irclog2html for #brlcad on 20061009

00:34.50 ``Erik most shells use the environment variable PS1 to set the prompt
00:44.30 PrezKennedy yup figured it out
01:13.48 Twingy is live
03:55.38 *** join/#brlcad s0| (n=s0|
03:55.45 s0| how the heck do I run this thing?
03:56.20 s0| I have downloaded the gz2 file.
03:56.24 s0| I have tarballed it.
03:56.30 s0| I have added something to my path
03:56.50 s0| I would like to know HOW THE *** I am supposed to run this thing
04:04.55 *** join/#brlcad tonsofpcs (
04:05.00 tonsofpcs hi
04:05.30 *** part/#brlcad tonsofpcs (
17:06.02 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
17:24.04 Maloeran Around, Erik? I got some draft of very short technical paper on the raytracer as first piece of documentation. It goes right to the point without any pointless babbling though, so I guess it isn't a proper "paper" by the standards out there
17:25.12 Maloeran or brlcad, if you are interested

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