did you compile yourself?
03:13.20 brlcad or using the binary
03:13.32 LibertyTrooper I'm using the binary.
03:14.23 brlcad that's somewhat odd then..
03:14.24 LibertyTrooper I suppose I could try to compile it myself. But its been years since I compiled anything under X much less any flavor of Unix.
03:14.58 LibertyTrooper I've got the Apple X11 installation straight from the CD ( I just installed it again to make sure everything was vanilla)
03:15.18 brlcad compiling under the macbook pro's hasn't been fully tested yet frankly as I've been putting more effort into decoupling from X11 instead
03:15.27 LibertyTrooper Its a Radeon X1600 with 256/VRAM
03:15.51 LibertyTrooper (video)
03:16.01 brlcad it could be some rosetta/x11 issue
03:16.16 brlcad it's not a universal binary there
03:16.42 brlcad does mged -c work?
03:17.12 brlcad that kicks off classic console mode
03:17.55 LibertyTrooper seems to start a console. Asks me to attach nullXlog?
03:18.37 brlcad nu
03:18.40 LibertyTrooper Sorry. I suppose that BRLCad is something that is way beyond my meager skills. I simply wanted to take a look at it because we do a lot with Motion control etc.
03:19.06 brlcad ooh, here's a thread on the apple mailing list -- some issue with the x11 intel binary
03:19.09 LibertyTrooper Its got an mged prompt
03:19.40 brlcad that's good to know -- correlates with the mailing list info I just found -- go ahead and quit and try this:
03:19.44 brlcad export LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1
03:19.47 brlcad then try again
03:19.51 brlcad (without -c)
03:20.03 dtidrow always inderect?
03:20.17 dtidrow indirect, rather
03:20.37 LibertyTrooper Got what seems to be the editor :)
03:20.54 Maloeran Indirect opengl rendering, if there's no real hardware implementation available..
03:21.30 brlcad yeah, it's bypassing the x11 opengl context, there seems to be a bug or endian issue at least in the x11 client
03:21.46 brlcad (according to this mini-thread I just stumbled across)
03:21.54 dtidrow yuck
03:22.09 brlcad means nothing to mged, doesn't need/benefit
03:22.29 dtidrow probably, but sucks for other things
03:22.40 LibertyTrooper Ok. Now I can being to figure this out. Thanks *very* much.
03:22.46 LibertyTrooper I can begin
03:22.49 brlcad LibertyTrooper: glad it worked, good to know
03:23.04 brlcad LibertyTrooper: the tutorial series on the website is generally the place to start
03:23.07 brlcad and the other docs there
03:23.12 dtidrow you guys see the latest in SCOvWorld saga?
03:23.15 brlcad
03:23.19 LibertyTrooper I've downloaded them all.
03:23.49 brlcad LibertyTrooper: ah, best of luck then -- feel free to report any problems or make feature requests that come to mind
03:23.56 brlcad dtidrow: nope
03:24.02 LibertyTrooper SCO... are they still around?
03:24.09 dtidrow barely
03:24.41 dtidrow and if IBM & Novell get their way, SCO will be in Chap7 by the end of the year
03:25.40 dtidrow Novell wants their 95% cut of the extra licenses that SCO sold to Sun and M$
03:25.57 brlcad heh
03:26.08 LibertyTrooper Ok. Funny.. I used to work with SCO systems 90-92... Was "adequate" system and company then. Very good support; relatively speaking.
03:26.13 dtidrow which is about $25M - SCO is only worth $40M
03:27.01 dtidrow this is NewSCO - used to be (and soon will be again) Caldera
03:27.03 dtidrow ;-)
03:27.23 LibertyTrooper <PROTECTED>
03:27.33 dtidrow heh
03:27.37 LibertyTrooper but = buy
03:27.44 LibertyTrooper I cannot type today it seems.
03:27.45 dtidrow or get in on an IPO
03:28.49 brlcad and to this a lot of this started over sco's left hand not knowing what their right hand did years before, releasing some of their own abi and code as open source
03:29.29 brlcad later finding that code in the linux kernel and thinking oh noes! dey stole frum us!
03:29.30 dtidrow I've still got some VA Software stock from their IPO - was able to get 100 shares at $30, sold 20 at $210, another 20 at $104, kept the rest
03:30.26 LibertyTrooper I remember years ago, when I was in the Army, that SCO seemed to be everywhere :)
03:30.59 dtidrow brlcad: it was more like "We need some money fast - let's extort IBM!"
03:31.41 dtidrow they are now caught between an irrestible force and an immovable object
03:31.43 LibertyTrooper Bah... Whomever the CEO is, cannot hope for another job after this mess :)
03:32.11 brlcad dtidrow: well, that too -- i think it sort of snowballed and got out of control
03:32.15 dtidrow LibertyTrooper: we expect him to do a perp walk in a year or so
03:32.21 Maloeran SCO hasn't met a horrible and painful death yet?
03:32.27 LibertyTrooper Yeah, dead in the water certainly is immovable (Novell)
03:32.39 dtidrow Maloeran: check groklaw - the fat lady is warming up :-)
03:36.14 LibertyTrooper Its a concert that I don't care about because the music has already been played out.
03:40.18 dtidrow heh
03:40.37 dtidrow c'mon, the blood is starting to flow :-)
03:41.30 LibertyTrooper I've enough going on trying to get used to using my Mac :)
03:41.50 LibertyTrooper Though, what I've learned has convinced me that this is going to be my platform for a long time.
03:42.15 LibertyTrooper Especially now that there is decent virtualization with Parallel
03:45.58 LibertyTrooper Man, its a beautiful night here in Las Vegas... Temperature and humidity are perfect here on the patio.
03:46.20 LibertyTrooper Where is everyone else?
03:49.54 Maloeran Montreal, it's getting cool up here
03:50.33 Maloeran Las Vegas wasn't especially warm in the evening when I passed by 3 weeks ago
03:50.53 brlcad a little north of baltimore, also a great night
03:51.21 LibertyTrooper Well, I was in Texas 3 weeks ago so I didn't know what it was like here :)
03:51.28 dtidrow it's been downright brisk recently, for this time of year
03:52.29 LibertyTrooper Texas was nice too though. I was at Matagorda bay. The only bad thing was the mosquito's (sp?)
03:53.00 brlcad ~spell mosquito
03:53.53 LibertyTrooper My wife seems to be especially tasty to them as well as extremely allergic. She looked like I did the first time I went paintballing with my friends.
03:53.58 LibertyTrooper Only worse.
03:54.04 brlcad heh
03:54.27 dtidrow ouch
03:54.55 dtidrow yeah, I'm like that too - they seem to find my blood especially tasty
03:56.07 LibertyTrooper I think its probably too much potassium. I heard tell that they were attracted more to people with high potassium levels.
03:57.03 LibertyTrooper But perhaps the advice not to eat a banana before venturing outside in hot humid areas is an "old wives tale"
03:57.55 LibertyTrooper I appreciate the help. I've got just enough going my way now to be very annoying with my questions about BRLCad :)
04:02.14 LibertyTrooper Oh, btw, anyone have an opinion of sketchup?
04:05.26 brlcad it's a rather nice modeling-for-the-masses tool with some decent ideas
04:06.14 LibertyTrooper I found some of its tools and related concepts to be very easy. Others were not quite so intuitive though.
04:06.14 brlcad not a solid modeler in the least, or well suited to any sort of CAd or engineering really, but it serves their purpose quite nicely
04:07.15 LibertyTrooper BRLCad is suited to machine simulations, yes?
04:08.56 brlcad what do you mean by machine simulations?
04:09.06 LibertyTrooper My unfamiliarity with the technical terms for exactly what I'm trying to ask probably leads to some confusion. In other words, one can design a simple gear and then us BRLCad to simulate its action in the real world. Would this statement be accurate or inaccurate?
04:09.59 brlcad hm accurate yes, though the answer is a bit of a convoluted "sorta" yes and no
04:10.11 LibertyTrooper LOL :)
04:10.42 brlcad there are currently no parametrics or contraints that you'd normally want to perform a realistic geometric simulation *automatically*
04:11.44 brlcad there are, however, all of the facilities to represent that gear correctly to a given physical representation, validate that representation, and apply modifications according to some simulation (rotate the gear, ensure there are no overlaps, etc)
04:12.12 LibertyTrooper Ok. Thats somewhat of the answer for which I was looking.
04:13.13 LibertyTrooper Thanks again. I'm going to refrain from any more questions tonight. Goodnight all :)
04:13.23 brlcad g'night!
04:14.04 *** part/#brlcad LibertyTrooper (
11:49.09 ``Erik ehhhh
11:50.08 ValveQ hello Erik
11:52.18 ``Erik 'sup?
11:53.20 ValveQ coding some simple CAM function
11:53.41 ValveQ for iso g-code generation
11:53.58 ValveQ (very brlcad unrelated)
11:54.12 ``Erik heh, didja look at "gcam"?
11:55.03 ValveQ no
11:55.50 ``Erik
11:56.08 ValveQ i can't find anything there
11:56.21 ``Erik well, it's not released yet, heh, but supposedly will be soon
11:57.03 ValveQ ok...
11:57.07 ``Erik :D
11:58.04 ValveQ i was thinking of implementing something thinner in Haskell
11:59.19 ``Erik heh, haskell is fun, I played with it some back in, um, '00 ?
11:59.39 ``Erik a lot of scheme back then, too... the scheme stuck, however
12:01.27 ValveQ Haskell is pretty usefull as well
12:02.17 ValveQ at least when you learn to use the more advanced stuff anyway (monads,arrows) :)
12:33.47 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (
16:07.51 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak|RDP (
17:01.59 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
17:49.14 brlcad hmm
17:50.26 brlcad ~nslookup
17:51.57 brlcad ~nslookup
17:53.19 brlcad that server times out on dns queries
17:56.26 archivist hmm worked earlier
17:59.04 archivist self hosting like me probably?
18:03.13 ``Erik heh

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