irclog2html for #brlcad on 20061016

00:01.41 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:15.13 Maloeran Big rayforce commit, Erik, feel free to inform me if I broke anything... Performance should be more acceptable ( SSE and other goodies, still no quad volume tracing, etc. )
00:17.29 Maloeran Would it be possible for autoconf to put -msse -msse -m3dnow -m3dnowext -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math in CFLAGS by itself?
00:18.01 Maloeran And it detects a missing log2() function systematically since it checks without -std=c99
01:23.18 brlcad Maloeran: it is possible to add those flags, easiest is to probably just set CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -msse -msse -m3dnow -m3dnowext -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math" somewhere in the file somewhere after AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE
01:24.41 brlcad ideally, you'd save your cflags (PRECFLAGS="$CFLAGS"), set a new cflags (CFLAGS="$CFLAGS ..."), and then try a compilation test to make sure they actually work and if not restoring the saved cflags (CFLAGS="$PRECFLAGS") as those options are certainly not universal
01:25.41 Maloeran I see, thanks. Though, the flags should only be present if presently supported
01:28.01 Maloeran The compiled test will have to be executed, running SSE instructions... and wait for a SIGILL. I have much to read about autoconf, unless Erik wants to commit that
01:28.35 brlcad that's pretty easy to add, plenty such examples in brl-cad's .ac
01:28.53 brlcad look for AC_TRY_RUN
01:29.09 brlcad or AC_TRY_LINK if you just want to test compilation and not runnability
01:29.23 Maloeran Oh? I see, nice
01:30.26 brlcad AC_TRY_RUN([ source here ], [what to do if succeeded], [what to do if failed])
01:31.18 brlcad usually set a variable for the if succeeded/failed part and then handle the result outside the AC_TRY_RUN
01:34.13 Maloeran *nod* I'll experiment with that, thanks
14:07.36 *** join/#brlcad danfalck (
14:26.36 Maloeran Erik, another quick note if you happen to try it out : delete any old cache file lying around, or you won't get proper performance
17:05.46 *** join/#brlcad Amir (
17:06.08 *** part/#brlcad Amir (
18:49.12 Maloeran Hey Erik, did you see my note about reorganizing milestones?..
19:00.49 Maloeran On the truck_bots file Lee uploaded, I also get a flood of errors such as db_walk_subtree() FAIL on '/all/ from his framework for read .g files, investigating
19:05.56 Maloeran Nevermind, it still works despites the flood on stderr
20:46.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: prepare for release, numbering it 7.8.4 as planned even though it's borderline 7.10 feature-wise. last news item, doug howard added (via bob) support for handling larger hierarchies in archer.
20:51.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ ( ChangeLog include/config_win.h): prepare for release 7.8.4, standard updates
21:00.39 Maloeran Raytracer detects sectors of 86 and 93 triangles which aren't possible to split up. I located the sectors and there's nothing out of the ordinary visible, any possibility of overlapping triangle mess?
21:01.00 Maloeran That came out of the CSG->triangle converter
21:13.33 Maloeran I'm asking since this kind of situation would have been very apparent in ADRT as well, I don't suppose it was noticed
21:19.55 ``Erik the truck was never done in adrt
21:20.05 ``Erik <-- doesn't know about the tesselation stuff...
21:20.43 brlcad it's not supposed to output overlapping triangles, but it's certainly possible if there was a degenerate case of some sort I bet
21:20.56 Maloeran Okay I got it in play sight, very long thin triangles going from an edge of the sector to the opposite edge of the other sector
21:21.18 Maloeran The not yet written permutation pass of the prep will take care of that
21:24.21 Maloeran It's a fairly bad case, performance collapse by 70% there, down to 1m/s. on slow laptop
21:24.52 ``Erik heh, the geometry was a better test case than expected :>
21:25.32 Maloeran Did you quickly test the new code? Performance is getting decent
21:30.57 ``Erik nope, was installing openbsd on a machine at work, and my time ended at 3, so now I'm home cleaning house
21:31.44 Maloeran Gah. I can't spend weeks to complete the prep as planned, with the milestones coming up. I suppose that will wait until the end of the project
23:35.20 Maloeran Erik, are all these questions and statements welcome or are you occupied with other matters these days? I could use your thoughts on certain matters related to features, milestones and the work to be done. It can wait though
23:36.03 Twingy Like Suicide
23:39.23 ``Erik mal: your timing is off :) I like to leave work at work... talk to me tomorrow before, oh, say, 5pm, when I have access to all the files and people
23:41.20 Maloeran Right. So noted, thanks
23:54.43 Twingy das goot!
23:54.50 Twingy pan done, not for ruler
23:54.53 Twingy *now
23:56.36 ``Erik
23:59.02 Twingy your new car?

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