irclog2html for #brlcad on 20061020

00:01.46 brlcad Maloeran: I'll be rather interested in about a week or two to get some data from you
00:02.20 brlcad performance numbers
00:03.05 Twingy vroom!
00:03.05 Maloeran Sure. I'll have volume tracing ( ray bundles or whatever ) done by then, though other optimisations will be missing
00:03.07 brlcad have a presentation to give and you're work will be a part of it
00:03.23 Maloeran Oh? A presentation on BRL-CAD I assume?
00:03.28 Twingy bzfrag
00:03.40 Twingy ^-- chinese version
00:03.42 brlcad on ray-tracing and brl-cad
00:03.45 dtidrow_work lol
00:04.42 Maloeran Neat, I'm hoping the new code will actually perform faster than the prototype by then. By the way, if you have any interest in the code, I'm sure it could be arranged
00:05.30 brlcad basically how you compare will be the hilight, your approach (non-technical) and how it might be of interest to the audience for V/L
00:06.49 brlcad i won't have time to look at the code for this, but it would be interesting to demo it on your behalf
00:07.30 Maloeran Okay. I'll try to have it threaded, that would... help for a demo
00:07.32 Twingy will there be donuts?
00:07.46 brlcad there will be lots of lights
00:07.55 Twingy pretty girls?
00:08.02 brlcad pretty sure
00:08.06 Maloeran Or failing that, there's the old prototype for use
00:08.25 Twingy will you have Mr. T giving the introduction?
00:08.25 brlcad Twingy: you hear the news about someone?
00:08.28 Maloeran May I ask who will attend the presentation?
00:08.34 brlcad nope, not going
00:08.41 Twingy aww
00:08.46 brlcad just me
00:09.14 Twingy brlcad, unless I know who that somone is I know not the news you speak of
00:09.36 brlcad you know who that someone is
00:09.50 Twingy I know not the news
00:15.45 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
00:25.55 Twingy little caesars, the ramen noodles of pizza
01:52.10 dtidrow lol
01:57.09 brlcad mm.. ramen
01:58.35 dtidrow btw, the owner of Little Ceasers also owns the Tigers (go Tigers!!!)
01:59.28 *** join/#brlcad alvin_lee (
02:00.33 alvin_lee the program used to create the models is the mged?
02:02.34 Twingy yes
02:02.52 Twingy there is a manual with tutorials on the site
02:03.27 brlcad dtidrow: heh, curious
02:03.38 brlcad do they serve the pizza at the stadium? :)
02:03.55 dtidrow probably - haven't been to the new one
02:03.59 brlcad mm.. "the mged"
02:04.25 brlcad that gives almost a sound of respectability to it
02:04.44 Twingy mjed
02:04.48 brlcad actually it fits with the original expanded name :)
02:04.57 brlcad the multi-device...
02:06.44 dtidrow your car doesn't have a cassette player?
02:06.51 brlcad nope
02:07.01 brlcad CD player, no input jack
02:07.18 dtidrow new ones do
02:07.32 brlcad yeah, well mine's not new :)
02:07.44 dtidrow my wife's is a n '06, and it has an input jack
02:07.47 brlcad and the connectors have been prevalent for more than a dcade
02:07.56 brlcad s/dcade/decade even/
02:08.31 brlcad as have the proliferation of little audio devices
02:09.18 brlcad hmm.. monster's looks good
02:09.21 brlcad
02:09.56 dtidrow yeah, you would think that they would have started to do that ever since portable cd players came out
02:10.48 brlcad yep
02:11.56 dtidrow oh well, glad I got the cd/cassette combo with my car
02:12.09 brlcad :)
02:12.33 dtidrow I just stuff a cassette adapter into the slot and plug in the music
02:12.39 dtidrow and the XM radio
02:13.38 brlcad unless it's a road trip
02:13.56 brlcad which is why this is all the sudden of interest, trip up to boston tomorrow
02:14.20 dtidrow ah
02:16.45 Maloeran Mmhm. mcarp didn't quite have a great time with mged, I guess he's more into artistic rather than engineering modelling. Unfortunate
02:18.27 brlcad not too surprising
02:18.38 brlcad it's the least forgiving and most painful for new users
02:18.48 dtidrow heh
02:19.17 brlcad it starts out horrible and then slowly gets (much) better, but that's not an easy path for the nimble
02:19.56 brlcad which is really a shame, because most of the underlying power is considerably better (or at least more extensive) than mged itself
02:20.18 Maloeran I haven't really tried it ; from what I know, he found it bothersome to use commands for about everything
02:20.48 Maloeran Perhaps there's room for improvement in the user interface then?
02:20.51 brlcad that's actually one of the things I DO like most about it, the command line interface
02:21.00 brlcad heh, room for improvement
02:21.04 brlcad that's an understatement
02:21.08 Maloeran :}
02:21.13 brlcad it's the foundation of the new modeler environment
02:25.20 Maloeran That conference room is a terrible raytracing benchmark, it's all cube-based and axis-aligned, large triangles to quickly fill up
02:26.08 brlcad it's a semi-realistic environment, though as it's a "real place"
02:26.18 brlcad as opposed to some object in a void or in a box
02:26.48 Maloeran At least rotate the room by 30 degrees on two axis then
02:27.25 brlcad a particular view at a teapot sitting inside the powerplant model sitting on some terrain would make for an interesting model ;)
02:28.55 Maloeran Eheh. The two models I mentionned above are very difficult for acceleration structures, hence why I would like to see kd-trees on these
02:29.32 Maloeran truck_bots are long thin triangles that are impossible to split up for binary trees, the frigate has ropes going everywhere
02:30.02 Maloeran truck_bots has* long
02:30.52 brlcad oh speaking of mcarp, another idea came to mind if he's entirely put off on using mged
02:31.09 Maloeran Can you parse .ASE ? Model is 600mb of that text format
02:31.10 *** part/#brlcad alvin_lee (
02:31.16 Maloeran What is it?
02:31.42 brlcad he could use something like povray, so long as it was still primitives and csg
02:32.10 brlcad or another cad package that could dump out IGES with nurbs objects perhaps "maybe"
02:32.11 Maloeran I'll pass on the message
02:32.18 brlcad but povray would be easy
02:32.33 brlcad there are gui modelers for it too, various quality
02:34.03 Maloeran I don't think he minds CSG, but the tools he uses couldn't natively export it and ends up converting to triangles
02:34.41 brlcad right, and that's a problem for the specific reasons I wanted it
02:35.13 brlcad (matching a historical reference)
02:36.14 brlcad i really should get started on that geometry website soon
02:36.45 Maloeran A repository of geometry?
02:36.52 brlcad i'm curious how well it would take off with the right interface, whether the community really would jump in and start bringing the models together
02:37.08 brlcad yeah
02:37.21 Maloeran CSG or about anything?
02:37.25 brlcad anything
02:37.49 Maloeran Sounds good
02:39.05 brlcad basically a database of models, with details about the content, geometry type characteristics (solid, csg, brep, hybrid, etc), statistics (model size, number of objects, polys, etc)
02:40.15 brlcad automatically convert models to various formats, keeping track of versions and validity of the information like whether this particular triangle teapot is the "original" or whether this brep one over here is, etc
02:40.40 brlcad rather straightforward to do, more just a matter of grunt work to set up the infrastructure
02:40.54 brlcad and the design and appeal/usability of the site itself
02:41.10 Maloeran I'll adopt the BRL-CAD conversion tools one day, I went the pseudo-lazy way and wrote an ASE parser ( just text )
02:42.04 brlcad or maybe you'll write a brl-cad conversion tool one day ;)
02:42.20 brlcad like an ase-g importer or an g-ase expoerter ;)
02:42.48 Maloeran If you care about ASE, sure :)
02:44.20 Twingy not to be confused with ASS
02:44.22 brlcad brl-cad already has more importers and exporters than just about any other open source modeling system (though blender is close, but they don't do any of the hard ones)
02:45.12 Maloeran Blender's exporters and importers were terribly broken for me
02:45.18 brlcad it wouldn't take much to make a fairly universal converter library and app (ala image magic's "convert")
02:45.22 Maloeran So were lib3ds, libase, and a couple other things
02:46.15 Maloeran I don't easily trust any other code than my own now, due to such... historical reasons. I just write what I need
02:46.42 brlcad step is the format I really want to see implemented
02:47.42 brlcad it's a horribly complex format, but adopted by every one of the major commercial systems
02:48.02 brlcad and is about as faithfully representing as you can get
02:48.39 brlcad since it's pretty much the union of all possible CAD/CAM/modeling features you might have wanted in your own format
02:49.50 Maloeran Interesting, never heard of it
02:51.07 brlcad if you're not in CAD/CAM or otherwise spending $20k on a CAD system, you probably wouldn't
02:51.23 brlcad it's the successor to IGES
02:51.44 Twingy then there was GCAM
02:51.47 brlcad which was the definitive CAD format before it
02:51.52 brlcad heh
02:52.36 Twingy an italian grad student donated the other day
02:53.15 brlcad Maloeran: other than .g, have you dealt with *any* solid modeling or CAD format that you know of? :)
02:53.46 Maloeran I used Autocad 13 and 14 for years younger, helping my father's engineering work, if that counts for anything
02:53.48 brlcad probably mostly dealt with general modeling formats like stl, dxf, vrml, etc
02:54.16 Maloeran Otherwise, never dealt with anything CAD related :)
02:56.16 Maloeran I suppose step and Iges support about all primitives one can think of, CSG or otherwise?
02:56.33 brlcad pretty much
02:56.57 brlcad as well as things like constraints, parametrics
02:58.07 brlcad construction history, tolerance limits (per part or global), validation and verification
02:59.55 brlcad formats like iges, step, jt, parasolid's x_t/x_b, vda, brl-cad's format (to a lesser extent for the advanced features)
03:00.57 brlcad other details the geometry file might contain is whether the model is actually just a wireframe, or it's polygons, or it's a solid, or just a surface model, is there connectivity, etc
03:01.18 brlcad dxf probably belongs in that mix too
03:01.44 Maloeran Quite nice, sounds like troublesome to fully parse too
03:02.03 brlcad depends on the format and the specification
03:02.22 brlcad parsing is often the easiest part
03:03.01 brlcad it's harder to actually convert.. especially when their representation is something you don't support, or the model doesn't have something you need
03:03.28 Maloeran Yes that's what I meant, handling all the possible kinds of geometry representations
03:03.39 Maloeran representation*
03:03.54 brlcad like reading in nurbs if you only supported triangles in your format... or only supporting solid models, yet the model you're converting has degenericies
03:04.00 brlcad yeah
03:04.52 brlcad that's where brl-cad does pretty good as we intrinsicly support just almost everything commonly in use
03:05.55 brlcad we lack superquadrics and have poor support for 2D primitives and don't really do trimmed nurbs (but do do untrimmed ones)
03:06.20 brlcad at least not yet
03:06.56 Twingy heh, you said do do
03:07.37 brlcad re re me me so so la la si si do do
03:08.16 Maloeran Do r� mi fa sol la si do in french, I never heard that in English
03:08.23 Maloeran Ahah
03:08.44 brlcad Maloeran: it's the same
03:10.51 brlcad i don't think that'd be very comfortable to ride on
03:11.03 Twingy you can keep it in my garage if you need to
03:11.04 brlcad or go very fast
03:11.33 Twingy if one of the strings break I have some 10AWG wire left over from solar installation
03:12.39 brlcad hey, there's even a wiki page on it whowuddathunk
03:13.05 brlcad mm.. 10AWG
03:13.28 brlcad sounds like it'd be useful.. FOR A LYNCHING!
03:13.30 brlcad *ahem*
03:13.42 Twingy I'm real curious if I can melt copper
03:13.54 brlcad with your bare hands
03:13.56 Twingy I almost have enough scrap to try
03:14.51 Twingy even if I could get it hot enough I doubt I could keep more than an ounce hot enough
03:19.24 Twingy GCAM just about hit the 9k line mark, roughly 25% the size nurbana was
03:25.23 Twingy ok, I'm not sure how that relates to what I just said...
03:29.10 Maloeran It probably doesn't :). Anything missing in gcam besides 3d view and GUI candy?
03:31.26 Twingy I've got 3d view and I don't think GUI candy is appropriate for gcam
03:32.25 Twingy there's a number of features that still remain, but it's moving at a healthy pace, just check out its bugzilla
03:32.43 Twingy I'm averaging a feature just about every other night
03:32.51 Twingy finishing up pocketing now
16:23.34 Maloeran Erik, I'll be going to the conference finally ( Beatrice from Survice was sick hence the long delay in response )
17:10.45 ``Erik ah, cool
19:45.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_metaball.c: More print capability. Fixed missing magic in st_specific.
20:11.11 Maloeran Metaballs, now with more magic!
20:57.58 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/mged/edsol.c: some (not very stable or complete) metaball editing
21:40.48 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
21:50.07 ``Erik heh
21:54.56 ``Erik fear my magic balls.
21:55.39 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
21:58.24 ``Erik heh, yeah, that's it, kill and scramble braincells, that'll help you solve a difficult problem...
21:58.29 Maloeran The basic idea is to try to reunite a volume later on even if it appears to split up, through the mess of sectors and nodes
21:59.05 Maloeran Oh the problem has no physical substance, banging one's head against it is purely metaphorical :)
21:59.11 ``Erik you can't extrapolate that from the knowlege of neighbors?
22:00.20 Maloeran I can't extrapolate anything, I must walk the quad volume and compute on the way if no sector is contained without being intersected by one of the four rays
22:00.40 Maloeran And do it efficiently, that is
22:01.25 ``Erik uhmmmm
22:01.36 ``Erik uhh, crap, I left that booklet at work
22:01.59 Maloeran Simple cases are easy, but I want something that will be as aggressive as possible, to avoid processing smaller bundles or rays as long as possible
22:02.02 ``Erik in your rt06 poster book, look for the poster that japanese dudes did... I *THINK* what your'e talking about is what they solved?
22:02.28 Maloeran Hum. Looking for the poster book
22:02.43 Maloeran No one is using sectors out there, I doubt anyone solved that. It's very different with kd-trees
22:02.44 ``Erik you remember the one I'm talking about, right? the one next to mine?
22:03.13 ``Erik hm, *shrug* they may have information that might be useful... *shrug* research is good.
22:05.52 Maloeran That's basic stuff, and they aren't aggressive in their traversal at all
22:06.11 Maloeran Hum, and Reschetov did better in 2005
22:06.38 ``Erik reschetov does some cool stuff
22:07.06 Maloeran Yes, I quite like the guy ; he writes papers when he has something to say... unlike Wald
22:07.24 ``Erik what he has to say is also worth listening to, unlike many
22:08.10 Maloeran Right. I'm really not fond of this Wald character, the impression I have is that he's more interested by attention and praise than communicating anything of value
22:11.24 ``Erik not uncommon, unfortunately
22:51.46 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos_ (
23:02.46 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos_ (

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