irclog2html for #brlcad on 20061017

00:16.37 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
01:01.02 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (README NEWS include/config_win.h): update to next developer release, 7.9.0, indicating intentions for the next release to be a minor update not just a patch update as 7.10.0
01:19.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ add an --enable-ef-build option to configure with aliases of ef, endgame, and more providing BUILD_EF for automake
01:23.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/ (g-acad.1 g-acad.c): Make it more explicitly clear that ACAD is not AutoCAD. It's the 'Advanced Computer-Aided Design' system developed and used in-house by Lockheed Martin (formerly by General Dynamics).
01:34.28 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/external/README: documentation on the soon to be added external EndgameFramework module
01:35.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/nmg-bot.c: prevent a few potential null dereferencings
02:50.30 Maloeran Ahah. How was I complaining about 93 triangles per sector... There are a few >= 200 in that truck
02:51.23 Maloeran Oh, a 459 triangles one. Okay, this needs immediate fixing
02:54.45 Maloeran That sure explains how the rate hops between 4.5m/s and 1.0m/s. as I fly through it
03:26.20 *** part/#brlcad IriX64 (
12:30.21 *** join/#brlcad rossberg (
13:24.40 Maloeran So Erik, is now a good time? :)
13:25.40 brlcad g'morning rossberg
13:25.51 ``Erik heh, walking into a meeting with wendy ina minute, actually :)
13:25.52 brlcad or afternoon for you I suppose
13:26.01 ``Erik also; failure on build, posix_memalign
13:26.54 Maloeran Isn't that POSIX.1d ?
13:28.38 rossberg brlcad: good afternoon
13:28.47 Maloeran I would have used my mm.c functions, though that's outside the raytracer library ; rather dirty to copy mm.c everywhere until I figure out these rumored "convenience libraries"
13:29.04 ``Erik it's not on bsd, irix, solaris, or osX... just linux as fara s i can see
13:29.22 ``Erik but the functionality is listed by many other names... *shrug*
13:29.54 Maloeran memalign() is not garanteed to be able to be free()'d, which is a very akward limitation
13:30.27 ``Erik *read* as far as I can tell, 1d is not a standard, just a draft proposal for realtime os stuff
13:30.29 Maloeran Anyhow, I'll just import some mm.c functions as I did from rfmath.c, it gets nasty
13:30.50 ``Erik okie, meeting time
13:30.53 Maloeran Have fun!
13:35.42 rossberg brlcad: may a gpl library contain bsd code?
13:36.07 rossberg (or lgpl library)
13:36.09 Maloeran Sure, not the other way around though
13:39.00 rossberg libregex contains an unusual passage regarding the acknowledgement
13:53.28 brlcad bsd code can be used easily in other codes, the license is rather flexible
13:53.53 brlcad basically just requires that you don't claim authorship for that code
13:57.27 rossberg i mentioned the bsd part in the readme file of the brlcad.dll release
13:58.01 rossberg the large brlcad realeses contain the acknowledgement anyway
13:59.03 brlcad right
14:00.29 brlcad if i'm not mistaken, the library uses the original bsd license, which has the endorsement clause on advertising
14:01.03 brlcad would be good to update to a more recent version of that library to get the updated bsd license (and hopefully performance enhancements) but it's not a major issue in the least
14:01.36 brlcad it's still bsd and lets you basically do anything with it so long as you give them credit (which brl-cad does, and you've done in your dll.. should be plenty)
14:05.30 rossberg thats what i thought
14:07.00 brlcad about time we finally got a release posted.. hopefully we can stick on track now and get back to monthlies
14:09.19 brlcad the automated builds should hopefully be on-line soon so it really will be just a matter of setting a tag, copying up the files, and sending out announcements
14:10.01 *** topic/#brlcad by brlcad -> || BRL-CAD is an open source solid modeling software suite || Developers needed! Read the HACKING file for details on getting involved || Release 7.8.4 is posted, next release will be 7.10.0
14:14.20 rossberg will these automatic builds work for ms windows too?
14:19.24 brlcad :)
14:20.09 brlcad ideally the will eventually .. though the windows builds still need a lot of work
14:23.58 brlcad getting your dll to auto-build will likely be a lot easier to automate first
14:24.42 brlcad i've got a windows dev system that should be coming on-line soon (read: within a month or two) so I should be able to polish up things where bob left off, get things automating like they need to be
14:25.01 brlcad using features of the vc6 build system that you added like autogenerating the vers.c files, etc
14:25.35 rossberg likely; do you know SCons?
14:26.34 Maloeran Compiling in mingw with Makefiles might well be far less trouble
14:26.44 Maloeran And the VC6 optimisation is abysmal
14:26.58 rossberg it's a cross plattform build tool based on Python
14:29.39 rossberg is it possible to build windows binaries with gcc on *nix?
14:32.24 brlcad rossberg: quite familiar with scons
14:34.02 brlcad setting up a scons build system would require about as much work as has already gone into the autotools build system, and adds another layer of complexity for supporting older systems
14:35.19 brlcad the biggest detriment is maturity, scons still has a lot of issues with correct cross-platform behavior, it doesn't really manage complexity much better (for large projects) than autotools does
14:36.08 brlcad it should eventually eclipse autotools, but that's at least five years out if I had to estimate
14:37.17 brlcad there are other benefits and downsides, but the fundamentals just aren't there for a mild benefit -- and it only solves one (rather minor) problem of a build system. pure windows devs still generally prefer studio projects.
14:40.29 Maloeran Probably. It just seems far less of an effort to support an additional gcc target, as MS tools don't support C99, C extensions, etc.
14:41.06 brlcad heh, "C extensions" are "GCC extensions" ;)
14:41.28 Maloeran Supported by Intel, Pathscale and a couple others ;)
14:41.32 brlcad it does support c99, though, vc8 is particularly better at conforming
14:41.50 brlcad sure, but still a set of things "invented by gcc"
14:41.53 Maloeran Really? I'm surprised, I heard otherwise even recently
14:43.18 brlcad i'd be curious to know what someone thinks it didn't support -- there's only a limited set of api calls in the standard that are outside of the expected namespace, but they are still provided -- syntax-wise, it should be pretty conformant
14:43.47 brlcad it lets you do some things that it really shouldn't, but that's a different issue
14:46.04 rossberg i don't have that impression that C99 is a main issue, operating system interfaces as e.g. POSIX are more important, some are supported by Windows and some not
14:46.32 brlcad that is quite true
14:47.17 brlcad though for a lot of the posix interfaces, there's a #definable solution that works just named something different
14:47.29 Maloeran Quite right. It's just one less issue to worry about when porting with mingw
14:49.02 brlcad a mingw port is quite easy and holistic, but need to test out how well that works for making distributable clickable apps for things like mged
14:49.17 brlcad still doesn't solve the "I want to use Studio" problem, but it gets a full build
14:50.09 rossberg hard to believe, the mutithread interfaces aren't compatible
14:50.33 brlcad one approach I may consider is a make target that generates the studio project files -- shouldn't be too difficult as the file format is relatively straightforward xml or text (depending on whether vc678 is targetted)
14:51.15 rossberg btw, SCons can generate the vs project files (VS6.0 and .NET)
14:51.28 brlcad ooh, nice -- did not know that
14:52.27 rossberg but, as you said, it
14:52.34 rossberg is still alpha
14:53.39 brlcad yeah, I still wouldn't jump to scons just yet because of the variety of other issues
14:53.47 brlcad that would be nice icing though
14:59.36 brlcad more important is to actually get a complete build on windows, seeing as there is only 10% of the binaries ported, and an equivalent environment to run them in (a brl-cad shell)
15:01.56 brlcad to get all the binaries, it's either 1) something with mingw/cygwin, 2) generate studio project files, 3) manual generation in studio like was started, or 4) give scons a go
15:02.29 brlcad and that's roughly in order towards the level of effort, issues, and time that would be involved, increasingly
15:04.01 brlcad 3 and 4 are inherintly problematic, but if someone (tm) else is willing to do the work then great ;)
15:06.06 brlcad I'll be working on both 1 and 2 as they are maintainable solutions and would stay in sync with the current build infrastructure, which has been working out quite well so far
15:13.34 rossberg i havn't tried any build with mingw or cygwin yet; all i can say is the cygwin X server works for me
15:15.01 rossberg on the other hand, building project files isn't the problem, however threading features and open a shell are (as e.g. in vdeck)
15:34.58 Maloeran There's really something weird about the output from asc2g
15:35.34 Maloeran There are 93 triangles in that sector : all long and thin, from an edge to the other
15:40.08 Maloeran As much as the frame only looks like made of 3-4 planes. I'll make the prep handles such cases, but that's still some strange geometry
16:47.35 brlcad hmm
16:47.50 brlcad ~nslookup
16:50.01 ``Erik has a whois record, though
16:50.20 brlcad ~ping
16:50.24 ibot pong
16:50.32 brlcad getting massive packet loss to his name servers
16:50.33 ``Erik takeing off the www. makes it work
16:50.51 brlcad not here
16:51.03 brlcad i think it's just wiggin out
16:51.05 ``Erik hrmmmm, probably just gimpy ns
16:51.22 brlcad what's the ip?
16:52.12 ``Erik heh, sone of a bitch, got the pic but now I can't get the ip, heh
16:52.19 ``Erik s/e / /
16:53.22 brlcad post the pic up somewhere more respectable then :)
16:55.16 Maloeran That could be problematic for emails if that's a real problem
16:56.41 brlcad ``Erik: just 'erik'
16:56.49 ``Erik oh, woops, heh
16:57.19 brlcad public_html will work too
16:57.27 ``Erik whu? /usr/tmp/ permission denied? O.O
16:57.53 brlcad there is no /usr/tmp
16:58.00 brlcad <PROTECTED>
16:58.35 brlcad can toss it into /usr/web/ too for web viewing
16:58.38 ``Erik why the hell isn't there a /usr/tmp??? (and it's ~erik/public_html/grah.png now)
16:59.11 brlcad ah, there we go
16:59.35 ``Erik ah, s/^/ftp./
16:59.36 Maloeran Thanks brlcad
16:59.43 ``Erik I just tried
16:59.51 ``Erik computers are hard
16:59.56 brlcad heh
17:00.06 brlcad is
17:00.21 brlcad or map to that host
17:00.25 ``Erik aight, gotcha
17:00.48 ``Erik huh, and I've been pussyfooting about downloading from to keep your bandwidth down, heh
17:00.50 brlcad sort of matching the old
17:01.25 brlcad most of the larger downloads on actually link to (e.g. for the .pdf files)
17:01.33 brlcad otherwise throttles them to like 4k
17:01.47 Maloeran There isn't much to see in the pictures anyhow, but it's peculiar to have many packed thin long triangles there
17:03.04 brlcad yeah, i'm not seeing it :)
17:03.36 Maloeran Erik, do you have some time now?
17:03.48 ``Erik 'fraid not, I'm off to another meeting in a few minutes :(
17:04.53 Maloeran Will that last until you get home?
17:05.09 ``Erik no, this is the last one, and hopefully it'll be short
17:05.16 Maloeran All right
17:18.53 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ oop, the EndgameFramework directory isn't added to the repository yet, so leave it out
17:23.11 brlcad well it sure as hell doesn't configure fast
17:25.49 Maloeran My fastest box is a single core Athlon64 overclocked by 37%, very noisy for being cooled by two 110V fans. I'm due for an upgrade ;)
17:44.41 brlcad ahh, almost 5 minutes to build, not "too" shabby
17:45.07 brlcad altix still beats it by about 50%, but the cost ratio is certainly a bit skewed there.. ;)
17:46.20 Maloeran Quite :)
17:47.14 brlcad ahh, cached configure is much better.. less than a minute
17:47.25 Maloeran I still await AMD's reply to Intel's new toy, I have been biased towards AMD since the amd-k6
18:12.46 *** join/#brlcad Malfoo (
18:13.06 Malfoo Ah, that's what I get for connecting through the neighbours wireless
18:26.49 brlcad woo, almost 15K VGRs on the 8-way AMD
18:28.45 brlcad (that's just a little faster than the 12-way altix, now ~3 years old)
18:31.11 Malfoo Hum, VGRs?
18:31.43 brlcad Malfoo: it's a base unit of performanc measurement used by the brl-cad benchmark suite
18:32.34 brlcad it's a linear performance metric, similar to FLOPS
18:33.05 brlcad equates to average estimated ray-trace and overall cpu performance
18:33.33 Malfoo *nod* Good, I guess you mesure memory bandwidth and several other factors
18:34.48 brlcad it's not just a raw computation metric -- it actually performs several various "real" ray-trace renderings, so that you can compare the end user result, not just some theoretical integer/floating max for example
18:35.18 brlcad so yeah, it takes memory into account, cache sizes, bus performance, cpu performance, etc
18:35.52 Malfoo I see. Such specific tests can perform nicely or poorly due to many factors... The chip's branch prediction, for example
18:37.19 Malfoo Do you have some idea how ADRT compares with OpenRT/Intrace or some other high-performance raytracers out there?
18:38.59 brlcad yeah, sensitive to compilation options and compiler performance too, which is part of the entire point -- what does the performance look like when all is said and done
18:41.09 Malfoo I'm a bit annoyed at the complete lack of reliable raw numbers on the performance of kd-trees, from all the papers of the conference
18:41.29 Malfoo Doing 5 times faster than ADRT is one thing, I wish I had a clue how it compares with others
18:41.46 brlcad hold a sec
19:04.38 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
19:18.16 brlcad there wasn't much in the way of performance numbers at rt06, siggraph would be a better source
19:20.25 Maloeran I realized that, a conference on interactive raytracing with very little focus on raw numbers ; everybody probably gets the same thing for all using the same techniques
19:22.28 brlcad that and none of the numbers have really changed since they were last presented, so it'd be redundant
19:23.32 brlcad vaguely remember reschetov's presentation having numbers presented rather clearly a couple years ago
19:24.10 brlcad and afaik, he's still got the fastest published results at least for first-hit optical with non-degenerate scenes
19:24.37 Maloeran Oh? I don't suppose you remember any number?
19:24.54 brlcad heh, my memory's not that good
19:25.15 Maloeran I really would love to know how sector graphs mesure against the best kd-tree implementations
19:25.29 brlcad ingo made a comment about it at siggraph iirc about how close they were to his results with their approach
19:25.39 brlcad though they still didn't get what he was getting
19:25.55 Maloeran Was it > 10 million rays per second per processor core?
19:26.15 brlcad i really don't recall the raw numbers, or what his hardware was
19:27.13 brlcad he was demo'ing it on his laptop at siggraph when it was presented, spinning detailed models around in real time with reasonable framerates
19:27.21 brlcad look up his paper, it's got to have the numbers
19:28.01 Maloeran So can I with the old slow prototype. Any idea on the paper title?
19:28.24 brlcad nope, but he's not got a lot published
19:30.57 brlcad ahh
19:56.45 Maloeran The OpenRT performance sure is pathetic in there, but I think MLRTA exceeds my prototype
20:02.31 brlcad i think adrt comes in just a little under openrt, but more or less in line
20:03.12 ``Erik grar, some people are r-tards
20:04.02 Maloeran Probably twice as slow as ADRT uses SSE
20:04.11 Maloeran How was the meeting, Erik? :)
20:04.40 ``Erik <km> the results of rt and adrt don't line up exactly, so I have to find the breakage <erik> do you know if your adrt is built to use floats or doubles? <km> floats, the problem goes away when using doubles <erik> yeah, uh, rt uses doubles, you're seeing fp roundoff <km> yeah, but I still have to get the rays so I can see where the problem is
20:04.46 ``Erik hurrrrrr *head explodes*
20:05.50 Maloeran Tiny differences or real flaws? I don't know if the the ADRT constants to overcome rounding were perfectly accurate
20:06.35 ``Erik um, after a series of mutilations, the in and out points were "identical to eight places" but still claiming a thickness of 0.001 or something
20:07.07 ``Erik but, dude, the problem goes away when using doubles and the results are identical... km's task is to see if the results are identical...
20:07.14 ``Erik and librt uses doubles...
20:07.17 ``Erik it ain't rocket science
20:07.20 Maloeran Eheh, neat
20:07.41 ``Erik so, yeah, *grar*
20:07.57 ``Erik what's the name of the milestone spreadsheet?
20:08.04 Maloeran Oh by the way, are long doubles of any interest or I can forget them?
20:08.18 ``Erik "long doubles" as in 128b?
20:08.28 Maloeran Hum, mine is called Rayforce_Meeting_Minutes.060822.doc
20:08.41 Maloeran As in whatever long doubles happen to be on the arch
20:08.57 ``Erik hm, I thought there was an excel file
20:08.59 Maloeran I just need to fix my #ifdef all over the code if you want more than float and double
20:10.02 Maloeran The excel file is included in that one for me, I don't think I have anything else
20:13.31 Maloeran If possibe, I would like to get some time to complete the prep and raytracing pipelines, including multiple intersections and segment construction, before getting into distributed processing
20:14.14 Maloeran It is akward to distribute processing for code that is... incomplete
20:38.44 Maloeran Ew, sorry.
20:52.50 ``Erik jfc.
20:52.50 ``Erik OK
20:52.54 ``Erik now I'm at my computer.
20:53.54 ``Erik regression suite isn't running yet?
20:58.16 Maloeran No, I was waiting to get a good model to stick to, the truck will do
20:58.39 Maloeran Although I'm not entirely certain what it's supposed to do, takes a bunch of screenshots, check for correctness and record performance?
20:58.51 ``Erik pretty much, yeah
20:59.14 Maloeran Okay, that really won't take long
20:59.42 ``Erik if the machine it'll be cron'd on has brlcad, we can use pixdiff or pixcmp or something
20:59.45 Maloeran As for the API, it has been completed since before the contract started
20:59.58 Maloeran All right, so noted
21:00.49 ``Erik voxels down to 15 days?
21:01.02 Maloeran Seems reasonable to me, it should be very simple
21:01.16 ``Erik "prep and pipeline" right now? how many days? 15?
21:01.41 Maloeran Two weeks would be great, though distributed processing will be tight with two weeks
21:02.05 ``Erik hmmm, distributed would be after mpi/ip?
21:02.26 Maloeran That's pretty much the same thing in my book :)
21:02.55 ``Erik <-- is shuffling numbers and order here, tryin gto figure out what to present up
21:03.24 Maloeran It's probably because I try to get every part fully done as I move on, rather than just meet some basic requirements
21:03.24 ``Erik well, half, and teh big ones are at the end
21:03.30 ``Erik probably
21:03.44 Maloeran I have written a bunch of stuff for dynamic geometry already
21:03.44 ``Erik can we cut down on dynamic geometry, then? move some time there to prep&pipeline?
21:04.09 Maloeran Maybe a week, but I could use a while there ; there are unsolved questions to explore
21:04.41 ``Erik you have 47 days listed, if I can hoist some to prep&pipeline...
21:05.02 ``Erik <-- would like to show 'em something saying that you're at or ahead of what the schedule says you should be :D
21:05.22 Maloeran Agreed :), hrm
21:05.57 Maloeran One week to finish the prep, one week to finish raytracing pipelines including multiple intersection ( which leads to segment construction )
21:06.10 ``Erik can you cope with 'excel'? or do I need to be in a different format
21:06.22 Maloeran ooffice2 can cope
21:06.57 Maloeran One extra week on distributed processing ( IP/MPI ) ; Two weeks out of voxel, one week out of dynamic geomerty
21:07.13 Maloeran What do you think?
21:07.32 Maloeran Actually, I won't need two weeks on segment construction, that's easy
21:08.07 ``Erik efnet...
21:09.25 Maloeran Received, a bunch of ### in there
22:09.59 Twingy moo
22:43.56 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
22:44.36 pra5ad where can i find the slad directory online?
22:44.46 pra5ad or is there one i can access from home?
22:46.32 Maloeran Hey prasad, long time no see here, not that I can be of any help on the questions
22:47.37 pra5ad hey man
22:47.42 pra5ad how's life as a contractor
22:48.41 Maloeran I would like to say "relaxing", but the work is fairly demanding while quite enjoyable. Do you still have some vague interest in the dream of building raytracing hardware? ;)
22:52.12 pra5ad sure do
22:53.34 Maloeran I don't think you have access to the cvs, I'll hand some url to a very short document on the techniques used if you are interested
22:55.06 Maloeran If you have a look, feel free to share if it makes some sense, it's... rather short and right to the point
22:56.14 pra5ad will take a look
22:56.26 pra5ad what is the slad intranet url?
22:56.28 pra5ad anyone?
23:10.54 ``Erik which, uh, intranet url? heh
23:17.06 pra5ad nm
23:17.17 *** part/#brlcad pra5ad (
23:39.30 Maloeran Seems he doesn't plan on hanging around
23:42.25 ``Erik he sucks
23:42.45 ``Erik too busy chasing tail I guess
23:45.33 Maloeran That's a metaphor for spending time on unproductive things?
23:50.34 ``Erik heh, uh
23:50.46 ``Erik not unproductive.. .more... reproductive...
23:50.47 ``Erik O:-)
23:52.11 Maloeran Oh, hum. Unproductive too then
23:54.27 ``Erik heh
23:56.08 Maloeran I can vary performance vs memory consumption a whole lot, I suppose the regression test suite should try a few settings
23:56.49 ``Erik if we can express that as a curve and tehn map the progression of the curve over time, that'd be gnarly
23:56.52 Maloeran I'm annoyed by the huge amount of memory the prep takes, I could reduce that greatly by sacrificing a bit of graph quality
23:57.32 Maloeran What about a text file? :) Not that generating curves take a long time to write
23:58.01 ``Erik 'curve' might be a couple numbers in the end
23:58.14 ``Erik as long as we can do SOMETHING to achieve some understanding of the change over time
23:58.22 Maloeran Sure, okay

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